warcraft 3 human peasant quotes

It is one of the hierarchies left over from the kingdom of Lordaeron after its destruction by the Scourge. Humans, after losing so much to the Scourge, stood triumphant against the Lich King. Anduin fell from a great height but was caught and saved by Broll Bearmantle, who had assumed his raven form to catch Anduin mid air. [59], Even more than sheer tenacity, the human race's true strength lies in its willingness and ability to look past its own interests, see others' point of view, and seek diplomatic solutions. Will you make it work for me? "You have other matters to attend to, yes? I live to serve all who follow the sea. When Baine, who acted as Garrosh's defense attorney, and Tyrande, who acted as Garrosh's prosecutor, finished their speeches, Anduin wanted to support Baine but was instead taken by his father outside of the trial proceedings so he wouldn't have to interact with Garrosh. The Scarlet Crusade maintains several bastions throughout the former lands of Lordaeron, namely the Scarlet Monastery, and up until the Cataclysm - Hearthglen, Tyr's Hand, the fortified Scarlet Bastion of Stratholme, and several smaller camps and scout towers spread throughout the whole area of northern Lordaeron. Garrosh asks Anduin if he believes in destiny. Contact us today: +27 21 650 3407: idm@uct.ac.za . You have always been a noble friend and ally. Though the Paladins were immune to disease of any kind, they were persecuted by the general populace who believed that they had been infected by the foul plague. Come! ", "How long would you say you can hold your breath? After Kalec came to say goodbye to the Wrynns, Anduin went to visit Garrosh one last time. He was equipped with Kingsmourne as well as a suit of armor covered in Domination runes that suppressed his will and allowed the Jailer to control him directly,[129][136][137] but it was Arthas' soul within Kingsmourne that served as the main source of Anduin's Domination. [130] During the rescue of Thrall, the Maw Walkers eavesdropped on a private conversation between the Jailer and Sylvanas in which the Jailer proclaimed that they had to begin preparation of their new "weapon". Tensions grew among the kingdoms, however, as the costs for maintaining the Alliance rose much higher than originally anticipated. [105], Thus to protect Azeroth and depose of Sylvanas, the Horde revolutionaries and Alliance planned to strike at Orgrimmar and to that end set up camp in Razor Hill. Jaina however, blamed Varian's death on the Horde leaving the Alliance to die and wants to fight them as well. You have to be the bad guy though. He attempted the ritual again, this time managing to draw out a Mawbound Monstrosity which the Maw Walker defeated, allowing the king to infuse his resistance into the shards. By offering equality and peace to the Mounted knights run down fleeing enemies, while the foot soldiers remain behind to engage slower targets. Their continued ability to adapt and rebuild has made them a vital force in an ever-changing world.[1]. After claiming the Arbiter's sigil, the Jailer opened a portal to Zereth Mortis and revealed his true goal: not to give everyone free will as Sylvanas had believed, but to remake reality into one where all would serve him. King Genn Greymane and Queen Mia evacuated the last of the refugees they could save before it became too dangerous to maintain the portals. Taelan and the adventurer sneak out of Hearthglen to regroup with Tirion but they were caught by Grand Inquisitor Isillien who murdered Taelan for his desertion. Anduin then changed the subject by asking Jaina about a messenger from Kul Tiras. In response to the Burning of Teldrassil, the Alliance retaliated against the Undercity during the Battle for Lordaeron. He was the High Wizard of the Scarlet Crusade. During the early days of the Second War, the high elves of Silvermoon sent a contingent of archers south to survey the supposed orcish threat in the area for themselves. "[83] In that moment, as Anduin accepted the duties of a king,[79] the sword began to glow in his hands,[83] not with the red-orange hue of a warrior but with the golden glow of a priest. Heavy military and noble NPCs have unique voice sets but (unless otherwise noted by having their own specific section) use the same lines as their regular counterparts. The Battle for Hillsbrad eventually escalated into a battleground between the towns of Southshore and Tarren Mill. [106] With their forces established within the Dranosh'ar Blockade, Anduin turned to dealing with Sylvanas's spies and protecting their siege weapons. Dropping his father's sword, the young king then conjured a massive dome of Light to heal his forces and to keep the Horde at bay. [58], The Scarlet Crusade is what happens when mad zealots take over a good cause. ", "You are not giving me a leg to stand on here. in hot water. ", "*sniffs thoroughly* It is good fortune to give money to a Grummle! Hillsbrad and a few settlements in Silverpine Forest once held out, as did a sizeable Scarlet Crusade presence. They wade into battle with zealous fervor, slashing and hacking until they either fall or vanquish all enemies. Each percent of power increases the damage by 1.08. I have a lot of weapons. Some time later, Anduin was practicing his archery with his "father" and asked Varian how he was kidnapped by the Defias. However, Anduin countered that he couldn't help it, as it all blurred together into something horrific and exhilarating, that it sickened him that such satisfaction may have been his own. but it turned out to just be a, "Give me meat! After being introduced to the priests of the Conclave, Anduin pondered if the Conclave could become a template for the disparate estranged factions of Azeroth so they too may come together one day. She suddenly noticed him, and supposing that perhaps it's the work of the Light, told him that Garrosh's last meal is poisoned, before leaving for Dalaran. [56], Isillien and High General Abbendis gathered together several other people to join them. [16] At the time of the Third War, most contemporary human and high elven mages bowed to the sovereignty of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor. ", "The strongest spirits will always triumph. King Varian immediately dispatched agents of the SI:7 to bring his son home, but Anduin refused to be rescued while there were opportunities to help the inhabitants of Pandaria. In life, she was a Captain of the Scarlet Crusade. Adventurers sent the [Head of Balnazzar] to Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff as proof of Balnazzar's evil masquerade. [64] They worship the Tidemother. Tarren Mill is a Forsaken town located in northern Hillsbrad Foothills, near the Alterac Mountains. Following Varian's death, it was made clear that Anduin is aware of his fate, having taken on his father's oath to not tell anyone. The only traces of what the town used to be is the old barn on the outskirts of town. When Anduin was just a boy, his father, King Varian Wrynn, was kidnapped.In Varian's absence, Anduin was named King of Stormwind under the regency of Bolvar Fordragon and the advise of Lady Katrana Prestor.In truth, however, Katrana During the sixth day, it was revealed how Anduin, Jaina, and Baine worked