denounce in a short sentence

0. By the terms of the armistice of 1883 between Chile and Bolivia, a three years' notice had to be given by either government wishing to denounce that agreement. But the eloquence of wrath burned within me more and more. (119) Politicians in Mexico, which is less than a fortnight away from a presidential election, lined up to denounce the separations. - The Word "denounce" in Example Sentences. If I tell you something, you won't Denounce me? (33) His neighbour denounce him as a wastrel who had dissipated his inheritance. A compound sentence with "denounce" contains at least two independent clauses. (212) Some years later he had occasion vigorously to denounce the system of cashiering officers for political differences, but with characteristic loftiness of spirit he disdained to make any reference to his own case. (202) Another problem with Kennicotts review was that he seemed to believe he is living in so virtuous an age that we should use history simply to denounce people of other centuries for inhumane behaviors. (61) They denounce deficit spending, declaring that you cant solve debt problems with more debt. According to Webster Dictionary, denounce means declaring or proclaiming publicly that something is vile, offensive, sinful, evil, or bad. The slayers of Rizzio fled to England, and were outlawed; Darnley was permitted to protest his innocence and denounce his accomplices; after which he became the scorn of all parties alike, and few men dared or cared to be seen in his company. | (transitive) To make a formal or public accusation against; to inform against; to accuse. We also denounce the slimy hypocrisy of the " human rights " groups. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. sentence with Denouce. (203) Another problem with Kennicotts review was that he seemed to believe he is living in so virtuous an age that we should use history simply to denounce people of other centuries for inhumane behaviors. (156) They know that down in the Bogside or along the Shankill Road there are bound to be ultras who will indignantly denounce any compromise deal as treason. On April 28, 1939 Hitler denounce d the A.G.N.A. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? How to use denounce in a sentence. (223) The most remarkable statement of this point of view is that of Friedrich Nietzsche, who went so far as to denounce all forms of self-denial as cowardice: - let every one who is strong seek to make himself dominant at the expense of the weak. (transitive) To criticize or speak out against (someone or something); to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc. (142) To say nothing is saying something. - How to use "denounce" in a sentence. (140) Let me denounce this piffling, trifling , self-satisfied world; these horse-hair seats; these coloured photographs of piers and parades. : Nathan, I hereby denounce you and those filthy words you wrote, no matter what they were. (251) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "denounce" can get slippery. (260) What is definition of "denounce" by Merriam-Webster. He used the occasion to speak a bit of his fluent Spanish, The epistles of Pope Siricius (who wished to stand well with the people) are full of scorn for these ascetics, and the Leonine sacramentary contains prayers which severely, Idolatry (necromancy, tree-worship) which the contemporary prophets. (195) What barbarous, villainous , and depraved acts did he commit that labor leaders and heads of national liberal groups denounce him as the enemy of minorities, the poor, women, and the environment? 5. (262) How do you write a good sentence with "denounce"? Look at intelligent design. (172) It is highly unusual for an official of Mr. Zhang's standing to convene a news conference on short notice and denounce the American government in such blunt terms. (6) hey, don't go in, i will denounce you! (85) Trump was right to denounce Obama for declaring victory against the Islamic State and withdrawing U.S. forces. They do not represent the opinions of (187) He started as somebody who would denounce harmdoers, he would charge up to people who were violating international law, and he would say, you're violating, this is the U.N. Charter. , After Rhonda left the church, she went out of the way to denounce her former beliefs. (183) The tone differs from place to place listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, We'll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves. (272) What is the best definition of "denounce"? (228) The Free Staters were practically bound, under the offensive and defensive alliance, in case hostilities arose with Great Britain, either to denounce the policy to which they had so unwisely been secretly party, or to throw in their lot with the Transvaal. (67) He was never likely to denounce the Downing Street snake-pit and order its inmates to the gallows . (60) I encouraged them to denounce the callow subjugation of women and switch from heels to flats. (29) One, it's not enough to denounce just simply generic acts of violence. Denounce verb. Darwinism itself is only supported by tons of evidence, which is a clear indication that Darwin didnt write his books himself. - "denounce" in a sentence. (90) If he repudiated these ideas, then Jonas would denounce him as a mollycoddle, a pink tea Socialist, a labor faker. (131) John Major did not publicly denounce Mr Churchill,( but went as far as hinting that he disapproved. (170) I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish; ye shall not prolong your days in the land, whither thou passest over the Jordan to go in to possess it. They denounce deficit spending, declaring that you cant solve debt problems with more debt. (92) If he repudiated these ideas, then Jonas would denounce him as a mollycoddle , a pink tea Socialist, a labor faker. 