what are the 10 kingdoms of europe

Growth of Kingdoms in High Middle Ages Norman Conquest of England William the Conquer of Normandy invades _____ Defeat King Harold at the _____ William crowned King of England Nobles had to swear oath of loyalty to William as sole ruler of England. guilt on the Cross so we can be "washed clean" and forgiven (p.196), + In his early days in Vienna, Hitler was not anti-Semitic and his friends were mostly Jews. One thing for sure, we can rest in the fact that the Lord of the universe knows all about it and nothing is ever a surprise to Him. The Ten Kingdoms of the New World Order are present day. Kingdom of Croatia (c. 925 - 1102, 1527 - 1868) Kingdom of England (927 - 1649, 1660 - 1707) Kingdom of Burgundy-Arles (933 - late Middle Ages) Kingdom of Deheubarth (950 - 1197) Kingdom of Viguera (970 - 1005) Kingdom of Hungary in the Middle Ages (1000 - 1570) Kingdom of Mann and the Isles (1079 - 1266) The Google engineer, http://biblelight.net/fathers-on-antichrist.htm, http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0516.htm, https://eeas.europa.eu/topics/common-security-and-defence-policy-csdp/5388/shaping-of-a-common-security-and-defence-policy-_en#The Western European Union, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:11997D/AFI/DCL/03, http://www.weu.int/documents/991122luxen.pdf, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32001D0078, https://eeas.europa.eu/topics/common-security-and-defence-policy-csdp/5388/shaping-of-a-common-security-and-defence-policy-_en#The Cologne European Council, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WEU_Map.svg, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Western_European_Union.svg. They continue one hour -- a short time -- until being consumed by YEHOVAH God after they go to war against Israel and the returned Messiah! 3. 8. Wilhelm II (18881918) Seven are kingdoms: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, and Belgium. The saints will be handed over to him for a time,times and half a time.. . In 1995, a military alliance called the Western European Union became ten countries. Eternity ("from of old, from everlasting" see Micah Sometimes in life all that we have is our gut feeling when all is said and done. The Club is composed of scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from allfive continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined onceand for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. ." These monks received powerful support from royal women such as Bertha, the 13:1).. I know their doctrine is not right, but the dvd series touched on many things like free masonry, illuminati, United nations, Revelations, etc. 3. The point is there were 10 prominent ones the rest were simply small irrelevant ones. from the utter darkness, aloneness, The model has been developedup to the stage where it can be used for policy analysis related to a numberof critical issues such as: energy resources utilization and technology assessment; fooddemand and production; population growth and the effect of timing of birth control programs;reduction of inequities in regional economic developments; depletion dynamics of certainresources, particularly oil reserves; phosphorus use as fertilizer; regionalunemployment; constraints on growth due to labor, energy export limitation. Scholars have suggested that the Anti-Christ (Little Horn) would be in control ofsuch regions. Thanks for posting. Julius Caesar (4944 BC) ("iron mixed with clay") over which the Antichrist will rise . The key for us is to separate valid ideals from the hidden agenda which they mask. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are members of the European Economic Space (SEE/EEA) and thisallows them to participate in most of the aspects regarding the single market of the E.U., without theobligation to adhere. Its part of the iron and the iron component has existed since. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius were part of the Roman Empire. For example, the comingNAU (North American Union), which is theorized to be implemented in the next five years, started back inthe days of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) back in the 90s, and now the governmentcalls it the SPP (Security Prosperity Partnership), you can see that Mexico is not included in Fig.1, but itsincluded in the proposed NAU. Its heartening to know that some people in this world are wide awake and sharing their knowledge. The Jewish bankers Warburgs transferred 128 million Deutschmarks to Hitler (roughly $30 million.) Interestingly, the GCC was formed in an effortby these countries to insulate themselves from the conflict between Iran and Iraq. Paul von Hindenburg (19251934) are, where they live, or what they have done. 7th Day Adventists are false teaching through and through, they have a false prophetess Ellen G White who you need to submit to in order to belong to the church. As part of globalisation, the GCC is a formof economic integration on the Arab Peninsula. These people have ruled vast financial empires for the past fifteen hundred years. In previous editions we have seen how mans attempt to create a global government will be essentially ademonic influenced attempt to establish a New World Order in which the Middle East will become asignificant focal point. A variant of it was used in the LEFT BEHIND series! A young Italian Marxist by the name of Antonio Gramsci advised World War II dictator Mussolini that violence was not the way to bring about a lasting revolution people would embrace and maintain, Howse noted. Click the gear icon at the bottom right corner of the comment box, then click EDIT. As the USA with the cooperation of the Democracies of Latin-America, the British Commonwealth of Nations and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, assumes world leadership for the establishment of a New World Moral Order for permanent peace, justice, security and world reconstruction.. We are living in end times. No man or woman played any part in the making process or have anything to do with setting reward and punishment. Highly recommended. The Bible says the end-times Roman Empire will be composed of a group of ten kings. 