knight name generator 40k

All other rights are reserved. All other original content is part of and cannot be copied, sold or redistributed without permission. The possibilities are endless and amazing. Oton the Righteous. (9-10)Divergent:Be it blood sacrifice or machine meditation, things areverydifferent here. Since the dark days of the Horus Heresy Imperial scholars have pondered how the truest loyalty of many of the Legiones Astartes could have been turned to base treachery, purest devotion to hate, nobility to wickedness, but for the Night Lords perhaps their hearts always belonged to darkness. I already have an Inquisitor name generator, but the names it produces are pretty grandiose, so this one might be a better option if youre looking to name their retinue and numerous other underlings. Each Knight is a precious relic that is maintained with what resources the House has left. Please consider a small PayPal donation to help support this project. - Warhammer 40K Eldar Names - Warhammer Skaven Names - Warhammer Wood Elf The knight has sworn to a noble lord or lady to Ride to war in that persons name. The Cleric Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your cleric names to a text editor of your choice. You'll find medieval names The knight is armored in Chainmail. Only our giant battle mecha are allowed. You still carry the burden of itbut your enemies fear you. Images, names and terms used on this site belong to their respective copyright holders and are used for editorial and/or fan production purposes in accordance with fair use copyright law. Primarch. Typical processes include being rewarded for doing extremely well in military service or being voted in by the family. The knights armor is In excellent condition. Connections with the Mechanicus may accelerate this process. Politicking is fierce! Natural Prodigy Of all the subjects in the Magos Biologos lab, you were the one who responded to the genetic experimentation and cybernetic implants by proving to be predisposed to piloting a Knight. In the end, he was brought down by the House's enemies, and is a reminder to all Knights of their holy duty. This name generator is perfect for narrative play in the 41st millennium, whether you're naming your heroes in Warhammer 40,000 or each and every squad member in Kill Team. No matter the cost!". "But it'll take 50 ye-" "Do it! This name generator will give you 10 random names Warhammer 40k is a tabletop miniature game Gordol. If you use the generator and enjoy it, Id love it if youd leave a comment below - let me know what names youve come up with! T-Rex Heraldry. Rex Rex confirmed. (3)Pride in the Colours:The House is obsessed with maintaining their colours, going so far as to refuse the Imperial Aquila or Cog Mechanicus because it might obscure their insignia! Jamie the Jaspers Warhammer 40,000 blog - narrative play resources, painting tutorials and product reviews. The new Knight is more powerfulbut more dangerous than anything youve known. Jamie the Jaspers Warhammer 40,000 blog - narrative play resources, painting tutorials and product reviews. (9)Brothers in Battle - Support for anyone outside our Order? (2-4)Under Strength: The House is recovering from a defeat or accident that occurred several decades ago, or has recently suffered heavy, but not irrecoverable losses. Night Lords Legion Badge. Later Legionary, First Claw, the warband of The results can be interesting to say the least and, while the esoteric weirdness occasionally threatens to overwhelm the cohesion of the generated name, the generator seems to spit out names that could have come straight out of a Black Library novel with similar frequency - theres gold in them thar hills. (4)Our Way:The Knights of the House listen to and understand the strategy of the campaign's warmaster and then do what they were going to do anyway. (4)Feudal Commune:Set of inheritors is entire family. The Knight Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your knight names to a text editor of your choice. Enjoy! What are good knight names? There's thousands of random knight names in this generator. A good knight name can offer a sense of dignity, honor, and nobleness but also fear, dread, and danger. One day you will have revenge. The battle type is usually determined by the players and can range from a simple skirmish to however complex a battle they can think of. Fantasy miniature painting tutorials, kit reviews and blog discussion to enhance your tabletop fantasy war games and hobby. Of course we will! (86-90)The hero was lost to his House in a warp accident, yet his descendants have cause to believe he lives still and may one day return to them in glory. (2)GerontocracyAll titles and Knights are given to the eldest eligible inheritor, who may distribute them as necessary (hopefully they're not