haram things for males

The invention is another long-lasting and non-permanent male contraceptive which requires the gel to be injected into the abdomen. who with collusive chuckles make concessions and grant forgiveness. These agencies want that second opinion to be silenced. Other writers engaged in the "New History," according to Lustick (p. 157), include Uri Bar-Joseph, That the New Historians focus on the 700,000 uprooted, see. Such procedures can also be made available at a cheaper cost or even free. [8], Moynihan had concluded that three centuries of oppression of black people, and in particular with what he calls the uniquely cruel structure of American slavery as opposed to its Latin American counterparts, had created a long series of chaotic disruptions within the black family structure which, at the time of the report, manifested itself in high rates of unwed births, absent fathers, and single mother households in black families. WebAbout Our Coalition. I got off the bus and went over to him. Except for the info he presented from Judicial Watch, which I had surmised anyway based on the ad campaign going full blast here, I had pretty much heard all of the rest through different videos of doctors telling what they had found out. [53], In 2016, in the wake of New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany, the mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker came under heavy criticism, as her response appeared to blame the victims. We look at the world through different eyes, so we see the world in different ways. A breakdown of the figure showed that in July this year, 94 babies were delivered at the facility, with 98 delivered in August, 60 in September and 11 in October. This usually stems from an "excessive sensitivity" to insults, which he finds as a consistent pattern in abusive husbands. Shapira writes that they focused on the 700,000 Palestinian Arabs who were uprooted by the war, not on the 6,000 Jews who died during it, and assessed the behavior of the Jewish state as they would that of any other. Im not. WebSodomy (/ s d m i /) or buggery (British English) is generally anal or oral sex between people, or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (), but it may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity. "All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948". British authority broke down as the civil war spread, taking care of little more than the evacuation of their own forces, although they maintained an air and sea blockade. [82] The looting was so extensive that the 3rd Battalion had to be withdrawn from Lydda during the night of 1314 July, and sent for a day to Ben Shemen for kinus heshbon nefesh, a conference to encourage soul-searching. The Arabs considered the Israeli offer was "less than token." Once Israel was admitted to the UN, it retreated from the protocol it had signed, because it was completely satisfied with the status quo, and saw no need to make any concessions with regard to the refugees or on boundary questions. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. The comments received international attention and were overwhelmingly criticised as being insensitive and racist, and sympathetic to the views of the perpetrator. Wait o! nanotubes might replace some metal electronic components, leading to faster devices, https://www.nih.gov/sites/default/files/research-training/nanotechnology-new-understanding-capabilities-approaches-improving-health.pdf, Somehistory [10], Israel subsequently launched Operation Danny to secure the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road and neutralise any threat to Tel Aviv from the Arab Legion, which was stationed in Ramallah and Latrun, with a number of men in Lydda. Aside the use of condoms, an absolute withdrawal of the penis before ejaculation, and vasectomy appearing to be the only permanent birth control for males, no male contraceptive has really taken off. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews.com The pharma guy at the wef said that they were going to be putting computer stuff in pills so they would know if and when the patient took the pill. For instance, they argue that the claim that "women wearing provocative clothing cause rape" is as demeaning to men as it is to women as depicting men as incapable of controlling their sexual desire is misandrist and denies men full agency, while also arguing that the generalization that women do not lie about rape (or any generalization about women not doing some things because of their gender) is misogynist by its implicit assumption that women act by simple default action modes which is incompatible with full agency. Joseph Mercola: How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden , We should be at or near a seasonal nadir. The IDF were wearing keffiyehs and were led by an armoured car seized from the Arab Legion. WebIt is sometimes very easy to say certain things while we are at peace and full of content. [49]:131, Former Australian Senator Fraser Anning was sharply criticised for his comments about the Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand, in which 51 Muslim worshippers were killed. Many of the people involved later apologized. Instead we are at an all-time CA [cancer] excess, and heading up. The best thing is to wait for NAFDAC, to hear their comment on the product when it is out.. Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. Moynihan then correlated these familial outcomes, which he considered undesirable, to the relatively poorer rates of employment, educational achievement, and financial success found among the black population. While the scholars make a distinction between actual victim blaming and rule by law that they consider to be falsely lumped with victim blaming in radical feminist rhetorics, they also advocate more protection from ad hominem questions to alleged victims about past life history and that the questions should focus on what is relevant for the specific alleged crime. I did not receive such permission and did not give such orders." [68], Notwithstanding that an agreement may have been reached, Morris writes that the troops understood that what followed was an act of deportation, not a voluntary departure. After 30 years of intercommunal conflict between Jewish and Arab Palestinians, on 29 November 1947, the United Nations voted to partition the territory into a Jewish and an Arab state, with Lydda and Ramle to form part of the latter. John, Im not trying to baffle you. The visits are met with a