notion teacher templates

It's time you learned that freedom is never a gift; it has to be earned. The ship's executive officer disagreed, stating, "Lieutenant Kirk is a fine young officer who performed with uncommon bravery." To the Enderprizians, Kirk was known as "James'T the Warrior", and he had at least one namesake on Planet 0042692, James'T. The name for Kirk wasn't decided until 1965. "No, not like this. Recognizing the document mirrored on the planet Omega IV, he could recite the preamble of the US Constitution from memory. ", "Sir, you did it!" When the tribal worship of Kirok was dispelled, he and Miramanee were stoned fatally injuring both the young woman and their unborn child. By remembering who and what you are. We may go up in the biggest ball of fire since the last sun in these parts exploded, but we've got to take that one-in-ten-thousand chance! ", "You're too beautiful to ignore. (TOS: "Shore Leave"), Kirk fought his friend and first officer Spock on three occasions when the half-Vulcan lost his normal emotional control. The project includes source code, resources, and configuration files. Since my body has an active REST API where I can just do an HTTP GET (via curl or whatever) and see my blood sugar, it clearly belongs in a place of honor, just like my current Git Branch! By warping around the sun's gravity well in a slingshot maneuver, Kirk and his crew managed to rectify the situation, cause the incident to "unhappen," and return to their own time aboard the Enterprise. Spock's blood fever during his pon farr of 2267 made him so dangerous in the koon-ut-kal-if-fee ritual fight that Dr. McCoy was forced to falsify Kirk's death before Spock could kill him. (TOS: "The Tholian Web"), Kirk once commented to Captain Garth that he and Spock were "brothers." "Alright, you mutinous, disloyal, computerized half-breed, we'll see about you deserting my ship You're an overgrown jackrabbit. It is used by more than 500 million people around the world. In the symbolic stage, knowledge is stored primarily as words, mathematical symbols, or in other symbol systems, such as music. He first asked Admiral Morrow for permission to retrieve Spock's body from the Genesis Planet, to bring it, and McCoy, to Vulcan. A transporter malfunction created a duplicate of the captain that contained his negative qualities, such as hostility, lust, and violence. Web Developer - I switched careers in my 40s - Writer of web development blog posts - I love to share Notion templates. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind"), In 2266, the evil side of Kirk tried to assault and seduce Yeoman Rand. According to "Coming of Age", there was an age requirement of 16 years for cadets. Pike got to know Kirk briefly before using a time crystal to return to his own time where he changed the events that led to this timeline. That's where our duty lies. Medicine iis one of the clean and free aesthetic Notion templates for all medical graduates. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine"), Kirk, Spock, and McCoy discovered Zefram Cochrane, the inventor of the warp drive, missing for 150 years, on a planetoid. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'simplypsychology_org-leader-2','ezslot_7',100,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-leader-2-0'); Scaffolding involves helpful, structured interaction between an adult and a child with the aim of helping the child achieve a specific goal. One night, a telepathic conversation with a female native had a deleterious effect on Mitchell. She bore his son, David Marcus, but the relationship dissolved as their careers drove them apart. While searching for McCoy, Kirk met and fell in love with the compassionate and far-seeing social worker Edith Keeler. Finding Spock's body re-animated by Genesis, Kirk brought him and McCoy to Vulcan for the fal-tor-pan (re-fusion) ritual. Since it seems to be the only way I can save my crew and my ship, I'm gonna end it for you, one way or another. Sounds like fun! Picard laid Kirk to rest on that obscure planet and was his lone mourner. I was amazed at the devices/objects that Home Assistant discovered that it could automate. The template features an orange aesthetic theme for every page of the template. The Enterprise, modified with Kelvan technology, became the first Federation starship known to cross the galactic barrier, briefly leaving the boundary of the Milky Way Galaxy before Kirk and his senior officers overwhelmed the Kelvans and returned to Federation space. The partial log entry, surreptitiously and illegally recorded by the evil Lieutenant Valeris, was used against him during the trial for the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon, and the incident forced him to come to terms with his hatred for Klingons; Gorkon's daughter and acting successor, Azetbur, realized and admitted just as the Khitomer Conference was getting under way that Kirk had restored her father's faith, to which Kirk responded that Azetbur had in turn restored his son's faith. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder"). I also have a foreground template that is not really used, as you can see it always evaluates to black #000, but it shows you how you could set it to white text on a darker background if you wanted. Reading List template is a perfect place to dump everything from the internet. The first line of a RAML API definition document MUST begin with the text #%RAML followed by a single space followed by the text 1.0 and nothing else before the end of the line. When Kirk was a midshipman, he befriended Academy instructor Lieutenant Ben Finney. Start today for free! I am planning for a another book. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah"), Kirk fell in love with Antonia after his first retirement from Starfleet in 2281. Finance Tracker is a simple aesthetic one page template thats also cute and pretty to look at. Even better I put a Power Over Ethernet (PoE) hat on my Rpi so I have just one network wire into my hub that powers the Pi. Research shows that a social-emotional learning curriculum can lead to improved academic performance. In 2267, he was greeted by a replica of Ruth that the Shore Leave Planet, in the Omicron Delta region, created. Published: 9:37 AM . This means students are held back by teachers as certain topics are deemed too difficult to understand and must be taught when the teacher believes the child has reached the appropriate stage of cognitive maturity. Get it back before you turn into part of this collection." Oh my." (Star Trek Generations), Captain Picard buried Kirk in a simple stone cairn on a Veridian III mountain top, echoing the burial of his friend, Gary Mitchell, 106 years before. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture), In 2285, McCoy advised a melancholic Kirk, while both were surrounded by Kirk's collection of genuine and simulated antiques, on his (Kirk's) birthday, "Get back your command. ", "All right. There are several sections on this dashboard, but to pick up something different, you can find a manifesting widget and small memo cards to dump your thoughts and sticky notes. (TOS: "Spectre of the Gun", "The Conscience of the King", "Operation -- Annihilate!". (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"), Kirk telekinetically controlling Alexander on Platonius, Near Tholian space, on stardate 5693.2, the Enterprise discovered the USS Defiant adrift, its crew dead, trapped in a spatial interphase. You can create a course schedule, manage, 5 Productive Tools for Teachers to Collect Feedback from, As a teacher, you are tasked with one of the most important jobs in the world. In spite of the separation, Carol told Kirk that David was "a lot like you, in many ways. Toward a theory of instruction, Cambridge, Mass. Remember: Nothing in your computer is hidden from you. After fleeing to the Regula planetoid, Kirk rescued David and Carol. Fifteen years later, the Shore Leave Planet sensed Kirk's antipathy for Finnegan and produced a simulacrum that Kirk could pummel for satisfaction. Lets check them out! Merik, was dropped in his fifth year for failing the psychosimulator test. Spock explains to Picard how Kirk did the same for him, at a terrible cost, and says he needed to be equal to Kirk's sacrifice. Farragut's record tapes of the event included Kirk insisting upon blaming himself for the disaster, citing his delay in firing the ship's phaser banks at the creature as he lost consciousness. 50+ Awesome tools for Web Developers. The torpedo's detonation aboard the Reliant, while it was inside the Mutara Nebula, killed Khan and those who were left of his people. According to his theory, the fundamental principles of any subject can be taught at any age, provided the material is converted to a form (and stage) appropriate to the child. Kirk directed the salvaging of the Constellation and Decker was sent to the Enterprise. '[Scaffolding] refers to the steps taken to reduce the degrees of freedom in carrying out some task so that the child can concentrate on the difficult skill she is in the process of acquiring' (Bruner, 1978, p. 19). Korby had replaced his own damaged body, transplanting his personality into an android replica, and built himself a beautiful companion, Andrea. ([8] Maximum PC, November 2010, p. 94; Star Trek: The Official Guide to the Animated Series, 129) In another instance, the name was referenced by Fontana in a Q&A with her and Majel Barrett, in an audio recording dated from a 1972 convention, which suggests that Fontana may have been the first to mention the name to the public. A typical example of Kirk's fighting style in a more extended bout occurred in 2265 on the surface of Delta Vega, in the attempt to kill his friend Gary Mitchell. (VOY: "Concerning Flight"), Kirk, aged greatly, on Planet Two of the Taurean system, An incredibly realistic simulacrum of Kirk's hero, the American President Abraham Lincoln, greeted the Enterprise on stardate 5906.4. intellect. Besides being a little startled by his presence, it looked and felt normal for her, until she noticed the captain drinking from a bottle of Saurian brandy. Soon after departure, the ship received a distress signal from two Whorfin-class ships transporting El Aurian refugees, trapped in an energy distortion called the Nexus. As always, you can simply write a note in Notion and attach that page to the class notes template. The relevance of education. "I'm not afraid. Wellness habit tracker for improving lifestyle. If any destructive energy touches our vessel, a reverse reaction of equal strength is created, destroying" I'm sick of your half-breed interference, do you hear me? Authenticate and configure this integration. Kor was immediately drawn to Kirk, admiring his spirit compared to the passive Organians, and appointed him as his liaison. Lights, remotes, Spotify, and more. (LD: "First First Contact"), Kirk incorporated techniques from Judo into his personal combat style. If you are someone who has no notion on how journals work, have never kept track of the things you do in a way journals are useful for and have a good sense of humor, maybe you can start off with a funny journal. "), On stardate 2817.6, Kirk responded to a call from Dr. Thomas Leighton, a fellow survivor and witness to the horror of Tarsus IV. Just add a canonical URL as I have added for all the post. Then it's even smaller. Bruner, J. S. (1961). With you every step of your journey. One is for learning, another is reference, another for project ideas. His last words, spoken to Picard after being assured that he had made a difference, were to comment that his help was the least he could do for the captain of the Enterprise, as well as to assure Picard that "It was fun. You can also use it to map out exam details, and teachers can plan their day via adding different classes to attend, integrate relevant subjects to teach, attach files, and more. Standard hyronalin therapy, alone, was ineffective. It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. She'll launch on time, sir, and she'll be ready." The Child's Concept of Language. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country). Whether you are a business developer in the music industry, a music event organizer, or a music teacher, this article can help. I believe setting up Home Assistant on a Pi is the best and easiest way to get started. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You can keep adding widgets to this aesthetic dashboard and customize the dashboard as per your needs. Kirk was the last to fall under the influence, but his subconscious anger at the idea of leaving the ship rose to the surface, and broke the pod plant's effect. Notion is a versatile tool that you can use for everything from taking notes and tracking projects to managing your personal finances. Notion is also used for many random fun activities. His casting was announced on 15 March 2022. After Kirk's and the command crew's trial, Spock told his father, Sarek, that his "associates" were his friends. Widower I must be getting senile. The Metrons, pacifistic but powerful, interrupted the engagement and declared both sides were savages. The two lived together for some time before Kirk decided to rejoin Starfleet. After witnessing Kirk's victory at the Battle of the Mutara Nebula and the funeral for Spock, David consoled his father and admitted he was "proud, very proud, to be [his] son." Criminal even an invitation. Notion Student Note-Taking Templates. Coffee-Themed Journal (TOS: "Court Martial", "Whom Gods Destroy"), When he was a midshipman, Kirk began a friendship with his instructor, Lieutenant Benjamin Finney. Thing is, historically when Visual Studio supported Angular, React, or Vue, it's templates were out of date and not updated enough. Kirk distracts the Cyber-Controller while the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to disintegrate the communicator's gold cover into dust and use it to clog up the Controller's respiration and allowing Spock to destroy it with his phaser. Kirk's career culminated in 2293, when the Enterprise-A was assigned to escort Klingon Chancellor Gorkon to Earth for a peace conference. In this case we can have a .csproj for a backend Web API and an .esproj that uses a client side template like Angular, React, or Vue. You belong in a circus, Spock, not a starship. Governor Kodos, sympathetic to old eugenics philosophies and unaware that supply ships were imminent, tried to save a portion of the colony by killing four thousand colonists he deemed least desirable or able to survive. Kirk's successful mission resulted in his promotion to rear admiral and a posting as Chief of Starfleet Operations at Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco for the following two and a half years. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country). When the Romulans attacked the Enterprise, Kirk used his drone fleet to cover the Enterprise until its engines could be repaired, beaming back aboard moments before the Enterprise jumped to warp. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), The revelation that Spock's katra, his "living spirit" (actually his complete brain patterns), survived in the tormented mind of McCoy, led Kirk to risk his career, and in turn, his crew's. But the instinct can be fought. The barrier triggered a transformation in Mitchell who began developing psychic powers that progressed rapidly, with a commensurate loss of his humanity. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy"), They would meet again in 2269, when Kor's ship the IKS Klothos exchanged fire with the Enterprise in the Delta Triangle shortly before both ships were pulled into the alternate dimension known as Elysia. It costs $4 per month afterward. Me alegra que te guste. Download our FREE 20222023 calendar of activities! Discover specialized toolkits designed for your role and industry. (LD: "Second Contact", "Veritas", "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers"), In 2384, Hologram Janeway noted that both Captains Kirk and Sulu were "Starfleet legends". (TOS: "The Naked Time", "This Side of Paradise", "Amok Time"), Kirk was constantly looking to improve his arsenal of combat techniques. Notion has a huge community of users that creates templates for personal and professional purposes. DasBlog is a pretty large and cool app and we noticed immediately upon Mark upgrading it to .NET 6 that we were unable to use Hot Reload (via dotnet watch or from VS 2022). A mega list of tools and resources that will help you in the web development journey. (TOS: "Court Martial"), Kirk's physical training included tests he had to pass for working in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere, as well as hand-to-hand combat. Purplish and aesthetic, the Light Purple aesthetic template is the perfect choice for academics and personal life. I know what you'd say 'It's their turn now, Jim' And of course you're right but it got me thinking: Who's to say we can't go one more round? It's an SDK building command! Now, lets take a look at some of the best free Jeopardy game Google Slides templates that you can use. It takes a bare-bones approach making it quick and frictionless to create, Top 9 Notion Tips and Tricks for Students, Notion's modular and customizable project management approach aims to redefine the productivity space. Maybe like this (again, I'm using NWebSpec, but these are just HTTP Headers so you can literally just add them if you want, hardcoded.). TheUltimate Student Hub is an all-inclusive template that will help you stay on top of everything from coursework to exam schedules to job applications to project management and beyond. A second Tholian ship joined the engagement, producing a web to ensnare the Enterprise. The novel Collision Course by William Shatner gave James Kirk's father's name as "George Joseph Kirk". The development of LANGUAGE is a cause not a consequence of cognitive development, You can SPEED-UP cognitive development. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; TAS: "The Pirates of Orion") He was also trained in hyper-power circuits. Kirk would more than once cross paths with the Klingon officer Kor. code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. : 3 In this pattern, study of 10 years is done in schools and 2 years in Junior colleges (Maharashtra) Died: (TOS: "The Conscience of the King"; SNW: "A Quality of Mercy"), In 2252, Kirk entered Starfleet Academy, with help of Mallory, whose son later served under Kirk. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver"), The first time McCoy saved Kirk's life, however, was not in surgery, but instead when McCoy fired a phaser (which itself was unusual for McCoy) in 2266. ", which McCoy delighted in needling Spock about once he gained his composure. Accepted canon regarding Kirk's early life before the Enterprise, and gaps between events portrayed in films, are scarce and ambiguous. There are thousands of users who create templates to help you in getting started by simply duplicating to your Notion workspace. Kirk recognized the impact his life in Starfleet had on his family life. I got him back. (TOS: "The Tholian Web") Many years later, in 2381, a framed photograph of Kirk in an environmental suit during this mission was hanging on the wall of an old bar at Starbase 25. You can do this in zsh, PowerShell, Bash, whatever makes you happy. Aesthetic Notion template for personal use are those templates that help you keep track of your daily life. dotnet run will