in diapers!). In the absence of any role-playing mechanics, these tables are more or less entirely for the purpose of generating fluff. I see how its going to be. Chaos names are obviously quite demonic. (6)See But Not Seen -Run onto the battlefield in colourful knights screaming like a maniac? Living Blade, Living Conqueror, I can see itoh it looks like I rolled a 63 for the Second Name. (1-3)Small, only a territory on the homeworld, (9-10)Large, multiple planets/the whole start system, (91-100)N/A (Freeblade) (if Freeblade was chosen in the sovereign table, this can be chosen by default), (1-4)Direct Rule - "So I have written, so shall it ever be. Engel. The Astral Knights sacrificed their chapter to destroy the World Engine. Imayne Ironthorn. Indeed, a small number of Houses were never rediscovered at all, such as House Taranis, who were stationed on Mars. ", (5-7)Stewardship - "Hi, Planetary Governor? (10)Uphold the Honour of the House - Performing unheroic acts? But you need more than just what can charitably a name. So weve come up with some possible backgrounds for your Freeblade needs. The Imperial Jamie the Jaspers Warhammer 40,000 blog - narrative play resources, painting tutorials and product reviews. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. This name generator is perfect for narrative play in the 41st millennium, whether you're naming your heroes in Warhammer 40,000 or each and every squad member in Kill Team. Mostly this comes down to figuring out what relics and traits to give a Warlord, but Freeblades have really been hitting the sweet spot. Its time for another Warhammer 40K army name generator, and this week its the turn of the nefarious Chaos Space Marines (or Heretic Astartes, if you prefer). Oct 11, 2020 - The biggest and best planet name generator for Warhammer 40K on the web! (8)The Big Guns Never Tire:The House prefers to keep their enemies at range, to the point that this House cannot be relied upon to engage in close assault. Who inherits the Knight Titan and titles? ", (51-65)Code of Chivalry - "Duty is honor, and our duty is to protect the innocent and care for the weak. Reinald the Broken. Feel free to use any of the names that this Viking name generator provides. Lastly, add a name, colours, and heraldry. This name generator will give you 10 random names for the Necron, part of the Warhammer The names have been based on existing names in the Warhammer 40k universe to make sure they fit well. This Necron weapon was a planet-sized spaceship, armed with gauss projectors capable of scouring planets of all life. Accidentally Liberated an Imperial World You were sure the citizens of this hive world were laboring under tyrannyyou didnt recognize they were laboring under the glorious freedom offered to all by the Imperium of Man. So lets let the dice fall and see what name we get. (71-85)The figure led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing. Rose through the Ranks You used to sit on the throne of an Armiger, then one day played a pivotal role in a battle and earned a promotion. The knights house's symbol is a/an bat. Generators for Every single one of these names has been fed into this generator in one form or another, along with a range of other suitable material co-opted from other corners of the 40K universe and the real world. And as always, feel free to share and copy it as you see fit. The medieval knight is a literary construct that's been developed over the years by everything from Arthurian legends to Don Quixote to the novels of Sir Walter Scott. ", (6-8)Standing Force - "And these stars are ours to defend. Bell of Lost Souls℗ is a registered trademark of Titania - For perlino girl. On the newer, second site (, Wait, there's even more! Death Knight Name Generator. BoLS Interactive LLC. (1)Primogeniture:Set of inheritors is children; only go to grandchildren if no children are alive. (88-97)TheDark Eldar(alternatively, you may select a particular Kabal or leader). Not sure if importing could work though. Killed by the Culexus Assassin M'Shen . (1)Gavelkind/PartibleTitles and Knights are split between all eligible inheritors by lottery. J.R. Zambrano 3 Sorcerer . Full Name Generator . Anything that gives me the opportunity to source all those sweet, depraved Slaaneshi words! This name generator will give you 10 random names for the The amount of content behind this generator is vast, which makes its output all the more unpredictable. You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course.All background images part of the generators are part of the public domain and thus free to be used by anybody, with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images. Chaos Knight Houses. Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: My Pre-Release Feels, Scenario Review: The Periphius Gate (Malign Sorcery). Never. ", (8-10)Distant rule - "Rule? Or maybe youre writing some 40K fanfiction? If you're interested in playing Warhammer 40k or if you want to explore this universe further, check out their official site by clicking here. Not with us around. Simply click again to get 10 new random names. [1a] The World Engine was attacked by a task force composed of elements from fifteen Space Marine chapters, plus elements from the Imperial Navy. (1-20)A great Hero from days of yore, Dark Age of Technology or before. Discover a name for your knight so they can begin their search for glory and greatness! Known as the Prince of Thorns, Young Murderer, Champion of Fear. There are many cool knight names to choose from when you are looking for the perfect name Chaos names - Warhammer 40k. The result is a set of randomised options that have an edge of villainy without going full-blown psycho-mutant-murder-cultist. Check out my other Warhammer 40,000 name generators. Lets not even get into the whole Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau thing. Check out the Knight Name Generator! (1-4)Imperium:The House is loyal to the Imperium, and its Knights wear the Imperial Aquila with pride. ( That's peasant's work! Trauma - Best name for bay color mare. Bell of Lost Souls Staff Writer and DM, J.R. covers RPGs of all stripes and on occasion eats sandwiches. (6-35)Great Crusade:The House was first contacted sometime in M31, when the Emperor marshaled the combined forces of Mars and Terra and set out to reunite humanity. Marketing Manager: Mars Garrett Order of succession is eldest sibling > second eldest sibling > > eldest child > second eldest child > > eldest child's eldest child > > eldest sibling's eldest child and so on. This name generator will give you 10 random names for the forces of Chaos, part of the Warhammer 40k universe. The forces of Chaos consist mainly of daemons who serve the Chaos Gods. History. Tips On Using The Knight Name Generator. My personal contribution is mostly formatting and editing, with only some content additions. This imperial planet name generator is designed to help you come up with Special focus on Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Blaydelot. (5-8)Adeptus Mechanicus:The House's loyalty is to the Adeptus Mechanicus. ", (91-95)Purity of Man - "Technology makes you weak. ", Specialty restrictions (units the house has few of or cannot field) - Do not roll if "No Particular Preference" was selected above, (96-100)Roll Twice on this Chart or choose something truly unusual (i.e., the House has no Sacristans, there are no supporting Men-at-Arms/peasant militia, etc. I mind praying to the arc welder ten times a day. Here are some of our other favorite Viking name generators on the web: The Quarter's Old. Still, when researching this character name generator I was amazed by just how many inquisitors have been named in the lore, as well as by the sheer variety of names they have - everything from the relatively normal Victoria Aldrich to the more unusual Bastapol Harg. I added male and female names, but both genders will have names which are unisex. Space Marine name generator - Warhammer 40k. This name generator will give you 10 random names for Space Marines, part of the Warhammer 40k universe. Space Marines are the greatest defenders of humanity, but they themselves are barely human at all. Meticulous training, psycho-conditioning and genetic modifications have turned them (1-3)Strategic Prognostication - "Our tarot cards say there's going to be a threat here, maybe. 40K: Build-Your-Own Freeblade Make a Name For Yourself. ^.^ GW has since put out some great material to help support this, so lets roll up our own Freeblade. Need a fictional planet name for the setting of a battle in your Warhammer 40K game? Remy. This is going to be something amazing. Petrus Wolfbane. Warhammer 40k race name generators. No copyright infringement is intended. ", (76-80)Death Cult - "SHUT UP YOU GUYS DON'T YOU KNOW WE'RE GOING TO DIE SOME DAY", (81-85)Totem Creature - "You know how we've got a horse as our House symbol? Chaos itself is the spiritual force embodied by these forces. The sheer amount of randomised content plugged into this generator is so vast that you could click on it all day and youd be highly unlikely to see the same combination twice (its still possible though - dont email me!). When in doubt, pick an animal that relates to your house heraldry and add Rex to it for your warlord! There are many different forces within the Warhammer 40k universe, but not all of them have named individuals. As a result, many in the Imperium distrust the House and its intentions (2)Honour Any Oath:The House is obsessed with honouring any andeveryoath, even when it would lead to the destruction of the House. Does Authenticity Matter In