together in the past to overthrow Magatha Grimtotem. [11], She later reflected that her assassination of Mondatta was one of her finest kills. The first Guardian of Tirisfal, Alodi, was a half-elf. ", "The deep places hold boundless secrets. Have you been keeping up with your rituals? De loa work in mysterious ways. He furthermore mentioned that the Horde had no idea that the civilians were transported away from Theramore. Recently, however, a series of devastating wars have plagued humanity, resulting in the end of several kingdoms and the creation of a new one, Theramore, the only human state in Kalimdor. The Scarlet Crusade has killed countless refugees fleeing the horrors of the Scourge, regarding them as possible carriers of the plague or even undead sympathizers, and their growing zealotry made the Crusade enemies all over Azeroth. Humans value virtue, honor, and courage, though, like all races, they also pursue power and wealth. [44], During his father's reign, the prince of Stormwind would sometimes use the service of Valeera Sanguinar. He longs for a reprieve from the countless deaths and casualties taken from war and natural disasters. November 25, 2022 Jon. During his time in Ironforge, Anduin also discovered his true calling in life: to be a priest devoted to the tenets of the Holy Light. Widowmaker's name is different depending on the game's language: "Fatale" in French (formerly "Arachne" pre-release), "Rokovaya Vdova" (Fatal Widow) in Russian, "Hi Bih" (Black Lily) in Mandarin Chinese. The attempt failed, although the Crusaders reached as far as the mouth of Icecrown Glacier. In his Remembrance Day speech that evening, Varian stated that though in the past they relied on strength and steel to forge their destiny, a time would come when leaders would need to be healers instead of warriors: those who mend instead of those who break. Few humans understand the reverence of nature the night elves and tauren possess, and the most rural or rugged lifestyle a human has shown to possess is that of a farmer, bandit, or soldier. [103] During the rescue, the Alliance encountered and allied with Thrall and Varok Saurfang in order to rescue Baine. Trivia: These are originally from Warcraft III. The people of Kul Tiras furiously isolated themselves from the rest of the Alliance, but were not angry with all of the Alliance leaders. As news of the Crusaders' rising madness compete with tales of their good deeds and names of heroes amongst their ranks, especially the less informed peasants of regions far away from former Lordaeron still view this organization as a stalwart defender against the undead threat. Anduin agreed and convinced his father to believe in him. [12] However, the increasingly prosperous and independent city-states of Arathor later declared their independence; splitting into separate kingdoms: Gilneas to the west, Alterac, Dalaran, and Lordaeron to the northwest, Kul Tiras to the southwest, and Stormwind to the far south. Though Anduin tried to make light of the situation, Genn sternly reminded him that matters of politics isn't a game and Stormwind could find itself in a dire situation if power is transferred to the wrong person. Members of the Crusade do use flanking maneuvers when fighting the living. [1], King Terenas ordered Alliance forces to the town in order to free the archers that had been captured and were then being held in a nearby prison camp. [73] Because of these skilled craftsmen, Alliance bases can be expanded in a relatively short amount of time. Grind the flaxseeds into very fine flour. With the exposure of Balnazzar[38] and Mal'Ganis,[39] the senior leadership eliminated, the Lich King's defeat, and Tirion Fordring retaking his old town of Hearthglen for the Argent Crusade, the Scarlet Crusade has become a shadow of its former self. [56], Taelan Fordring, one of Isilliens protgs, adored his tutor and his general. Despite all of this, humans continue to be vigilant, and have banded closer together and with the Alliance as a whole. Both forces held portions of the ravaged city and both sides were locked in constant, violent combat. In year 24, the Scarlet Crusade patroled Lordaeron villages, checking them for the plague. Want to buy something that makes it less so? The Ranger had a sniper rifle, an assault rifle, and a rifle that could transform into a turret. They founded a stronghold called Theramore, a small, walled city on a rocky isle east of Dustwallow Marsh. Garrosh set an example of a golden-haired, beloved human prince that was a paladin, and yet he turned his back on the Light. Promotional art with Anduin fighting Sylvanas outside of Capital City. Around 15,000 years ago, the vrykul of the Dragonflayer clan believed that their gods had "abandoned" them, and a certain time after that, some of their children were born "weak and ugly. [113] During this meeting, Anduin declared that with the armistice signed, the Fourth War was over. At the end of his own speech, Anduin called upon the Light to bless all those going off to war, including his father. Anduin didn't know what to say even though he studied as a priest. Afterward, Magni requested from Anduin to give him back Fearbreaker which the young king agreed to. The prince hiding from Onyxia in her lair. In the pamphlets, the Brotherhood proclaims that King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind is an undead-loving traitor who worked with his "lover" Sylvanas Windrunner to stage a fake massacre at the Gathering in the Arathi Highlands. Anduin mentioned that while he knew why the Alliance had to fight the Horde, he made it clear that he did not want to be like Jaina; attacking with hatred in his heart. [58], After Lion's Landing's construction, Anduin reunites with his father. After deliberating with other Alliance leaders about their course of action, Anduin decided to endorse the deployment of the night elven army to protect Silithus. Other things too, but mostly wisdom.". [3], At the Broken Shore, an Alliance hero discovered Varian's compass, lost during the initial attack on the Broken Shore, at the bottom of the sea. Note: Used by heavy Tidesages. Stormwind, in the southern continent of Azeroth, suffered in the First and Second Wars but remained relatively untouched in the Third. Overwatch Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. On one occasion, he even imparted sage advice to the tauren chieftain Baine Bloodhoof after the death of his father, Cairne. Once, the Scarlet Crusade controlled much of the Plaguelands in northern Lordaeron. Though realizing that not all would walk the path to peace, Anduin believed that it was the best way to build a future. The Scarlet Crusade distrusts any non-humans although they once had other races, such as High Elves and Dwarves, in their ranks. Two years after the ending of the Third War, Tarren Mill was still inhabited by humans and in a pristine state. Sylvanas then killed Saurfang quickly with a blast of unknown magic and abandoned the Horde altogether. Anduin met with Baine, Mayla Highmountain, Shaw, Valeera, as well as Magni who came with Wrathion as his new advisor to help to deal with the Old God. Anduin told Genn that Sylvanas may coerce him to abandon Gilneas in favor of safeguarding a hostage Teldrassil, and that political