mixture of interest and hostility. I dont believe that Bill gates or others in high positions are conspiring to murder us. Also, the 100,000 would include 25,000 who had already returned illegally, so the actual total was only 75,000. When fauci and dr bright and the other doctors had that meeting where they discussed how they could get an *international vaccine* to everyone, and dr. bright said, maybe we can get a virus, maybe out of china, and then. Khalil Wazir, who later joined the PLO and became known as Abu Jihad, was evicted from the town with his family, who owned a grocer's store there, when he was 12 years old. "[81] Bechor Sheetrit, the Minister for Minority Affairs, said the army removed 1,800 truckloads of property from Lydda alone. After Varnika Kundu was stalked and harassed by two men on her way home late at night, Bharatiya Janata Party Vice President Ramveer Bhatti addressed the incident with a claim that Kundu was somehow at fault for being out late by herself. Using a column of jeeps led by a Marmon-Herrington Armoured Car with a cannontaken from the Arab Legion the day beforehe launched the attack in daylight,[37] driving through the town from east to west machine-gunning anything that moved, according to Morris, then along the Lydda-Ramle road firing at militia posts until they reached the train station in Ramle. [104] One wrote an open letter in March 1949 to the Al Youm newspaper on behalf of 460 Muslim and Christian train workers: "Since the occupation, we continued to work and our salaries have still not been paid to this day. Not only are there police patrols and possible eyewitnesses, but these analysts also argue that neighbors can overhear and report crimes that take place within the house such as domestic violence. [17], The events in Lydda and Ramle accounted for one-tenth of the overall Arab exodus from Palestine, known in the Arab world as al-Nakba ('the catastrophe'). Orji said, Nigeria is a procreation society that men are well known for dominance in decision making and you know a woman needs to get involved in a sexual activity with a man to get pregnant; so if the product successfully passes those clinical stages it will be a very good development. Thank you for signing up! Im not trying to cause you to worry. Most of the approaches are especially concentrated on how unwanted pregnancies are prevented. They may not be able to carry out their plan, but it is what they want. In 1947 Theodor W. Adorno defined what would be later called "blaming the victim," as "one of the most sinister features of the Fascist character". [108], Yigal Allon, who led Operation Dani and may have ordered the expulsions, became Israel's deputy prime minister in 1967. [63], The Israeli cabinet reportedly knew nothing about the expulsion plan until Bechor Shitrit, Minister for Minority Affairs, appeared unannounced in Ramle on 12 July. According to a contemporaneous IDF account: "Groups of old and young, women and children streamed down the streets in a great display of submissiveness, bearing white flags, and entered of their own free will the detention compounds we arranged in the mosque and churchMuslims and Christians separately." We have improved greatly and we hope to do better, he said. These analysts cite international comparisons that show that the percentage of male on female cases in the statistics of successfully prosecuted domestic violence is not higher in countries that apply gender feminist theories about patriarchal structures than in countries that apply supposedly antifeminist evolutionary psychology profiling of sex differences in aggressiveness, impulse control and empathy, arguing that the criminal justice system prioritizing cases in which they believe the suspect most likely to be guilty makes evolutionary psychology at least as responsible as gender feminism for leaving domestic violence cases with female offenders undiscovered no matter if the victim is male or female. If its thought control, which is what k. schwab was saying, then the thoughts would align with their goals, would they not? The orders for Lydda were from Dani HQ to Yiftah Brigade HQ and 8th Brigade HQ, and to Kiryati Brigade at around the same time. Implement immediately (Prior 1999, p. 205). A lot of shots. Get information on latest national and international events & more. "[49], Palestinian historian Aref al-Aref placed the death toll at 426, including 179 he said were later killed in one of the mosques, during a confusing incident that sources variously refer to as a massacre or a battle. In context, Baumeister refers to the common behavior of the aggressor seeing themselves as more of the "victim" than the abused, justifying a horrific act by way of their "moral complexity". [22] Jewish and Arab fighters had been attacking each other on roads near the towns since hostilities broke out in December 1947. He argued that showing the victim's possible role in an altercation may be contrary to typical explanations of violence and cruelty, which incorporate the trope of the innocent victim. If our government is serious, it can be well achieved but there should be some level of enlightenment in that direction. Nils Christie, a Norwegian criminology professor, has been theorizing about the concept of the ideal victim since the 1980s. So my dear Muslim brothers and sisters, let us shrink away from the dating thing in praise of courtship because thats how we can become safe from its temptations. [43][44], Other analysts of victim blaming discourse who neither support most of the phenomena that are described as victim blaming nor most of the measures that are marketed as countermeasures against such point at the existence of other ways of discovering and punishing crimes with victims besides the victim reporting the crime. THISDAY Checks showed that many of the NGOs paid for hotel accommodation for upwards of 10 years. ", "(1965) The Moynihan Report: The Negro Family, the Case for National Action BlackPast", "Factsheets: Trauma of Victimization Secondary injuries", "She Dresses to Attract, He Perceives Seduction: A Gender Gap in Attribution of Intent to Women's Revealing Style of Dress and its Relation to Blaming the Victims of Sexual Violence", "Myths and Facts About Sexual Assault and Consent", "No Rape Victim, Male or Female, Deserves to Be Blamed", "Rethinking Affirmative Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law: Neoliberal Sexual Subjects and Risky Women", "Rape victims are still being blamed for sexual violence in Somalia", "Women freed from Boko Haram