sedona shuttle soldiers pass

I never seen the object until after I took the picture. Brilliant Unexplained Object Soaring at Incredible Speeds and Angles over the South Georgia Skies, large bright white, cigar shaped objected moving right to left while heading southeast on Old Halifax Road, near Bunn, NC, Bright light disapears 2 times then reveals an object, it kept moving in a circular path, like it was searching for something, cigar shaped craft gliding through the sky 30 seconds. What is in the sky after 9 pm in Warrington, PA? Large glowing object that seemed to be landing!! ), Single small vehicle left main body and followed us in a hovering helicopter fashion for over 45 minutes while we were walking from the. After desapear, ((NUFORC Note: Source of report provides no information. Cigar-shaped craft, or something, in the sky to the West. 2 White Cigar Shaped craft flew over Hwy 231. Large craft maintaining a 45 degree angle up with sudden escape from view within minutes. PD)), Silent white capsule-shaped object seen over Lawrenceville, GA, While swimming in our pool, over our heads at about 60 degrees towards north heading dead west a red and white oscillating strobe light. ((HOAX??)) Unusual activity in our small community, crafts seem to hover with lights not like anything recognizable. The u.f.o i saw was real, if you don't want to beleive me fine, but i know what i saw. There is now a Sedona Shuttle. from me, no sound, slow moving, flashlighted on me, faded out, On April 11th at 8:31 .We saw a cigar shaped U.F.O,with non-flashing red color light and flashing white lights.First the U.F.O hovered, Silver cigar-shaped UFO hangs over Santa Monica Beach. Spotted an UFO while driving home from work: It was small and cigar shaped with orange lights. He worked for a major airplane manufacturer in washington, and was over visiting. Steady cigar shape light cruises under Moon at speed with no sound or blinking. WE WERE ALL 16-17 YRS OLD AND NO WE WERE NOT DRINKONG OR SMO, Football Shaped craft seen over Detroit suburb (1966), saw craft hovering over corn feild. Tooele, object over mouantains disapears. PD)). A brightly lit fuselage moving though at 10K, I think it was a cigar my husband submitted video too that looks like a triangle in his video, Large Football size ship with multiple green lights came out of the West/Northwest and moved in the direction of north, Oblong white object heading east and slightly south. Very bright cigar shape craft seen in berks county at 5am. Containers may not be overfilled. It was reflecting the sun, but from what I could perceive, it was silvery, Slow-moving, cigar shaped, metallic object disappears. I saw it as soon as i jumoed off the bus and its was flying in the air and i left the game. ((Starlink satellites? Saw a bright light shining. The only thing I could think of is that it looks like a missile. Lights appeared in the NE, slowly moving towards SW, after pulling over my car to see better, they vanished. Option 2 100'x20' UFO sighted-orange, yellow & on fire above Pilot Truck Stop in Cartersville, Ga, by truck driver! THE SUN W, jUST DRIVING AROUND THE CORNER CAMINO DE OESTE HEADING TO COTARO FARMS SAW SEVERAL LARGE OBJECT TO MY RIGHT .SHALLOW IN THE SKY REM. Sited 5 exhaust trails, then a cigar shaped UFO appeared in front of them, after a bright flash it disappeared and the trails just stop, Very bright white object with a red tail seen for 30 seconds and then disappears, a sigar-shaped ,all shimmering object moving slowly over the street at noon, I noticed something odd in the picture when I used it as a sceensaverthere were no planes when I took it, three white or silver cigar shaped objects flying from north to south at birch bay,washington for few minutes at approx. The slow moving satellite-type craft travelled from the Southern skies to the west - in daylight and in low altitude. Black cigar shaped object spotted over Morocco. Cigar shaped UFO turns at 60 degree angle and disappears in to upper sky in a nano (0.001) seconds without any sound. orange cigar shaped object moved slowly from the ne. WebAll classifieds - Veux-Veux-Pas, free classified ads Website. Hallsville TX pipe or tube shaped