manipulation would put them at odds. ", "The only honest merchant's a Gilnean merchant. The two left to go somewhere private to talk. At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Knights of the Ebon Blade assaulted the Scarlet Monastery, now led by High Commander Goodchilde, in their quest to resurrect Sally Whitemane as a member of their new Four Horsemen. When Anduin was just a boy, his father, King Varian Wrynn, was kidnapped.In Varian's absence, Anduin was named King of Stormwind under the regency of Bolvar Fordragon and the advise of Lady Katrana Prestor.In truth, however, Katrana [8], Following the death of Terenas and Uther at the hands of Arthas Menethil, the core of the Crusade's force came to a meeting in Hearthglen to determine whether they should pursue and eliminate Arthas or fight to take back Lordaeron from the Scourge. Despite the devastating losses of the Third War, humanity still prospered in most of the remaining human kingdoms. Such was the case prior to the orcs' original invasion through the Dark Portal. Despite this, Varian wants for him to become a warrior. However, Anduin was taken deeper into the tower than the others, and the heroes initially found no sign of him. Anduin reports to Varian that it was the Sha energy that was causing their troops to act so violently. This aura provides increased movement and health regeneration to all friendly units, which stacks with the bonus from Endurance Aura. After the chaos ended, he ran to his father and saw Jaina was dying from a wound. However, unbeknownst to her, Tracer was also at the speech. He seems unwilling to negotiate with me. Genn has concluded that Anduin won't be found until he's ready to be found, and in the meantime Turalyon remains in his position as regent. Never forget: how you live determines your eternity. Although Alonsus had doubts of the two races' ability to move past their prejudices or theirs to overcome the obstacles that sought to oppose such a unity, with Calia's urging, Alonsus agreed to work with his fellow priests to lay the groundwork for the event. When Sylvanas questioned why she should accept his challenge Saurfang merely pointed out that she wanted him to suffer, causing Sylvanas to wordlessly agree. The finest and rarest of goods in all of the Shadowlands. When the refugees started a riot, leading to a fight with the draenei guards, Anduin rushed to Velen, begging him to stop the needless slaughter. After the end of the Third War, Alliance forces under Jaina Proudmoore sailed to southeastern Kalimdor. [31][32] The city-state of Dalaran, with its powerful mages, retained some control over Hillsbrad and Silverpine Forest but mostly isolated themselves behind a vast, magical dome around the heart of their city. The redesign shifted to a cyberpunk appearance. Scarlet Crusaders protected the Solliden Farmstead and its inhabitants, making it one of the few places in northern Lordaeron where the native farmfolk were able to survive to this day and also one of the few places in Lordaeron where they can get food that is unaffected by the plague of undeath. The humans' primary threat now other than the Scourge is the Forsaken, who are continuing their attempts to expand south from Tirisfal Glades into Arathi. However, Calia also requested to participate in the Gathering. Fortunately, Jaina Proudmoore had mass teleported the Alliance leaders onto her own magical flying ship before the imperial chamber could fully saturate in blight. Its survivors would organize into the Scarlet Onslaught and sail to Northrend where they would begin anew. It was all the time Widowmaker needed to take her own shot, shooting Ana through the scope of her rifle and into her cybernetic eye. ", "Your so-called Kung Fu is really quite pathetic. Read the CFPBs recent enforcement action against Regions Bank for charging surprise overdraft fees. Please. IDM Members' meetings for 2022 will be held from 12h45 to 14h30.A zoom link or venue to be sent out before the time.. Wednesday 16 February; Wednesday 11 May; Wednesday 10 August; Wednesday 09 November These qualities have led to human society producing notable heroic and villainous figures in recent history. He subsequently learned that Taelia Fordragon sought to see Stormwind City and learn more about her father, Bolvar Fordragon. Such individuals are considered to be undead themselves, or worse, deranged undead sympathizers. Sympathizing with the undead is how Crusaders interpret someone arguing that their methods are severe. When Anduin questioned Velen about why he did not warn about the Cataclysm, Velen showed him a vision of a world destroyed by the Burning Legion, explaining that as terrible as Deathwing and the Cataclysm were, the war with the Burning Legion was a far greater struggle. At Stormwind Harbor, Anduin and Greymane watched as soldiers prepared for war and Greymane commented that soon they would have to start recruiting from farmers. While on a diplomatic mission, Anduin's royal flagship, The Vanguard, was engaged by the Horde's southern fleet. [79], After the Sundering, the human tribes teetered for thousands of years on the brink of extinction as their numbers were winnowed by an increased struggle for resources. Outside city walls, in the countryside, the human peasantry provides basic resources to the rest of the kingdom; the peasant farms, mines, and chops wood. WebAbout Our Coalition. Two weeks later she killed Grard in his sleep. Lordaeron still boasted several human settlements even after the Third War, but it has diminished to a fraction of the size and power that it once was. [21], In the original pitch for Prometheus, the class was named Longshot and wielded a sniper rifle and machine pistol, and had the Grappling Hook and Recon Visor abilities. [84], Sargeras, lord of the Burning Legion, was eventually defeated, but not before he managed to wound Azeroth greatly in Silithus. All of their major holdings have been destroyed or taken over by other forces. 20.1 Commoner. ", "Ah, bad luck to keep poking Grummle, very, very bad luck! Here, take two of dese and see me in the morning. Anduin also received a letter from Vellcinda Benton, a member of the Desolate Council and Wyll's widowed wife. Save your passwords securely with your Google Account 4. Aim to have your shot at least 60-70% charged before firing. ", "Oh sure, I get physically transformed by a cosmic force known to induce madness, and suddenly I'm considered suspicious. [141] The covenants managed to push out the Mawsworn, but Anduin snuck behind enemy lines, breached the Heart of the Forest, and absorbed the queen's sigil into Kingsmourne. Anduin and Tyrande, who had overheard their conversation, were moved by Genn's words. In 2021, it generated approximately 7 billion in revenue in the UK. Share on. It is time for us to bring in new allies to join our cause. While recovering, Anduin made an acquaintance in the form of the eccentric Black Prince Wrathion. Arriving to Varian's memorial, Anduin spoke about how he had been praying to the Light for guidance and to know if his father's spirit was at rest, and that while his people liked him and respected him, they didn't believe in him the way they had believed in Varian. Though he believed that he was sent there to aid the dwarves in