rejected for bringing 'bad blood' back home", "JUDGE: School district 'wrong' to blame student for having sex with teacher EAGnews.org", "Dress and sex: a review of empirical research involving human participants and published in refereed journals", "Expanding the Definition of Provocative Dress: An Examination of Female Flashing Behavior on a College Campus", "Egg Boy speaks out on Fraser Anning: 'Tackled by bogans', "Fury as Australian senator blames Christchurch attack on Muslim immigration", "Australian senator Fraser Anning punches teen after being egged", "Mayor of Cologne says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault", "Twitter storm as Cologne mayor suggests women stay at 'arm's length' from strangers", "A 'new dimension' of sexual assault in Cologne", "Cologne sex attacks: Merkel disgust at New Year gang assaults", "The myth of the good victim: As an American facing street harassment abroad, I wondered what it meant to be a "good victim", "Ashley Olsen Didn't Deserve to Die, No Matter How Hard She Partied", "Amid rape fiasco, India's leaders keep up insensitive remarks", "#AintNoCinderella: Why Indian women are posting midnight photos", "Mother Blames Her Daughter Equally With Man For Murder", "Cleveland, Texas rape case: Defense attorney calls pre-teen victim a spider, but that's his job", "NY Times Defends Victim Blaming Coverage of Child Rape Case", "Dr Jessica Taylor (PhD, FRSA) explains the reason why women are blamed for everything", Child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome, Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Victim_blaming&oldid=1120135406, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2021, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2011, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from November 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 November 2022, at 10:07. [38], In Western culture victim blaming has been largely recognized as a problematic way to view a situation, however this does not exempt Westerners from being guilty of the action. [126] Father Oudeh Rantisi, a former mayor of Ramallah who was expelled from Lydda in 1948, visited his family's former home for the first time in 1967: As the bus drew up in front of the house, I saw a young boy playing in the yard. It is a good thing to have something for the males too. "A Word from an Old Historian,". tube [12] They refused and fired upon the party, killing the mayor and wounding several others. The IDF estimated that there was an Arab Legion force of around 200-300 men. [32], When applying the ideal victim theory to sexual assault victims, often judicial proceedings define an ideal victim as one who resists their attacker and exercises caution in risky situations, despite law reforms to extinguish these fallacious requirements. He asked that trucks and Arab residents be organized to deal with them. That the IDF ignored that the Legion was "on a defensive footing," see Gelber 2006, p. 158. [6], The exodus, constituting "the biggest expulsion of the war",[7] took place at the end of a truce period, when fighting resumed, prompting Israel to try to improve its control over the Jerusalem road and its coastal route which were under pressure from the Jordanian Arab Legion, Egyptian and Palestinian forces. Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar has promised to wipe out Boko Haram and help businessmen revive and expand their business in order jump start the economy if elected President come 2023. Robert Spencer punchng.com 1971- 2022 Punch Nigeria Limited, Oyo students gang-rape SSS1 pupil in uncompleted building, PICTORIAL: Adebanjo, Obasanjo, Obi visit Ohaneze's headquarters, Beware of Atiku's promises, APC PCC tells Nigerians, I'll be fair to all, Tinubu promises Nigerians, Tension as assassins rape, kill UNIJOS student, PDP appoints Adeleke as Atiku campaign council member, I'm 'psychologically destroyed' by World Cup exit Neymar, Sack randy lecturers, Buhari tells varsities, Aisha Buhari should apologise for Twitter critics arrestUbani, Man rejects N600,000 compensation for slain son, knocks police, Attacks, intimidation wont stop credible elections, INEC vows. He said there was fear of a massacre, as there had been at Deir Yassin, and that there were bodies scattered in the streets and between the houses, including the bodies of women and children. Britain's popularity with the Arabs reached an all-time low. That afternoon, Dani HQ told one of its brigades to facilitate the flight from Ramle of women, children, and the elderly, but to detain men of military age. The visit was rescheduled for 14 July; Dani HQ ordered Israeli troops to remove the bodies by then, but the order seems not to have been carried out. [122] The population in Lod as of 2010[update] was officially around 45,000 Jews and 20,000 Arabs; its main industry is its airport, renamed Ben Gurion International Airport in 1973. A urologist from Epworth Freemasons and the researchs principal investigator, Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, was quoted as saying that the three-year study will investigate whether the hydrogel is successful as a non-permanent and long-lasting contraceptive for males. The Lydda and Ramle events took place during that period. Slavery has been found in some "Ludd" in Bosworth, C.E. Average life span of females is more than that of males By nature males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. He and Dr. Glazov are sincere in wanting help to people avoid being taken in. ", "Politics and Collective Memory: The Debate over the 'New Historians' in Israel", "Israel Bars Rabin from Relating '48 Eviction of Arabs, "The Causes and Character of the Exodus from Palestine", Timeline of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem, Villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus, Palestinian Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command, UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 194, UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 242, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1948_Palestinian_expulsion_from_Lydda_and_Ramle&oldid=1118595727, Articles with dead external links from August 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2010, Articles with Hebrew-language sources (he), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Lydda, Ramle, and surrounding villages, then part of, 50,00070,000 residents fled from, or were expelled by, the IDF, Palestinians called Lydda al-Ludd. The PFLP was also behind the 1972 