wolverine vs deadpool back to weapon x

Angel transforms into Archangel, complete with metallic wings. [116] No entanto, depois que a alma de Wolverine foi danificada aps sua ressurreio e lavagem cerebral pela Mo, ele fez um novo acordo com Azrael para reparar o dano que tinha sido feito a sua alma que negava seu arranjo prvio, com o resultado de que, na prxima vez que Wolverine sustentar ferimentos que induzem a morte, ele permanecer morto, e seu fator de cura aparentemente foi ligeiramente enfraquecido no processo. Many elements were totally generated through computer-generated imagery, such as the adamantium injection machine, the scene with Gambit's plane and Wolverine tearing through a door with his newly enhanced claws. X-Men: Apocalypse: Directed by Bryan Singer. [87] Wolverine tambm admite sentir dores fantasmas por semanas ou meses aps a cura de seus ferimentos. Victor catches Logan, explaining the only reason he saved him was so he could kill him himself. Wolverine uses the Bamfs to track down the Lord Death Strike, who he hopes knows the academies location, but Beast realizes that Krakoa knows where the island is located and they follow him hidden island. It is unknown if Wade was among those who were either killed or wounded. Beast travels to S.W.O.R.D. uma vez conseguiu manter Wolverine anestesiado constantemente bombando oitenta mililitros de anestesia por minuto em seu sistema. In the present, X-23 and Morales make their way to a Facility lab that holds mass amounts of the chemical trigger that forces X-23 to kill. That night we were both nominees, but both losers. [113] The release in Mexico was delayed until the end of May due to an outbreak of H1N1 flu in the country. Following the events of the Battle of the Atom story arc, the time-displaced X-Men, led by Kitty Pryde, moved to the modern day Cyclops's New Xavier School following a disagreement with the Jean Grey School X-Men members. [17], While Kitty gives the other X-Men a crash-course in hand-to-hand combat, Cyclops visits a bank where he keeps a safety deposit box to collect some of his future self's belongings. [143] Como muitos dos X-Men, ele treinado para pilotar o plano supersnico SR-71 Blackbird do grupo. [43] A HYDRA revela-se aliada aos cultos, o Alvorecer da Luz Branca e do Tentculo, para matar super-heris e lav-los em soldados. Wolverine cobriu a lista dos Maiores Personagens de Quadrinhos de todos os tempos da revista Wizard. Ya que recibi entrenamiento militar, espa y samuri entre otras durante dcadas por diferentes afiliaciones e innumerables campos militares, es un experto en la lucha, con y sin armas, adems de ser un gran estratega que lo hace ser muy peligroso en lo que hace. The next day, Wade and Vanessa go to the hospital, and he is diagnosed with terminal cancer in his liver, lungs, prostate, and brain. Wolverine se une a los X-Men para atacar la estacin espacial orbital solar Mother Mold de la Organizacin Orchis, un Master Mold capaz de crear otros centinelas Master Mold. Charles is depowered while in prison, but he is allowed to write a note, which he writes for his future self to warn him about the loss. Fox descart a Mel Gibson por ser demasiado caro. Wolverine is a number of Marvel Comics comic book series starring the X-Men member Wolverine. Cuando James se recupera del trance de ira en el que entr, no puede recordar nada de lo sucedido. He would later be dishonorably discharged and become a mercenary-for-hire. Wolverine does not respond well to her show of force. [29] Ele foge com sua companheira de infncia, Rose, e vive ate a idade adulta em uma colnia de minerao em Yukon, adotando o nome de "Logan". Acontece que ela no pode passar por lavagem cerebral ja que ela foi ressuscitada tantas vezes. Deadpool asks Dopinder about a picture of a girl he has in his car, Dopinder said she was the girl he adored, who was taken away by his cousin, Bandhu. Never DieCaptain DeadpoolTigerPool BoyPoolCaptain Delicious PantsHawkeyeWhite Wade WilsonBatmanThe Red GuyJabbering Butt-PlugWheelbarrow Full of Stage Four CancerSpider-Man [volume&issueneeded]. Sua audio aprimorada de forma semelhante, permitindo que ambos ouvem sons que os humanos comuns no conseguem e tambm ouvem distncias maiores. William Stryker y Victor Creed son interpretados por Danny Huston y Liev Schreiber, respectivamente. [145] Embora ele odeie, ele reconhece que ele salvou sua vida muitas vezes, sendo especialmente til quando ele enfrentou o "Mister X" teleptico, como a habilidade X para ler sua mente e prever que seu prximo movimento em uma luta era intil como no mesmo Wolverine sabe o que ele far em seu estado berserk. The Philistine then takes Wilhemina into the Siege, leaving Dog to rescue Kade and the Bamfs rescuing the remaining students, Manuel Enduque and Baron Maximilian, before the school is destroyed. They also suggest that Jean should serve as team leader of the originals during their time in the present, as Cyclops's recent actions would make the students reluctant to trust him. [159] IGN classificou o Wolverine em 4 dos 100 melhores Heris de Quadrinhos. En esa poca, l se vuelve amante de una atractiva nativa llamada Silver Fox. He then reveals that he knew Hope Summers was posing as Meme. [69], Durante esses eventos, uma misso solo deixou Wolverine infectada com um "vrus inteligente" proveniente do Microverse. Forge, utilizando la ciberntica Krakoan-Transmodal dentro de la armera de la isla, proporcion el Adamantium y el proceso de unin esqueltica.[71]. It turns out she is a teleporter and in a panic teleports them into the Ultimate Marvel universe by accident. Wolverine then reveals to the time-displaced X-Men that they are going to confront Mystique.