5. Have been busy and no, havent been busy thinking about the awful things Boko Haram is doing here in Nigeria. With Lucifer as its king? In such a scenario the precious oil fields could be threatened, as the people living on the land are predominantly Shiite Muslim. The Bible is dealing with a power that is misusing its position, and presuming to take the very place of God. The following list is proposed (subject to change) based on current existing unions since 2018, listed in similar order to the 1973 outline: North American Union (King of the North? Its just incredible how its coming to frutishin in my life time. . The idea is that if the European Union proved the success of political and economic integrationthen this model could be repeated across other world regions. You are correct if viewing this only in the ancient alignment. 4. It is currently having its headquarters in Midland, South Africa. The Federated Republics of India (FRI): Present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar). Finally, "the beast and the false prophet [will be . Below, you will find a comparison regarding the proposed 10 regions, and the currentunions and proposed union for both political and economic union: If we were to compare the first map with the newly born Communities (Unions) in the second map, wecould find some discrepancies. Please clear this up for me. Editing Comments: Yes I agree, it is incredible, its like were living in a futuristic movie and watching it play out from the inside, very few would have foreseen these things happening even one generation back. Human nature is such that there will always be those who want to be more equal than all the others, lol, except its not really so funny! It was to have eyes like the eyes of a man and speak great words against God. The GCC organised the recent summit in Qatar and has been supplying the Libyan rebels with arms. "Council Decision of 22 January 2001 Setting up the Political and Security Committee." substitute Himself for you on the Cross (which NOW think about this same thing going on for and throughout WWIII! Beasts are kingdoms and horns are kings.. (Europe?). Why must we begin, 3 December, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 27 November, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 20 November, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 14 November, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 30 October, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 26 October, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World), 19 October, 2022 by Tom Lessing (Discerning the World). If the world is not to soon find itself in a position of running out of usable energy, Rifkin proposes that we must change our lifestyle dramatically. From the European Union side: the 27 European Union member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.). It was created inJuly 2008 as a re-launched Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (the Barcelona Process), when a planto create an autonomous Mediterranean Union was dropped. What is so amazing is Daniel rose to prominence in Nebuchadnezzars court because he was able to interpret a dream the king had that no one else could decipher. At 9l of November 2005, The European Commission recommended the provision of the candidate state for Macedoniathat became the third ex-Yugoslavic country to receive this statute. She is a Satanist receiving her ideas from Satan himself. 5. Re 7th Day Adventists. William I (18611888) Im sure you knew that. Although the doctrine of the divinity of Christ was correct, the method of dealing with it was not. I said that the dvd series from Walter Veith was SDA. Dec. 28, 1915. (See my Fighting an Invisible Force.). and North Africa countries that have access to the Mediterranean Sea, forming aneconomic community by taking the model of the early European Union. The Ten Kings - ten horns, prophecy, antichrist The Beast united. The secretariat headquarters is based in Georgetown, Guyana. That was very interesting info. Now we have the Africa Union and the coming North American Union. Canadas Arctic perimeter is far too vast to even contemplate defending. The eight SAARC countries* that make up this geopolitically sensitive region, where amajor chunk of the humanity lives, do not enjoy the kind of friendly and harmonious relationship witheach other, as one would have expected. Specifically, the, Paris and Marseilles Declarations refer to the, construction of both a Trans-Maghrebi railway and, highway systems, connecting Morocco, Algeria and. This was related to the ten End Times countries which would give their power to the anti-christ. resurrection for both those who are going to Heaven and for those ), European Union Customs Union (EU founded 1958), Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (King of the South?). Accessed October 22, 2018. Out of his mouthcomes a sharp sword with which to strikedown the nations. the Eastern leg of the Roman Empire, which was based out of Constantinople the Alpha News Daily News Page. They are just being mislead on certain technicallities, just like the NG Church community are being mislead into believing in tithing, christianing, Christmas, etc. The Union has the aim of promotingstability and prosperity throughout the Mediterranean region. THE EUROPEAN UNION: ANOTHER STEP IN THE EVOLUTION OF The Kingdom of The 10 Kings hb. More specifically, it aims at turning the Mediterranean partner countriesinto producers of solar energy and then circulating the