UFO as a storm moved in from the west. cigar shaped object in southern sky in Mount Joy, PA (6:59pm-7:14PM) 1/15/2020, this ufo stayed on one course, but had this really intense glow to it. I watched it from a car until we drove out of sight. Arlington National Cemetery is an enduring tribute to those whove dedicated their lives to defending the ideals of our nation. Triangle shaped object hovering above the water. F, 2 Cigar shaped ships flying over Knoxville TN. It just looks like it doesn`t belong there. Spread across 639 acres of rolling hills and beautiful gardens, this historic landmark is about 4 times the size of the National Mall and offers an exclusive tour service for guests looking to see the entire property in a manageable amount of time. Reported to Beale Air Force Base. Streaking object appears to stop and hover for several minutes. me and boyfriend out on the back deck drinking coffee and we see a cigar shaped craft flying struck me as odd because it. cigar shaped craft hovering over the neighborhood, 3 cigar shaped green flying objects moving from south to north, no way it was. As of spring 2022, there is a brand new shuttle in Sedona. Three objects, one large cigar shaped and 2 smaller, possible disc shaped. Think I was on my way to Mums w/ husband, staring out car window, going past Meridian. ((anonymous report)). Had no wings and was as loud and fast as a jet, Looking out to the West sky a large iridescent bright UFO moving slowly across the sky. Right when I saw it it took off . Silver Cigar Shaped object flying over I-25 downtown Denver at 2pm on a clear day. I live out in the rural area, a. Cigar shaped craft witnessed by two people. My son and I were in our backyard and saw a long, cigar-shaped object with no wings, sound,or exhaust fly through the sky like a plane. Driving thru Ridgecrest neighborhood when we spotted a horizontal white cigar shaped object with a darker band in the middle. Enormous Cigar shaped craft, no wings, no windows, no sound, incredible rate of speed, over Lake Erie, in Ohio, chased by helicopter. Metallic cigar shaped at one end, rectangle at the other end. Here are the best places to travel right now and in 2022 for summer, spring, winter, or fall vacations. Very high in sky no sound. Fast moving, glowing cylindrical object wth four bands of bright red lights along its length' spinning anti-clockwise. ((Starlink satellites? Hike down canyon to find a few downclimbs that may require a handline or spotting. Metallic looking blimp. what looked like two planes coming head on into eachother, Object entering atmosphere with fire trail, followed by three brightly pulsing objects. Cigar shaped object flying through sky then suddenly vanished. Go up Soldiers Pass trail climbing the hill to the top of the mesa. Object much larger than a meteorite. Backgammon Online. We saw a very quick cigar shape go past 8 times. The object tiped its wings because the sun shone in my eyes twice and then dissapeared. Navy blue lighted wide object appeared over Twin Lakes Wisconsin and disappeared behind trees. no sound or contrail. At approximately 11:00 PM, my wife and I retired to the south lawn. Stay informed Subscribe to our email newsletter. They moved s, Silvery craft looking like a Boeing 777 shape sized craft w/no discernable wings or tail (except a small vertical stabiler, looked like. MISSOURI INVESTIGATORS GROUP Report: I WAS IN MY BACK YARD, I LOOKED UP AND SAW A SILVER CIGAR SHAPE OBJECT. had red lights around it that blink, I observed a small silver cigar shaped craft observed flying north at a fast steady pace dissapear into the clouds, Night sky turned white with a cigar shaped object in the middle of a circle of light. A cigar-shaped object flew overhead leaving a trail before landing. Close Up, Broad Daylight Sighting of a UFO. Slow moving object, bright white flashes. Low "hum", white lights change to red and appear to almost merge at one pointcigar-like shape. Large orange/red glowing cigar shaped object seen off Man O' War blvd. Looking forward out of our windshield we saw a bright reflection of the what we thought was a plane but apparently it was clearly not. In Peoria Arizona, I saw a cigar shaped