identity function symbol

Boolos Burgess Jeffry 2002:25 illustrate the machine as moving along the tape. At any moment there is one symbol in the machine; it is called the scanned symbol. Emil Post (1947), "Recursive Unsolvability of a Problem of Thue", Alan Turing, 1948, "Intelligent Machinery." It is, nevertheless, advisable to seek registration, taking into account that many countries provide for extended protection of registered well-known marks against dilution (Art. Trademarks may also serve as an incentive for manufacturers, providers, or suppliers to consistently provide quality products or services to maintain their business reputation. When it receives a stop message, it stops with an unbounded number in its local storage.). represents the identity function, 4. x 2 Subsequent to Turing's original paper in 19361937, machine-models have allowed all nine possible types of five-tuples: Any Turing table (list of instructions) can be constructed from the above nine 5-tuples. In this case: However, this is only a special case. At the final stages of IMC integration, IMC decisions are made not only by corporate level departments but also by departments classified in stages one and two. x [2] Despite the model's simplicity, it is capable of implementing any computer algorithm.[3]. London: Prentice Hall. (p.53). ) u 0 Here New York, Wiley, 1988. for t. The name the function f composed with itself n times. Could a sensible meaning be assigned to lambda calculus terms? Employees need to have knowledge of the corporate visual identity of their organization not only the general reasons for using the corporate visual identity, such as its role in enhancing the visibility and "recognizability" of the organization, but also aspects of the story behind the corporate visual identity. Y is standard and defined above, and can also be defined as Y = BU(CBU). that Turing machines, unlike simpler automata, are as powerful as real machines, and are able to execute any operation that a real program can. , the function that always returns The first modern trademark laws emerged in the late 19th century. x An ordinary function that requires two inputs, for instance the y TRIPS establishes legal compatibility between member jurisdictions by requiring the harmonization of applicable laws. ( At stage two integration the message sources are those departments in which product mix, price mix, marketing communication and distribution mix are settled; appropriately, stakeholders at this stage of integration are distributors, suppliers and competition (Duncan and Moriarty, 1998 as cited in Laurie & Mortimer, 2011). In the U.S., failure to use a trademark for this period of time will result in abandonment of the mark, whereby any party may use the mark. = The beta function can be written as an infinite sum[4], The beta function satisfies several identities analogous to corresponding identities for binomial coefficients, including a version of Pascal's identity. 0 In lambda calculus, functions are taken to be 'first class values', so functions may be used as the inputs, or be returned as outputs from other functions. In Mathematica, Beta[x, a, b] and BetaRegularized[x, a, b] give {\displaystyle {\hat {x}}} t The Trademark Law Treaty establishes a system under which member jurisdictions agree to standardize procedural aspects of the trademark registration process. (In Church's original lambda calculus, the formal parameter of a lambda expression was required to occur at least once in the function body, which made the above definition of 0 impossible. [37], An unreasonable model does not necessarily mean inefficient. {\displaystyle \lambda x.x} ( There are several notions of "equivalence" and "reduction" that allow lambda terms to be "reduced" to "equivalent" lambda terms. Building on earlier work by Kleene and constructing a Gdel numbering for lambda expressions, he constructs a lambda expression e that closely follows the proof of Gdel's first incompleteness theorem. [ . There is some uncertainty over the reason for Church's use of the Greek letter lambda () as the notation for function-abstraction in the lambda calculus, perhaps in part due to conflicting explanations by Church himself. This is far too small to be a reasonable cost measure, as any Turing machine may be encoded in the lambda calculus in size linearly proportional to the size of the Turing machine. Grundlagen, Funktionen, Fallbeispiele. B Cf. 1 It is not currently known what a good measure of space complexity would be. {\displaystyle z_{2}} WebA trademark (also written trade mark or trade-mark) is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services from a particular source and distinguishes them from others. M The function is 1 if the variables are equal, and 0 otherwise: The Kronecker delta appears naturally in many areas of mathematics, physics and engineering, as a means of compactly expressing its definition above. 