Lod Airport massacre, in which 27 people died, and the 1976 hijacking of an Air France flight to Entebbe, which famously led to the IDF's rescue of the hostages. Interestingly, technology has given the female gender a variety of options, such as the barrier method and the use of hormonal medication, sterilization, among others, aimed at stopping the sperm cells from the opposite gender from reaching the egg during sexual intercourse. [80], As the residents left, the sacking of the cities began. He added, The government has to do a lot about educating the public about male fertility control and it is not just about this new method that is still under experiment, men should also be educated on the existing ones. The media coverage of the murder has been cited as an example of victim blaming. You may have gotten harmless stuff. It is going to be of help along with others. and, if you looked at the names of those working at the nih, youd see a lot of Chinese names. and, I have seen a few speak about stuff related to the shots with whom I did not agree. Khalidi, Walid (1992). Its a serious subject, for sure. The statistics further showed that out of the entire population, China and India have been identified as the most populous countries with 1.44 billion and 1.39 billion people, respectively, accounting for about 18 per cent and 19 per cent of the worlds population, respectively. Looking at the fertility rate in Nigeria, it is very high and by now the population is increasing day by day. They interpreted the history of the war, not in terms of European politics, the Holocaust, and Jewish history, but solely within the context of the Middle East. Why is that? The figure from Dayan is cited in, For a discussion about which mosque this happened in, and for the 95 bodies, see, Glubb 1957, plate 8, between pp. Big big talk. "I did not ask the late Ben-Gurion for permission to expel the population of Lydda. [16] A number of the refugees died during the exodus from exhaustion and dehydration, with estimates ranging from a handful to a figure of 500. The military administrators did satisfy some of their needs, such as building a school, supplying medical aid, allocating them 50 dunams for growing vegetables, and renovating the interior of the Dahmash mosque, but it appears the refugees felt like prisoners; Palestinian train workers, for example, were subject to a curfew from evening until morning, with periodic searches to make sure they had no guns. [96], The United Nations convened the Lausanne Conference of 1949 from April to September 1949 in part to resolve the refugee question. He was in his second year at medical school in Beirut at the time, but returned to Lydda when he heard the Israelis had arrived in Jaffa, and was subsequently one of those expelled. "[10] This view has been criticised. The ideal attacker does not know their victim and is a completely non-sympathetic figure- one who is considered sub-human, an individual lacking morals. [19][20][21], One example of a sexist allegation against female victims of sexual assault is that wearing provocative clothing stimulates sexual aggression in men who believe that women wearing body-revealing clothes are actively trying to seduce a sexual partner. Kelman, Moshe (1972). These scholars argue that it is important to impartially assess the evidence in each criminal trial individually and that any generalization based on statistics would change the situation from one where the control of evidence makes false reporting difficult to one where lack of individual control of the alleged crime makes it easier to file false reports and that statistics collected in the former situation would not be possible to apply to the latter situation. A lot of countries are looking to demonise the military. He wrote: "[The Israeli jeep column] raced into Lydda with rifles, Stens, and sub-machine guns blazing. On whether what occurred in Lydda and Ramle constituted ethnic cleansing: That most of the immigrants to Lydda and Ramle were from Asia and North Africa, see, That refugees were settled in the empty homes to stop them from being reclaimed, see Morris 2008, p. 308, and, According to Christian legend, Lydda was the birthplace and burial ground of. While the warrant has spilled over into diminished responsibility defences, wounding, grievous bodily harm and attempted murder cases, it is provocation cases that have provided the precedents enshrining a defendant's impassioned homicidal sexual infidelity tale as excusatory. Should you be silenced for it? The recipient of the blow stopped yelling the King could be heard roaring: so, you want to fight the Jews, do you? [30][31], An ideal victim is one who is afforded the status of victimhood due to unavoidable circumstances that put the individual at a disadvantage. [75] Reports vary regarding how many died. [73] Walid Khalidi gives a figure of 350, citing Palestinian historian Aref al-Aref. Some women died and their babies nursed from their dead bodies. [109], Yitzhak Rabin, Allon's operations officer, who signed the Lydda expulsion order, became Chief of Staff of the IDF during the Six-Day War, and Israel's prime minister in 1974 and again in 1992. Ryan's critique cast the Moynihan theories as attempts to divert responsibility for poverty from social structural factors to the behaviors and cultural patterns of the poor. Some critics have viewed the operations of the organisations, some of which are non-descript and the absence of an exit plan in view in spite of the surrender of 82,000 insurgents and their families as a clandestine move aimed at prolonging the war. One can apply this theory to any crime including and especially sexual assault. "[15] A typical expression of victim blaming is the "asking for it" idiom, e.g. I have posted a link to something by Dr. Mercola at the end of the thread. However, while the females bear most of the burden of contraception in heterosexual relationships, there are concerns on how males can help shoulder some responsibility, as regards birth control. He said, Honestly, we agree that the population of the country is getting higher and something has to be done. Speaking in Maiduguri, Theatre Commander, Operation Hadin Kai, Maj Gen Christopher Musa, said it was imperative to check the inflow of funding to the agencies through diplomatic means, noting that the NGOs were powered by massive funding which required effective monitoring. [74], After three days of walking, the refugees were picked up by the Arab Legion and driven to Ramallah. Residents ran out of