resulting electricity through the Euro-Mediterranean region. Now there is a need for acollective body to address the various changes that are going on the in the region. Still others say theLeagues actions represent little more than a gesture of public appeasement. It is nowobservable that with the global financial collapse of 2008 still being referred to an Anglo Saxon disaster inwhich Britain and the United States are seen as the culprits has renewed the focus of the emergingmarkets to seize control of world financial influence. The Union for the Mediterranean introduced new institutions into the Euro-Mediterranean Partnershipwith the aim of increasing its visibility such as the creation of a Secretariat. Accessed October 16, 2018. Among other candidates there areTransnistria, Kazakhstan in 2010 and Kyrgyzstan. The organizations cohesion and its role in Asia are questioned by the military rivalry between India andPakistan. If you want to know anything about the higher degrees of Masonry and all its associations, this book is total education in itself. He says, The radical change in world view required to make this transition will have to be accomplished overnight. Of the ten Kingdoms represented by the ten horns of the fourth Beast. One of the main supporters of the African union, the now deceased ex Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi along with Laurent Gbagbo, the president of Ivory Coast and Guillaume Soro, the Ivorianprime minister, launched in 2007, during a meeting, a call for the African people to unite in one singlestate and to put an end to civil wars, a call that was quoted by AFP. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Furthermore, this proposed 10 regions will be divided into countries, or members belonging to theirparticular regions. A series of Frankish rulers including Pepin and Charlemagne lasting from 751 to 987. (The end begins), The Bible clearly Accessed October 22, 2018. King Alfred the Great united various kingdoms, since then England has been ruled by Angles-Saxons kings. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. There was formal collaboration between Nazis and Zionists. Yes, I agree the fall of apartheid was engineered for other reasons that are not readily apparent. "Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of clay and partly of The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman (false prophet) sitteth.. CHURCH FATHERS: Catechetical Lecture 15 (Cyril of Jerusalem). Frederick III (1888) The European Commission, that represents the general interests of the E.U. 2. A military attack like this implies a military relationship. This proposal regarding a division of the world after the end of world War II was not immediately put into practice as the suggestion was considered to be contrary to the interest of U.S.A), the Soviet Union and against the wishes of United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Netherlands and others to keep their colonial domains. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Could this be Babylon rebuilding the Tower of Babel and trying to reverse the dispersal of the human race into distinct racial ethnicities..? The South American nations will also form a single military alliance for the first time. Robin de Ruiter writes: We are dealing with an incredibly powerful conspiracy that controls all areas of our lives to a near perfection. (38) The genius of this conspiracy is that most people are unaware of it. Bible Study, November 8, 1980) or ten successive kingdoms (Armstrong HW. Though the GCC supported Saddam Hussein against Ayatollah Khomeini for fear of that the Islamic Revolutioncould spread. It is not only an important book for anyone involved in the SDAs but it applies to anyone whos a member of any cult. Still, the Trade Agreement came into force on the1st of January 2006. of time this man would immediately possess the power over all of Europe that 10. The African leaders summit in Ghana ended only with the creation of a Committee mend to establisha project and a calendar for the future Continental Union Government that should be established by2015. Required fields are marked *. Seeking to follow in the foot steps ofthe European Union, in 2002 and 2008 the African Union and Union of South American Nationsrespectively, set down similar blueprints for integration into political and economic unions at thecontinental level. Wikimedia Commons. And yet, there have been many, many attempts to re-unite the Roman Empire, aka todays European Union. Whats this all about? Well, remember the anti-christ will rise up out of the seventh kingdom, the reborn Roman Empire creating his own new world empire: And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns (kingdoms), and upon his horn ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(Revelation 13:1). He has aname written on him that no one knows but he himself. in Turkey.). The African Union has its own army (that has intervened as a peace force in the regional conflicts,like the one in Darfur or the one in Somalia), a single Bank (The African Development Bank), a Court of Justice (The African Court of Justice). The Antichrist's military base starts off in Western Europe. The United Kingdom economy has been in turmoil as a result of the separation from the European Union, political [] In this article, we discuss the 10 best undervalued UK stocks to buy now. Thank you. (Daniel 7:20) Since the "beast" is a man (2 Thess. Constructing The South American Energy Ring, a pipeline trough which Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay will receive natural Peruvian gas. Destruction of Herods Temple in AD 70, by Vespasians order, to the siege of Masada in AD 73 = a time and times and the dividing of time. The new world order economic system is clearly designed to capture all. . The moment that humanity showsits willingness to do this, then the Christ will come Before Christ could come with his disciples, ourpresent civilization had to die. [Reappearance of the Christ, by Foster Bailey, p. 21-23], The key statement? As a result, Brazil will have access to the Pacific Ocean and Peru to Atlantic Ocean. 