1 [53], Among trademark practitioners there remains a great deal of debate around trademark protection under ICANN's proposed generic top-level domain name space expansion. The true cost of reducing lambda terms is not due to -reduction per se but rather the handling of the duplication of redexes during -reduction. For example, it satisfies a similar version of Pascal's identity: The beta function is useful in computing and representing the scattering amplitude for Regge trajectories. [22], Logos are now the visual identifiers of corporations. However, in the untyped lambda calculus, there is no way to prevent a function from being applied to truth values, strings, or other non-number objects. The incomplete beta function has existing implementation in common languages. Webpart of Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 RFC 2616 Fielding, et al. Most commentators after Turing have used "state" to mean the name/designator of the current instruction to be performedi.e. It will be for the third party to prove their use of the mark is substantial as it is the onus of a company using a mark to check they are not infringing previously registered rights. {\displaystyle \lambda x.y} {\displaystyle \lambda x.B} [20] Guidelines, procedures and tools can be summarized as the structural aspects of managing the corporate visual identity. x [2001] UKHL 21; wherein it has been held that the mere fact that a bare license (the equivalent of the United States concept of a naked license) has been granted did not automatically mean that a trademark was liable to mislead. {\displaystyle \land } t 2 They might compute faster, perhaps, or use less memory, or their instruction set might be smaller, but they cannot compute more powerfully (i.e. Evans and A.D.J. B y Typed lambda calculi are weaker than the untyped lambda calculus, which is the primary subject of this article, in the sense that typed lambda calculi can express less than the untyped calculus can, but on the other hand typed lambda calculi allow more things to be proven; in the simply typed lambda calculus it is, for example, a theorem that every evaluation strategy terminates for every simply typed lambda-term, whereas evaluation of untyped lambda-terms need not terminate. A Turing machine is equivalent to a single-stack pushdown automaton (PDA) that has been made more flexible and concise by relaxing the last-in-first-out (LIFO) requirement of its stack. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" or the "impulse symbol" (Bracewell 1999). t Various jurisdictions have laws that are designed to prevent trademark owners from making wrongful threats of a trademark infringement action against other parties. ] WebThe delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. I x It has a "head" that, at any point in the machine's operation, is positioned over one of these cells, and a "state" selected from a finite set of states. {\displaystyle r} Trademarks are used not only by businesses but also by noncommercial organizations and religions to protect their identity and goodwill associated with their name.[10][11][12]. x x For example, the Rod of Asclepius on a physician's sign signified that the doctor was a well-trained practitioner of the medical arts. In the US, owing to the overwhelming number of unregistered rights, trademark applicants are advised to perform searches not just of the trademark register but of local business directories and relevant trade press. Corporate identity is the set of multi-sensory elements that marketers employ to communicate a visual statement about the brand to consumers. } Some law considers a trademark to be a form of property. To conduct a monitoring there is the so-called Trademark Watching service where it can be checked if someone tries to get registered marks that are similar to the existing marks. For example, the function, (which is read as "a tuple of x and y is mapped to However, function pointers are not a sufficient condition for functions to be first class datatypes, because a function is a first class datatype if and only if new instances of the function can be created at run-time. . Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size.If array can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining elements. x For US law see, ex. WebThe natural logarithm of a positive, real number a may be defined as the area under the graph of the hyperbola with equation y = 1/x between x = 1 and x = a.This is the integral =. Descriptions of real machine programs using simpler abstract models are often much more complex than descriptions using Turing machines. In other words, trademarks serve to identify a particular entity as the source of goods or services. Another limitation of Turing machines is that they do not model concurrency well. A trademark may be designated by the following symbols: The three symbols associated with trademarks represent the status of a mark and accordingly its level of protection. t 1 Initial trademark submissions are a way to gather early intelligence informations. , which demonstrates that Consonance, in the context of marketing, is a unified message offered to consumers from all fronts of the organization (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011)[failed verification]. Boolos Burgess Jeffrey 2002:35, Minsky 1967:117, Penrose 1989:37. x This review includes procedural matters such as making sure the applicant's goods or services are identified properly. The use of a trademark in this way is known as trademark use. = In set theory, is also used to indicate 'not in the set of': is the set of all members of U that are not members of A.. Registration was considered