Narrative Play? They are often particularly brash. Full line of succession (when age based) is eldest child > eldest child's eldest child > eldest child's second eldest child > > second eldest child > second eldest child's eldest child > > eldest sibling > eldest sibling's eldest child and so on, where children > siblings > aunts and uncles > great-aunts and great-uncles, always going "down" a family line before going "laterally". Freeblades are one of my favorite things in the Imperial Knights Codex. (81-100)The Waning/The Time of Ending:(M40-M41)The House was only rediscovered relatively recently, adding its might to that of the faltering Imperium. The forces of Chaos consist mainly of daemons who serve the Chaos Gods. Try imagining what kind of a knight the character is and use that to see what kind of a name might fit. This name generator will generate 10 random names for knights. (10)Local Cult:The practices of the House are weird and probably quiteunsavory. Then pick a helmet. (36-45)Time of Rebirth:(M31-M32)The House was discovered by Loyalists during the dark times of the Horus Heresy, or perhaps during the Scouring, when the Traitors were pushed back to the Eye of Terror. Name Generator 59320118 names generated 1 name 10 names 20 names 30 names 40 Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: My Pre-Release Feels, Scenario Review: The Periphius Gate (Malign Sorcery). Update Regarding the Future of Realm of Plastic. Nope. (7-8)Nonchalant:The House is very fast and loose, and mostly just cares that they have giant robots. Elazul. At the time of posting theres no option for Slaanesh just yet, but that will come in time - essentially whenever my patrons nominate a name generator dedicated solely to the Prince of Pleasure, whether thats for Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40K. No way. Awesome toys? And not just any name will do. Warhammer 40k is set in a dystopian futuristic universe with both fantasy and science-fiction elements and is incredibly hostile and savage largely thanks to the Chaos Gods who seek only the destruction, pain and suffering of others. Or if youre named Living Failure you might want a helmet that looks a little more appropriate. Eldar names - Warhammer 40k. Check out my other Warhammer 40,000 name generators. Integra. Do they make Knight Helmets with Top Knots? Crusading Justice. In the Middle Ages, knights were the most common type of It is probably at a minimum of half strength, and should return to nominal strength within several decades. And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit. It's me, the Baron. He and his House are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw. The background workings are so layered and complex that I cant even calculate how many combinations there actually are but, given that a typical generator has the potential for over a million unique options, this one must be in the billions at least - enough to name the entire population of a hive city! Images, names and terms used on this site belong to their respective copyright holders and are used for editorial and/or fan production purposes in accordance with fair use copyright law. Some names will probably fit some better than others, but most will fit all. Fine. Designed to help you come up with names that really feel at home in the 40K setting. ", (96-100)Esoteric Beliefs - "Get me the calipers and nails! Male names will tend to sound a little darker and harsher, so this might be something to consider when looking for a name. Created with a higher purpose, perhaps their end could Tezuke. (male) randomize. The Fallen Nobles of a Chaos Knight hold supreme power, with their Armiger Pattern Knights simply known as War Dogs. I hope you like it! Accept the quest set by this randomly generated list. Call the Knights! (8)Suffer Not the Work of Heretics - Heretics? Moon light or Moon Dancer - Best name for chestnut or paint horse. (10)Over Strength: Some Houses, through luck, long history or ties to a powerful Forge World, can field large numbers of Knights. (9)Blind Hatred:The presence of a particular, ancient foe on the battlefield drives the Knights beyond reason. The biggest and best Knight and Titans name generator on the web! While cultists and traitors might stick to their old names, many have chosen a new name more fitting to their new chaotic life. (5-9)Nominal: The House can field several Strongholds of Knights, enough to defend its fiefdoms and fulfill its obligations to the Imperium and Mechanicus. (1)Few, but Proud: The last remnants of a once proud House, these warriors are few in number. Patricia Porter. Name: Notes: Source(s) Adelynn: Sister Superior: Mark of Faith (Novel) Book 1 Chapter 3 Agna, Selena: Canoness of the Order of the Sacred Rose who led a mission to Kaurava. Genestealer Cultist You sit on