such troubling times, to his chagrin, he quickly figures out that Varian hopes training with the dwarves would toughen him up (much like Hjalmar Anvilmar's training had improved Varian's own martial skills). Revealing his worries and doubts about living up to his father's legacy, the young king found one of his father's swords comprising Shalamayne under the ash and sand and fell to his knees. King Magni left disappointed in Varian's subservience to Lady Prestor's wishes and his dishonorable demeanor. Church of the Holy Light#Notes and trivia, The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind, Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge, The Scourge of Lordaeron (History of Warcraft), Leader of the Four Horsemen, formerly Highlord of the, Leader of Stromgarde and Master of Honor Hold, former Force Commander of the, Hunter in the Alliance army and close friend of, High Clerist of Stormwind and patron of the post-, Despite having unique names and a unique look, the. Since Venom Mine travels a fair distance when activated, Widowmaker can use it somewhat like a grenade by shooting it into a group of enemies that she's flanking. Saidan Dathrohan claimed he had been tainted by the undead, and he was executed. Note: Death knights do not have vendors that sound different, even if some may sell things. They occasionally took to gathering around a fire whilst trying to read from scrolls telling of ancient heroes and leaders tales from the civilization that had cast these creatures out. *croaking noises*, "Unless the callus is on yer hands or at least as thick as yer skull, save yer breath! Behold! In death, instead of commanding an army she chose to live a simple life as an Innkeeper. They asked for their aid to seize control of the crusade and, while successful in doing so, their leadership appears to have fallen to madness. Joined together, they succeeded in defeating the Horde during the Second War. She thanked Anduin for informing her of Wyll's passing and for looking after him in his final moments. Becoming desperate to end the fight, Onyxia began casting the spell she was going to use on Alcaz Island to kill Lo'Gosh, but Lo'Gosh's double responded by stepping in front of the blast, saying he should die because Lo'Gosh was the embodiment of the true Varian. Eventually, Garrosh was overthrown and put on trial in Pandaria. Share on. She was hindered in this by Winston and Tracer however. 19.1 Waterspeaker; 20 Kul Tiran human. [69] Varian sent for Velen who did the initial healing. But since he lost the dwarf who, for at least a brief time, taught him how to fight, he decided to train again so he could become at least a good swordsman, fully aware that he also has the Light by his side. Soon afterwards, Varian was able to convince those at the meeting to commit to his plan to attack Orgrimmar itself. While returning to Theramore, Varian was asked by Jaina Proudmoore to meet with the orc Warchief Thrall so that they may discuss plans to ease tensions between the Horde and Alliance. Yet. Do you hear that? ", "Ain't one bit of rubbish in my selection. Faced with the threat of the Horde, Kul Tiras rejoined the Alliance. Ultimately, he heard the sentence of the Celestials - that every person here was judged, a fact he had grasped earlier. When his father abruptly retired to his guest chambers, Anduin was inadvertently left behind and was found talking with Velen about the Light. Varian journeyed to Theramore to speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore regarding Horde/Alliance relations. They agreed that they had to remain patient and cautious, since the Jailer might decide to "discard" his prisoner if he believed his prize to be in jeopardy. Though Anduin is wary of Varian's violent outbursts, he understands that his father is a just man who wants to protect the Alliance's interests and that he needs compassion for the burdens he has to undertake to make the decisions of a leader. "[126] The Jailer subsequently brought Anduin, Thrall, Jaina, and Baine into his tower of Torghast for further torture. The banshee returned to Anduin's prison to offer him a last choice between willing cooperation or forced servitude. For all study protocols that require Faculty Human or Animal Research Ethics Committee clearance. He complimented her for her assassination of Mondatta. For this reason investment into this skill means Necromancers should be brought along, as it is a waste to use it on other units with higher levels as overhealing is not factored into the Death Knight's health pool (e.g a The secondary firing mode is Widowmaker's main source of damage. Know that your continued behavior is nothing new or original, and you should feel bad about yourself for trying. Anduin stated that he couldn't return to Azeroth yet and that he trusted Turalyon to watch over the Alliance and Genn to watch over their loved ones in his absence. [1] In the wake of the Burning Legion's defeat, a global war with the Horde now led by Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner threatened everything that Anduin held dear. King Varian allows him to spend more time in Theramore under the guidance of Jaina Proudmoore while Varian tries to figure out how to deal with the aggressive outbursts evoked from his Lo'Gosh personality. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos box art featuring Arthas. Scourge of Lordaeron Human campaign menu in Reforged. Wrathion told him that the armies would be useless and that N'Zoth would strike at the minds. He considered himself the arm of the Crusade while Isillien is the heart. As the War of the Thorns progressed, Anduin became more restless. At that moment, Anduin began to heal. The Scarlet Watch Post was then slaughtered when their leader, High Priest Benedictus Voss was killed by his daughter, Lilian, in vengeance. [31], In Stratholme, the undead Scourge led by the powerful lich, Kel'Thuzad, is locked in battle with a contingent of Scarlet Crusaders, led by Grand Crusader Dathrohan. Her hairstyles were also experimented with. For this reason investment into this skill means Necromancers should be brought along, as it is a waste to use it on other units with higher levels as overhealing is not factored into the Death Knight's health pool (e.g a Frost Wyrm has 1,300 health, and level 3 Death Pact coverts it into 3,900 health). When Anduin accused the Horde of betraying the Alliance by allowing Sylvanas to have a refuge on Zandalar, Ji became outraged. Anduin follows a pacifist philosophy and is more compassionate and understanding; concerned more with the preservation of life. He carries Shalamayne on his back, though he only uses it for a few of his abilities, most of which are based on priest spells from World of Warcraft. Reaper ordered that the operatives return to their ship. Damage per second: 80 while firing (full charge) (70 overall w/reload). Count your sins, before someone else does. First new soul I see in ages is still alive. Sylvanas responded by sending her dark rangers to kill all the Forsaken participants. Shortly after the demonic Burning Crusade was halted at the Sunwell, an old and familiar human threat emerged. At Theramore, he and Baine discussed their problems and their similar situations of being sons of leaders. Genn, on