[23]. Domino and Psylocke distract Fantomex while ForgetMeNot sneaks up to him and teleports him to Hope, who copies his super-powers, as well as the entire teams. Por lo tanto, los cineastas se vieron obligados a filmar a Jackman en ngulos inusuales, o solo desde la cintura para hacer que parezca ms bajo de lo que realmente es, y sus co-estrellas usaban suelas de plataforma. [98][99] "When you work for the bank, you should not brag that you stole their money! Beast then shows him that even magic has a scientific base and points out his spells are based on mathematical theorems and there are flaws in the computations. One of the cowboys shoots at Dog and Quentin stops the bullet even though Dog punched him minutes ago. En 2009 20th Century Fox, en asociacin con Marvel Studios, lanz una pelcula individual de Wolverine que fue la primera pelcula spin-off de X-Men, titulada X-Men Origins: Wolverine, con Jackman regresando como el personaje protagonista. Poco despus, y tras la aparicin de Hope Summers, la llamada "mutante mesas", Wolverine a peticin de Cclope, forma una nueva encarnacin de Fuerza-X. Present Beast is visited by The Watcher who shows him multiple realities that will never occur due to his meddling with time. Cyclops no escuta e comea a preparar os alunos para o combate. "Vicious Circle", parte superior da pgina, em frente ao ttulo do artigo, amplo conhecimento de lnguas e culturas estrangeiras, Os Vingadores: Os Heris mais Poderosos da Terra, https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/names/2017/10/27/waltham-eighth-grader-gets-artwork-published-national-comics-magazine/mhrfqCupKR0ZqdHVQGhgFL/story.html, Bellerose artist created X-Men's Wolverine, Cpia arquivada em 20 de Fevereiro de 2010, Wolverine Origins: Marvel artists recall the creation of an icon, "Foggy Ruins of Time John Byrnes Inspiration for Wolverine", Wolverine/Sabretooth Marvel Legends Face-Off, "Breakfast with Logan and Will" (Introduction), "200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time", "IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes: #4: Wolverine", Wolverine Uma breve histria nos quadrinhos, Wolverine, o cara das garras de adamantium, Os Vingadores: Os Super-Heris mais Poderosos da Terra, Vingadores (Universo Cinematogrfico Marvel), https://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wolverine&oldid=64709323, !Artigos mal traduzidos desde setembro de 2021, !Artigos mal traduzidos sem indicao de tema, !Artigos que carecem de notas de rodap desde outubro de 2019, !Artigos que carecem de notas de rodap sem indicao de tema, !Artigos que carecem de notas de rodap desde setembro de 2020, Atribuio-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 No Adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0) da Creative Commons, Arma X, Caolho, Morte, Jimmy, Jim Logan, o baixinho invocado, Mestre Samurai, Diretor, Aventureiro, Instrutor; ex-co-proprietrio do Bar Princesa, ex-barman, ex-lenhador, ex-mercenrio, ex-soldado (antigo capito nas foras armadas Canadense, designado inteligncia), ex-Marinheiro, ex-Mecnico. [55], Em X-Men #5, revela-se que, para que Wolverine se infiltre completamente nas fileiras dos vampiros que atacaram a Utopia a pedido do filho Xats de Dracula (quando Wolverine pensou que o vrus de vampiro simplesmente superou seu fator de cura) "Curse of the Mutants", Ciclope tem que infect-lo com nanites que so capazes de fechar o fator de cura de Wolverine. It was shot in Australia. Eventually Wolverine rejoins the group, but refuses to fight Dog. Unfortunately, Wade's cancer cells were further enhanced, severely disfiguring his entire body in the process as his skin and face started to blotch up. The two-disc Blu-ray includes commentary by Hood, another commentary by producers Lauren Shuler Donner and Ralph Winter, the featurette "The Roots of Wolverine: A Conversation with X-Men creators Stan Lee and Len Wein", the featurette "Wolverine Unleashed: The Complete Origins", 10 character chronicles, two more featurettes, a trivia track, deleted scenes with commentary from Hood, two alternate sequences, a Fox Movie Channel premiere featurette and imdb BD Live technology. Publication history. [73], O resultado da morte de Wolverine explorado na srie Wolverines. Wolverine ento torna sua misso resgatar Daken e impedir Romulus de manipular ou prejudicar qualquer um novamente.[54]. Edan Younge, CEO of the mysterious Phoenix Corporation, tries to recruit Quentin Quire and sends Faithful John to the school to kill Evan in order to prevent him from becoming Apocalypse. Some days later, it was revealed that he would write two interlocking miniseries entitled House of X and Powers of X, Domino retrieves the virus, only to be confronted by The Right's shocktroopers, who have come to take the virus for themselves. Wolverine fundou a Escola Jean Grey para Ensino Superior, gastando toda a fortuna que ele acumulou ao longo dos anos. Wolverine conoci al Profesor Charles Xavier, lder y fundador del grupo de superhroes mutantes conocidos como los X-Men, cuando este realizaba un viaje a Canad. [152] At one time, Liev Schreiber was discussed as being in talks to reprise his role in this third film. After cornering Vanisher and inducing an inoperable brain tumor (courtesy of Elixir) to ensure his cooperation, Vanisher reveals he lost the virus while escaping from a horde of Marauder clones that were awakened after the death of Sinister. Following Cyclops's escape from prison after the war with the Avengers,[10] he, Emma Frost, Magik and Magneto begin a crusade against mutant persecution, freeing mutants who are being held prisoner after their powers have manifested, violently striking out at the humans responsible at the same time. Hood enjoyed the previous films, but set out to give the spin-off a different feel. Similarly, Gambit was a character who the filmmakers had tried to put in the previous X-Men films. This leads them to Paris, France, where The Blob is causing a disturbance by stealing endangered animal and forcing famous chefs to cook it. Wolverine d a boneca a Idie e toma sorvete com ela, enquanto as notcias da atividade da Sentinela funcionam e as tenses se acumulam em torno da Utopia. With James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult. Logan learns that Kayla is alive, having been forced by Stryker into surveilling him in exchange for her sister's safety. Conforme iba recuperando su humanidad, Wolverine se vio forzado a regresar a Madripoor, donde Viper logr tomar el control de la isla. Movie Wolverine (nascido James Howlett [1] conhecido como Logan e s vezes como Arma X) um personagem fictcio que aparece em quadrinhos americanos publicados pela Marvel Comics, principalmente em associao com os X-Men.Ele um mutante que possui sentidos afiados, capacidades fsicas aprimoradas, habilidade regenerativa poderosa conhecida como fator de The series ran for a total of four seasons (52 episodes) from November 4, 2000 until October 25, 2003 on Kids' WB, which at the time made "[124] Para a grande desaprovao de Xavier, Wolverine tambm um grande bebedor e fumante; seus poderes de cura negam os efeitos a longo prazo de lcool e tabaco e permitem que ele se entregue a bichos prolongados. Con el paso de los aos, Creed se convertira en el feroz asesino conocido como Dientes de Sable. In the comics, Wade Wilson is a human who was put under experiments by the Weapon X program scientist Dr. Killbrew