17:12): You have the Hohenstaufen dynasty, the House of Habsburg, and the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. 17:10): Your problem is that you base the truth, Hi All. It was to make war on Gods saints. Tell others so they also will come to know the accuracy of Gods prophecies and how He wants us to be aware of what is coming! History shows that the Western Roman Empire divided into ten separate kingdoms, Alemanni, Franks, Burgundians, Suevi, Vandals, Visigoths, Anglo-Saxons, Ostrogoths, Lombards, and the Heruli; this is the order that they came into prominence in the western empire. This weeks report takes a look at the ongoing progression of what is known as the Club of Rome Model. in Medieval Europe, an agricultural estate that a lord ran & peasants worked. Thus, indirectly, the Nazis built Israels industrial infrastructure. Another terrific book for those people who are history buffs and do a lot of royal research. However, Rifkin says that this transferred energy is weakened each time it is transferred, so that, finally, itis no longer capable of conversion into workEnergy can only be transferred to a dissipated state.Therefore, Rifkin believes the world is currently producing too many material things that originally use toomany resources. If those committees elect a leader,then one could take this further and say, ten leaders. I once read that governments plan 20 years in advance they set out a road map of what they need to achieve in 20 years time and no matter how the road winds to they get there, they will achieve it. Though McKenneys knowledge is encyclopedic his delivery of the facts is gripping. The result from its political and economical treaties reflects, through its structure, the democratic principle of the state power separation in: legislativepower, executive power and juridical power, and regarding the legislative process, it following theprinciples of subsidiary and proportionality. We have to To succeed willrequire a zealous determination, a militancy, if you will, of Herculean proportions. (Ibid, p.186, Emphasisadded), Avatars [World Teachers, like Antichrist will be] frequently create crises in order to bring an end to the oldand the undesirable and make way for new and more suitable forms for the evolving life of God Immanentin Nature., Today, in the midst of this devastated, chaotic, and unhappy world, mankind has a fresh opportunity toreject selfish, materialistic living and to begin to tread the Lighted Way. The Nazis allowed German Jews to transfer their money (and even the value of their homes and factories) to Palestine in the form of German industrial products. US interests in the region rely on the ability of the GCC to repress opposition in countries like Bahrain. They are: Do you notice what countries are missing from the original ten of the Roman Empire? Since AD there have been plenty of emperors over the Eastern and Holy Roman Empires: lets take the Holy Roman Empire alone. His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah. It was to uproot three horns. Quirinal Hill Previous Comments: Please read all previous comment pages if there are any. But what does the word of God say? The Court of Justice for the European community, that watches over the abidance of the Europeanlegislation. As far as I am concerned; something is seriously wrong with this picture. The Kingdom of Heaven is available to Something didnt add up and I really couldnt put my finger on it just a bad feeling. 4. Nero (AD 5468) Now, yes Satans plans (fulfilled by people) will come to pass. In Daniel 7:20-22, it speaks of a little horn coming out of the 10 Horns, who will speak boastfully againstthe Most High God. Evidence of this conflict of political ideology is one of the reasons why in October 2009 many of thecountries of the Middle East, South America and the Far East began discussions about setting up theirown international currency to compete against the USD as the dominant international currency. The League was chartered in response to concerns about postwar colonial divisions of territory as wellas strong opposition to the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine. DTW has just found out that Globalreport is 7th Day Adventist Please proceed with caution and use DISCERNMENT AT ALL TIMES when entering GlobalReport. The mark of the beast is a new wise system of distribution (Alice Bailey) instead of paper money? Farben, German General Electric and German American Petroleum. Simply to say they are part of a kingdom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(63_BC), https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT9nLsB5-PVyIlJOv1jTwXNxeuIctmsUl, Crypto Currency and Biblical End Times Prophecies. The babylon and its system is NYC the financial capital of the world and our financial system of collapse as described in the book of Revelation 17-20. And, do not hold this knowledge in! Now people; lets begin to use our abilities to think, reason and make decisions. Therefore, the ten kings represent a ten-nation confederacy in Western Europe with a military relationship. This is one of the reasons why it is important to understand that whenwe speak of a New World Order we are referring to a political vision which historically rests on the aimsand aspirations of the Bavarian Illumunati, ancient families of nobility that were positioned within Britainand mainland Europe who also then infiltrated the United States under the leadership of Albert Pike toensure the United States also came under the control of powerful Masonic influences during thenineteenth century. Thanks for the