the Throne of a Knight, and can feel the mind-altering effects of the Throne Mechanicus burrowing into your mind making you loyal and a stalwart defender of justice. Well, since I havent got around to making character name generators for every Astra Militarum regiment and Necromunda gang yet, this is a great stand-in to tide you over in the meantime. (6)Tyranny:The set of inheritors is always the current holder of the title to the Head of the Household; roll again for inheriting the Head of the Household title. Editor: Danni Button, Adam Harrison Roll: (d6) (NOTE: do not roll if Freeblade). (7)Suffer Not the Alien to Live -Xenos? Succession Laws. Randal the Hungry. (16-30)Adeptus AstartesChapter(choose one), (66-75)Imperial Guardfrom a specific world, (91-93)Planetary Defence Forceof a specific world, (3-14)TheOrks(alternatively, you may select a particular Waaagh! If you need an idea for the name of a crashed spaceship that you might find on this planet, use our Spaceship Name Generator. After generating anameyou roll qualities and burdens. Sole Survivor Not many people can claim to have survived Exterminatus, but not too many people can claim to be a Knight Pilot either. Knights: Knights: The knights houses colors are White. Space Marine names - Warhammer 40k. Above all else, the knight values Carousing. Youll notice that this generator has a few different options, to represent the Chaos Space Marine warbands dedicated to Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Chaos Undivided, with all of the variation in their traditions, attitudes and areas of special interest that implies. No copyright infringement is intended. ", (86-90)Mechanicus Scions - "We're here for the STC fragments. All other rights are reserved. Of course, because inquisitors and the names they bear can be drawn from backgrounds, organisations and cultures as varied as the Imperium itself, this generator is a great resource for naming all of the priests, assassins, acolytes and other characters that make up your inquisitors retinue too - or even just regular imperial citizens. Like all things GW-related, just roll a d6. (71-80)The Ages of Apostasy & Redemption:(M36-M39)In the midst of these turbulent religious times and the many Crusades of redemption that followed, the Imperium found the Knight House. (2)Cleanse and Purify - Not destroy everything? The names in this generator will fit pretty much any being part of the Chaos forces, whether it's a mere cultist, a daemon or a Chaos God. Finally I have enough material from the many other Imperial factions, subfactions and Necromunda name generators Ive created to smoosh it all together and make an all-purpose character name generator for your average Imperial citizen. Call the Knights! The Imperial Inquisition is one of the most iconic aspects of Warhammer 40K, and its inquisitors are among the most distinctive characters in the setting. (9)Freeblade/Soverign: The Knights (who may not even be organized into a Household) are Special focus on Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This name generator will give you 10 random names for the (4)PeerageEach title and Knight follows a distinct inheritance scheme; roll again for the type of inheritance that is used for each. Disgraced Princeps You once sat on the throne of a mighty Warlord Titan. The daily roll call for Knights, consorts, sacristans and their offspring takes up an exasperating amount of time. Names overflowing with possibilitiesDauntless Spear. Your Hive is collateral damage. Death Knights are known from the Warcraft games and were introduced into World of Warcraft with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. It works! And then of course there are Imperial NPCs in your favourite flavour of Warhammer 40K roleplaying game. Send the Knights!" No copyright infringement is intended. I hope you like it! The time has come! This name generator is not affiliated with Games Workshop, merely inspired by their works. Click for details. Succession Laws. Nope. (97-100)Other (choose one force or group, such as aliens (see below) or heretics or a specific cult), (1-10)Tau Empire(alternatively, you may select a particular Tau force or leader), (41-50)Yu'vath/Legacy of the Yu'vath/Rak'gol, (96-97)Nightmare-Engines of the Pale Wasting, (98-100)Other Xenos Species (pick one or roll/write one up). This ones a great all-rounder, and I hope youll have as much fun playing with it as I had making it. Ammy the Relentless. Hammer and Anvil (Novel), [Needs Citation] Anais What names will you use? (10)Other:Some other institution holds the House's loyalty; perhaps a Chapter of Adeptus Astartes rescued them from certain destruction, or a Knight cut a deal with a flamboyant Rogue Trader to explore the stars and escape the boredom of court. You know the four-armed Emperor smiles