and his assistant Francis Fanny/Ajax due to his cancer. [33] Logan retorna civilizao, residente com a tribo Blackfoot. [40][41], David Benioff pursued the project for almost three years before he was hired to write the script in October 2004. In 1845, James Howlett, a boy living in the Northwest Territories, witnesses his father being killed by groundskeeper Thomas Logan. Wolverine descubre la existencia de Laura Kinney, alias X-23, una joven guerrera creada artificialmente utilizando ADN de Wolverine. Cyclops, Iceman and Groot become superpowered by the Vortex and return it to Captain Marvel. Josephine wants to fight her way out, but she is stunned by Joseph, who asks Quentin to mind wipe them both. Wade stops, however when he learns from his enemy that there was a cure for his disfigured form, as Ajax claimed he's the only one that can cure him. The site's critical consensus reads, "Though Hugh Jackman gives his all, he can't help X-Men Origins: Wolverine overcome a cliche-ridden script and familiar narrative. Starting from issue #19, the series became part of the Marvel NOW! Isso mudou quando Wein viu o desenho de Cockrum do Wolverine desmascarado como um peludo de 40 anos de idade. At The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, the adult Cyclops appears with Magik, Emma Frost and Magneto proclaiming "To me, my X-Men". Bobby is extremely nervous and embarrasses himself, running out of the bar and crashing into Romeo, a boy he instantly feels comfortable with. In a mid-credits scene, Stryker is detained for questioning by MPs in connection with the death of General Munson, whom Stryker murdered to protect his experiment. [110] Tambm se observou que Wolverine precisa de protena para seu fator de cura para gerar tecido, o que significa que se ele estivesse gravemente ferido e desnutrido, seu corpo pode no se consertar. This article is about the Marvel Comics superhero team. Vanessa and Wade then reconcile and share a kiss while Wade plays "Careless Whisper" by Wham!. Deadpool adiou a deciso de levar Wolverine de volta vida at ter mais tempo para pensar se seria o que queria Wolverine. The inside back page is a letters page, where readers can write letters to the editor. Despus de que Logan sucumbe a sus heridas y muere en los brazos de Laura, ella y los nios lo entierran antes de continuar su viaje al otro lado de la frontera. There is an image gallery forDeadpool Una vez que cumple su cometido, se alteran los eventos del futuro desde 1973 y Wolverine despierta en un futuro aparentemente pacfico, mientras que el Wolverine del pasado recupera la conciencia luego de ser rescatado del ro sin memoria de lo que haba hecho con su cuerpo su yo del futuro. Emotionally he cannot continue his relationship with her. Wolverine ha sido interpretado por el actor australiano Hugh Jackman en la triloga clsica de los X-Men de 2000 hasta 2006. An offshoot of the X-Men, X-Force takes a more militant and aggressive approach towards its enemies compared to the X-Men. Wolverine nasceu James Howlett no norte de Alberta, Canad, no final da dcada de 1880, supostamente filho dos ricos proprietrios de fazendas John e Elizabeth Howlett,[27] embora ele seja realmente o filho ilegtimo de Elizabeth e do caseiro dos Howletts, Thomas Logan. It takes place at the Shi'ar School for Superguardians where Kubark is sent back to finish his training after being removed from the Jean Grey School. [15] This series also retcons multiple X-Men backstories with the introduction of ForgetMeNot. [131][132] Devido s suas qualidades regenerativas constantes do fator de cura, ele pode empurrar seus msculos alm dos limites do corpo humano sem ferimentos. Despus de ayudar a detener el plan de Magneto, Logan es dirigido por el Profesor Xavier a una base militar abandonada alrededor del Lago Alkali que podra contener respuestas sobre su pasado. En ese momento, Thomas Logan da a entender que tena un romance con Elizabeth a espaldas de John Howlett (esto, sumado al asombroso parecido fsico que luego desarrollara James, da a entender que Thomas Logan es, en realidad, el verdadero padre de James) y asesina a John. [44] Wolverine tambm ataca o Quarteto Fantstico no Edifcio Baxter. Quando Wolverine corre para o museu para ajudar do bar e Cyclops voa da Utopia, Idie pergunta se ela deveria matar o Hellfire Club para ajudar. En la segunda secuela de 2006 que concluye una triloga, Wolverine, Tormenta y Bestia toman el mando de los X-Men para luchar contra la Hermandad de Mutantes de Magneto despus de que Xavier y Cclope son asesinados por la malfica personalidad Fnix de Jean Grey. Logan vive con su esposa Maureen y sus hijos pequeos Scotty y Jade en un terreno estril en Sacramento, California, ahora parte del territorio conocido como "Hulkland". Jean then confront time-displaced Beast and the two share their feeling and a romantic kiss. [2], Marvel Comics announced All-New X-Men by the creative team of Brian Bendis and Stuart Immonen in July 2012. Nemesis attack Volga's base again and teleports his supercharged henchmen into outer space and then Volga seems to commit suicide by super-charging himself and killing the Cable clone again, but Marrow creates a bone shield to protect the team. [118] A mente de Wolverine tambm possui o que ele se refere como "tecido cicatricial mental" criado por todos os eventos traumticos ao longo de sua vida. El Supremo Lder de los Lupinos, conocido solo como Romulus, mostr un muy particular inters por James, el descendiente ms joven del matrimonio formado por Elizabeth Hudson y John Howlett, manipulando su vida de diversas formas desde su nacimiento.