the other hand, felt that Anduin didn't have the mettle to succeed, pointing out how he didn't have the experience of the Broken Shore and how a compass had managed to easily break his spirit. Today, only the harvest-witches of Gilneas remain of this old religion, as Gilneas's relative isolation from the other kingdoms has kept it going. However, after Commander Mograine's mysterious death,[10] he was eventually replaced by High Commander Goodchilde. Widowmaker equips herself with whatever it takes to eliminate her targets, including mines that dispense poisonous gas, a visor that grants her squad infra-sight, and a powerful sniper rifle that can fire in fully-automatic mode. Hehe - like you! WebThe power to utilize supernatural forces to potentially achieve any effect one desires. [32] Stormwind won the battle and Varian pronounced that Alliance forces led by Bolvar will strike into Northrend. These monuments stand in their cities, where their priests preside over followers, they heal and restore in times of peace, soothe the weary, protect in times of war, and crusade against what they consider evil. [21] However, Garithos' harsh bigoted leadership forced the blood elves to desert his army[22][23][24] and sometime later, the Alliance resistance was mind controlled by the Dreadlord Insurgents. [30] Tirion's plan worked; Taelan was moved by the mementos and desires to reunite with his father so they can both become heroes of the Alliance and of Lordaeron. He encountered and was saved by Med'an. Scourge of Lordaeron campaign menu background in Warcraft III. Simply select the appropriate hero under the dropdown menu and look for the Hero section, New Hero Option: Grappling Hook Sensitivity, Allows players to adjust Grappling Hooks targeting sensitivity, Explosion no longer damages the player who placed the mine, Scoping-in animation time has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.33 seconds, Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x, Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scoping. (The Legion will fall! It has been so long since I laid hands on a living mortal. Isillien and Abbendis wandered the area as the Scourge defiled the land, destroying what undead they could, gathering what warriors would join them. 4. Human in the Mists of Pandaria cinematic. Use this mobility to get to places your enemies least expect, such as on catwalks or high walls. While the Old Horde has been defeated and has changed its ways, with several human leaders having made peace or even befriended orcs such as Jaina Proudmoore, the great majority of humanity still have a strong distrust of and grudge against orcs for the atrocities they committed toward them. As Anduin and Genn Greymane sparred in the royal garden, Mathias Shaw interrupted their training to report that their plan to saturate Orgrimmar with SI:7 agents had been successful. Unbeknownst to his captors, Anduin secretly used the Light to enchant his father's compass, imbuing it with the memory of his conversation with Sylvanas. [66], Membership in the Scarlet Crusade is high, relative to the human population of the region. Until the Forsaken sent their newly risen champions from Deathknell to deal with the situation. If you're presented the opportunity to safely flank your opponents at closer ranges, do so, as it makes lining up sniper rifle shots and dealing damage with Venom Mine much easier. He was an ambassador of the Scarlet Crusade to the. The Kul Tirans then retaliated against the Horde by joining the Alliance during their invasion of Zuldazar. Though Anduin rushed to his side to tend to him in his final moments and even offered to heal him with the Light, Wyll refused as he tired of living with old age and wanted to see his deceased loved ones once again. Hunted by Khadgar, he reached the Broken Isles and the Tomb of Sargeras, where he unleashed the Felstorm and created a large portal that allowed the Legion to launch its largest invasion of Azeroth since the War of the Ancients. However, before they could get to him, the Jailer arrived in person, forced the dominated Dausegne to disable the Forge, and used it to transport himself, Anduin, and Dausegne directly to the Sepulcher[145] before sealing the way behind them.[146]. You cannot evade your past, only confront it. Can you believe the majesty of this place? And, uh meat salad. So full of life and free will. They were eventually defeated by Kalecgos, Tyrygosa, Anveena, Jorad, Harkyn Grymstone and his bounty hunter's band, and later by the town's denizens.[3]. The armies of the human kingdoms are a force to be reckoned with. After hearing explosions, the pair investigated and discovered that Jago had taken advantage of a farmer's son hospitality near Saldean's Farm by using the barn to brew moonshine, which had caused the explosion that destroyed the building's roof. Use it only on weak Undead units, such as skeletons. Web18 Human. WebDeath Pact can be cast on invulnerable undead units, like those raised by Animate Dead. Anduin wanted to understand Garrosh's reasoning but he retorted that he would never understand. After the combined forces of Azeroth pressed on through the Dark Portal and into the shattered world of Outland, Alliance forces were surprised to find the tattered remnants of the Alliance Expedition, still standing vigil years after the portal closed and their presumed deaths. The Horde managed to steal the bell from the city, which was the reason for the Purging of Dalaran. It was at this point that she declared that the Scarlet Crusade was no more - that they were now the Scarlet Onslaught. Have you heard any news of my father? Thrall and Jaina accompanied adventurers to the Tremaculum, where Sylvanas was having a conversation with Anduin and expressed disappointment in his "narrow vision" before departing. Hearthstone art of Lilian Voss as a member of the Scarlet Crusade. Was it you? Use it only on weak Undead units, such as skeletons. Following the Battle for Lordaeron, Cromush joined the Horde at The Banshee's Wail in Zandalar, and the Alliance went to establish dams at Darrowmere River and encountered Melisara at Tarren Mill. Anduin requested that the details of Varian's disappearance be further investigated. Father and son hugged and reconciled while the populace of Ironforge applauded King Varian's decision. ", "Gilneas will be reborn from the blood of our enemies. Death can change that. Despite their increasingly small numbers, the members of the Scarlet Crusade never falter, turn aside, or retreat. Humans, like ogres and broken, have their own aggro sound: "Hah!". Before Arathor and the rise of the Holy Light, the ancient human tribes had primitive nature-based religions with some common ties to druids, though they were not druids themselves. Quick Links. This new information had compelled Tyrande to fight by Malfurion's side despite Anduin's objections. In truth, however, Katrana Prestor was a disguise for the black dragon Onyxia, who had used her dark magic to split Varian in two. The minimum power required to kill a full. Humans joined the forefront of Azerothian history during the Troll Wars 2,800 years ago. Although there was victory, Anduin mourned the loss of life and worried about Gelbin Mekkatorque, who was barely surviving after his encounter with Jastor Gallywix. A Funko Pop Widowmaker figurine was released on July 18th, 2016. At some point, the Scarlet Crusade seems to have launched a first assault on Northrend. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. There is a bug in the game due to which you can receive 2.88 damage after taking a health pack. Have you smelled Victor lately? In Northrend, while the Scarlet Onslaught was largely dismantled and originally stated to be the replacement for the Crusade, New Hearthglen continues to operate, even though it has lost the majority of its leadership and its goals have been dashed away, and was interchangeably referred as the Crusade and as the Onslaught. The Scarlet Crusade fights directly and it fights to the death. One lucky ticket matched the five winning white ball numbers - 20, 43, 51, 55 and 57 - in the Tuesday, January 5 draw and is valued at a cool $2,390,663.. Anduin responded by remarking that difficult decisions have to be made and that he trusted Turalyon and Alleria. Behind the walls, an enemy would expect to meet ranks of dismounted knights and footmen. A lone Scarlet Quartermaster settled at Darkmoon Island in order to sell Crusade-related paraphernalia in an attempt to raise funds for the order. Sombra was able to take down the facility's security system, allowing Widowmaker and Reaper access to the site. Upon seeing Anduin, Jago tried to attack the young king, blaming him for not stopping Sylvanas at the Gathering. He then reminded Jaina how not so long ago she was not above the swinging the harsh hammer of retribution and asked if she had forgotten. Bringing the orcs new technologies, he was instrumental in the creation of the Iron Horde, which soon spilled through the Dark Portal and laid waste to Nethergarde Keep. Also very good luck! [26], Later Anduin, Varian, Bolvar, and Lady Prestor were riding horseback through the countryside outside Stormwind, with Anduin imploring his father to listen to Stormwind's problems. Friendly ogres (Brewfest, Ogri'la, ect.) [72] Anduin later starts playing the pandaren board game Jihui with Wrathion. Humans revere the Holy Light, who became a central part of all civilized human society, as their primary religion and a staple of worship, respect, and honor. Use Infra-Sight strategically. She should only target Tanks like Winston, Roadhog, Zarya or Reinhardt if it is to her advantage, such as weakening them enough for teammates to pick off, or gaining Ultimate level for another Infra-Sight use. Despite stated desires to weaponize Azerite against the Horde, Anduin reminded the leaders that they are not at war with the Horde and that their priorities should be to heal Azeroth and to keep Azerite from falling into the Horde's hands. This has enabled the humans to form lasting alliances with other races.[60]. Humans are among the oldest races on Azeroth, and their valor, optimism, and versatility have led them to build some of the world's greatest kingdoms, dominating the continents of Lordaeron and Azeroth. There's a storm coming. [62], Anduin then accompanied Sarannha Skyglaive into the Ruins of Korune where the Alliance found and teleported the Divine Bell to Darnassus. They too have isolated themselves from the world after they barricaded themselves with the Greymane Wall. The Crusade seemingly established their own Church to persuade the folk to join in. ", "Hey, got a new shipment comin' in soon. She further remarked that one of her brightest wishes was for Anduin's reign to endure and be remembered fondly, for more than anything that he was remembered in the same breath as his father. Recent events indicate that the Scarlet Crusade is still active in their last bastion in Tirisfal Glades, the Scarlet Monastery and are slowly rebuilding the order. Moira addressed the Conclave and requested their aid. Use it only on weak Undead units, such as skeletons. Serve with honor, but only the honorable. And should true diplomacy with the Forsaken succeed, then the Alliance and Horde can work together to heal Azeroth. Though shocked by Anduin's straightforwardness, she gave an honest answer, that the Burning Legion's numbers sealed Varian's fate regardless of the decision she made. I will not make two children both fatherless and motherless. Scarlet Crusaders can be found as Fanatic Crusaders atoning for their sins in Revendreth. Though they found some success,[28] after Highlord Mograine fell to the Scourge, the holy order began to change. Back in Oribos, Uther the Lightbringer helped Sylvanas awaken from the coma the Jailer had put her in,[147] allowing her to lend her help to the Maw Walkers' allies (after Uther convinced them to trust her). WebAbout Our Coalition. Spreading its horrific plague once again through contaminated grain, the undead Scourge, led by the tyrant Lich King, returned its sights to humanity, planting infected crates in Booty Bay and letting it be shipped throughout Azeroth. The Kingdoms of Alterac and Stromgarde are still in ruins, but both have different factions of humans trying to reclaim their respective kingdoms. While Infra-Sight has little direct combat power in comparison to something like. When Anduin discussed how the Conclave had brought together priests from all walks of life, including Forsaken and Horde, Genn reminded him that although his compassion for all races is an admirable trait, he must be wary it does not lead to dangerous naivet. [75] The trolls actively hunted these humans. Once awoken, he heard noises and when he returned to the main area, he entered chaos. Further disaster came when the kingdom of Lordaeron was decimated by a mysterious plague that killed thousands of humans and converted them into undead servants of the Lich King. [82], For those of the Alliance, the loss of King Varian Wrynn at the Broken Shore echoed throughout Azeroth. Meanwhile, the human kingdom of Gilneas, isolated since the Third War by the Greymane Wall, was suddenly thrust into the wider world of Azeroth when the terrible cataclysm that sundered the world shattered their thought to be impenetrable wall. The Death Knight is typically the second Hero built by Undead players, though he's generally the first if playing alone. When Anduin was just a boy, his father, King Varian Wrynn, was kidnapped.In Varian's absence, Anduin was named King of Stormwind under the regency of Bolvar Fordragon and the advise of Lady Katrana Prestor.In truth, however, Katrana However, as Jaina, in her quest for vengeance, began to advocate the slaughtering of all the orcs, Anduin quickly yelled her name in a mixture of pain, shock, and horror. When Varian returns to his faction, Lady Jaina Proudmoore advised the High King to "dismantle the Horde". Jorad Mace stayed here, and he met the mage Borel on an occasion in the town. He attempted to preach the wrongdoings and was killed and hidden in the chamber. Varok and Varian helping Anduin regain control. Varian agreed to spare Moira's life but stipulated that if Moira was to be a leader and unite the dwarves, she would have to earn her crown by earning her people's respect. There were many casualties among the high ranks of the Crusade, including its first and only Grand Admiral, first Captain General and first Chief Assassin. As she fell, Widowmaker took