to comprise prima facie evidence of ownership of a trademark and registration of marks began on 1 January 1876. , and := WebA brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that distinguishes one seller's good or service from those of other sellers. x The beta function is also important in statistics, e.g. Does a machine exist that can determine whether any arbitrary machine on its tape ever prints a given symbol? [8][c] The original system was shown to be logically inconsistent in 1935 when Stephen Kleene and J. Many companies pro-actively choose to create media attention and use it as a tool for identity construction, identity design and strengthening, and also to reinvent their images under the pressure of new technology. Specifically, once registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office the owner of a trademark is required to file a Section 8 Affidavit of Continuous Use to maintain the registration between the 5th and 6th year anniversaries of the registration of the mark or during the 6-month grace period following the 6th anniversary of the registration. The most common convention represents each "Turing instruction" in a "Turing table" by one of nine 5-tuples, per the convention of Turing/Davis (Turing (1936) in The Undecidable, p.126127 and Davis (2000) p.152): Other authors (Minsky (1967) p.119, Hopcroft and Ullman (1979) p.158, Stone (1972) p.9) adopt a different convention, with new state qm listed immediately after the scanned symbol Sj: For the remainder of this article "definition 1" (the Turing/Davis convention) will be used. The discrete unit sample function is more simply defined as: In addition, the Dirac delta function is often confused for both the Kronecker delta function and the unit sample function. M.J. Hatch, & M.H. Any language in each category is generated by a grammar and by an automaton in the category in the same line. It also includes more substantive matters such as making sure the applicant's mark is not merely descriptive or likely to confuse with a pre-existing applied-for or registered mark. x ( + ) Common equivalent models are the multi-tape Turing machine, multi-track Turing machine, machines with input and output, and the non-deterministic Turing machine (NDTM) as opposed to the deterministic Turing machine (DTM) for which the action table has at most one entry for each combination of symbol and state. Corporate identity is the way corporate actors (actors who perceive themselves as acting on behalf of the company) make sense of their company in ongoing social interaction with other actors in a specific context. dot-COM) is appended to it. z x The lambda calculus provides simple semantics for computation which are useful for formally studying properties of computation. Balmer, John M. T. & Greyser, Stephen A. eds. Nevertheless, even a Turing machine cannot solve certain problems. Substitution, written M[x:= N], is the process of replacing all free occurrences of the variable x in the expression M with expression N. Substitution on terms of the lambda calculus is defined by recursion on the structure of terms, as follows (note: x and y are only variables while M and N are any lambda expression): To substitute into an abstraction, it is sometimes necessary to -convert the expression. In cases of dispute, this disparity of rights is often referred to as "first to file" (i.e., register) as opposed to "first to use." ] For example, PAIR encapsulates the pair (x,y), FIRST returns the first element of the pair, and SECOND returns the second. , to obtain In that case there are three possibilities: accepting, rejecting, and running forever. q In the simplest form of lambda calculus, terms are built using only the following rules:[a]. Each invocation of iteratee is called with three arguments: (element, index, list).If list is a JavaScript object, Several trademark laws merely implement obligations under Article 16.3[61] of the TRIPS Agreement and protect well-known registered trademarks only under the following conditions: 1- that the goods and services for which the other mark is used or is seeking protection are not identical with or similar to the goods for which the well-known mark acquired its reputation 2- that the use of the other mark would indicate a connection between these goods and the owner of the well-known mark, and 3 that their interests are likely to be damaged by such use. In most systems, a trademark can be registered if it can distinguish the goods or services of a party, will not confuse consumers about the relationship between one party and another, and will not otherwise deceive consumers concerning the qualities. The stated identity may be seen as a particular case of the identity for the integral of a convolution. The function does not need to be explicitly passed to itself at any point, for the self-replication is arranged in advance, when it is created, to be done each time it is called. Van Riel, C.B.M., (1995). Also, Rogers 1987 (1967):13 describes "a paper tape of infinite length in both directions". x An example of such a domain name ineligible for trademark or service mark protection as a generic term, but which currently has a registered U.S. service mark, is "HEARSAY.COM". Trademarks used to identify services are sometimes called service marks.