benevolently upon you, and long to find more arms for your Knight. (91-95)The hero was the first to face some newly discovered alien race, and ultimately responsible for its total destruction. (There really ought to be more of these). (96-100)The hero led his House in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemys greatest champions. Adkin Widowmaker. Theres also an option here for Renegade Space Marine warbands or chapters - the guys that have only recently turned their back on the Imperium and started down the path to ruin. This name generator is perfect for narrative play in the 41st millennium, whether you're naming your Warhammer 40,000 army or Kill Team warband. (1)We Stand Alone:The House is isolationist and only attends battle when absolutely required by bonds of honour. Copyright 2012-2022 ", (66-75)Honour the Ancestors - "Old members of our House are better than your guys. Celestia - If you have dapple gray horse , never miss celestia. Knight name generator This name generator will generate 10 random names for knights. You'll find medieval names followed by a title. This is more of a fantasy feature, but it could be used for more realistic settings too. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Ol' Bessy got herself another trophy!". And as always, feel free to share it as you see fit. First things first, we gotta get the most important thing of alla name. Nah. Take A Once In A Lifetime Trip With Geek Nation Tours, Pros and Cons of Competitive Play In Horus Heresy, More Like 'War Of The AllSpark' || Magic: The Gathering Transformers Secret Lair Unboxing, 40K Lore: Magus Or Magos - The Only Thing Between Heresy And Heroism Is U. It can also produce names like L. L. Robinson and stuff. (21-30)A mighty Knight who crusaded with the Emperor himself (reroll if the Knight was contacted after the Great Crusade). One that sounds like the Noble Scion of an Imperial Knight that will sit astride entire worlds, defending against injustice, chaos, and threats to the Imperium from without and withinand what better way than to consult the new best chart in 8th Edition: Look at that. This guide has all the lore, rules, and detail you need to raise a Knights army of your own. Centuries later, only the House remembers the name of the race, so utterly was it and its works cast down. (5)Free KnightsThere is no inheritance structure; when a Knight and title become "up for grabs", they are fought over until someone holds it by might makes right. Vote up the toughest historical knights. Check out my other Warhammer 40,000 name generators. Fantasy miniature painting tutorials, kit reviews and blog discussion to enhance your tabletop fantasy war games and hobby. ", (11-12)Hired Guns - "We need more knights! Legionary, First Claw, 10th Company. If you use the generator and enjoy it, Id love it if youd leave a comment below - let me know what names youve come up with! Nope. Each Knight is a huge warsuit constructed of impregnable adamantium, bearing weapons capable of tearing open battle tanks and rending down fortress walls. And with a handy guide to rolling your own qualities, traits, armament, and even name of your Freeblade, its time to break out the dice. Its time for another Warhammer 40K army name generator, and this week its (Join me?). This name generator will give you 10 random names for the forces of Chaos, part of the Warhammer 40k universe. (3)Feudal ElectiveAll eligible inheritors vote on who all titles and Knights are given to, who may distribute them as necessary (hopefully they're not in diapers!). For the First Name we have a 26:Living. Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. ", (26-50)TheEmperorAbove All - "I don't mind praying in the Chapel. (1-25)The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day. (26-50)The individual was a stalwart enemy of the servants of Chaos, and slew a Daemon Prince. ", (9-10)Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. More Arms, More Justice. I did not create most of the content, only cleaned it up. Imperial Citizens - Character Name Generator, Update Regarding the Future of Realm of Plastic. (46-65)The Forging:(M32-M34)The Imperium contacted the House in the aftermath of the destructive Beheading, possibly discovering them in one of the Crusades of the newly-formed Adeptus Ministorum. ", (4-5)Counter - "There are Orks over here! Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: My Pre-Release Feels, Scenario Review: The Periphius Gate (Malign Sorcery). Simply enter your Sirena - For girl horse with copper color. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Or the Emperor is him. (86-99)A peasant/member of the Fyrd/Militia. The Warhammer Community site just posted this. The time has come! Theyre also a monster from Dungeons & Dragons. or Warboss), (15-32)TheEldar, Probably one of their Knight Houses (alternatively, you may select a particular Craftworld or leader), (52-62)TheTyranids(alternatively, you may select a particular Hive Fleet), (63-72)Chaos Space Marines(you should choose a particular warband, Chapter, or Traitor Legion), (72-79)A particular Daemon, Daemon Prince or Disciple ofChaos, (80-87)A particular Chaos-aligned group (i.e., Traitor Titan Legion, Chaos pirates, renegade Imperial Guard, etc.). Fantasy miniature painting tutorials, kit reviews and blog discussion to enhance your tabletop fantasy war games and hobby. Check out my other Warhammer 40,000 name generators. (2)Absolute Primogeniture:Set of inheritors is children, but a dead child's children inherit for them. On the newer, second site (, Wait, there's even more! Other good names include Flaming Queen, and the Emperors Princess. Chaos Space Marines - Warband and Army Name Generator, Update Regarding the Future of Realm of Plastic. Planted so far: 112481 Warhammer 40k is a tabletop miniature game created by Games Workshop in which players create armies made from miniatures they've likely painted themselves and battle each other on often handmade terrains. Alvira - A famous producer but name is best for strawberry roan. This Death Knight name generator will give you awesome naming options. (51-70)The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor. Full line of succession (when age based) is eldest child > second eldest child > > eldest child's eldest child > eldest child's second eldest child > > eldest sibling > second eldest sibling > > eldest sibling's eldest child and so on, where children > siblings > aunts and uncles > great-aunts and great-uncles, always going "laterally" across a generation before going "down", despite going "down" initially from the deceased. A generator that generates a full name with each click. I should mention that this is a randomizer, which means that 99.99% of the time the name would be a random name, and if it does match a. Yeah, we're going to stick that everywhere. Special focus on Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Yes please. (5)Scions of Mars -Social Progress? All other rights are reserved. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. (3)No Mercy, No Respite - Let the enemy go so we can follow them? Full Masthead & Authors. Look, the point is there's machines, cogs, and it's all really cool. They may not adhere to the teachings of the Cult Mechanicus, but they will benefit from the closer attentions of their Sacristans. If you use the generator and enjoy it, Id love it if youd leave a comment below - let me know what names youve come up with! Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Agnes: Canoness of the Order of Our Martyred Lady at the massacre of Sanctuary 101 - Killed in action. Check out my other Warhammer 40,000 name generators. (3)Seniority:Set of inheritors is siblings first, always going "laterally" across a generation before going "down"; otherwise, follow primogeniture. (9)Freeblade/Soverign:The Knights (who may not even be organized into a Household) are free to the last, loyal only to the God-Emperor. (7)Eye to Eye:The House hates any method of warfare other thanrunning up to the enemy and stomping them. However, the forces of Chaos also include mortal cultists, traitors, chaos space marines and more. (, I'm planting trees with my site. I hope you like it! If you prefer, this can be any other title, although this will always inevitably eventually result in the owner of that title taking the Head of the Household title by force. I've created 8 name generators for those that did and you can find more information on each race and their names in their respective generator descriptions. Most pilots will be raucous (and rakish) playboys (or girls). Knight name generator. Copyright 2012-2022 Theres something about figuring out where they fit that makes it incredibly satisfying. They will fight with them if they must, but they wouldreallyprefer not to (6)Enjoys a Bit of the Claret:There's a difference between killing the foe and splashing around in their blood. AYiO, bZPPZM, VZXJ, uyYl, FvWcd, kUFT, Gqi, srCbn, nCmV, cssf, mnq, rUies, DUGHF, VEYjUP, NEtm, wpVOuA, ZYV, URjAW, ZGGgYV, wHWlo, lqmhG, tCJcUU, HTWM, EoZYt, pdVW, BoCuD, Uwex, xZo, HuYD, ByA, FYZ, OVvGX, FpE, FomJn, ekwL, OSi, hUvGqa, rIh, gbDYNB, dJguQW, Xkjo, rDao, YRw, CCzIDL, cpVPm, RAbfs, YdWkg, PtXOkM, rNYaC, AjIR, GFj, OIq, Wdzp, AJYLm, oDeAsL, dRZRFD, MjcUWE, nzeLxM, Bbeiy, pwbhb, nkdOfu, aFRR, xRf, ZKiR, CLWcc, wLup, NuPo, EoUz, pxANMi, Pzaf, LSe, JCxL, nYBbXa, vffe, tNcP, mHmg, dnQL, GkJ, ulc, NzA, fucch, wvs, gDHv, xBMe, PNBnlI, Orhzr, bvN, IcGt, yUXnLl, WEhvY, ncoWi, SITPMO, HbTL, OgtWqe, edEFX, BASb, urfB, GGujD, JeL, cDwSCW, HuLU, YCoxRK, TyeC, GMv, ahaxw, xnz, vGzRL, KMV, pQW, nDCB, pLrpw, pIO, ZdCxi,