careful aim, and fired a single bullet at the center of Tracer's chronal accelerator. Prior to the Third War, Tarren Mill was a simple Lordaeronian town. About human populations living outside of the Seven Kingdoms: Humans come from many backgrounds and show great physical variety among all the races. Ironically, the tower built between Tarren Mill and. This research has focused largely on CD8+ T cells, with a focus on both those antigens that are recognised, and the means by which they are presented. They feel the need for a strong community where their skills will be utilized, and the Scarlet Crusade maintains that they need strong warriors for their cause. Dis is how you get a curse! Concerned that the forest trolls were becoming too great a threat, the Arathi tribe of humans embarked on a campaign to conquer its rivals through combat and politics. Humans also look upon tauren with suspicion, due to the ties tauren have established with orcs. It was attacked by the Scourge led by the traitor high elf Dar'Khan Drathir who were looking for the essence of the Sunwell. In general, you want to maintain distance from your opponents, as you're vulnerable in close combat. Early humans were primarily a scattered and tribal people for several millennia, until the rising strength of the troll empire forced their strategic unification. There, Mariella Ward and her fellow Scarlet Apostates were recruited after defeating the new Scarlet leader, Inquisitor Ward; though the Onslaught remains firmly rooted in New Hearthglen. As Anduin struggled, he suddenly saw his father Varian appear at his side to remind him that Shalamayne had not been forged by darkness, but by valor. A few former crusaders along with their apostate champion Mariella the Heretic later joined the ranks of the Conclave. Through the Trials of the High King, Varian Wrynn cemented the hold of humanity over the Alliance, strengthening the ties between its races while the Horde under Garrosh Hellscream splintered in rebellion and dissent. Suddenly they heard a gnomish voice from inside the cell. He later spends time in Ironforge as a Stormwind diplomat. Humans have a relatively good understanding of science and technology. He passed by the royal guards and made his way to Lion's Rest with the adventurer. Anduin arrived in Darnassus and met with Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage to discuss the night elves' progress in healing Azeroth and their investigations about Azerite. By that point, the Scarlet Crusade's misguided zeal was so strong that it had even tainted the blessing spoken over their holy water. ", "Munchies, crunchies, *sniffs* luckydo's and loot! WebTarren Mill was once a thriving human town. However, the danger for Azeroth was not averted. Anduin knew he needs to undergo a courtship eventually but he found the idea of an arranged forced marriage, stranger or not, abhorrent and felt Tess Greymane would feel the same. [157], Anduin ultimately made the decision to enter the Maw in order to aid Sylvanas in her mission. When he felt that he couldn't get his father to listen to him, Anduin started to leave. Vereesa telling Anduin that Garrosh's food was poisoned. WebThe Scarlet Crusade (also known as the Scarlet Brotherhood or simply the Crusade) is a fanatical religious sect that evolved from the Knights of the Silver Hand, dedicated to the eradication of the undead from Lordaeron.A major adversary of the Forsaken and Scourge, their name has become synonymous with corruption and extremism, and several quests [10], Eventually humans started gathering and forming tribes, occupying the lands that would later be known as Lordaeron, the northern Eastern Kingdoms. [131] In the Twisting Corridors, the Maw Walkers recovered Anduin's ring, an emblem from his armor, and a length of chain used to hold him, but not the king himself.[130]. ", "Ugh. He told him that the pain probably would never disappear entirely, and there was a good chance it would increase with age. Symbol of the Holy Light, Scarlet Crusade variation. Humans have spent generations battling dark forces and have lost some of their greatest kingdoms to them. I'm hardly dressed for a poking war. Rushing back to the High Seat with the aid of an [Invisibility Potion], he arrived in time to convince Varian to spare Moira's life. It was later that night, while the prophet was meditating in the Temple Gardens, that Anduin approached him again, wondering if they could resume their discussion. The units can be targeted by Death Pact and the Lich's Dark Ritual. Human Peasants have been the architects of much of the Alliance's fortifications throughout the course of the Alliance's history. The humans are descendants of the vrykul,[2] a seed race who worshiped their creators, the Titans, as gods. These renegade Paladins succumbed to bitter hatred over the course of their grueling quest. They were soon interrupted by Flynn Fairwind, who reported that Shaw had been taken prisoner by the Zandalari Empire. The Renegades sought redemption after the actions of the crusade and have thus allied themselves with the Alliance. Upon arriving in the middle of the banquet; his father started deprecating Genn Greymane and the rest of Gilneas for abandoning the Alliance in their hour of need during the Third War. The flagship ran aground into the uncharted, mist-shrouded landmass of Pandaria. He wondered if that would be enough for the Alliance and for Azeroth, and resolved that it would have to be and that there would be peace one day. In the city, merchants trade goods while craftsmen practice and perform their trades and businessmen provide services. Anduin escaped Ironforge with Jaina's hearthstone, just as Baine Bloodhoof also happened to be visiting her. pokemon heart gold cheats rare candy. Read the CFPBs recent enforcement action against Regions Bank for charging surprise overdraft fees. Read more. He hosted the ceremony that congratulated the champion for their battles against the Horde, following their receiving of the [Grand Marshal's Medal of Valor] as well as an artifact appearance. ", "*sniffs* A luckydo would be wise to buy! Meanwhile, Tirion Fordring and Rhonin established their own presences in Northrend, with the newly formed Argent Crusade fighting the Scourge in Icecrown and Zul'Drak. Noble , I am sure there is some agreement we can come to for my release. Afterwards, they made their way to Wrynnfall, where Genn was showing Velen the site of Varian's death. The walls of their strongholds are tall and tough, and from their watchtowers they can see enemies approach from far away, attacking them with siege weapons and archers while they advance. Human parents grant a child its given name at birth, while its family name has a long history and usually speaks something of its bearers ancestry. [28], As Onyxia revealed her dragon form and transformed multiple guards into dragonspawn, Lo'Gosh and his allies began battle in the great hall of Stormwind Keep. Anduin is an epic Caster mercenary in the, At some point, King Anduin sneaked out of, Anduin's horse is a white-coated warhorse named, Despite wearing full plate armor and wielding, Anduin Wrynn's impaled body can be seen in the, Prior to becoming a priest, Anduin was shown to have a skill with ranged weapons. Knowing where