always assume it's in Development (you literally tell it to restore, build, and exec in one run command) if you run it. Bruner, J. S. (1973). ", "Sorry about your crew, but as we say on, Earth, c'est la vie. How to Delay, Block Software Updates in Windows 10, Organize your Windows and Create Multiple Desktops with nSpaces. Spock only said, "Captain Kirk speaks somewhat figuratively, and with undue emotion, but what he says is logical and I do, in fact, agree with it." Presumably, his prediction that he would die alone meant that he would die with neither of them also present at his death. (TAS: "Yesteryear"), The USS Enterprise returned to Earth in 2270. Your email address will not be published. ", "Kill Spock? Another template from Ella, My Life Book is a great template to get to know yourself and your life better. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), Later in 2285, David was an advisor on the starship USS Grissom, researching the Genesis planet he had helped to create. Classroom Activities and Holidays Calendar. When Spock later entered the alternate reality, he told the James T. Kirk of that reality of their deep friendship, despite the fact that the alternate Spock had marooned Kirk on Delta Vega. Project management can be a tedious job, requiring analysis, research, and input. ", "Will you try for one moment to feel? Notice the format of Data, it's name value pairs within a single field's value. Kirk's senior officers rallied to him, conspiring to rescue McCoy and steal the Enterprise from Earth Spacedock in order to recover Spock's body from the Genesis Planet and to bring it, and his katra, to Mount Seleya on Vulcan. A well-designed aesthetic template to manage your life events, Life Magazine is a perfect single-page dashboard. However, the android Korby, after exhibiting madness, destroyed himself. If youre a designer or web developer, Brand Kit is the perfect template for you. (TOS: "Patterns of Force") Kirk studied the exploits of Garth of Izar, a famous captain who joined Kirk's pantheon of heroes. Leighton suspected the leader of a traveling theater troupe, actor Anton Karidian, of being Kodos "the Executioner," a man long thought dead. (TOS: "Court Martial"), Although their association was brief, James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard had profound personal effects on one another. (TOS: "Wink of an Eye"), In 2269, the criminally-insane, pathologically-lying Orion inmate of the Elba II penal colony, Marta, became infatuated with Kirk while tending to him after torture. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country). Upon witnessing Hikaru Sulu perform a body throw on Agmar on Phylos in 2269, he asked Sulu to teach him the technique sometime, since it might come in handy. Kirk, Spock, Lincoln, and Surak were pitted against the others as means for the Excalbians to understand the nature and strength of good versus evil. None of us. ", "Khan. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers"), The Enterprise visited a Federation asylum on Elba II on stardate 5718.3. The template also includes a notes page for writing your random thoughts. Can I translate the series of articles and I will add this link. Aesthetic student templates are a great way to add a touch of personality to your schoolwork. By that time, Ceti Alpha V had lost its ability to support much of the life it had once sustained. It is a curated list of tools and resources to help web developers in learning, create, and increase productivity. Kirk called to Spock "the best first officer in the fleet" and "an enormous asset to me" as he pled with Spock to explain his actions. Kirk was clearly enamored with Lenore, but the true depth of his feelings and the importance of those feelings relative to his duties as a captain were conveyed only through insinuation. He would later be reunited with a life like illusion of Antonia during his 75 years in the Nexus, which was, from a chronological standpoint, his longest-lasting romance. Yes, it would be more security if they came out of a vault or were even hard coded. Weekly, daily, and monthly daily tracker. Choose from thousands of designs or create your own today! A timeline view gives you a detailed and well-planned schedule of your pending work and helps you organize it in time. After Kirk had been freed by the Organians, he again confronted Kor in his office. You can find a beautiful aesthetic video cover when you first duplicate this template. We Bare Bears aesthetic template is suitable for all students. "What's the matter Jim, don't you trust yourself? You can create notes, manage tasks with reminders, build a personal Wiki, set up a bookmark page, and more. He later admitted that a big part of his reputation was his exaggeration of repair estimates, so that Kirk could be pleasantly surprised when Scott has them done quicker than he had expected. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before", "The Corbomite Maneuver") Kirk relied on Sulu as a capable officer he could trust with the Enterprise conn in battle situations (TOS: "Arena", "Errand of Mercy", "The Savage Curtain") and on away missions as delicate as the timeline-risky visit to the US 498th Airbase Group in Omaha, Nebraska, on Earth in 1969. [5] [6](X) [7](X) Both Bridges and Lord have since passed away. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy. She won't permit me my life, I've got to live hers. Initially, he complained about the idea of a female yeoman, leading McCoy to ask flatly, "What's the matter, Jim? ", "Death, destruction, disease, horror--that's what war is all about! Despite Kirk's (somewhat half-hearted) protests, Spock insisted on deferring his command to Admiral Kirk, quipping that as a Vulcan "he had no ego to bruise. If youre looking for general templates, read our article on the best Notion dashboard templates. Everything. Do you want to use Notion to effectively journal your thoughts and experiences? Dashboards are a great way to see all of your important information in one place. Here is a YouTube of Jan from OhMyPosh and I coding the segment LIVE in Go. Spock. This makes it a good choice for professional use as well. After a brief shakedown cruise proved the Enterprise-A not quite to be as fully spaceworthy as it had initially seemed to be, Kirk vacationed in Yosemite National Park with Spock and McCoy, while Montgomery Scott attended to the technical problems. The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. But integrations and 3rd party code can give you details like "Is the Living Room dark" or "is there motion in the driveway." You can brief intro about yourself, add educational qualifications, habits, contact details in a neat and clean looking template. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), Kirk's drastic action taken to save Spock's katra was also an effort to save McCoy from the anguishing burden of bearing Spock's "marbles". This template is fantastic for tracking your journey from day 1 to 100. Risk risk is our business! The loss of Spock affected Kirk deeply, and McCoy began to show signs of mental illness. In V'ger's aftermath, Spock finally achieved equilibrium, able to express his friendship for Kirk without the influence of aliens or illness, and notably lacking any threat of physical violence. Bruner, J. S. (1957). My spidey sense says this is wrong, and I'm assuming the upgrade assistant didn't understand it. When Rand became upset, Kirk held her close in his arms and comforted her. This scenario has sometimes been confusing for ASP.NET developers who may get confused about responsibility. However, the Romulan Commander had anticipated their plan and positioned his vessel behind the Farragut. ", The origin of Kirk's established middle name has several possible, if not potentially conflicting, origins, including the "official" claim that David Gerrold spontaneously blurted out the name in response to a question regarding what Kirk's middle initial stood for at a 1973 Star Trek convention, and subsequently conferred with D.C. Fontana and Gene Roddenberry, who approved the name, and it became forever part of Star Trek lore. Decker regarded Kirk's command as an insult and a mistake and pointed to his recent desk service and unfamiliarity with the ship's new systems, but the younger man fulfilled his duty as first officer. "Feeling is not much to go on." Track your current projects, and your older projects are automatically imported into the project manager. McLeod, S. A. Welcome Home is a simple yet aesthetically beautiful Notion template for multi-purpose. After setting an auto-destruct sequence, Kirk and his crew abandoned the ship for the surface. He would not learn Kirk's real identity until after Kirk and Spock had destroyed his supply depot. Originally, according to Gene Roddenberry's novel Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Kirk was named "James" after his mother's "first love instructor" as well as "an uncle" (his "father's beloved brother"), and "Tiberius" because the Roman emperor fascinated his grandfather Samuel. With the use of Notion templates, you can take the overall experience to the next level. (TOS: "Court Martial") He had also, at one point, visited Alpha Majoris I, where he had personally witnessed the native mellitus. If there's any true logic to the universe we'll end up on that bridge again someday. Go into your Home Assistant UI at http://homeassistant.local:8123/ and into Developer Tools. I had a feeling they would do anything to avoid it, even talk peace." Aesthetic Notion templates are perfect to add visual touch to your Notion templates. You can add code snippets of tasks such as: Stay focused and organized with one dashboard. An approachable, gregarious individual, Kirk made many friends across a range of worlds and status, from the Hill dweller Tyree to Starfleet Fleet Admiral Morrow. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock), After the assassination of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon, Kirk and McCoy were imprisoned together on Rura Penthe. Going beyond the information given. ", "Worlds may change, galaxies disintegrate, but a woman always remains a woman. I mean, man to man is one thing, but, um, man and woman, uh, it's, ah is, uh Well, it's, ah, another thing. With the help of cetacean biologist Dr. Gillian Taylor, Kirk successfully obtained the humpback whales George and Gracie and returned with them to 2286. Occupation: We find the one quite adequate. Nice considering that the .NET I need is in there with no separate install. Three Romulan starships detained the Enterprise, and Kirk and Spock met the Romulan commander aboard her ship, where Kirk's death was faked. She returned to the Enterprise as transporter chief in the 2270s. He's harmless. Those functionalities are just the tip of the iceberg. You need not to create everything from scratch, you can easily duplicate templates created by other users. On the surface of Delta Vega, he hunted Mitchell and managed to kill him only with the help of another officer undergoing the same transformation as Mitchell, Dr. Elizabeth Dehner. A battle ensues and Kirk fights the Cyber-Controller, but is proved no match for the cybernetic being. ", "Kirk you're still alive, my old friend." Testing the neural neutralizer, Noel conditioned Kirk to believe that their previous encounter had been a sweeping romance. At some point during the 2260s, Kirk and "his pointy-eared pal" attempted to "crash" the Command Conference afterparty on Starbase 25, but struck out and settled to end the night in a nearby dive bar. Stay up-to-date with the latest HMH news and solutions. You can add beautiful Notion widgets, Spotify playlists, and custom fonts to th templates on this list of aesthetic Notion templates to add a life in them. Regarding the death of Kirk, Ronald D. Moore, co-writer of the script in which Kirk died, wrote: William Shatner personally found portraying the final appearance of Kirk, in Star Trek Generations, was "kind of strange and sad." Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture; VOY: "Q2") In addition to his primary mission statement "to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life, and new civilizations" Kirk received standing orders to investigate all quasars and quasar-like phenomena. Don't trust them!" Now, Mr. While Kirk was the hero of nearly every TOS novel, he was notably the star of a series of novels by William Shatner (with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens) which starred Kirk, reborn after his 24th century death when the Borg-Romulan alliance resurrected and brainwashed him, intending to use Kirk to kill Picard. He professed loving her, but the romance ended badly after "the intense hatred of her own womanhood made life with her impossible." One can add a to-do, add date, and reminders using the Notion commands and get notifies about it. "You now have two minutes." One of the best things about Notion is that you dont have to start from scratch when creating dashboards. 2022 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. (TOS: "Court Martial"), Among his early missions was the Vulcanian expedition, along with former classmate Timothy. Kirk, Spock, Scott, Uhura, Chekov, and McCoy seeing the rest of Kirk's crew onboard the Excelsior-class USS Excelsior. I hope, this list of free notion templates will help you in learning and increasing your productivity. You can also follow me on Twitter (@surajondev) to get notified of the further post earlier. Anticipating the result of a Vulcan's higher strength level pitted against his own, Kirk wielded a pipe for protection. Very much like Spock and Leonard McCoy, Picard was instrumental in helping Kirk find meaning in his life after his greatest adventures were essentially over. Lets start the list with a task management template. Eventually, when they both were alone in her quarters, he slowly approached her. Kirk and the Gorn captain were removed from their respective ships by the Metrons and deposited on a desolate planetoid, where the Metrons forced the two captains to fight each other, threatening to destroy the loser's vessel. The producers first approached actors Lloyd Bridges and Jack Lord for the role; both turned it down. "20th century Earth. He befriended one of the planet's natives, the Hill man Tyree. A to-do list to track your progress and set your daily goals, Track academics and organize the reading list. There is also a section for tracking your subscription and note taking. Our respect for other lifeforms requires that we give you this warning. Thanks for sharing. 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