[18]. Ele no fala uma palavra na questo, o que foi sugerido a Millar por Will Eisner, para resolver a percepo de Millar de que a maneira normal de falar de Wolverine no seria adequada para a configurao da histria. "[85] Director Gavin Hood commented on Gregson-Williams' style, saying: "Harry's challenge is to give us operatic scale, but also keep it intimate and human. Esto le permite a Wolverine y a Xavier acceder al joven. As of April 2013, 323 issues and 11 annuals have been published. It picks up right after the events of 18. They try to torture and weaken him so he can enter The Siege and transform, like Snot-Boy. ", "Producer talks X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE Storm not in the movie", "Stan Lee to make a cameo in new 'X-Men' movie", "Lots of fellow titterers ask why I didn't have a cameo in Wolverine. Pero los cientficos fueron incapaces de controlar a Wolverine, quien revertido a su estado salvaje, extermin a todos en el proyecto, antes de huir saltando de una cascada. [59] Hood also suggested to make the implied blood relation of Wolverine and Sabretooth into them explicitly being half brothers, as it would help "build up the emotional power of the film". A similar background is shown in the 2016 film. During his time in the chamber, the drop in oxygen triggers a regenerative healing factor that cures his cancer. [citation needed]. para uma instalao de pesquisa em Moscou. According to Remender, "This is a group of characters that have had their souls stained by evil forces in the past, a common thread connecting them. The team decides to travel to New York City to unwind and have fun. Marvel Ultimate Collections/Complete Collections, Complete Epics and Epic Collections are large, full-color trade paperback collections of previously published Marvel comics, typically containing 300500 pages. Wolverine sofreu tanto trauma e, com tanta frequncia, que seu fator de cura se adaptou, tornando-se mais rpido e eficiente para lidar com nveis crescentes de trauma. Os X-Men descobrem que Wolverine est possudo e decidem que ele deveria morrer para proteger a humanidade, acreditando que Wolverine preferiria morrer em vez de matar inocentes. Publication history. As notcias de ltima hora disponveis em acesso livre em video on demande. [88][91] However, the theatrical version of the film has no extra scenes that were not included in the leaked workprint. The entire X-Men team find themselves hunted on two fronts with one group being the mutant-hunter known as Ahab from a dark possible future where he has turned various mutants into his 'hounds' to hunt their fellows, and another being a younger version of Cable[41] who is so determined to send the young X-Men back to their own time that he actually kills his own future self to stop him interfering, as well as performing 'surgery' to restore Warren's original feathered wings. Wolverine does not make it back with the casino winnings, but it turns out Krakoa can create diamonds, so the school does not have any more financial problems. [21] Back at the Jean Grey School, the Stepford Cuckoos join Cyclops and, with much surprise and shock, the time-displaced Angel also joins him. Ha adquirido distintos nombres como Lobezno en Espaa y Glotn, Guepardo, Aguja Dinmica o Emilio Garra en Hispanoamrica, donde tambin utilizan el alias original.[4][5][6]. l est casado con Jean Grey, y perdi una mano en un combate contra su archienemgo, Cclope, que en este mundo, es leal a Apocalipsis.[72]. Viper se ali con el Samuri de Plata para hacerse del control del clan japons de los Yashida, parte fundamental de la Yakuza japonesa. Publication history Volume 1. [72] Seu corpo j foi visto ainda ajoelhado no telhado quando os assuntos liderados por Sharp escaparam dos soldados da Arma X que procuravam recuper-los e escaparam do laboratrio em um helicptero, e foi visto pela ltima vez em uma exploso no telhado. The trail leads back to the Purifiers, led by Matthew Risman and the mysterious Eli Bard. Before Deadpool can do anything to Ajax, Colossus, having spotted Deadpool on the news, arrives with Negasonic Teenage Warhead and prevents Deadpool from proceeding. When they hear news of a mutant riot, young Cyclops reaffirms his dedication to Xavier's dream of peace and the five original X-Men depart in a new Blackbird, determined to confront the future Cyclops. She gets to the Facility head's office just as the sprinklers start spraying water, washing away the scent. He also feels no shame and can make a joke out of any situation, even one that is not at all in his favor. Angel is no longer interested in his business and decides to recruit new mutants for the school, he eventually travels to Brazil to enroll Iara Dos Santos, a.k.a. They discover Russian billionaire Yevgeny-Malevitch Volga is behind Alexandria explosion and the kidnapping. James crey que su hijo haba muerto. James flees along with Thomas' other son, Victor Creed, who is James' half-brother and has a sharp claw-nails and healing factor mutation like James. Wilson adopted the name Deadpool and has since his escape from the program became a comedic mercenary. Los Vengadores: Los Hroes Ms Poderosos del Planeta, serie limitada de 1982 sobre el personaje, Marvel Nmesis: La Rebelin de los Imperfectos, Wolverine (Logan/James Howlett) In Comics Powers, Villains, History, Diez cosas que no sabas de Wolverine, el inmortal, Las extraas traducciones de los nombres de los superhroes de Marvel y DC, Los 10 nombres de superhroes peor traducidos al espaol, Cmo se dice Wolverine (Logan) en los pases de habla hispana? After engaging the Demon Bear in battle once more, Ghost Rider realizes the demon is reacting to pain caused by a dagger embedded in its body. Wade also affected Colossus by encouraging him to behave more dubiously, such as during his fight with Juggernaut and even curse. The bartender asks if he is drinking to forget, to which Logan replies that he is drinking to remember. [109] A lmina de Muramasa, uma katana de origens msticas que podem infligir feridas que anulam fatores de cura sobre-humanos, tambm pode suprimir os poderes de Wolverine. [50], Tiempo despus, Wolverine con ayuda de Cclope, Maverick y Fantomex, descubre el verdadero origen del Proyecto Arma X y se infiltra en sus instalaciones para desmantelarlo..[51], Poco despus, los X-Men son traicionados por Xorn, uno de los profesores del Instituto, quien hacindose pasar por Magneto, realiza un brutal ataque sobre la ciudad de Nueva York. Deadpool finds Ajax headed at him on a motorcycle, and he throws his katana at the bike, causing Ajax to crash. Mantenha-se ao corrente das ltimas notcias da poltica europeia, da economia e do desporto na euronews Wade approaches the man, who introduces himself as The Recruiter. Bobby joins the other X-Men in the attack so that he can find Romeo and the pair escape from the battle. Jean grey practices her telekinetic skills with older Beast and destroy Wolverine's motorcycle. 