their homes in panic and were shot. The social, economic, and legal positions of enslaved people have differed vastly in different systems of slavery in different times and places. But sadly I know these numbers wont be good enough for you die hard believers that the vaccines were created to kill us or control us. WebVictim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially at fault for the harm that befell them. Getting triple-jabbed increases risk of covid infection, Moderna admits [69] Operation Dani HQ told the IDF General Staff/Operations at noon on 13 July that "[the troops in Lydda] are busy expelling the inhabitants [oskim begeirush hatoshavim]," and told the HQs of Kiryati, 8th and Yiftah brigades at the same time that, "enemy resistance in Ramle and Lydda has ended. Don't you feel any compassion? [67] Town criers and soldiers walked or drove around the town instructing residents where to gather for departure. Many were elderly people and young children who died from the heat and exhaustion. [54], Benny Morris writes that David Ben-Gurion and the IDF were largely left to their own devices to decide how Palestinian Arab residents were to be treated, without the involvement of the Cabinet and other ministers. 100Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. Their children born of sexual violence faced even more discrimination. WebKhitan or Khatna (Arabic: , Arabic: ) is the term for male circumcision carried out as a cultural rite by Muslims and is considered a sign of belonging to the wider Islamic community. Only Yigal Allon, commander of the IDF, made it standard practice to issue written orders to commanders, including that violations of the laws of war would be punished. The black family structure is also being affected by media through the children. [15] Ramle's residents were bussed out, while the people of Lydda were forced to walk miles during a summer heat wave to the Arab front lines, where the Arab Legion, Transjordan's British-led army, tried to provide shelter and supplies. The caption says: "Arab refugee women and children from Lydda and Ramle, resting after their arrival in the Arab area.". I believe that the shots are more than one thing. "[70], Lydda's residents began moving out on the morning of 13 July. Conclusion He was a member of the war cabinet during the 1967 Arab Israeli Six-Day War, and the architect of the post-war Allon Plan, a proposal to end Israel's occupation of the West Bank. [34], A victim who is not considered an ideal, or real victim, is one who leads a "high risk" lifestyle, partaking in drugs or alcohol, or is perceived as promiscuous. [42], Some scholars make the argument that some of the attitudes that are described as victim blaming and the victimologies that are said to counteract them are both extreme and similar to each other, an example of the horseshoe theory. Like the Apostle Paul, Make sure of all things. [29], Although no formal surrender was announced in Lydda, people gathered in the streets waving white flags. [nantoob] This doesnt make you a bad person, it just tells me you have strong beliefs. Yiftah [Brigade HQ] must determined the method and inform Dani HQ and 8th Brigade HQ. ", "The New Historiography: Israel confronts its Past", "Falsifying the Record: A Fresh Look at Zionist Documentation of 1948", "What really happened in the conquest of Lod? [64][65], Secondary victimization of sexual and other assault victims, New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany, Post-assault treatment of sexual assault victims, "Blaming the Victim and Exonerating the Perpetrator in Cases of Rape and Robbery: Is There a Double Standard? They walked six to seven kilometers to Beit Nabala, then 1012 more to Barfiliya, along dusty roads in temperatures of 3035C, carrying their children and portable possessions in carts pulled by animals or on their backs. Sometimes those that oppose evil, are sometimes those that inadvertently supporting evil. When a death cert lists Cancer as the UCoD [underlying cause of death] and COVID as MCoD [main cause of death] the UCoD & MCoD are being swapped, and COVID is being listed as the UCoD 100% (425/wk)., https://yournews.com/2022/10/15/2433867/dr-joseph-mercola-how-cancer-deaths-from-the-covid-jabs/, From the Geller Report and video from OAN The analysts argue that many problems that are often attributed to victim blaming are instead due to offender profiling, and suggest randomized investigations instead of psychological profiling of suspected offenders. He claimed that immigration of "Muslim fanatics" led to the attacks, and that "while Muslims may have been victims today, usually they are the perpetrators". Fraser, Tom (2001). [10], The town dignitaries were assembled and after discussion, decided to surrender. The Quran does not mention circumcision, either explicitly or And moderna has admitted that each booster makes the person more in need of the next booster. My neighbor confirmed to me yesterday that helicopter hovering somewhere in Enugu is dropping Fulani terrorists and their weapons in Enugu Forest. Well I cant say your wrong on this as only time will tell, but the longer things go on the safer I get to feel. "[36] The raid lasted 47 minutes, leaving 100150 Palestinian Arabs dead, according to Dayan's 89th Battalion. 5. Morris calls this "nonsense" and argues that only a few dozen townspeople took part in what turned out to be a brief firefight. Residents may have believed the Arab Legion had arrived, only to encounter Dayan's forces shooting at everything as they ran from their homes. The IDF archives holds two nearly identical copies of the expulsion order. Im also sure if there are anymore ant-vax videos or articles you will be in support of them without even questioning the evidence. [106], By November 1948 the IDF had been accused of atrocities in a number of towns and villages, to the point where David Ben-Gurion had to appoint an investigator. It added that as the increase continues, there is a possibility that the world population could near 11 billion by 2100. The records of Lydda's military command discuss military training, constructing obstacles and trenches, requisitioning vehicles and assembling armoured cars armed with machine-guns, and attempts at arms procurement. Men will also be more actively involved in birth controls. [56], As the shooting in Lydda continued, a meeting was held on 12 July at Operation Dani headquarters between Ben-Gurion, Yigael Yadin and Zvi Ayalon, generals in the IDF, and Yisrael Galili, formerly of the Haganah, the pre-IDF army. They also cite examples that they consider to be cases of the horseshoe theory applied to the question of victim blaming. The problems with simplistically treating victims and offenders as ideal is highlighted in crimes involving battered woman syndrome. [105], The Palestinian artist Ismail Shammout (19302006) was 19 years old when he was expelled from Lydda. A man at an older age can still procreate compared to a woman that has a limit to their years of fertility.. He returned to Tel Aviv for a meeting with Foreign Minister Moshe Shertok, who met with Ben Gurion to agree on guidelines for the treatment of the residents, though Morris writes that Ben Gurion apparently failed to tell Shitrit or Shertok that he himself was the source of the expulsion orders. b. gates has said that he could reduce the earths population with *vaccines.