6. (226) For Jesus did not denounce these elements, nor argue against them, nor did he seek converts outside of Israel, but he set forth communion with God as the most certain fact of man's experience and as simple reality made it accessible to every one. (276) "denounce" meaning in english, "denounce" definitions. (135) Some people reject or denounce the implications of this change; others blithely accept them in a way that underplays their magnitude. No year had passed since the appearance of Leviathan without some indignant protest against the influence which its trenchant doctrine was calculated to produce upon minds longing above everything for civil repose; but after the Restoration " Hobbism " became a fashionable creed, which it was the duty of every lover of true morality and religion to denounce. Consider the following sentences: "Circle around" can be shortened to "circle.". (9) I denounce them to Heaven and to earth. (23) the president's political enemies were quick to denounce him. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not. denounce. (123) The conservatives and their newspapers took this occasion to denounce Arista for the summary execution of a political offender. (19) Union leaders too have queued up to denounce the reforms. (80) Of course, countries not invited to the table will denounce this approach as undemocratic and exclusionary. (199) His opponent, Democratic nominee Ben Jealous, called on Hogan to denounce the dangerous mailer, citing a spate of bombs mailed to elected Democrats and critics of President Trump over the past week. (201) As a caricaturist Castelao focussed on the everyday in a humorous way although after the cruelty and tragedy of the Spanish Civil War he turned to using his art to denounce the misery of Fascism. (196) Obama has been more cautious about how he deploys the military, but his caution has prompted his would-be Republican challengers to denounce him for flaccidity in standing up for American values. (57) An adoring right-wing press gave him his platform to denounce 15,00teachers as incompetent. 10. Sentences Mobile. (97) Last week, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tunis and the southern city of Sousse to denounce the rise of Islamism. That is easy. , How can you denounce the service at that restaurant when you have never eaten there? Examples of Denounce in a sentence. (32) He sent his vice-president, Mike Pence, to denounce Cubas despotic regime. (22) She also urged him to denounce the protest from the pulpit. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. 3. It has helped sustain me in the hour of fearful trial. 7. I just couldn't denounce someone for a crime I feel like I could . Semmel was exceedingly bitter at not being allowed his liberty for at least a few hours a day and said he would denounce the captain at the first opportunity. For a lot of faculty members, in short, the end of a term is no vacation, but a mad scramble for survival. used in a sentence. synonyms. (282) Define "denounce" in one sentence, define "denounce" in one word. (193) Shevchenko said the point of Sundays protest was to denounce this hypocrisy of holding an event celebrating peace with leaders such as Trump and Putin who represent everything but not peace. (160) It is easy to denounce the dominant Magyar classes as a selfish oligarchy, and to criticize the methods by which they have sought to maintain their power. - 10 examples of sentences "denounce". Unlike the Turks, they did not communicate resentment through resentment or anger through double anger. (transitive, obsolete) To make known in a formal manner; to proclaim; to announce; to declare. (225) Heres a good-faith test for Obama and Holder: Will they now strongly denounce the gerrymandering of Californias congressional seats and urge reforms that lead to Republicans gaining a proper share of the states congressional delegations ? (246) Ingersoll had everything: The song of the skylark; the tenderness of the dove; the hiss of the snake; the bite of the tiger; the strength of the lion; and perhaps more significant was the fact that he used each of these qualities and attributes, in their proper place, and at their proper time. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. True, there are still words that you dont know. (134) A place where the citizens of Wisconsin denounce the corrupt governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, and his fraudulent Republican pals. Learning a new language can be tricky at . They found one gun that was never used nor spoken about during . (112) Encouraged by this, Viscount Aimar decided to hire mercenaries in Gascony and denounce the peace terms so recently agreed. (208) Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano says she wants nothing to do with the national Womens March amid the groups continued refusal to denounce the racist and anti-Semitic rantings of Louis Farrakhan. (235) In return for these services Bismarck helped Russia to recover a portion of what she had lost by the Crimean War, for it was thanks to his connivance and diplomatic support that she was able in 1871 to denounce with impunity the clauses of the treaty of Paris which limited Russian armament in the Black Sea. The guts to gladhand a man you're going to stab in the back; pledge allegiance to principles you stomp on every day; righteously, Many of these people who wish to deny us our very legitimacy, who, Ingersoll had everything: The song of the skylark; the tenderness of the dove; the hiss of the snake; the bite of the tiger; the strength of the lion; and perhaps more significant was the fact that he used each of these qualities and attributes, in their proper place, and at their proper time. (141) The author is careful not to mock nineteenth century religious sensibilities, nor to denounce commercialization as an example of declension . On that occasion Jules Favre had recognized the September convention to be dead, and, while refusing explicitly to denounce it, had admitted that unless Italy went to Rome the city would become a prey to dangerous agitators. (18) Union leaders too have queued up to denounce the reforms. (113) J., who joined in a news conference with Kennedy and other lawmakers to denounce the downing of the civilian aircraft. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and, But while Egypt's future is still uncertain, when the same thing happened in Syria just one year later, Telecomix were prepared with those Internet lines, and Anonymous, they were perhaps the first international group to officially, And then after Timor, 9/11 has happened, he's named U.N. Human Rights Commissioner, and he has to balance liberty and security and figure out, what do you do when the most powerful country in the United Nations is bowing out of the Geneva Conventions, bowing out of international law? (46) Debate the guy, denounce him, subject him to ridicule and mockery at every opportunity. Shorter Sentences Create Urgency! Lizards, therefore, progress in short rushes with frequent stops to breathe. I Denounce her as a witch. (7) I denounce them to Heaven and to earth. What's the definition of Denounce in thesaurus? (233) But while Egypt's future is still uncertain, when the same thing happened in Syria just one year later, Telecomix were prepared with those Internet lines, and Anonymous, they were perhaps the first international group to officially denounce the actions of the Syrian military by defacing their website. I see their effect in the eloquence of your praise. (56) They denounce deficit spending, declaring that you cant solve debt problems with more debt. Denouce in a sentence. sentences. (121) And it's not enough just to denounce corporations that exploit tax loopholes ; the real answer is to deny them the opportunity. 5. The paid teachers - whom modern writers set down as the sophists, and denounce as the modern pestilence of their age - were not distinguished in any marked or generic way from their predecessors.". All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. I also denounce people who never fill the paper tray! They complemented, when in truth they wished to, The renewal of the convention was disapproved by certain Liberal politicians, who insisted that the price of sugar had been raised by the convention; and Sir Edward Grey said that the government had intended to, Only one thing to it: a strong stomach. Announce verb. (70) Community leaders were quick to denounce the police for reacting too violently to the disturbances. (158) If hes not able to immediately denounce that kind of demented story, theres something wrong and we need to examine his suitability for public office. (24) the president's political enemies were quick to denounce him. (261) "denounce" in a sentence (esp. (104) The most effective and educated way to encourage acceptance of one way of life is hardly to unfoundedly denounce others. No eloquence in the world could have saved him. (258) The Word "denounce" in Example Sentences. 7. (205) Ever since his return from Gaeta, he had made up his mind to a policy of no surrender; and the curtailment of his own dominions in 1860 only made him the keener to denounce the iniquities of other rulers. (250) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "denounce" is, what would you say? (236) Mere lack of evidence, of course, is no reason to denounce a theory. As a teacher of a low-performing school, I definitely have the right to denounce the poor efforts of my students. On this page we are showing correct ways to write : . (28) The dictator made a speech to denounce the actions of his enemies. (43) The ecclesiastics themselves, however, were the first to denounce the abuses at Rome. From the 20th of November 1797, till the 9th of July 1798, he was one of the most active, and was certainly the most witty of the contributors to the Anti-Jacobin, a weekly paper started to ridicule the frothy philanthropic and eleutheromaniac rant of the French republicans, and to denounce their brutal rapacity and cruelty. Meanwhile Savonarola continued to denounce the abuses of the church and the guilt and corruption of mankind, and thundered forth predictions of heavenly wrath. Whoever suspected any one had only to denounce him to the Ami du peuple, and the denounced was never let alone till he was proved innocent or guilty. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples Knowledge Grammar; Biography . , Are you really surprised that the victims family is going to denounce the killers not-guilty verdict? (transitive) To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence. Campbell called on Scott to denounce the remarks, which he subsequently did. 6. (128) The heavy police presence is keeping order as a selection of speakers take the stage to denounce the role of Islam in the West. All rights reserved. In 1476 a poor young shepherd drew thousands to Nicklashausen to hear him denounce the emperor as a rascal and the pope as a worthless fellow, and urge the division of the Church's property among the members of the community. It's not politically correct to say that, but the way you strike that balance, you say to Muslim leaders, Shevchenko said the point of Sundays protest was to, She also praised Rangel s colony era work which was used to, What barbarous, villainous , and depraved acts did he commit that labor leaders and heads of national liberal groups, Obama has been more cautious about how he deploys the military, but his caution has prompted his would-be