above article. This association known as ASEAN is a geopolitical and economic organization composed of tencountries in South East Asia. From the side of the Mediterranean Partner countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro,Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria (self suspended on 22 June 2011), Tunisia and Turkey. Not long ago I saw a description of the countries that were part of the Roman Empire at the time of John. Continental unions are a relatively new type of political entity inthe history of human government. This is exactly how the Holy Roman Empire ruled. believe these 10 nations could rise out of the European Union as we now see the "strong mixed with weak" nations of Europe re-uniting into a powerful federation . + The Illuminati operate under many guises. Like the other books mentioned, they are also easy and very interesting reads. Futurists are another name for the New Agers (you refer to them above) and of course the father of the New Age is Pierre Teillard de Chardin a JESUIT! The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is an organisation of 15 Caribbean nations anddependencies. And another book which is an eye-opener, and is directly linked to the 10 Nations message above, is 33 Degrees of Deception by Tom C. McKenney (published by Bridge Logos). I did not say anything about globalreport. a social class of wealthy, powerful landowners, they formed the ruling class in Roman Empire. . The United States of Scandinavia (USS): Norway, Sweden, Denmark. The GCC is actively involved in the exportation of oil from the rebel-controlled east of the country. "Luxembourg Declaration." every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. He is just too REAL for me. De Ruiter quotes The Instructions of the Order: It is important that the objectives are realized; the mask that is used is not important as long as there is a mask. Communism, Zionism, Nazism, Feminism, and apparently even Americanism can be seen in these terms. It shall devour the whole earth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space (Rev. (Puppet Obama will put another trillion in their pocket before the month is out. Roman Empire (63 BCAD 476) In talking to non-believers I am surprised at those who consider a one-world government to be a good idea and that it would end wars, reduce poverty, etc, they are not evil people just ordinary people looking for solutions to real problems, but we know that mans ways are not Gods ways, the ways of flesh are always in opposition to His ways. The project regarded the demilitarization of several countries, the submission of those countries to an international control and including them into political unions and international organizations. The GCC being the heart ofcapitalism in the Middle East, itself a huge investor in the global economy with a prominent place in global finance as well as the oil trade. Andorra, Liechtenstein, and Monaco are principalities, while Luxembourg is a Grand Duchy. There is sufficient, As far as Freemasonry, I certainly won't take the burden, I do never listened to the crazy things johnathan cahn, Rudolf Wiltshire. If you choose to remain trapped in someone elses belief-system; feel free to continue on your merry way. The ten regions would unite the entireworld under a single form of government. ** The Year of the Four Emperors, AD 69, was a period in the history of the Roman Empire in which four emperors ruled in succession: Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian. The Antichrist power has to fulfill all of the characteristics given in the Bible. During a speech at Accra-Ghana in 2007, the president of the Republic of Zimbabwe, RobertMugabe stated that the African countries should help each other, instead of relying on the international aids. 6. (7) Most importantly, they transferred the WEUs ability to do joint military operations to the European Union. He writes with the assurance of a man who has deciphered the plan. The construction begun in September 2005, being financed by Brazil 60% and Peru 40%. It came up after the ten horns had been established. One person died Saturday and several are missing after an explosion and fire at an apartment building on the British self . 5:2) not to condemn the CHURCH FATHERS: On Christ and Antichrist (Hippolytus). Caelian Hill Of course if you add these up they only come to four, not the five prophesied in the Book of Revelation. I am in the US info all over the place related to politicians (since its an election year) and those who have influenced their thinking and agendas. If the above is true, then with one action God can stop or change the rules any time he or she chooses. . Nevertheless, the discrepancies arent crucial. This alliance was a separate organization from the European Union. Accessed October 16, 2018. Please; do not be offended. In Revelation19:11-21, it depicts our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, coming down from heaven with his heavenly Army towage war against the Beast and his Kingdoms. Just this morning I read this; apparently not only was Obama influenced by Alinsky, so was Mitt Romney. See the collaborative efforts of the WWII War conferences involving, the United States, U.K., Soviet Union, Canada and China. What more could possibly ask from the first President (to be) of THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA? The Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths were eliminated by the year 538 AD. The countries all over the world would have to become part of the regional or continental forms of association, political unions of states, mostly federations. 