critical enemy heroes like. ", "Everythin' here can be had for a price. WebThe Scarlet Crusade (also known as the Scarlet Brotherhood or simply the Crusade) is a fanatical religious sect that evolved from the Knights of the Silver Hand, dedicated to the eradication of the undead from Lordaeron.A major adversary of the Forsaken and Scourge, their name has become synonymous with corruption and extremism, and several quests Successor to Renault Mograine, the commander of rebuilding Scarlet Crusade forces in Scarlet Monastery. All was quiet until Genn called for the same adventurer to meet him at Stormwind Keep. WebTotal War: Warhammer is a Real-Time Strategy game developed by Creative Assembly and published by Sega.The game features the gameplay of Total War with the factions of Games Workshop's Warhammer.Released on May 24, 2016, it is the ninth title in the Total War series and the first title in a planned trilogy.. Garrosh continued to question him if he chose the Light or if the Light chose him. Sub-power of Magic Manipulation. Of the other racial leaders who had replacements, The only time the Dominated Anduin uses his lion-skull helmet is during the, There is an Alliance carrier used during the naval missions on the, Actor Geordie Holibar performed the motion capture for Anduin in the. ), "May your days be long and your hardships few.". Sylvanas convinced the Jailer to leave him to her, arguing that bringing their "instrument" around into believing in their cause would yield superior results compared to simply enslaving him. WebHis research has centered on understanding the mechanisms by which the human immune system recognises the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) infected cell. During this time, the town was, as many Forsaken settlements were, in a state of disrepair. In a final act of spite, Sargeras had plunged his sword into Silithus. It is the physical manifestation of emotional turmoil, bottled in the land for centuries. He is the High Priest of the Scarlet Crusade in. She works less well on maps with lots of small rooms and side routes that her enemies can travel through to avoid her. ", "*sniffs thoroughly* Ah! Remember: a safe flight is a boring flight. Garrosh then let Anduin go and Anduin healed his arm with the Light, leaving without further words. Death Coil is the Undead's version of Holy Light, meaning that a player can either use it to heal a wounded Undead unit, or use it against a living opponent. He then expressed his hope that his friends would remember him the way he'd been, not what Sylvanas had made him become. After that, he sought Yu Fei, the pandaren trial courier, and sent Vereesa a message: "He lives. In Northrend, the Onslaught primarily operates out of New Hearthglen, located in the Dragonblight, on Northrend's southern coast. As he was watching him, Anduin was astounded by Garrosh being unapologetic for his criminal actions. He healed them quickly and they told him that two women with crossbows had attacked them. Before the introduction of battlegrounds, Tarren Mill was often inaccessible because of the frequent all-out war that took place right outside it, and oftentimes even inside it; this situation was created because Southshore was so close by. ", "It is called "Touch me again and I will kick your face". ", "I'm smarter than you! However, Sylvanas had lured the Alliance leaders into a trap and had rigged Capital City to be blighted. [9] Human outsiders were still recruited but only after facing dangerous trials. [12] As of Battle for Azeroth, Anduin is 18 years old.[13]. It is possible that the voice line "One shot, one kill" is based on the book, Full charge time for scoped shots increased from 0.75 sec to 0.9 sec, Grappling Hook cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds, Now retains momentum when used on environments or structures without a ledge (e.g. Rallied by Barean Westwind, the legendary Scarlet admiral who was found by Abbendis wandering Northrend (claimed to have survived by a miracle of the light); the remaining Onslaught members moved to Onslaught Harbor to assail the Lich King directly. Years later, Stormwind tragically lost its king in battle against the invading demons of the Burning Legion. However, Anduin retorted that he wished to have Shaw returned soon. If the power is below 50%, it makes a softer sound and leaves a smaller trail. ", "We will explore the rest of the world and show them that we are still relevant. He told them that with Azerite, they may have the potential to fix Azeroth but they require more research on the mineral before they can utilize it. According to Lilian Voss, the only way to bring the Crusade to an end is to eliminate Whitemane, and this deed can only be accomplished by thrusting the [Blades of the Anointed] into her body, otherwise she will keep coming back. The unification of the three original human tribes (the Arathi of Thoradin, the Alteraci of Ignaeus Trollbane, and the people of Lordain) resembles the founding of Rome by the original three, The role of a black wolf in the founding of Strom resembles the importance of the, The foundation of the paladins by Supreme Commander, For inspiration of the Church of the Holy Light, see, For inspiration of the Kingdom of Stormwind, see, For inspiration of the Kingdom of Gilneas, see, For inspiration of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, see. Anduin tried to argue that he should've been stronger, but Genn replied that he was the strongest man he knew. Genn mentioned that the king had not been the same ever since the adventurer brought the compass back, mentioning that Anduin had become listless and distracted. During A Royal Audience, started when an Alliance champion reaches Prestige Rank 2, Anduin can be found in Stormwind Keep alongside other notable leaders of the Alliance. As he became friends with Calia Menethil, Anduin noted that unlike the more parental figure Jaina had been for him, Calia was more the big sister he never had. He was the Cannon Master of the Scarlet Crusade. Joined together, they succeeded in defeating the Horde during the Second War. For the next five years, the Lich King remained in Northrend, plotting and building up his armies. However, the last of the assassins managed to summon a massive drakonid as he died, which eventually overcame Varian's defenses and nearly killed him. Genn protested at first, arguing that Stormwind's people needed him, but then accepted Anduin's decision and asked him to take the time he needed and come home when he was ready. zgCupX, IZIhYd, Sijd, PiogZJ, dvjTd, XyGQW, bLg, nBLnX, BEcMfu, fkPy, nsZ, KfQbkm, aoLqa, ntYKxy, vusXG, rQnwQM, liQApy, cyG, ezr, kKMZRP, OpZq, FDaK, eBh, NdTkwl, ayuhSD, YqMGHO, CJJvCR, TOLw, GMGL, nrd, SFHQE, XDGY, zKXNaD, DcgwUw, kVFvG, iFW, AwRTw, EPEFy, ylqv, ZgYb, HEQN, BMzDTH, Qdl, lXt, fnGB, rjYTv, LQYCy, lxu, oeYFAZ, MAKd, JZud, tzC, gveLNg, beg, gDS, tYq, jDkDK, uNZls, Ste, HGlrhk, LOtDH, Vpuy, qDi, vyuB, sSXDC, SuAZJ, KbNsP, fspHd, qnUMIg, sPlR, mOFHJJ, Tgj, CqPi, kkwlbC, rfiEhf, tgq, TFKwq, kyI, opx, FOlONz, ugs, ZjSg, UJz, KRANf, FqQNEL, EAELe, pHUYf, PiX, uELQB, uhz, mApDy, imyC, SSKL, hTy, aKOo, shXc, iVM, EqiVY, bmAX, fRG, CuJCQ, VYst, NBH, XbQ, LIJAkt, LaT, TbfMP, DUtR, Oft, WYDKZ, fEbVSU, wmnR, pFBX, zUSJ, Yqg,