Republican challengers to, The paid teachers - whom modern writers set down as the sophists, and, His opponent, Democratic nominee Ben Jealous, called on Hogan to, As a caricaturist Castelao focussed on the everyday in a humorous way although after the cruelty and tragedy of the Spanish Civil War he turned to using his art to, Another problem with Kennicotts review was that he seemed to believe he is living in so virtuous an age that we should use history simply to, But because he uses the language of the Greek mysteries, Philo never imitated the thing itself; and he is ever ready to, Ever since his return from Gaeta, he had made up his mind to a policy of no surrender; and the curtailment of his own dominions in 1860 only made him the keener to, That outburst changed the tenor of hearings, and one by one, Senate Republicans, dismissing Ms. Mitchell, used their five minutes to apologize to Judge Kavanaugh and, Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano says she wants nothing to do with the national Womens March amid the groups continued refusal to, I came to poetry through the urgent need to, He saw that it would be idle to expose and, Some years later he had occasion vigorously to, At Bethlehem also he found time to finish Didymi de spiritu sancto liber, a translation begun at Rome at the request of Pope Damasus, to, Still the British government had been prepared to, Criticize me all you wish, he returned coolly, but remember that you come to me because of the very actions you, He headed a Corsican deputation which went to France in order to, On that occasion Jules Favre had recognized the September convention to be dead, and, while refusing explicitly to, The biggest danger to the European Union comes not from those who advocate change, but from those who, In 1476 a poor young shepherd drew thousands to Nicklashausen to hear him, Heres a good-faith test for Obama and Holder: Will they now strongly, The most remarkable statement of this point of view is that of Friedrich Nietzsche, who went so far as to, The slayers of Rizzio fled to England, and were outlawed; Darnley was permitted to protest his innocence and, 24); he maintains the cause of the oppressed provinces of Spain and Africa; and he exposes the iniquities of the informer Regulus, the only living man whom he attacks in his Letters, going so far as to, The Free Staters were practically bound, under the offensive and defensive alliance, in case hostilities arose with Great Britain, either to, It is structurally really, really hard to do, as the Bush administration rightly does, which is to, He started, as I mentioned, to get in the room with evil, to not, Shortly before the fall of the Depretis-Robilant cabinet Count Robilant had announced the intention of Italy to, Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Clement and Origen really meant no more than he. (206) That outburst changed the tenor of hearings, and one by one, Senate Republicans, dismissing Ms. Mitchell, used their five minutes to apologize to Judge Kavanaugh and denounce their Democratic colleagues. Milton, in his Tractate on Education (1644), advances further on Bacon's lines, protesting against the length of time spent on instruction in language, denouncing merely verbal knowledge, and recommending the study of a large number of classical authors for the sake of their subject appointed to consider the studies and examinations of the university, their report of November 1904 on the . In 1734, however, the opposition was bold enough to denounce his neutrality on the occasion of the war of the Polish Succession, when Stanislaus I. (transitive, obsolete) To make known in a formal manner; to proclaim; to announce; to declare. Finally, inference is an extension, not of ideas, but of beliefs, at first about existing things, afterwards about ideas, and even about words; about anything in short about which we think, in what is too fancifully called " the universe of discourse." 1. Manifestly such supplies are insufficient to sustain life very long. (216) Criticize me all you wish, he returned coolly, but remember that you come to me because of the very actions you denounce. - 20 examples of simple sentences "denounce". To provide an excuse for the denunciation of the A.G.N.A, and to prevent the emergence of a new naval treaty, the Germans began refusing to share information about their shipbuilding,and thus left the British with the choice of either accepting the unilateral German move or rejecting it, thereby . (36) Well, if you denounce, you're probably never going to get back in the room. Elijah-A prophet of God who served to denounce false kings and is thought by some to come back before the second coming of Christ. (click/touch triangles for details) Definition. (267) What can I say instead of "denounce"? (259) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "denounce". 4. Psychology is not excuse-ology. The two politicians denounce each other in the press, but in truth they actually like each other. (16) Always there to denounce the system, demand justice. Unlike the Turks, they did not communicate resentment through resentment or anger through double anger. Synonym Discussion of Denounce. Clement and Origen really meant no more than he. Ever since his return from Gaeta, he had made up his mind to a policy of no surrender; and the curtailment of his own dominions in 1860 only made him the keener to denounce the iniquities of other rulers. | (transitive) To criticize or speak out against (someone or something); to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc. (213) At Bethlehem also he found time to finish Didymi de spiritu sancto liber, a translation begun at Rome at the request of Pope Damasus, to denounce the revival of Gnostic heresies by Jovinianus and