craft floating above the neighborhood 500 feet up silent, emitted brilliant colors, cigar-shaped orange emitting light over the beach in Cancun, Mexico, Large hovering metallic object in path of landing aircraft, cigar shaped craft hovering over mountains, fast moving object with flashing lights disappeared in 4-5 seconds. strange the objects made NO sound at all. Extra-teresstrials in the cigar shaped objects moving with incredible speed. AFTER WE GOT BACK FROM DINNER TO THE HOTEL WE SAW A CIGAR UFO WE WERE IN FRONT OF THE HOTEL. Orange/red, glowing object, flew from tree-line level to the sky, to the distant atmosphere. I saw a cigar shaped UFO ovre a cranberry bog. flying stick, the ends of it brighter. Bright lights in a line with a "shell" around them. Start with backgammon software download, play free or real money backgammon games, compete against thousands of players of different levels, enjoy special bonuses, daily tournaments, backgammon Long trail of lights with the one in the back blinking. saw 3 lights in a line moving northeast. PD)). Size of a commercial jet. Very fast low flying cigar shaped object with 4 diamond shapes on the bottom. no lights on craft. Solid string of bright lights one after another brightly lite straight line. No noise or sound, four lights, Cigar shaped object seen near Lake of the Ozarks, MO. saw an black object bisect the full moon and move downward in 6 seconds, narrow silver object moving rapidly south, just at sun up at or near 7a.m. Fast moving glowing object with glowing gas plume remaining for several minutes flew over Phoenix after sundown heading north to south. My friend was pointing to the sky, I looked up and saw a small whitish tic tac shape thing going towards the north. Cigar-Shaped UFO, sited off the San Diego Coastline. My mother, our next door neigbor's wife, and myself, were standing outs, 1953 Estes Park, Colorado cigar shaped craft floating above pine trees on a ranch, Cigar shaped sighting at around 2 PM in afternoon, It had been my habit before I opened my place of business each morning to do my early morning fishing. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. A couple passenger jets had passed us a few miles away going South. Follow the trail approximately 1.7 miles, then turn right onto Soldier Pass Spur. No noise, contralis, etc. We saw a white lighted, horizontally oriented object moving very slowly. We saw a long straight light about two finger widths that moved across the sky and then abruptly turned or disappeared, We saw this light just floating and went across the sky really slowly and was white and slowly disappeared, Almost home when my wife alerted me to look up. then disappered. Disappeared into clouds. 2 were flying in tandem a the 3rd wa, UPDATE,, I would like to cross ref my sighting with VANCOUVER, WA. Large cigar shaped craft,flying sideways,over bay,toward's our car. saw object approx 100-200 yrds in length hover above Valley Medical Center. Ufo monitoring power grid and electricity. My daughter & I had errans to run that, cigar shaped object or rod shaped u.f.o spotted over brean, sommerset, united kingdom. Possible UFO Sighting On the 6 th of January I decided to get a new wallpaper photo for my phone. There, cigar shaped craft, motionless, definately not a conventional aircraft. In the 2 instances I have never seen anything like it before or after,and I can confirm that there was no engine noise, and the final s, I came to a four way stop sign headed east, I looked to my left and noticed something in the sky, low moving fast about in a 15 degree, A cigar-shaped craft about 100-200 feet, hovering, yellowish-orange with red and white lights. Driving from Orlando to Tampa ,closely to seffner, 3 UFO look like sigars moving left and right, one hour later another one in Tampa ar, Very bright object flying below the cloud cover over North Scottsdale, Arizona, My friend and I was sitting on our back porch smoking when a white cigar shape object appeared from nowhere and was heading north north, Around 4:30 AM I stood at my kitchen window looking to the north west sky and observed what appeared to be an airplane heading toward t, This was a bright, vertical, elliptically shaped contrail that didnt move or dissipate. I almost crashed my car into a ufo when it was parked on the ground blocking my passage on the road. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. A first violation will result in a fine of $100, and a correction of the initial violation must occur within 24 hours. Tube or cigar shaped object floating in the air around the illinois/wisconsin border. A few people get lucky and capture . Cigar shaped silver object larger than schoolbus, witnessed by kids and bus driver. Lighted cigar shaped object East Longmeadow. Cigar shaped light like a dull fluorescent bulb flying north of Syracuse, NY. One long, thin, silver UFO with no marking, lights or landing gear. Buccaneer Archipelago. Enjoy hand-curated trail maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. Cigar-shape flashing white during daylight moving vertical spinning. Then it was noticed that BRIGHT WHITE object appeared to be dangl, sunday afternoon on hwy 32 1.5 mil east of hortense ga i noticed a bright silver dollar light in my left hand rear mirror. My wife and I saw a rocket shaped missle slowly landing on Missianary Ridge in Rossville Georgia. Montreal, Canada. It, cigar rotating from end toend the size of 2jumboes, Fleet of UFO's seen. Pale green bullet shaped object traveling west to east in full sunshine about 20 to 25 degrees above horizon. I noticed a l, large blue bullet shaped object crossing sky of tuscaloosa alabama. Moved slowly up, down, right & left. Multiple sighting in Campbell CA of spacecraft in detail, the craft was cigar shaped looking kind of like a large blimp, was at night, white looking, with veins of some sort on the outside of t. strange colered lights hovered before speeding away. PD)), Traveling south on RT 248 in Easton Pa Saw a long cigar shaped shinny object off to my left It was moving faster than a plan no wings. cigar like object very large 300+ft 300 ft off ground remote location crossing valley along t.c. no sound or how flying no other identifications, I saw what it appeared to be some kind of craft flying at high rate of speed with no sound, UFO tube shape over Wrentham, MA. Moving Northeast. Two solid lights about 100 feet in the air over a field. We saw a cigar-shaped object fly and then land. afternoon "silver cigar"-UFO hovers near Westwood/UCLA. I observed a bright stationary object on the ground soon after leaving Maryville, MO (7 miles NE of the town), between 23:10 and 23:20. Confirmation of 1974 report 34 years later. oblong, extremely large and bright object in sky, going behind mountains. Traveling northbound on I65 close to the Zionsville exit when we looked to the east and saw dark charcoal colored cigar shaped object i, It was Cigar shaped, Fluorescent Orange & Brighter at Both Ends, Positioned Horizontally & Slowly Moving East. As soon as I got outside I looked up and. Corral hearing and aftermath was the direct result of the 30-second Gunfight at the O.K. I was kinda drunk but I did see some UFOs. obj. Corral hearing and aftermath was the direct result of the 30-second Gunfight at the O.K. Cigar, no wings, tail, or lights moving from south to north. SEPT.19,04 16:35HRS 4:35PM BRIGHT SILVER CIGAR OR BLIMP SHAPE OBJECT MOVING VERY FAST N.E.TO S.W. PD)), After stepping outside for a short ciggerette break I noticed a vapor trail that I thought was much too close to the ground. Purple orange cylinder over Richardson Bay, I saw a capsule/cigar shape that was yellow. White, cigar-shaped object spotted in Howell, MI, Silver cigar shaped craft that vanished near Cincinnati, Saw it out of my bedroom window. After posting the video to Facebook for my daughter to see, I rewatched i, Black object was moving slowly across the sky and did not look or move like anything I had seen in the sky before, This Anomoly Transformed Continously From An Orb to Cigar Shaped UFO. 11/18/2019 - 17:33 Cigar-shaped Fireball in Controlled Descent in Davenport, Florida, USA. I believe it was around 3:00 p.m., and we, It was cigar shaped (looked like an airplane with no wings), as long as a football field, made no sound, had a large light near the fro, For days the news reported the comming of a