11. Hi Shaun. The Zionists were not interested in elderly Jews or young children. Founded in July 2002, the entity wascreated after the E.U. This is a very interesting topic, and so many people are confused. Did Jerry Jenkins take a peek at this map? Frederick William IV (18401861) Umberto II (1946)**, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heads_of_state_of_Italy, Recall: And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (Rev. CNN . tribal, city state) and in more recent centuries, the sub-regional (regional)/subcontinentallevel, however, starting with the advent of better transportation, weapons andcommunication there was for the first time the ability for a union of member states to organize at thecontinental level. However, the end-times Roman Empire does not start off this big. All these things have been prophecised and their happening is the fulfillment of prophecy and its just mean that our Lord Jesus is coming very soon.Fighting the progress of these things is not what God want us to do but to look and see them and knowing that our Lords return is imminent.Jesus will come and destroy Satans kingdom at its pick or in its climax,the Sunday law is the ultimate point of all this.When the Sunday law enforcement is taking place God of Heaven will pour out the plagues on any one who will obey government than obeying God. 4. Accessed October 22, 2018. Yes!, Today at Bible Study I mentioned the Red Thread which, Hi Benjamin. "The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from (out of). Kingdom of Sol Anmchadha. Did you ever think that none of what is proposed need to happen if whosoever proposed them did not do so? Heruli - Exterminated. please don't be "left behind" >>, Prophecies: The coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon >>, << Back to How do we know the Roman Empire will be reborn in the Last Days? Kingdom of Oriel. restore the dominion and power of the ancient Roman Empire . If your not sure of the name for this North American Union, hold on to your hats-ladies hold on to your purses-it is called the United States of America and we dont need any other American Unions. There are various schools of thought with some believing that a rebuilt Babylon inIraq will become the centre of an International United Nations initiative whilst others believe that with therebuilding of Solomons Temple in Jerusalem that Jerusalem will become the capital of the New WorldOrder. Those that are high up in the echelons of power I believe are actually receiving instructions and encouragement via Satanic prophecies, I saw an example of this once regarding a Luciferian, forget the mans name at the moment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Confederation. Furthermore, it could serve as a trade platform to help exploit the benefitsof the looming economic power of the region, which he thinks will be at the centre of global affairsthroughout this century. Furthermore, the IRON is mixed with clay and divided, this shows indeed the mixed divided kingdom of Rome and Europe of today never to come together again. Silver represented the Medo-Perisan empire. Howse continued, He also cautioned that this revolution would be a long march through the institutions, not a blitzkrieg of change. A continental union is an inter-governmental, supranational, or a federation of member states located inthe same continent, or close to it. European Jews had no interest in moving to Israel. Someone should let these opeople know we already have a North American Union and works very well on its own. Walvoord.com. What is that? and lovingly shed His blood and bore all of our sins and Father of kings Its dominion will be taken away. Therefore, EU member countries agreed to use the Western European Union as its defense component. (6, 7, 8), Western European Union: 1995 2011 (Full members in red), The Western European Union was a mutual defense treaty. 5. Thank you for your comment. The Carolingian Empire (800-888 AD) The Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 AD) The Mongol Empire (1206-1368) The Umayyad Caliphate and Mongol Empire were so large that even though they were . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to worldwide trading blocs of nations, or the UN, or NATO, or nations out of Photo credit: Fabrizio_Castello. I see it DID post the first 130 times;-) Sorry! He exposes the facts behind the death of Slobodan Milosevic, the 9-11 attacks (the topic of a separate book by de Ruiter), the Freemasons, the education system, descendants of Judah, the Satanic bloodlines, their Satanic rituals, the Mormon Empire, the Jehovah Witnesses, the music industry and the Great White Brotherhood.. I would really recommend it to anyone as it is so insightful and eye opening about the coming events and the enemy were facing. The anecdote shows that, even if the Jews werent a race, the important thing is that they think they are. While the old WCG taught this referred to ten kings (Armstrong HW. (2) European Union Customs Union (EU . The United States will enter Canada, by way of NATO agreement. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Augustus (44 BCAD 14) The Illuminati use the US as a springboard for their world leadership to subject other countries and to eliminate the remaining heads of state. (p.33). Officially, the fear is that the Shiite population might be tryingto establish an Islamic state in the Gulf modelled on Iran. In that year, Vigilus, the bishop of Rome, ascended the papal throne under the protection of the Roman general Belisarius. and Islam. offered to any and all who will receive it. Bronze represented the empire of Greece. Daniel 7 symbolizes these ten kings as ten horns on the head of a beast. The reasons for such discrepancies could be due to the fact, that Fig.1 is aMap that goes back to the Cold War area, and lots of barriers were set in place: Example (WesternEurope, Eastern Europe, South Africa). The 10 regions are awakening and yet few people realizeit. At the time of his writing he was a young captive Jew advising Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Babylonian Empire which was at that time the most powerful empire in the world. 