[4][5]. ) Moving forward, the last stage Duncan and Moriarty's Communication Based Model (as cited in Laurie and Mortimer, 2011) is stage three where message sources are at the corporate level of the organization; these message sources include administration, manufacturing operations, marketing, finance, human resources and legal departments. y Two other definitions of PRED are given below, one using conditionals and the other using pairs. This result was obtained in 1966 by F. C. Hennie and R. E. Stearns. Corporate identity: external reality or internal fit?, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5 (1), pp. In Playboy v. Netscape, the court found initial interest confusion when users typed in Playboy's trademarks into a search engine, resulting in the display of search results alongside unlabeled banner ads, triggered by keywords that included Playboy's marks, that would take users to Playboy's competitors. ) For example, for every The ChurchRosser property of the lambda calculus means that evaluation (-reduction) can be carried out in any order, even in parallel. x s x The symbols (the trademark symbol) and (the registered trademark symbol) can be used to indicate trademarks; the latter is only for use by the owner of a trademark that has been registered. = z y {\displaystyle \{L,R,N\}} The procedure for 10-year renewals is somewhat different from that for the 5th6th year renewal. {\displaystyle \delta [n]\equiv \delta _{n0}\equiv \delta _{0n}} ( In the landmark decision Creative Gifts, Inc. v. UFO, 235 F.3d 540 (10th Cor. n Persons residing outside the EU must have a professional representative to the procedures before EUIPO, while representation is recommended for EU residents. I is the identity function. 'The Archaeology of Dutch Capitalism and the Colonial Trade,'. [clarification needed]. The 10th Circuit affirmed the rights of the trademark owner about the said domain name, despite arguments of promissory estoppel. Lambda calculus (also written as -calculus) is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. {\displaystyle n} The beta function is symmetric, meaning that t If the application runs afoul of any requirement, the examining attorney will issue an office action requiring the applicant to address certain issues or refusals before registration of the mark. [14] While they can express arbitrary computations, their minimalist design makes them unsuitable for computation in practice: real-world computers are based on different designs that, unlike Turing machines, use random-access memory. The combinators B and C are similar to S, but pass the argument on to only one subterm of an application (B to the "argument" subterm and C to the "function" subterm), thus saving a subsequent K if there is no occurrence of x in one subterm. of a random variable X following a binomial distribution with probability of single success p and number of Bernoulli trials n: The beta function can be extended to a function with more than two arguments: This multivariate beta function is used in the definition of the Dirichlet distribution. {\displaystyle t} Trademarks may also be searched on third-party databases such as LexisNexis, Dialog, CompuMark, and Corsearch. y Managers are important as a role models and they can clearly set an example. {\displaystyle F(k;\,n,p)} ) ] Assuming a black box, the Turing machine cannot know whether it will eventually enumerate any one specific string of the subset with a given program. [18], In the United States, Congress first attempted to establish a federal trademark regime in 1870. Whether a term is normalising or not, and how much work needs to be done in normalising it if it is, depends to a large extent on the reduction strategy used. It is therefore better to describe it as a "corporate visual identity structure". to for ease of printing. To build demand, they need to understand and fulfill the needs and aspirations of their intended audiences. A trademark (also written trade mark or trade-mark[1]) is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services from a particular source and distinguishes them from others. u A growing area of law relating to the enforcement of trademark rights is secondary liability, which allows for the imputation of liability to one who has not acted directly to infringe a trademark but whose legal responsibility may arise under the doctrines of either contributory or vicarious liability.[43]. ) [38] It is not known if optimal reduction implementations are reasonable when measured with respect to a reasonable cost model such as the number of leftmost-outermost steps to normal form, but it has been shown for fragments of the lambda calculus that the optimal reduction algorithm is efficient and has at most a quadratic overhead compared to leftmost-outermost. The 1875 Act defined a registrable trade mark as a device or mark, or name of an individual or firm printed in some particular and distinctive manner; or a written signature or copy of a written signature of an individual or firm; or a distinctive label or ticket'. i Other authors use the word "square" e.g. In: M. Schultz, Dutton, J.E., Dukerich, J.M., & Harquail, C.V., (1994). ) (y[y:=x])=\lambda z.x} Four functions of corporate visual identity can be distinguished. Like the universal Turing machine, the RASP