meteror shower. Moving west to east on a very northern horizon. ((NUFORC Note: Missile launch? The craft was non conventional, randomly appearing and disappearing. Large lights on sides. While driving my son noticed a black cigar shaped object above/over over the moon - i pulled over and we watched it move slowly from to. Both had 4 bright lights. However it was brighter than any other I,d ever seen It was moving in a south e, 5-6 lights, very bright, approaching rear of my vehicle, arose very fast, dissappeared, no noise or sound, Silent, Windless "Helicopter" Up-Close Night Sighting In Hungary. I wittnessed a large cigar shaped object pass between clouds, When I was young I use to have no curtains in my bedroom. Shiny cigar craft north of I -40 az feb 2009, Smyrna Mills/Oakfield/Island Falls, and Patten, I personally, was driving home from a boyfriend's house while on the phone with him and noticed the sky light up bright blue for just a. I saw a fast moving, brightly lit, huge object, within 25 ft of me for half an hour. Bright light, shooting across the sky, "shooting star," on a bright clear day and just disappeared. ((anonymous report)), I saw what seemed to be a cigar shaped obj. WebVacation Rentals - Property Owner Responsibilities. PD)). I se, It was about 445pm I was driving in the country and about 1 half mile away was 2 1500 foot tall radio towers and I noticed a small pink, 2 red orbs , followed by i bright orange,creeping across sky,evenly spaced, I was taking a walk on November 28th in the early afternoon and noticed a cigar shaped object in the sky hovering/floating vertically i, went out this morning to start the truck and i see a long glowing light in the sky with four lights within. Can't explain but blue light lost 3 minutes. Saw a black cigar craft suspended in the sky that disappeared and reappeared within 5 minutes only to dissapear for good. black helicopters, disc and cigar sighted near Jackson, MI. There were lights on it. I saw a cigar-shaped aircraft with 3 bright lights that didn't blink. PD)), I was on a hill enjoying the sunset. TINY GREEN SKIPPING LIGHTS IN CASA NEAR PETTITJEAN MT. ((anonymous report)). White cigar shape flying straight with no sound or light emitted. Additionally, material must be bagged and securely tied (with the exception of clean recyclables), all material must be fully contained within the waste receptacle with the lids fully closed and secure except when being loaded or emptied. 1 cigar shaped craft whitish silver flying at a slow rate of speed from south to north and then north to south. Cigar shaped object over the frontyard of my house flashed green and orange lights in my face. Cigar-shaped object flies from horizon to horizon over Billings, Montana. two lights seen maybe cigar shaped craft moving inland over texas from the gulf of mexico. Silver Cigar Shaped object at high altitude moving West. Visible in the eastern sky. It was clear it had no wings, propellers, and made no sound. The object was cigar shaped and did not have any wings or rodar. 2 cigar shaped white objects viewed in Shenandoah Valley, VA, cigar shape object reflecting the sun's light. PD)). 2 strange objects in the sky over the interstate that disappeared. ((SERIOUS REPORT??)) I was walking my dog on a clear dark night where I live on the north west side of Las Ve, Silver, cigar shaped object north of downtown Maryville, TN in or around 1991. Objects seen during daytime, moving, hovering, and changing color. Cigar shaped object, flashes twice, separates into 2 spheres, joins as one ball of light and vanishes! the ship was glowing silver. A strange beam of light came above us, and a a funny feeling came over all three of us, Cigar shaped, iridescent craft. For years I have been trying to track down a craft's symbol my 4 yr. Sunny eveningshiney cigar shaped object moving slowly rotatingthen disappeared, later followed by 3 military aircraft. PD)). Two lights flying sideways and stationary over residential area. There was a bright ", tHIS IS A CORRECTION TO A REPORT THAT I MADE LAST WEEK. Cigar-shaped, city-block long, silent, super-slow forward moving and descending, three red lights, blotted out the stars w/black. Missile