*. [59][60], In a case that attracted worldwide coverage, when a woman was raped and killed in Delhi in December 2012, some Indian government officials and political leaders blamed the victim for various things, mostly based on conjecture. He lamented the lack of access to weapons from western countries, noting that only China sold weapons to Nigeria. You can email us at: hello@thisdaylive.com or visit our contact us page. Zochrot, an Israeli group that researches former Palestinian towns, visited Lod in 2003 and 2005, erecting signs in Hebrew and Arabic depicting its history, including a sign on the wall of the former Arab ghetto. [29], Against this view, Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi writes that just 125 Legionnaires from the Fifth Infantry Company were in Lyddathe Arab Legion numbered 6,000 in alland that the rest of the town's defense consisted of civilian residents acting under the command of a retired Arab Legion sergeant. In April 1948, Lydda had become an arms supply center, and provided military training and security coordination for the neighboring villagers. He writes that there were 150 Legionnaires in the town in June, though the Israelis believed there were up to 1,500. They killed our imams, they killed pastors, they burnt mosques and churches, they killed our district heads, village and community leaders, traditional rulers and even one of our Amir, Amir Warda, was killed here in Borno. While the residents were still in the town, IDF radio traffic had already started calling them "refugees" (plitim). Although the gel is currently under experiment and has yet to be made available for public use, it is special for preventing sperm cells from travelling to the testicles but after about two years, the gel dissolves, granting men the opportunity to repeat the procedure once again. How many are under control, none. I dont see reasons why someone would be scared of vasectomy especially when you are about 60 years of age, because by that time you must have had the number of children you wish to have. Some scholars, including Ilan Papp, have characterised what occurred at Lydda and Ramle as ethnic cleansing. Everybody knows where Shekau is from, he said. My youngest had to get shots to attend a university and I didnt try to prevent him. The numbers speak for themselves the vaccination program has been incredibly successful. Also present were Yigal Allon, commanding officer of Operation Dani, and Yitzhak Rabin. [65] Morris writes that, by 13 July, the wishes of the IDF and those of the residents in Lydda had dovetailed. On abortion, he said the medical facility did not record any case of maternal mortality or abortion in the camp, saying such critical cases were usually referred to the state owned Umoru Shehu Specialist Hospital and University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH). So you believe to stand up for what you believe, even if what you believe is completely untrue. The Red Cross was due to visit the area, but the new Israeli military governor of Ramle issued an order to have the visit delayed. Was Israeli Looting in '48 part of a Broader Policy to Expel Arabs? [55] Reker called a crisis meeting with the police in response to the incidents. The exchange of gunfire led residents and Arab fighters to believe the Legion had arrived in force, and those still armed started firing at the Israelis too. [73] Another IDF soldier described how possessions and people were slowly abandoned as the refugees grew tired or collapsed: "To begin with [jettisoning] utensils and furniture, and in the end, bodies of men, women, and children, scattered along the way. Such accusations against victims stem from the assumption that sexually revealing clothing conveys consent for sexual actions, irrespective of willful verbal consent. WebSharia (/ r i /; Arabic: , romanized: shara [aria]) is a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition. [47], However, Kadish and Sela state that there is no direct first-hand evidence that a massacre took place, other than a few dubious Arab sources. El-Kanemi described the ideology of Boko Haram as meaningless, and not derived from any holy book. As a result, their policy was haphazard and circumstantial, depending in part on the location, but also on the religion and ethnicity of the town. et al. Most institutions have adopted the concept of affirmative consent and that refraining from sexual activity while under the influence is the safest choice. People began to die of thirst. After 150 days, the company says, its first mRNA injections remain above 50 percent effective against BA.1, a so-called sub-variant of the Omicron, or Moronic in anagram, variant. That same report says that many have died as a result of taking the shots . How is that effective? Those doctors who have said they see harm in the shots, that the shots have killed people, that they have seriously injured people, have lost their jobs and in some cases, their license to practice. I believe the the jabs are safe but I cant say this with any certainty, as it wouldnt be the first time that a mistake has been made. [26], In addition to an ideal victim, there must be an ideal perpetrator for a crime to be considered ideal. I didnt mean a person should be able to tell something they know is untrue and not be challenged. According to. I believe most people that come from societies based on Christian values to be good, benevolent decent people. Ill look for your further comment. The buildings soon filled up, and women and children were released, leaving several thousand men inside, including 4,000 in one of the mosque compounds. and according to the info on the VAERS, millions of those in the U.S. have been injured, and if the numbers are as low as is claimed due to inaccurate reporting, millions have actually died. the chinese would like nothig better than to destroy American lives. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. Dov Shafrir was appointed Israel's Custodian of Absentee Property, supposedly charged to protect and redistribute Palestinian property, but his staff were inexperienced and unable to control the situation. For which the true name, incidentally, is murder Despite his efforts to convince the court that the victim must be blamed, the ruling stated that no minor student that has been sexually assaulted by his or her teacher is responsible for the prevention of that sexual assault.[39]. [10][11] On 10 July, Glubb Pasha ordered the defending Arab Legion troops to "make arrangements for a phony war". The committee issued an explicit order that forbade "to destroy, burn or demolish Arab towns and villages, to expel the inhabitants of Arab villages, neighbourhoods and towns, or to uproot the Arab population from their place of residence" without having previously received, a specific and direct order from the Minister of Defense. The District's lawyer argued that the minor was responsible for the prevention of the abuse, putting the entire fault on the victim and exempting the perpetrator of any responsibility. Husbands and wives are not ideal victims or perpetrators because they are intimately familiar with each other.[26]. [28] Lydda had an outer line of defense and prepared positions, an antitank ditch and field artillery as well as a heavily fortified and armed line northeast of central Lydda. You need to research the selected topic and find facts to contradict your initial thesis. Sign up on Apex Network NOW. WebStripchat is an 18+ LIVE sex & entertainment community. Andrews, Edmund L. and Kifner, John (27 January 2008). [32] Cases of intimate partner violence are not considered ideal because the victim knows their attacker. A delegation of town dignitaries, including Lydda's mayor, left for the police station to prevail upon the Legionnaires there to also surrender. [3][4][5][6][7] In the book, Ryan described victim blaming as an ideology used to justify racism and social injustice against black people in the United States. [119] Ari Shavit devotes a chapter of his book My Promised Land (2013) to the expulsion, and calls the events "our black box, . does that possibility mean you shouldnt get to say that you believe they help? He organised the PLO's guerrilla warfare and the Fatah youth movements that helped spark the First Intifada in 1987. OLX Pakistan offers online local classified ads for Other Jobs. For the most part, they had no money, property, food, or water, and represented a health risk, not only to themselves. Commenting on the development, a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Adewale Sule-Odu, explained that the invention is a very good method that can be adopted in Nigeria to control population. Conspiracy theories usually deny consensus or cannot be proven using the historical or scientific method, and are not to be confused with research concerning verified conspiracies such as Germany's pretense for An Arab Legion officer was appointed military governor of both towns, signaling the desire of Abdullah I of Jordan to stake a claim in the parts of Palestine allotted by the UN to a Palestinian Arab state, but Glubb advised him that the Legion was overstretched and could not hold the towns. And hearing schwab, his henchmen and others talking about **knowing** what people are thinking and where they are and what they are feeling, I realized that the shots are what they planned to use. [30] A deal was reached with an IDF intelligence officer, Shmarya Guttman, normally an archeologist, that the residents would leave in exchange for the release of the prisoners; according to Guttman, he went to the mosque himself and told the men they were free to join their families. [64] The New York Times ran an article uncritically reporting on the way many in the community blamed the victim, for which the newspaper later apologized. Lydda (Arabic: Al-Ludd ) dates back to at least 56005250 BCE. Somehistory I wasnt suggesting that you were supporting evil as you only have an opinion and not a platform, but there are others that do have a platform such as Mr Hohmann. 2. Her naked body was found in the sand dunes nearby the following morning, with severe genital damage and a crushed skull. WebAn outlaw motorcycle club is a motorcycle subculture generally centered on the use of cruiser motorcycles, particularly Harley-Davidsons and choppers, and a set of ideals that purport to celebrate freedom, nonconformity to mainstream culture, and loyalty to the biker group.. For them, Shapira writes, the Holocaust and the Second World Warincluding the experience of Jewish weakness in the face of persecutionmade the fight for land between the Arabs and Jews a matter of life and death, the 1948 war the "tragic and heroic climax of all that had preceded it," and Israeli victory an "act of historical justice. Karyan banza! [32] The Israeli air force dropped leaflets over both towns on 11 July telling residents to surrender. [38] Kadish and Sela write that the troops faced heavy fire from the Arab Legion in the police stations in Lydda and on the Lydda-Ramle road and Dayan described "The town's [southern] entrance was awash with Arab combatants Hand grenades were thrown from all directions. [66] Spiro Munayyer, an eyewitness, wrote that the important thing was to get out of the city. I am asking you to cancel the restrictions and to let us live freely in the state of Israel. [113] The 30-year rule of Israel's Archives Law, passed in 1955, meant that hundreds of thousands of government documents were released throughout the 1980s, and a group calling itself the "New Historians" emerged, most of them born around 1948. Very well, there is a recruiting office for the army at the back of my house go there and enlist. The first two shots and initial booster are not, however, effective against any of the other variants or subvariants, the company claims. Probably, unless we can identify another widespread environmental factor or exposure that was introduced to the population, en masse, in early 2021, that didnt exist before. [14], Once the Israelis were in control of the towns, an expulsion order signed by Yitzhak Rabin was issued to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stating, "1. On 12 May 1949, the conference