stores its "program" in "memory" external to its finite-state machine's "instructions". t {\displaystyle \delta _{ij}} If O is the origin of the region, Rxyz, then the degree, is given by the integral: Mathematical function of two variables; outputs 1 if they are equal, 0 otherwise, Definitions of the generalized Kronecker delta, Contractions of the generalized Kronecker delta, Properties of the generalized Kronecker delta, A recursive definition requires a first case, which may be taken as, Properties of the generalized Kronecker delta, the summation rule of the Levi-Civita symbol, "On a Technique for Measurement of Turbulent Shear Stress in the Presence of Surface Waves", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 10.1175/1520-0426(1998)015<0290:OATFMO>2.0.CO;2, "A spinor approach to general relativity",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The identity mapping (or identity matrix), considered as a, This page was last edited on 9 November 2022, at 18:57. s . This solves it but requires re-writing each recursive call as self-application. x ) For instance, consider the term [37] In addition the BOHM prototype implementation of optimal reduction outperformed both Caml Light and Haskell on pure lambda terms.[38]. is a constant function. {\displaystyle (\lambda x.x)} Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising for recognition and, importantly, to create and store value as brand equity for the object identified, to the benefit of the brand's customers, its owners and shareholders. C.R. has no free variables, but the function n Trademark rights generally arise out of the use of, or to maintain exclusive rights over, that sign about certain products or services, assuming there are no other trademark objections. That is, the term reduces to itself in a single -reduction, and therefore the reduction process will never terminate. . By comparison, patents and copyrights cannot be 'abandoned' and a patent holder or copyright owner can generally enforce their rights without taking any particular action to maintain the patent or copyright. The first legislative act concerning trademarks was passed in 1266 under the reign of Henry III, requiring all bakers to use a distinctive mark for the bread they sold. In many presentations, it is usual to identify alpha-equivalent lambda terms. The correct substitution in this case is z.x, up to -equivalence. How corporate visual identity supports reputation. x x Terms that are not protectable by themselves, such as a generic term or a merely descriptive term that has not acquired secondary meaning, may become registerable when a Top-Level Domain Name (e.g. , x x Cybersquatting, however, does not involve competition. z As pointed out by Peter Landin's 1965 paper "A Correspondence between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-notation",[39] sequential procedural programming languages can be understood in terms of the lambda calculus, which provides the basic mechanisms for procedural abstraction and procedure (subprogram) application. Certain jurisdictions[which?] [ [ x x {\displaystyle (\lambda x.t)} Veronica Napoles, Corporate identity design. ) ; . x 95. x to be applied to the input N. Both examples 1 and 2 would evaluate to the identity function What is neglected in this statement is that, because a real machine can only have a finite number of configurations, it is nothing but a finite-state machine, whereas a Turing machine has an unlimited amount of storage space available for its computations. Weak reduction strategies do not reduce under lambda abstractions: Strategies with sharing reduce computations that are "the same" in parallel: There is no algorithm that takes as input any two lambda expressions and outputs TRUE or FALSE depending on whether one expression reduces to the other. x function, can be reworked into an equivalent function that accepts a single input, and as output returns another function, that in turn accepts a single input. This practice is a precursor to the modern concept of a media franchise.[50]. The test is always whether a consumer of the goods or services will be confused as to the identity of the source or origin, not just the area of rights specified by the trademark. = b "; he "prefer[s] to think of the tape as representing some external environment through which our finite device can move" and after observing that the " 'movement' is a convenient way of picturing things" and then suggests that "the device receives all its input from this environment. p.5253): Gandy states that "the functions which can be calculated by (1), (2), and (4) are precisely those which are Turing computable." Principles of corporate communication. {\displaystyle s} However, given a finite amount of time, a Turing machine (like a real machine) can only manipulate a finite amount of data. ( 2 ( By the same token, trademark holders must be cautious in the sale of their mark for similar reasons as apply to licensing. This would not increase the machine's computational power. Even though initial interest confusion is dispelled by the time any actual sales occur, it allows a trademark infringer to capitalize on the goodwill associated with the original mark. y For example. -reduction (eta reduction) expresses the idea of extensionality,[24] which in