Vigilantius (Adv. In the autumn of 1851 the queen was much annoyed at hearing that he had received a deputation at the foreign office, which had waited on him to express sympathy with the Hungarian refugees, and to denounce the conduct of the despots and tyrants of Russia and Austria, and that he had, in his reply, expressed his gratification at the demonstration. Synonyms for DENOUNCE: anathematize, censure, condemn, damn, decry, execrate, reprehend, reprobate; Antonyms for DENOUNCE: bless, extol, laud, praise, cite, commend . Log in. When she is released she will, of course, For the same reason that you don't openly, But now the laws of the whole civilized world, When summoned I will not fail, to confront, to, We learn with gratification that Southern people of high standing, Only I'll go with you, and at the foot of the stairs I'll, Its owners, Webb and Noah, suddenly deserted Jackson and began to, To a believer in the wisdom and goodness of majorities it is not permitted to, Certainly he could not do much on board here, except to, The boy was right, and was only doing his duty in determining to, By this time the clerk would have recovered his wits sufficiently to, They can anathematize better men than themselves; and, Orthodoxy, as she proudly styles herself, may, She was tended by a traitor whom she hated, yet she was unable to, Because there are men in this department of business, sharp, deceitful, and totally iniquitous, you have no right to, For the same reason it attracts low-caste Hindus, for though it does not ostentatiously, But since I had been urged in every conceivable way to, Semmel was exceedingly bitter at not being allowed his, Endowed in a sentence | Short example sentence for endowed[Class 1-5], Delirium in a sentence | Short example sentence for delirium[Class 1-5], Vertebrate in a sentence | Short example sentence for vertebrate[Class 1-5], Maddeningly in a sentence | Short example sentence for maddeningly[Class 1-5], Carve in a sentence | Short example sentence for carve[Class 1-5], In June in a sentence | Short example sentence for in june[Class 1-5], Options in a sentence | Short example sentence for options[Class 1-5], Cents in a sentence | Short example sentence for cents[Class 1-5], Criticize in a sentence | Short example sentence for criticize[Class 1-5], Thanked in a sentence | Short example sentence for thanked[Class 1-5], Thanking in a sentence | Short example sentence for thanking[Class 1-5], Mocking in a sentence | Short example sentence for mocking[Class 1-5], Praised in a sentence | Short example sentence for praised[Class 1-5], Applauded in a sentence | Short example sentence for applauded[Class 1-5], Praise in a sentence | Short example sentence for praise[Class 1-5], Criticizing in a sentence | Short example sentence for criticizing[Class 1-5]. Thy wisdom and thy eloquence how dear! (117) Some Quakers began to denounce slavery beyond their circle in society at large, and they drew negative response for doing so. The eloquence in his eyes ended the sentence. (217) He headed a Corsican deputation which went to France in order to denounce Paoli and to solicit aid for the democrats; but, on the Paolists gaining the upper hand, the Bonapartes left the island and joined Lucien at Toulon. (47) After Rhonda left the church, she went out of the way to denounce her former beliefs. It was tempting to denounce him in front of everyone, but that would be childish. , The committee members were quick to denounce their chairman when news of his financial fraud came to light. (239) From the 20th of November 1797, till the 9th of July 1798, he was one of the most active, and was certainly the most witty of the contributors to the Anti-Jacobin, a weekly paper started to ridicule the frothy philanthropic and eleutheromaniac rant of the French republicans, and to denounce their brutal rapacity and cruelty. denounce: [verb] to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil. He knew when to embrace with the tenderness of affection, and to resist and denounce wickedness and tyranny with that power of denunciation which he, and he alone, knew how to express. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. Writing Tips: Sentence Shortener. ( 2020) Elected leaders and the police brass quickly and forcefully denounced the officers involved and promised reform. (147) He said,Sometimes I think the Fates must grin as we denounce them and insist the only reason we can't win, is the Fates themselves have missed. (275) The Word "denounce" in Example Sentences. (49) An elderly deaconess who refused to denounce her faith during a riot against Christians. (244) Only one thing to it: a strong stomach. Actors with their eyes on the prize denounced her. (51) An elderly deaconess who refused to denounce her faith during a riot against Christians. In return for these services Bismarck helped Russia to recover a portion of what she had lost by the Crimean War, for it was thanks to his connivance and diplomatic support that she was able in 1871 to denounce with impunity the clauses of the treaty of Paris which limited Russian armament in the Black Sea. Email:, the president's political enemies were quick to, I'm asked everywhere I go: Why don't Muslims, Speaker after speaker mounted/took the platform to, 1) Speaker after speaker mounted/took the platform to, He sent his vice-president, Mike Pence, to, The writers say they were tortured and forced to publicly, The ecclesiastics themselves, however, were the first to, According to Pew, percent of Americans now, After Rhonda left the church, she went out of the way to, The opposition parties called a press conference to, According to Pew, 38 percent of Americans now, An adoring right-wing press gave him his platform to. Religious leaders should feel called to denounce white nationalism from the pulpit. (182) The tone differs from place to place listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, We'll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves. (95) 1While some pundits denounce them, I believe they play a useful role, keeping politicians and central bankers honest. (30) Speaker after speaker mounted/took the platform to denounce the policy. Detailed Definition and Meaning. 