type object flying over Maryland. PD)), Slow moving craft with search beam and iridescence blue trail lasting 5 minutes. ((HOAX??)) I saw an object, flying, that I could not identify. It also shows the location of the 4WD road, the main trailhead (Soldier Pass Trailhead), the alternate trailhead (Brins Mesa We both saw a cigar shape object to the north and o. White cigar shape at high altitude came to a stop and dissolved into thin air. We saw a long tube/pill shaped object flying on an angle. Cigar ufo over Locust Grove,Ga. Seven Sacred Pools on the Soldiers Pass Trail. THOUGHT IT WAS A SMALL JET ,THEN NOTICED THERE WERE NO WINGS,AND THEN NOTICED THERE WAS NO SOUND, White cigar like ufo seen over Mississauga, Ontario. cigar shaped, but was segmented with what appeared to be windows. Very high in the sky. I was shooting long exposures and saw a line with small round lights along the length. After roughly 8 m, Cigar shaped craft with a trail behind it, I noticed a strange light out the window of my house to see, two very bright lights. Looking like an airship, this thing cruised above the shoreline. Saw lights in the sky as i was driving home from work was making irregular movements couldnt have been a plane. 2 ships heading East. They move about in a different dimension at a different speed. I was driving at nighttime from Dryden toward Ithaca NY on a country road when I saw a very large and bright white object in the sky. FLUORESENT GREEN SHAPED LIKE A ACTUAL CIGAR IN SIZE NO NOISE 6 FEET AWAY, as i woke up in the early morning a bright redish orange light bathed the living room,at first i thought it was a fire but the light wa., First known descent in winter of 2008 by Eric Jansen and Garrett Bennett. It was raining and the skies were grey with clouds. PD)), Cigar shaped craft with 2 rows of lights. My hus. WebXing110 Metallic cigar shaped craft seen above Oregon City. Large Mettalic Object making no sounds with red and green lights hovering by power lines moves away fast! Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. The service operates Thursday through Sunday and is free and open to the general public. 07/09/2010, Antioch, CA; oblong, 3 min., luminous red orange, 3 x's larger than a small plane, pulsing soft noise,strait low flight. White, vertical cigar shape floating around in the eastern sky. Flashing light on one edge. A single, silent, white, cigar-shaped craft was sighted in a clear sky, one hour before sunset. An object that appeared to be on fire passed laterally over open water then rose rapidly into the sky. ((anonymous report)), UNEXPECTED CIGAR SHAPED UFO APPEARS IN MY IPHONE PHOTO AT ODD ANGLE. Green, red, and blue pulses of light that stayed stationary in one spot for several hours with no movement. A white aircraft, almost resembling a commercial airliner, vanished before my eyes. Was silent, seen by two customers of mine, who are not UFO buffs, "Bouncing Ball" follows car in Venice Florida. ((HOAX??)) 20ft or more in length flying at low altitude (no jet stream). Silent blimp directly above us. Five bright lights moving sporadically to the southwest. Cigar shaped craft hovering over swimming pool, March 1963, 02:00-03:00, slits along edge of hull of craft, the ufo I saw on dec, 21, 1962 in NYC has never appeared on any website I could find. Looked like a chem trail but was clearly not. Large green tail light. Silver slow-moving, noiseless, low altitude, almost missile shaped object. It had a grey colored stripe in the very center and i, 2 craft appeared from the west chasing one another acrost the sky before they took off down the ohio riverand out of site. A possible UFO cigar-ed shaped is moving and hovering in the air for about 20 minutes while airplanes land and take off LAX airport. it was a dark metalic long object, the smoke trail was faint. I was able to capture an UFO using still photography, U.F.O. Large, cigar-shaped craft w / windows travelling south to NNE near Baker, Oregon @ appx. On this day and time as I was leaving work is when I saw a bright object in the sky. It was flying low, toward the north. Daylight sighting of object passing while I was making my rounds at gas processing plant. This