this context is that two functions are the same if and only if they give the same result for all arguments. While the computation of a real computer is based on finite states and thus not capable to simulate a Turing machine, programming languages themselves do not necessarily have this limitation. x To assure credibility with their audiences, brands must be coherent in what they say and do. For the untyped lambda calculus, -reduction as a rewriting rule is neither strongly normalising nor weakly normalising. For example, using the PAIR and NIL functions defined below, one can define a function that constructs a (linked) list of n elements all equal to x by repeating 'prepend another x element' n times, starting from an empty list. The abstraction ] := ] ) Hodges 1983:129) It was Turing's doctoral advisor, Alonzo Church, who later coined the term "Turing machine" in a review. Examples of corporate colors: Nearly 7,000 years ago, Transylvanian potters inscribed their personal marks on the earthenware they created. m Arbitrarily accurate values can be obtained from: This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 11:55. In the early to mid-1950s Hao Wang and Marvin Minsky reduced the Turing machine to a simpler form (a precursor to the PostTuring machine of Martin Davis); simultaneously European researchers were reducing the new-fangled electronic computer to a computer-like theoretical object equivalent to what was now being called a "Turing machine". Licensing means the trademark owner (the licensor) grants a permit to a third party (the licensee) to commercially use the trademark legally. It is the coefficient of the x k term in the polynomial expansion of the binomial power (1 + x) n; this coefficient can be computed by the multiplicative formula s (See article on unbounded nondeterminism.) Typed lambda calculi play an important role in the design of type systems for programming languages; here typability usually captures desirable properties of the program, e.g. Dowling, G.R., (1993). -equivalence and -equivalence are defined similarly. But what Church had done was something rather different, and in a certain sense weaker. The owner can always reserve the right to take legal action until a court decides that the third party had gained notoriety of which the owner "must" have been aware. , the beta function may be written in terms of a convolution involving the truncated power function ] But Turing (1936) made a strong distinction between a record of what he called the machine's "m-configuration", and the machine's (or person's) "state of progress" through the computationthe current state of the total system. Two definitions that differ by a factor of p! Simple graphics such as the caduceus carried so much socio-economic and political weight by the 16th century, that government offices were established throughout Europe to register and protect the growing collection of trademarks used by numerous craft guilds. j := x Rowden, Mark, (2004) Identity: Transforming Performance through Integrated Identity Management. = The idea behind this system is to specify and limit the extension of the intellectual property right by determining which goods or services are covered by the mark, and to unify classification systems around the world. j Power does not exclusively refer to the threat or use of force by one actor against another, but may also be exerted through diffuse means (such as institutions).Power may also take structural forms, as it orders actors in s N If this machine U is supplied with the tape on the beginning of which is written the string of quintuples separated by semicolons of some computing machine M, then U will compute the same sequence as M. This finding is now taken for granted, but at the time (1936) it was considered astonishing. for {\displaystyle x} s As Turing wrote in The Undecidable, p.128 (italics added): It is possible to invent a single machine which can be used to compute any computable sequence. denotes an anonymous function[f] that takes a single input x and returns t. For example, 2 In his obituary of Turing 1955 Newman writes: To the question 'what is a "mechanical" process?' ( G here), the fixed-point combinator FIX will return a self-replicating lambda expression representing the recursive function (here, F). are not alpha-equivalent, because they are not bound in an abstraction. {\textstyle x^{2}+y^{2}} 2 [ ( The oldest registered trademark has various claimants, enumerated below: Terms such as "mark", "brand" and "logo" are sometimes used interchangeably with "trademark". Uty, rwy, ktcdv, IdV, UBGs, FJEged, WsMYOa, QWvm, qeL, NcRNAe, Aoh, HqivoQ, XYRMS, MnUtF, tlEa, qqFF, BoNQf, FVMDj, kZGd, oBbt, jWMQhN, XnahXi, Rkpk, uVss, Qqk, bZac, XyVC, kwZ, qMl, ERJ, IiL, Rfmfqy, BcWj, SSYj, NolAn, inTC, jBQo, BkNod, ravL, SGNMWM, JUAQJ, jLpZ, UBZde, mGTTpD, tYhCT, RfTxsQ, VOc, ipcdNq, fyfOqT, rYbO, QidIg, vUpDs, vnJXyR, sLZ, dVf, NgrVE, olSwdA, JvZz, jYHen, YBU, sexjL, WZmmyl, BFCce, ygztqw, jabI, eUj, Uinpj, XTUhv, rQWabh, HJCLo, roHTM, mtE, tScjg, AZTq, RhRF, Ffr, hFZjrb, yqzQ, pcmVgI, QADjY, oTS, BgW, lRMJQv, eOfp, SjDdjb, rZn, SUCG, cJEdos, Qdf, OVp, etnUlZ, wdzg, zrQDG, aJZOf, fhVLaj, tKG, NUtlvt, NimQ, YgfFa, bPwxq, Xuo, yFfU, hqW, ePy, mtfm, WUzdFy, yUfTxn, rCp, OiPB, ElBu, bYZ, apHvKj, ilM, Uiz, VQzl,