5. We also must not confuse the fourth beast in Daniel 7 with the beast from the sea in Revelation 13. A Satanic power conquers by degrading and corrupting the victim so that its eventual demise is like Divine retribution, deserved. Terroristic and anti-government demonstrations are extending to an alarming extent in Italy, according to this traveller., https://newspapers.library.in.gov/cgi-bin/indiana?a=d&d=SBNT19151228.1.1&e=-en-201txt-txIN-, ** Reigned only 34 days; a short space (Rev. Elected in 2004, The Pan African Parliament opened in March 2004, initially having itsheadquarters in Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia. The elites are causing miseries everywhere so that people beg for a solution and then the anti-christ will come out and deceive even the chosen one. Do you still think the God you claim to serve would design such an atrocious game and recruited creatures he/she love so much; to participate? Russia will counter for her ally, Syria by putting Russian equipment and possibly Russian Soldiers on the ground in Canadas Arctic. Suevi - Portugal. The EU was not a military organization at the time. represents Hell). ASEAN as an economic community is planned for creation in 2020 and is supposed to have some resemblance to the European Union, because it should have the threefundamentals of freedom of movement between countries regarding goods, people and capital. Site Tour; What Is Historicism? The coming "Rapture" While the Roman Empire was one the longest empires (lasted about 1,500 years) and is . The TEN HORNS featured in Revelation 13 and 17 are pictured as the TEN KINGDOMS of Psalm 83 that will conspire against the state of Israel. Are you with me so far? serf. An angel of God not only tells us but he also tells us all those with a wise brain will know where the kingdom will be located! Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the saying of the prophecy of this book.. Many of my friends promote MacArthur and others of his ilk but theyre not wolves. Notice I havent mention Jesus as yet in the mix. it is a "take it or leave it" proposition.) The first map of a 10-region division was done by the Club of Rome . Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is a multilateral partnership that encompasses 43 countries fromEurope and the Mediterranean Basin: the 27 member states of the European Union and 16 Mediterranean partner countries from North Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans. The ten horns are ten kings who will comefrom this kingdom. An annual APEC Economic Leaders Meeting is attended by the heads of government of all APECmembers except the Republic of China (Taiwan), which is represented under the name Chinese Taipei by a ministerial-level official. In Europe and western Asia there were many states that rose to power and then later fell. The commercial connections between the European countries and the African ones are very important. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands-arock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.. And on top of that they have gone back to law keeping (keep Sabbath, dont eat pork etc) which the bible tells us we are under Grace. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_War, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (Rev. The United States of Europe (USE): the Benelux countries, the German Rhineland, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Three kingdoms that did not accept his papal mandates regarding Christs divinity were literally uprooted and mercilessly destroyed. From 1417 to 1859 it was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire, although that period saw many conflicts, and the usual shifting of borders in repeated struggles for power and influence. 1. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. The Rothschilds Royal Dutch Shell, run by Jews, Peter Montefiore Samuel and Robert Waley-Cohen gave Hitler 50 million Deutschmarks. Just my thoughts but I believe many of the end-time prophecies will not be revealed until after they have been fulfilled, and also there is not much we can do about preventing their fulfilment since the Lord has spoken so we stay close to Jesus and walk with Him day by day, moment by moment. Ostrogoths Austria, Serbia, Bosnia, etc. Since we dont want to make any mistake, it is essential that we correctly identify this power. The Rothschild-run Bank of England handed Hitler Czech assets worth six million pounds. He will speak againstthe Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the settimes and the laws. Elections November 8, 2016. Currently, the Union is in an expanding process as other three countries Croatia, The Republic ofMacedonia, and Turkey are candidate in acceding at the membership of the European Union Because of the religious and cultural differences in comparison with the rest of Europe, Turkey confronts itself with a powerful opposition from the conservatory and religious E.U. The northeastern section of Western Europe was not part of the old Roman Empire. Walter Simons (1925) Frederick William III (17971840) The barbarian kingdoms, also known as the post-Roman kingdoms, the western kingdoms or the early medieval kingdoms, were the states founded by various non-Roman, primarily Germanic, peoples in Western Europe and North Africa following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century. These spanned 727 years! . The former secretary general of The Andes Community, AllanWagner Tizon, announced that the deadline for the integration process to be finalized is 2019. It was known as the HOLY Roman Empire, not the Roman Empire. Suffice it to say there were more than ten kingdoms within the ancient Roman Empire and this revival, identified as it is with the Roman prince of Daniel 9:26, may well include Rome itself and representative countries in Northern Africa, Western Asia, and Southern Europe. Prominent critics such as CNNs Lou Dobbs and Republican presidential candidate Ron Pauldenounced the concept, joined by left-wing nationalist groups in Canada, Internet blogs, and widely viewed videos and films such as Zeitgeist. If water was, Hi Tom & Deborah Thank you for the work put, Hi Robert. Over a period of about one thousand years until recently, each new pope was crowned with a tiara at his coronation. 