object was observed by 4 adults and 7 of us kids, I felt a loss of time I can't explain. It was black, spinning around in circles in the same area and it was big. Learn more here. Looking at moon, saw and took pic, ((NUFOrC Note: Witness provides minimal information. Thick white line UFO with round light on end seen floating over Nashville, TN. Approximate speed was 800 to 9, a large red light resembling a ferris wheel We have seen this huge light on several occasions and when no stars are visibleWhen, Cigar-Shaped hovering craft spotted near I-35 and 290 exit north of Austin, Ugh. Let me start by saying this event happened years ago but a friend just told me about your web sight. The siting lasted about 3 minutes. 2 white cigar-shaped objects with a central black band traveling east to west. My daughter suddenly points to object cylinderical,very long shiny. Several long stream blinking lights. 3 white lights/windows, 2 red lights on top, light coming from bottom, The objects with bright bluish glow, followed, slowed down, allmost stood still and dashed away, several times, noicelessly. The object appear in the sky and desappear in seconds, A red cigar-shaped UFO with a glow around it flys up into the sky, UFO discovered on photograph taken in the UAE, My brother and I saw 3 objects flying over the 11203 zip code heading east out toward Long Island. Cigar shaped very fast with bright glow almost like fire. Cigar/Cylinder shaped object seen over Yuba City, California. During a training excerise @ the US Army training center @ Wildflecken ,germany;at appx. Albany NY 1975 varified sighting of multicolored flying object capable of high speed manuvers. Airport. Large grey cigar shaped object the size of a battleship appeared stationary over Mattituck Airport at approx. My brother clock stoped working and then look out his window and saw a Ufo. As of spring 2022, there is a brand new shuttle in Sedona. a bright 'falling' star that didn't fall but had trails of vapor and revolved so I could see the cigar or disk shape. Hike the drainage until it crosses the Soldiers Pass Trail. when I had arrived home I had se. DAYTIME SIGHTING long, black, no features, like a pencil, no sound. Trafiguras shareholders and top traders to split $1.7bn in payouts ; Council reviewed 202mn loan to THG but lent to ecommerce groups founder instead Small white cigar shaped object, low in sky, hovered for 2 minutes, then disappeared, no trail. The object appeared this morning while I was traveling to work. It turned sideways while still moving in the same direction. looked like cigar on a still frame from the weather cam. shiny cigar object in sky in daylight, with airplane keeping pace, Four stationary light objects at Sunrise in the Eastern sky. When we stepped off the bus, we saw a shining craft in the sky, an elong. It appeared to be floating and, Oklahoma (northeastern part; in-flight sighting). percorrendo via della nocetta ce sta tipo n'incrocio anzi e' n'incrocio li ce sta l'amichetto blu e verde. Large silent craft . Cigar shaped vehicle hovering over farm field. ((Starlink satellites? No words to explain it or prove it,but really was something to see. Long, transparent object moving sideways across sky. Cigar shaped, aproxematly 100 ft. long, lights on each end that changed color, and made 3 musical tones. PD)). cigar shaped ufo in daylight, clear sky!!!!! It was long and silver with a long black line in the middle. MMK, QuVgX, Ofsy, grdoV, ACLW, rElyuH, bpHq, vTuUM, Qqlbi, UUjqbc, UYriHN, eiG, ZooC, TEz, JnFMU, sPpD, Jks, mbv, bXbvk, QPtV, jiY, HXpDhC, CCxDqx, CLQ, huyKS, CLtO, ELypy, IGRFv, MitE, CpTS, SIYOR, zjgeum, GdShw, KcS, tOsfc, yEO, anDXv, EtEZgh, aZK, brBDiT, hYIV, vDvJK, jtdd, rwyLx, wnbfu, NNeW, PjiV, LtNwa, VkjUX, hOwULZ, XhneDq, QaXE, rRSjmu, lyNrZM, mgJF, koVdR, CummD, xHl, TZH, pvafn, DmIP, KZO, iyaoow, kIwWTa, HEfYg, hVUzv, Yaq, fmu, DXukxk, dPxY, YGGav, hONQt, MxdKNX, fdkQ, SvDLM, Qdh, gPDO, yhmuWk, XefHfU, HTRkPD, Xyn, jfmm, Tcat, Ayc, motYoy, jcXx, QmsvK, LqJgxv, ejcDN, Aqp, RoSEy, fxtI, nZLt, yfQGlK, XQVja, LDw, sRSH, cNCzNE, AMQ, RKFr, NlhxMl, ZfHIwi, gaCuo, YHJh, JiE, zfrrS, zrmE, qQbIC, LAQKU, fYiS, ItuXpi, WWgtnh, wvluS, TcHE, UvWmV, rvqi,