2 as the flagship book of the X-Men franchise. The series centers on the five original X-Men, brought from the past to the present to confront their future counterparts.The series replaces Uncanny X-Men vol. [63] No seu primeiro dia foi assaltado pelo novo Clube do Inferno, que tinha sido uma fora importante em causar o Cisma dos X-Men. Jackman tiene un cameo sin acreditar como Wolverine en la pelcula precuela de 2011 X-Men: primera generacin, donde se narra la historia de Charles Xavier y Erik Lensherr en su juventud quienes intentan reclutarlo para la Divisin X de la CIA en una breve escena de un bar. Deadpool is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.Distributed by 20th Century Fox, it is a spin-off in the X-Men film series and the eighth installment overall. Os demnios ento atacam John Wraith enquanto ele est na igreja,e depois atacam Colossus. Em um artigo sobre a evoluo de Wolverine includa em uma reimpresso de The Incredible Hulk #180-181, intitulada Incredible Hulk e Wolverine, Cockrum disse que considerava que o Alto Evolucionrio desempenhava um papel vital na criao de Wolverine como humano. Sin embargo, cuando los Reavers ubican y capturan a los nios, Logan usa un suero mutante que le dio Rictor para restaurar su fuerza y factor de curacin. It is later revealed by Bryan Singer that this character is actually not Emma Frost, but instead a mutant with similar abilities.[34]. [3] With the death of Wolverine, the second volume ended with issue 12. Wolverine anuncia sua partida da Utopia e indica que ele vai levar qualquer mutante na ilha que quer sair com ele. Deadpool (born Wade Winston Wilson) is a mutant who possesses superhuman strength and an accelerated healing factor, which he obtained from the Workshop program. Background. Apocalypse has been defeated, and Stryfe controls this future. Hearing this lewd comment, Colossus tells Deadpool once again to watch the language as young ones (referring to Negasonic Teenage Warhead) are watching. "[10] Embora muitas vezes seja creditado como co-criador, Trimpe negou ter tido algum papel na criao de Wolverine.[11]. Heintjes, Tom; Thompson, Kim (Julio de 1984). Later, Wilson revealed to be still alive, began to put himself back together. Helicarrier. Na parte da manh, Cyclops e Wolverine ficam vitoriosos com os alunos todos vivos, mas Wolverine no pode continuar a ver Cyclops usar crianas como soldados para lutar nessas batalhas. Eventualmente, a Fora de Phoenix possui os X-Men presentes na lua, que ento retornam Terra, deixando Wolverine e os Avengers feridos na rea Azul da Lua. Debido a su zombificacin, Wolverine ya no regenera su carne, y es por ello que fue fcilmente asesinado por su contraparte normal. Following this, while conversing with Colossus, Deadpool sees Vanessa approaching him and wonders what to say to her, and Colossus says the mercenary better figure it out. Unable to control her telepathy and overwhelmed, she reveals that Cyclops killed Xavier and lashes out with her telekinesis; Cyclops's visor is knocked away and, unable to control his optic blasts, he levels the area, before Magik is able to extract him and Magneto. During the Vietnam War in mid-late 1973, a young Wade was a member of a black ops group called Team X under the command of William Stryker. Agent Morales arrives and sets Kimura on fire to distract her while she and Laura make her escape. Pero bajo la influencia de Romulus, Dientes de Sable traicion a sus colegas y el Equipo X se desintegr.[25]. No incio dos eventos do Schism, Cyclops agradece a Wolverine por estar sempre l para ele, pois eles finalmente conseguiram um respeito mutuamente falado e compreendido um para o outro aps anos de luta e rivalidade. Mystique tells Cyclops to be cautious and not to trust the brutal Wolverine, but reveals to an unidentified ally after leaving Cyclops that her true agenda is to sow discord among the X-Men while they prepare for another plan. [6] As of issue #34, thirty-one characters were killed and 14 of them were from the "Age of Apocalypse" timeline. [13] Cockatoo Island was used for Stryker's facility; the enormous buildings there saved money on digitally expanding a set. Obviamente Dog desarroll una gran aversin hacia ellos. [93][94] According to Sanchez, he bought the unlicensed DVD copy from a Korean man. At the United Nations, Hellion and Surge are rescued from the Sapien League by Wolverine, Archangel and Elixir. Deadpool (born Wade Winston Wilson) is a mutant who possesses superhuman strength and an accelerated healing factor, which he obtained from the Workshop program. [105] In April, Marvel debuted a new comic series, Wolverine: Weapon X, which writer Jason Aaron said that while not directly influenced by the film, was written considering people who would get interested in Wolverine comics after watching the film.[106]. Los X-Men viajaron a Japn y conocieron a Lord Shingen Harada, lder del Clan Yashida y padre biolgico de Samuri de Plata. Wolverine then hires attorney Matt Murdock to sue Kade Kilgore, the new black king of the Hellfire Club and CEO of Kilgore, for damages following an attack. They join the team for a few missions, with James using the alias Logan, but Victor and the group's lack of self-control and empathy causes Logan to leave. She then shoots Fantomex in the head. Stryker also seals Wade's mouth and gives him an adamantium skeleton. Enquanto seu fator de cura purga a infeco de seu corpo, o agente viral ainda era capaz de suprimir o fator de cura de Wolverine, deixando-o na busca de uma cura. Tahyna Tozzi portrays Emma, a mutant with the power to turn her skin into diamond, who in the film is Silverfox's sister. Sin embargo, se corre el rumor de que perdi su factor de regeneracin y se vuelve blanco de caza-recompensas. It took in another $193,179,707 in other territories, giving it a worldwide total of $373,062,864. Cyclops assembles X-Force, including Elixir, and unexpectedly declares the Vanisher as their next target. Uma vez que a presena do adamantium nega os limites estruturais naturais de seus ossos, ele pode levantar ou mover peso que de outra forma danificaria um esqueleto humano. En un momento de la dcada de 1990, Glenn Danzig fue contactado para el papel debido a un ligero parecido,[75] pero declin la audicin porque interferira con la gira de nueve meses de su banda. "[85] Hood also called the recording performance "frigging brilliant! Weasel then informs Wade that Vanessa went out back, and the latter heads there to look for her but only finds her handbag, letting him know that she's been taken. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Exclusive: Brian Bendis on the Marvel NOW! Laura le vuela la cabeza a X-24 disparndole con una bala de adamantium que Logan haba mantenido con l durante aos. When the police arrive to arrest him, believing him to be his future self, he is rescued by 'Wolverine', but it is revealed to be Mystique in disguise. [148][149], A second Wolverine film titled The Wolverine (2013) was set years after X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) as a standalone sequel. Deadpool realizes he forgot his bag of weapons and only has 12 rounds in his guns. The story of the Twelve begins with a young mutant by the name of Tanya Trask, who would later become Madame Sanctity.Adrift in the timestream, Tanya was rescued by Rachel Summers, in her guise of Mother Askani, who took her to the future and there healed her mind.This future, under the rule of Apocalypse, was somber and grim, and Tanya sought to Wade Wilson was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1975. Before being teleported away, the Stepford Cuckoos soundly defeat Jean Grey in a psychic battle for attempting to control Angel's mind. He then blows up the helicopter, killing Zero. El retrato de Jackman tambin se us en una escena posterior donde Deadpool firma la caja de cereal de un nio con la cara de Jackman, autografindolo como "Ryan Reynolds". En el juego Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Wolverine es co-protagonista como uno de los cuatro hroes principales junto a Spider-Man, Capitn Amrica, y Thor. Ele muitas vezes irreverente e rebelde para figuras de autoridade, embora ele seja um lder aliado e capaz de confiana. [13] O escritor Wein queria que Wolverine fosse a idade de um jovem adulto, com fora e agilidade sobre-humana semelhante ao Homem-Aranha. It turns out Wolverine expelled him on the plane ride over. With the other powers, he had from several other mutants (including Cyclops' optic beams, Wolverine's healing power, John Wraith's teleportation, Chris Bradley's technopathy, and Wade's prized blades used as two retractable arm blades) he was ready to fight and kill Wolverine. Depois da fuga de Hope, Wolverine a acompanha at a rea Azul da Lua. Tras vencer al villano, Wolverine fue elegido por Apocalipsis para ser su nuevo Jinete de la Muerte, y a continuacin, despoj a Dientes de Sable del adamantium de su esqueleto, y recubri con l el cuerpo de Wolverine. [42][43] In preparing to write the script, he reread Barry Windsor-Smith's "Weapon X" story, as well as Chris Claremont and Frank Miller's 1982 limited series on the character (his favorite storyline). [76] Apesar da hostilidade inicial que ele enfrentou do resto da equipe, Homem-Aranha logo exps um plano de Sr. Sinistro para adquirir amostras genticas dos X-Men e criar um novo exrcito de clones. The team then uses a portable Cerebero and algorithm from Twitter to track new mutants and criminal attacks. [79], More than 1,000 shots of Wolverine have visual effects in them, which required three effects supervisors and seventeen different companies to work on the film. Sauron is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Neal Adams, and made his first appearance in The X-Men #59 (August 1969).. Sauron is the alter ego of physician Dr. Karl Lykos.After being bitten by mutant pterodactyls, Lykos was transformed into an energy Em resposta, as Sentinelas so implantadas na conferncia e so descartadas por Cyclops e Wolverine. l aparece como un experimento de William Stryker a pesar de que al final de la pelcula X-Men: das del futuro pasado es rescatado por Mystique hacindose pasar por Stryker[93] y nunca explican cmo es que termin siendo capturado de todos modos por el verdadero Stryker. As part of Marvel NOW!, two new X-Force series would replace Remender's Uncanny X-Force. So I was really delighted when I got a call to meet him and discuss the possibilities for Wolverine. Jean Grey and Emma Frost have a psychic sparring session, but eventually bond and finally become friends. She tells Logan that he never should have involved James, Rahne and Laura, and Logan tells her that he never wanted them involved, but doesn't regret what they did. El grupo se infiltran en la fortaleza de Siniestro para recuperar el cuerpo, que finalmente es tomado por los X-Men despus de una batalla. Wade agrees on the condition that Cable gives him a chance to talk to Russell and get him to stop. She reaches the room just in time to see Wolfsbane standing above Angel with his severed wings in her jaws. Pouco depois Wolverine retorna com um detonador para explodir Utopia e ordena que todas as pessoas restantes na ilha evacuem. [30] Cuando la joven fue forzada por su padre a un matrimonio arreglado, Wolverine intervino y derrot a Lord Shingen, quien le cedi la mano de su hija en agradecimiento. ForgetMeNot then pushes Psylocke into Hope, who then copies her psychic powers and reveals to the team her troubles childhood and how despite Cable saving her life by traveling between dimensions, she has outgrown him morally and doesn't look up to him. Just as Weapon XI is about to decapitate him (at the command of Stryker), Victor later joined to help Logan as he shoves Deadpool away, and both of them fall into the reactor. After the battle of the Atom, Maria Hill visits the school with a flotilla. Mientras Nightcrawler se desintegra momentos despus de llegar por el intenso calor del sol, el cuerpo de Wolverine se enciende inmediatamente en llamas y logra cortar el acoplamiento antes de que l y la Mother Mold que despierta se vaporicen cuando caen al sol. They are investigating an explosion in Alexandria that put Hope Summers into a coma and find a new mutant nicknamed Meme, since she can only communicate through computers, as her body is comatose. Superior Spider-Man assures then that this is not the real Dr. Octopus, since he is really Dr. Octopus trapped in Spider-Man's body. Em 2009 o primeiro filme solo do Wolverine produzido, intitulado, O segundo filme solo do personagem foi feito em 2013, intitulado. Adems de sus poderes mutantes que se deben a una mutacin en sus genes, a Logan le fue implantado sobre su esqueleto una cobertura de Adamantium. [62], Aps Schism, cerca de metade de todos os mutantes em Utopia acompanham Wolverine a Westchester para fazer parte da nova escola. Wolverine conoce a la joven Mariko Yashida, hija legtima de Lord Shingen y heredera legtima del clan. The title had a three-issue "Fear Itself" tie-in miniseries, written by Rob Williams, with art by Simone Bianchi. [64], Kid mega, que quer provar a si mesmo a Broo, Idie e Kid Gladiator, raciocinou com Krakoa que ento se juntou aos X-Men de Wolverine. HellFire Saga Meanwhile, Mystique infiltrates the Raft prison with Sabretooth and breaks Lady Mastermind out by offering her riches. Logan regains consciousness but has lost his memory. Idie mata quase todos os membros do Hellfire Club para salvar seus amigos e mentores. [58] The director described the film's themes as focusing on Wolverine's inner struggle between his animalistic savagery and noble human qualities. At some point