achieved its only success when the parties signed the Lausanne Protocol on the framework for a comprehensive peace, which included territories, refugees, and Jerusalem. However, higher rates of sexual harassment were linked to higher rates of sexual behavior which resulted in higher rates of sexual violence. [100] By March 1950 there were 8,600 Jews and 1,300 Palestinian Arabs living in Ramla, and 8,400 Jews and 1,000 Palestinians in Lod. [102], The Palestinian workers allowed to remain in the cities were confined to ghettos. All rights reserved. It is Nigerias most authoritative news media available on all platforms for the political, business, professional and diplomatic elite and broader middle classes while serving as the meeting point of new ideas, culture and technology for the aspirationals and millennials. Regulations ordered the sealing off of Arab areas to prevent looting and acts of revenge and stated that captured men were to be treated as POWs with the Red Cross notified. WebBreaking news from the premier Jamaican newspaper, the Jamaica Observer. [23] The agencies present at the meeting include, UN, WHO, UNICEF, WFP among others. From all I have read and heard, no life has been saved by taking the shots. Perie-Gordon, Britain's acting minister in Amman, told the Foreign Office there was a suspicion that Glubb, on behalf of the British government, had lost Lydda and Ramle deliberately to ensure that Transjordan accept a truce. [57], Khalil al-Wazir, the grocer's son expelled from Ramle, became one of the founders of Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction within the PLO, and specifically of its armed wing, Al-Assifa. [22][23], Victim blaming is also exemplified when a victim of sexual assault is found at fault for performing actions which reduce their ability to resist or refuse consent, such as consuming alcohol. [123] Beth Israel immigrants from Ethiopia were housed there in the 1990s, increasing the ethnic tension in the city which, together with the economic deprivation, make the town "the most likely place to explode," according to Arnon Golan, Israeli's foremost expert on ethnically-mixed cities. In it lies the dark secret of Zionism. "Go to Barfilia." Ethan Huff has the latest on the Moderna shot,. Also, 262 children were delivered by wives of former fighters of Boko Haram and Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP) at the Hajj Camp, a rehabilitation centre in Maiduguri, Borno State capital housing 14,804 insurgents, who surrendered with their families, just as hospitals and medical personnnel in the repentant terrorist camps in Borno State deplored insinuations of abortions of pregnancies of wives of the repentant insurgents. He was shocked when he realized troops were organizing expulsions. He continues: "he (Benny Morris) does not say how many townspeople were involved in the fighting but his account certainly suggests a number of Arab gunmen very much smaller than several thousand" (noted by Kadish and Sela). However I have come to the conclusion that you are so anti-vax, that you seem to be delighted after watching this negative video as it complied with your narrative. why are people being injured and dying if the shots are so safe and effective.? A curfew for that evening was announced over loudspeakers. That is not counting those in other nations. For that reason along with the possibility of many witnesses turning up over time if the crime is ongoing long term as domestic abuse is generally said to be which would make some of the witnesses likely to be considered believable, analysts of this camp of thought argue that the main problem that prevent crimes from being successfully prosecuted is offender profiling that disbelieve the capacity and/or probability of many criminals to commit the crime, rather than disbelief or blaming of victim reports. [10][43] Kadish and Sela write that, according to the 3rd Battalion's commander, Moshe Kelman, the Israelis came under heavy fire from "thousands of weapons from every house, roof and window". "[120] The positions of Karsh and Morris, though they disagree, contrast in turn with those of Ilan Papp and Walid Khalidi, who argue not only that there were widespread expulsions, but also that they were not the result of ad hoc decisions. In 1938 the Madera Tribune ran the front page headline "Mother Blames her Daughter Equally with Man for Murder" in describing the stabbing death of 19-year-old Leona Vlught in Oakland. [citation needed], Sexual assault victims experience stigmatization based on rape myths. There is historical and current prejudice against the victims of domestic violence and sex crimes, such as the greater tendency to blame victims of rape than victims of robbery if victims and perpetrators knew each other While they did not detain the offender for long, the officers held Fatima captive for a month and a prison guard continually raped her during that time. Thanks for the reply, and yes it is clear that I wont be convinced by the articles of scaremongering cranks, because thats what they are. Research has yet to prove that attire is a significant causal factor in determining who is assaulted. But, I have no worries in that regard. [55] There was no official policy to expel the Palestinian population, he writes, but the idea of transfer was "in the air", and the leadership understood this. They take hotel rooms and pay 10 years ahead. WebThe 1948 Palestinian expulsion from Lydda and Ramle, also known as the Lydda Death March, was the expulsion of 50,000 to 70,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israeli troops captured the towns in July that year. Andrew Harrod Agriculture Minister Aharon Zisling told the Cabinet on 21 July: "It has been said that there were cases of rape in Ramle. [41] She found that "wearing sexy dress [was linked to] violence including sexual coercion, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and unwelcome groping, touching, and grabbing." Find the best Other Jobs in Gulberg 1. The New York Times reported at the time that the capture of the city was seen as the high point of Israel's brief existence. The contraceptive, ADAM, is a non-hormonal gel thats injected into the vas deferens. The Israeli military sustained many casualties, and viewing the renewed resistance as a surrender agreement violation, quickly quelled it, and many civilians died. The clots are removed when the embalmer pushes the fluid into the arteries and the blood runs out the opened veins. 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