17:12)., Ten German Horns/Rulers (Rev. 13:3]. 1. Moreover, what does the word of God say about suchUnions (Kingdoms)? Whilst writing in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, in ovember, 1939 Alice Baileys Guiding Spirit supposedly began to address to her the Economic Problem. The horns simply help people understand that they are PART of a beast. Wallachia existed as a principality / kingdom / voivodeship from the early fourteenth century until the mid nineteenth century. I think hes doing a great job of waking many people up to the dangers of the religious right, the NAR, religious syncretism, Word Of Faith, Catholicism, pseudo-spiritual Socialism etc etc And although hes a Calvinist he is fair in his treatment of those who dont buy into the Reformed view. This Rock is our LordJesus Christ, cut out of a mountain (Gods Kingdom), but not by human hands (Holy Spirit). Croatia is another candidate state for adhering at the Union. Since 2007, at the 14th Organization Summit, Afghanistan became theeighth member. Defining that part of Europe that is considered Eastern Europe is difficult. Him . The date for the establishment of papal Rome as an independent power can thus be pinned to 538 AD. The Club of Rome consists of members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe,old families which lived in Venice and Genoa. The only unpardonable sin is to to control or guide the actions of (someone or something). Thus, thismountain will fill the whole Earth. 1. Then a biological father will impregnate his own daughter and the child will be sacrificed to Satan. the kingdom (Rome) shall be divided . 6. With Saudi Arabia in the lead, the Peninsula Shield Force, the military wing of the GCC has intervenedagainst the uprising in Bahrain with the supposed aim of protecting the country and its militaryinfrastructure from foreign interference. According to Article 7 of the Treaty on EuropeanUnion, as it has been revised by the other treaties, the integrative organization has communitarianinstitutions. Now, the question arises is that who willcontrol these regions? A father is one who produces, nurtures and guides his offspring. Are you saying the pope will be the antichrist or false prophet? Oops! The North American Union (NAU) is a proposed international government encompassing the nationsof Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Even the fall of apartheid was not an overnight thing, it was planned years in advance they knew it would happen just needed the right time. The cult of 7th Day Adventism is riddled with the most horrendous false teaching and their false Prophetess is on par with Jesus Christ. Please clear this up for me: The One World government will really be a Luciferian kingdom? De-pollution of the Mediterranean. [Edited Ok I have place a notice at the bottom of the article stating the following: DTW only supports factual information provided in this article. Alternative energies: Mediterranean solar plan. Esquiline Hill The point is that they were part of the same kingdom, not different ones. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy has been wounded by an Austrian grenade and is now in the hospital, it is stated by the Overseas News agency. (God's Promise 5. Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Therefore, the kingdom of God will beestablished on Earth, as we can see from Daniel 2:44-45, In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will itbe left to another people. peace in our hearts or minds until we make peace with God through Libya as an observer state. iron, the kingdom (Rome) shall be divided . Still, Yemen is expected to join the Arab community in 2016. Link Copied! Dr. John Walvoord, former president of Dallas Theological Seminary, anticipated the: One very important early Church Father, Irenaus, wrote in the 100's A.D. All of theses states were simply to become member-states of the USSR. 11. This process has delayed by the non-cooperation of Croatia with The International Criminal Tribunal in Hague. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). With these signs he had deluded those who had receivedthe mark of the beast and worshiped his image. Aventine Hill Insolvent financial institutions, and insolvent nations cannot sustain growth or profitable investing. Moreover, some theologians have stated this little horn signifies the Anti-Christ, whowill wage war against the Saints. The belief that a North American Union with a single currency known as the Amero was being plannedand implemented in secret became widespread, so much so that the NAU was a topic of debate duringthe 2008 American presidential campaigns and the subject of various U.S. Congressional resolutionsdesigned to thwart its implementation. November 10, 1997. Its very symbolic and over another dozen points fits the Papacy. . According to the Vatican, the three layers symbolize the triple power of the Pope: father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ.. November 23, 1999. Such an organization could have a big role in the area in solving diverse problems, fromecological issues to immigration. Since the time of this map, Mexicohas been added to the North American region (1) as part of the coming creationof the controversial American Union and Israel is supposed to be aligned with regionnumber (4). 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