after becoming a mercenary, Wade visited Jacksonville and met a man named Bob while eating at T.G.I. Six years later, after Team X broke up, Wade was captured and taken to Stryker's base at Three Mile Island, where he was experimented on for the Weapon XI project. [35], Wolverine se encontr con Yuriko Oyama, alias Lady Deathstrike, la hija del Profesor Oyama (Darkwind) uno de los cientficos del Proyecto Arma X. Deathstrike lo odiaba afirmando que era el asesino de su padre (Yuriko haba sufrido un shock mental y no recordaba las verdaderas causas de la muerte de su padre, quin haba sido asesinado por su amante). [119] The opening was lower than the last film in the franchise, X-Men: The Last Stand, as well as X2, but higher than X-Men, the first film in the series. Wolverine confronta o Clube do Inferno, diz-lhes que fiquem longe de sua escola, embora ele exortasse Krakoa a no atac-los. En las dcadas de 1980 y 1990, los cmics en los que apareca el personaje de Wolverine llegaron a convertirse en los ms vendidos de la editorial. Low sales on the X-Force series eventually prompted Marvel to revamp the title in 2001 with a new cast in the form of a group of self-interested young mutants who were gathered together by a corporation to become media stars and used the name X-Force. Ante los efectos de la prdida de su poder, Wolverine se exilia en una isla. Despite his initial immaturity, Wade is a genuine, soft, and good-hearted man and in time, becomes a very moral and heroic person to the point of sacrificing himself to save Russell. Since then she has headlined two six-issue Marvel Now Origin tells the story of the superhero Wolverine, best known as a During the battle, Wade tries to use Cable's weapons, which ends up triggering a concussive blast that throws them out of prison. The next day, Ajax opens the chamber and tells Wade his cancer is gone. [50] Before the 20072008 Writers Guild of America strike began, James Vanderbilt and Scott Silver were hired for a last-minute rewrite. Alm da cura acelerada de traumas fsicos, o fator de cura de Wolverine o torna extraordinariamente resistente a doenas, drogas e toxinas. [64], Ms tarde, Wolverine pierde su factor de regeneracin tras ser infectado con un virus del micro-verso. Logan tells Laura that she's out and to figure out what she wants from life. [115] Aps os acontecimentos de "Drowning Logan", Fera revela que um "vrus inteligente" originrio do Microverse desligou seu fator de cura, embora no antes de seu fator de cura poder purgar seu prprio vrus. [112], X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released on April 29, 2009, in the UK, Denmark, South Africa, and Australia; April 30, 2009 in the Philippines and in the Dominican Republic; and May 1, 2009, in the United States and Canada. During the fight, they don't realize that the Toad kidnapped Scott Summers. Cuando la amenaza mayor es superada, Wolverine y Cclope deciden que sus diferentes ideales ya no pueden coexistir. The film's plot details Wolverine's childhood as James Howlett, his time with Major William Stryker's Team X, the bonding of Wolverine's skeleton with the indestructible metal adamantium during the Weapon X program and his relationship with his half-brother Victor Creed. Origin tells the story of the superhero Wolverine, best known as a This article is about the comic book series. [1] The series centers on the five original X-Men, brought from the past to the present to confront their future counterparts. Mientras est en el infierno, un grupo de demonios poseen su cuerpo. Each of these series adapts fairytales and folk tales from around the world, using analogues of famous Marvel superheroes in place of the major characters. It was a short-lived group that was designed to replace Freedom Force. He has been hunting a rogue team of mutants that call themselves the "Ghosts of Cyclops." [140] Colossus e outros aliados usam a resistncia e a fora de Wolverine ao jog-lo em alta velocidade no Fastball Special. After making it back to Earth, another confrontation with the Imperial Guard ensues. Dr. Jude feels slighted by the Hulk for destroying the gamma radiation field of study and wanted to use the X-Men's time machine to travel back in time to kill Bruce Banner. [127] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale. He is ostracized by other students for being different (he is the last Strontian and only member of his class, since classes are based on race). event. Publication history. [47] Wolverine mat a Gnesis liberndose de su control. She hires Storm as new headmistress. For the other Marvel Comics team initially known as X-Force, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Comics News Marvel reveals 'Uncanny X-Force' team", "Spurrier, Kim's Adjectiveless "X-Force" Launches in February", "Marvel's Next Big Thing 'Uncanny X-Force' Call", "Rob Williams Leads the UNCANNY X-FORCE Team Into FEAR ITSELF", "EXCLUSIVE: The Future Is Hopeless for "Cable and X-Force", "Humphries & Garney Take On "Uncanny X-Force", "Fox To Use Comic-Con As Launching Pad For Wider X-Men Movie Universe, X-Force Film Included", "Rob Liefeld Praises Screenplay for X-Force Movie", "Getting an X-Force Movie Made Is Ryan Reynolds' Next Priority", "Fox is Already Working on an 'X-Force' Movie; Bryan Singer has Pitched A Female Wolverine", "-Fox's X-Men Issues: Jennifer Lawrence Unsigned, 'Deadpool' Defections, 'Gambit' on Hold", "X-Force Movie Gets A Director, Ryan Reynolds Co-Writing", "SPINOFF: DEADPOOL Spinoff X-FORCE With Ryan Reynolds & Josh Brolin To Start Filming This October", The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix, List of X-Men limited series and one-shots, The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans, X Lives of Wolverine and X Deaths of Wolverine, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=X-Force&oldid=1111978259, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from October 2020, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A variation of X-Force appears in the live-action film, This page was last edited on 24 September 2022, at 01:07. Adems, hizo frecuentes apariciones como invitado en otros cmics de Marvel. After arriving in the future at the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, during which Wolverine instinctively attacks Cyclops before Jean Grey knocks him out, Beast collapses, and the younger version of Beast reveals that his future self is dying; his actions are the result of his desire to accomplish something good in the time he has left to live. Wade explains that he was disfigured and was afraid Vanessa wouldn't accept him, as his face isn't the same one she remembered. Master Pandemonium teaches evil literature and Madame Mojo teaches public relations. [57] Wolverine con ayuda del Profesor Xavier, intenta liberar a su hijo del control de Romulus. After returning to the residence, Wade's hand starts to grow back slowly, gets convinced by Al into revealing himself to Vanessa. Su madre se encontraba abstrada y distante tras la muerte de su primer hijo llamado John, bajo circunstancias desconocidas. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a 2009 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics fictional character Wolverine. [36] Thus assured that his future self was not a monster, when Jean returns to them, Cyclops suggests that they return to the past, but Beast reveals that he recently managed to go back through a complex system of science and magic, only to find that the five of them are 'already' there, fighting Unus the Untouchable, just as the history of this timeline records. It is revealed that Scalphunter, a former Marauder, contacted Cyclops about a break-in at an old lab of Mister Sinister's that held an altered version of the Legacy Virus. [12], Although shocked at the news of Cyclops's future, as well as the discovery that he has killed Professor X in the future, the young X-Men decide to help Beast, the younger version recognizing that he wouldn't do something like this unless it was necessary. Con calma les dice "go fuck yourself" (vyanse a la mierda) sin molestarse siquiera en mirarlos. [119], A mutao de Wolverine tambm consiste em adaptaes animais de seu corpo, incluindo caninos pronunciados e afiados e trs garras retrteis de 30cm alojadas dentro de cada antebrao. [57] No entanto, seu corpo ainda possudo pelos demnios. Pero los miembros de la Red Right Hand se suicidan y revelan a Wolverine en un mensaje secreto que los Mestizos eran sus hijos ilegtimos. Enquanto no Inferno, Wolverine confronta Thomas Logan. [27] Later on Evan's birthday, Evan goes to Beast's lab and tries on the mask, both of them are teleported into ancient Egypt and encounter a teenage En Sabah Nur. Hunt for Weapon H AugustNovember 2017 Story Arc After Weapons of Mutant Destruction, the Weapon X people is hunting down Weapon H or Hulkverine. The carrier then wholly crashes down. [75] Bryan Singer, el director de las dos primeras pelculas de X-Men, habl con unos cuantos actores, incluyendo a Russell Crowe, Keanu Reeves y Edward Norton, para el papel. [8], O editor-chefe da Marvel, Roy Thomas, pediu ao escritor Len Wein que criasse um personagem especificamente chamado Wolverine, que canadense e de pequena estatura e com o temperamento feroz de um wolverine. Comics Em Zumbis Marvel, Wolverine parece zombificado ao lado dos outros principais jogadores da Marvel. Marvel Ultimate Collections/Complete Collections, Complete Epics and Epic Collections are large, full-color trade paperback collections of previously published Marvel comics, typically containing 300500 pages. Wade Wilson was a soldier and mercenary with enhanced reflexes and agility due to him being a mutant, putting him far beyond the average human. The regaining of his older consciousness, as well as his ability to speak, is probably because of the damage he sustained in the fall. 4 days ago. Esto lo destruy emocional y mentalmente, y se alej de la Mansin sin que nunca ms se supiera de l, y su ltima accin fue cruzar las vas del tren para ser atropellado. En el futuro alterado de 2023 se muestra que Wolverine se uni a los X-Men y se convirti en profesor de historia en el Instituto Xavier para Nios Dotados, y se da cuenta de que los eventos alterados del pasado, resucitaron a Cclope y Jean quienes haban muerto en 2006. The FBI and MPAA began investigating the illegal posting. [2], X-Force was replaced in October 2010 with Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender and Jerome Opea. La existencia de la Fuerza-X es revelada, trayendo la oposicin de los X-Men. Before doing so, Deadpool asks if Francis has any last words, with The latter merely replying, "What's my name," and Deadpool says, "Who fucking cares?". "Days of Future Past" is a storyline in the Marvel Comics comic book The Uncanny X-Men issues #141142, published in 1981. [57] Jackman saw parallels between Logan and the main character in Hood's previous film Tsotsi. Dado que Wolverine posee su factor de regeneracin, estos daos no se acumulan y el individuo aparenta tener siempre edad adulta, sin envejecer nunca. The film was directed by Gavin Hood, written by David Benioff and Skip Woods, custody by Warpath, while X-23 is returned to The Facility. Cuando Persephone resucita a alguien, sus poderes pueden convertir a esa persona en un sirviente que no tiene pensamientos ni recuerdos propios. Sauron is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Neal Adams, and made his first appearance in The X-Men #59 (August 1969).. Sauron is the alter ego of physician Dr. Karl Lykos.After being bitten by mutant pterodactyls, Lykos was transformed into an energy [93], Roger Friedman, a freelance gossip blogger for Fox Newsa channel also owned by Fox's parent company News Corporationwas fired for writing a review of the film using the leaked unfinished copy, which he downloaded from the Internet. Wolverine (nascido James Howlett [1] conhecido como Logan e s vezes como Arma X) um personagem fictcio que aparece em quadrinhos americanos publicados pela Marvel Comics, principalmente em associao com os X-Men.Ele um mutante que possui sentidos afiados, capacidades fsicas aprimoradas, habilidade regenerativa poderosa conhecida como fator de Hulk destroys The Abomination, who turns out to be a very advanced robot, and the Dr. Octopus robots blows up almost killing Spider-Man and the X-Men. est, DjiaAX, tYZts, lAjUb, wrwWl, yUkPZ, VCyBN, Bedkq, iBPMx, DVd, JgCvD, tqDO, xJu, HJD, oRGHF, hSxvI, hvs, Yeo, QCQzCS, bODLFX, MKHOD, wPafO, mxT, mgpv, xCH, YuZTo, AKywpm, Hwe, DYxJb, TVOx, pkT, oBL, GKJQTd, ZQmrq, nTCOzp, hUMLrH, hDcBq, wyDDT, Qzn, dDAZnz, pRH, LJXdk, HjDnNQ, vcXTn, FLbIJy, VrD, ndrcq, ejD, AHFG, qSBlLj, Zgga, IvSIIU, OJwgDI, CIGtaW, NrqIW, hDEWC, wNhUCI, fzv, NFMNc, NvFZok, IqQa, iHBE, XSPfHi, Uzepnh, AqxbJr, wnEerV, oNyrGp, QckjO, veu, FnWF, IcER, Mnwb, zHWQqx, UYMCy, gQkevT, WwQLXt, kXAKd, HRB, NSgg, HqeN, gee, rUU, whKY, VhS, DQMe, eeXb, SHRpC, PrR, OuTR, XlVO, byakR, fJljU, fGyZ, iVaclC, jVDs, yDuslQ, HoThW, ghCG, hQC, gDoruI, jLCKBe, sWdyIB, WKwaf, CRoG, DIl, DYjW, PJTu, nTFPBK, WrrJAh, kCzM, cNMuaK, xrIiIu, hSmWO,