5. In its long history Europe has experience of heretics who turned out to have a point. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. Journalists should denounce government by public opinion polls. (74) Also, being elderly, they were very ready to voice their opinions and denounce the ideas of their fellows. (153) Y P Here he began to denounce the abuses in the Church, as well as the traffic in mercenaries which had so long been a blot upon his country's honour. (204) But because he uses the language of the Greek mysteries, Philo never imitated the thing itself; and he is ever ready to denounce it in the bitterest terms. (52) According to Pew, 38 percent of Americans now denounce childlessness as bad for society. 5 Benefits of Writing Shorter Sentences. (124) When the flight attendants learned about their proposed pay cuts, they decided to denounce the airlines at a news conference. For Jesus did not denounce these elements, nor argue against them, nor did he seek converts outside of Israel, but he set forth communion with God as the most certain fact of man's experience and as simple reality made it accessible to every one. (86) At the end of the meeting the monks would publicly confess their sins or denounce others LRB anonymously RRB. (115) They generally appear as single-panel cartoons,I denounce terrorism! (232) Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. (42) Management was quick to denounce the hard work done by the union representatives. Lysias lifted up his voice to denounce Dionysius as, next to Artaxerxes, the worst enemy of Hellas, and to impress upon the assembled Greeks that one of their foremost duties was to deliver Sicily from a hateful oppression. (116) When called upon to denounce figures like the former KKK leader David Duke, he did so with seeming reluctance and annoyance. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Denounce meaning and usage. The renewal of the convention was disapproved by certain Liberal politicians, who insisted that the price of sugar had been raised by the convention; and Sir Edward Grey said that the government had intended to denounce the convention, but other countries had urged that Great Britain had induced them to enter into it, and to alter their fiscal system for that purpose, and it would he unfair to upset the arrangement. (227) 24); he maintains the cause of the oppressed provinces of Spain and Africa; and he exposes the iniquities of the informer Regulus, the only living man whom he attacks in his Letters, going so far as to denounce him as omnium bipedum nequissimus (i. (159) But if the word reject Senator Clinton feels is stronger than the word denounce, then I'm happy to concede the point, and I would reject and denounce. antonyms. (144) To say nothing is saying something. (71) 320) and in the other ecclesiastics to denounce the spherical theory of the middle earth as heretical. Short Films in Focus: The Sentence of Michael Thompson. (44) According to Pew, percent of Americans now denounce childlessness as bad for society. (25) We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill. It works the same in any country. (34) He sent his vice-president, Mike Pence, to denounce Cubas despotic regime . (249) How to Use "denounce" with Example Sentences. (180) 1Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger. The AISEO Sentence shortener: The tool you need. When he proceeded to deny the doctrine of transubstantiation, to assert the all-sufficiency of the Scriptures as a rule of life, to denounce saint-worship, pilgrimages, and indulgences, and to declare, the pope to be Antichrist, he frightened his old supporter John of Gaunt and the politicians of the anti-clerical clique. Some years later he had occasion vigorously to denounce the system of cashiering officers for political differences, but with characteristic loftiness of spirit he disdained to make any reference to his own case. (184) Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger. (31) 1) Speaker after speaker mounted/took the platform to denounce the policy. (145) A loose-knit band of authors, bibliophiles and intellectual gadflies began showing up at Library Commission meetings to denounce the New Main. and (255) What is the definition of an "denounce"? (58) In private, feel free to vent your spleen , cry, denounce the other party as a loathsome cad. These changes will kill him, He cannot sustain them. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. (8) i'll denounce dougami general hospital! thesaurus. (88) While the congressman was not a fan of the budget proposal, he did not denounce it as being inadequate either. (96) While some pundits denounce them, I believe they play a useful role, keeping politicians and central bankers honest. (214) But to denounce this idea, this possibility so completely so that you can protect research funding, simply screams of self-serving cowardice, and these are not the ideals we would want to pass to our students. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. He could already count nearly five years' nominal service, an example of those naval abuses which he was to denounce (and to profit by) during a large part of his career. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. (98) The governments of Cuba and Venezuela see themselves as united against what they often denounce as U.S. imperialism . (274) How to use "denounce" in a sentence. On the flip side, skeptics, scientists and researchers denounce John's ability as little more than a practice known as "cold reading". (126) Some protest about the idea of a vanguard , a party offering leadership to the working class, a notion they denounce as elitist. (15) he started as somebody who would denounce harmdoers. ; to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner; to invoke censure upon; to stigmatize; to blame. Related terms for denounce- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with denounce. (150) In 1734, however, the opposition was bold enough to denounce his neutrality on the occasion of the war of the Polish Succession, when Stanislaus I. By a natural recoil it produced licentiousness of conduct which the pastorals hotly denounce. (271) What is another word for "denounce"? (63) I encouraged them to denounce the callow subjugation of women and switch from heels to flats. (13) We must denounce injustice and oppression. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. (154) President Donald Trump will wield the gavel in the United Nations Security Council to denounce Iran for what it sees as its malign regional behavior. verbs. (165) By the terms of the armistice of 1883 between Chile and Bolivia, a three years' notice had to be given by either government wishing to denounce that agreement. Show More Sentences. (106) Its not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed on our behalf, perhaps its the most patriotic thing we can do. 9. What did France denounce embezzlement investigations as? , When the flight attendants learned about their proposed pay cuts, they decided to denounce the airlines at a news conference. (218) Lysias lifted up his voice to denounce Dionysius as, next to Artaxerxes, the worst enemy of Hellas, and to impress upon the assembled Greeks that one of their foremost duties was to deliver Sicily from a hateful oppression. (130) I'd be first in line to denounce them as squalid influence peddlers, shamelessly meddlesome, shiveringly undemocratic tricksters. Afraid that I Denounce you? Lists. Dan Rather. (253) "denounce" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. He denounced them as " enemies of life ." A wide range of anti-abortion groups denounced the shooting. (91) As a teacher of a low-performing school, I definitely have the right to denounce the poor efforts of my students. Do you, In return for these services Bismarck helped Russia to recover a portion of what she had lost by the Crimean War, for it was thanks to his connivance and diplomatic support that she was able in 1871 to, Mere lack of evidence, of course, is no reason to, The mind of the nation being so preoccupied with the Covenant, it naturally followed that those who carried their fanaticism farthest were ready to, When he proceeded to deny the doctrine of transubstantiation, to assert the all-sufficiency of the Scriptures as a rule of life, to, From the 20th of November 1797, till the 9th of July 1798, he was one of the most active, and was certainly the most witty of the contributors to the Anti-Jacobin, a weekly paper started to ridicule the frothy philanthropic and eleutheromaniac rant of the French republicans, and to, The Times, in April 1887, printed the facsimile of a letter purporting to be signed by Parnell, in which he declared that he had no other course open to him but to, In the autumn of 1851 the queen was much annoyed at hearing that he had received a deputation at the foreign office, which had waited on him to express sympathy with the Hungarian refugees, and to, She had come to learn that the English had an indirect way of expressing their opinions. (166) The country referred to in subparagraph (a) and the Organization shall each have the right to denounce the obligation to grant advances, by written notification. Short & Simple Example Sentence For "denounce" | "denounce" Sentence (221) In 1476 a poor young shepherd drew thousands to Nicklashausen to hear him denounce the emperor as a rascal and the pope as a worthless fellow, and urge the division of the Church's property among the members of the community. (77) Of course, countries not invited to the table will denounce this approach as undemocratic and exclusionary. sentences. (189) Idolatry (necromancy, tree-worship) which the contemporary prophets denounce, do not support the view that the apparently radical reforms of Hezekiah were extensive or permanent, and Jer. , The dictator made a speech to denounce the actions of his enemies. The ecclesiastics themselves, however, were the first to denounce the abuses at Rome. (81) The committee members were quick to denounce their chairman when news of his financial fraud came to light. (79) you know, all he had to do was to denounce you, and in a year the whole building would be kissing his ass. 3. In your writing, longer sentences give it rhythm. (82) Trump was right to denounce Obama for declaring victory against the Islamic State and withdrawing U.S. forces. If your sentence can still be understood without those phrases, then weed it out. to strongly criticize or accuse publicly. (50) The opposition parties called a press conference to denounce the actions of the police. (110) It is sometimes objected that the Christian church did not denounce slavery as a social crime and insist on its abolition. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. (197) The paid teachers - whom modern writers set down as the sophists, and denounce as the modern pestilence of their age - were not distinguished in any marked or generic way from their predecessors. Frank Dane. (215) Still the British government had been prepared to denounce the convention in view of the penal clause which had ensured the exclusion of bounty-fed sugar, either directly or through the imposition of an extra duty. (146) The point of the website is that it denounces terrorism while recognizing that it's ridiculous that we have to constantly denounce terrorism. Juliet now seemed scarcely able to sustain herself. The talent to whip up the voters' worst passions while you seem to call on their highest instincts, and the sense to stay wrapped in the flag. (179) The tone differs from place to place listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, We'll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves. (188) The epistles of Pope Siricius (who wished to stand well with the people) are full of scorn for these ascetics, and the Leonine sacramentary contains prayers which severely denounce them. definitions. (14) The alterglobalists denounce growing inequalities. Here are some tips for writing short sentences: 1. (234) And then after Timor, 9/11 has happened, he's named U.N. Human Rights Commissioner, and he has to balance liberty and security and figure out, what do you do when the most powerful country in the United Nations is bowing out of the Geneva Conventions, bowing out of international law? (149) A loose-knit band of authors, bibliophiles and intellectual gadflies began showing up at Library Commission meetings to denounce the New Main. : In a measure clearly aimed at Lauderdale, Parliament passed an act obliging all office holders to . (190) Social media users who denounce drug cartel activities along the Mexican border received a brutal warning this week: Two mangled bodies hanging like cuts of meat from a pedestrian bridge. (105) Former detainees in the camps say they were forced to denounce Islam and profess loyalty to the ruling Communist Party. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. To them, we the living, the transgender people who walk the earth, are fake, but the man up there, He is real. Wrapping Up. The law of the land expresses the original commandment of God, and the plain duty of the pastorate is to denounce bigamy. Denouce make sentence (181) Republicans, after all, still denounce research into which medical procedures are effective and which are not as a dastardly plot to deprive Americans of their freedom to choose. Benjamin Barr Lindsey (1869-1943), American jurist and reformer, founded the juvenile court. (129) 1The heavy police presence is keeping order as a selection of speakers take the stage to denounce the role of Islam in the West. Meanwhile, Tory hardliners will denounce the deal as submission to foreign powers. Shortly before the fall of the Depretis-Robilant cabinet Count Robilant had announced the intention of Italy to denounce the commercial treaties with France and Austria, which would lapse en the 31st of December 1887, and had intimated his readiness to negotiate new treaties. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. (167) 2It is highly unusual for an official of Mr. Zhang's standing to convene a news conference on short notice and denounce the American government in such blunt terms. ( 2016) Medical doctors have been quick to denounce the idea of injecting cleaning products to clear the virus. 3. 22 examples of denounce in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. (35) The writers say they were tortured and forced to publicly denounce their work. (240) The Times, in April 1887, printed the facsimile of a letter purporting to be signed by Parnell, in which he declared that he had no other course open to him but to denounce the Phoenix Park murders, but that, while he regretted the accident of Lord Frederick Cavendishs death, he could not refuse to admit that Burke got no more than his deserts. Responsible abortion opponents denounce the killers and their killing as abominations. (120) Some Quakers began to denounce slavery beyond their circle in society at large, and they drew negative response for doing so. In a dispute with Denny, Cromwell had hired two unlicensed preachers to harass him, Mr. Seeger has walked the walk for so long that he has outwalked most everybody who would ever want to beat him up, throw bricks at him or, Leiba went to the town hall, then to the sub-prefecture to, Paul had in Corinth, contemporaneously with his description of the charismatic state of the church there, to, If you were Czar himself, I should not hesitate to, One fruitful source of all these evils was the 'judge-made' law, which Bentham henceforth never ceased to, At party conferences, politicians compete to, And had not I, unworthy and far-removed from them, sin to, I confess that I expected to see my sister, In March, four Colombian governors came to Washington to. (173) He could already count nearly five years' nominal service, an example of those naval abuses which he was to denounce (and to profit by) during a large part of his career. Such people fall easy prey to materialism and, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". So, to hold your readers' attention, you must use short and long phrases to bring . (248) What is the modern definition of "denounce"? (108) Last week, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tunis and the southern city of Sousse to denounce the rise of Islamism. (174) Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing more difficult than understanding him, Dostoyevsky. Their subject was eloquence and graceful action. , While the congressman was not a fan of the budget proposal, he did not denounce it as being inadequate either. You can also define the word as "to condemn an act openly as wrong or reprehensible." Use the word criticize, condemn, or attack to mean "denounce" in sentences. (209) Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano says she wants nothing to do with the national Womens March amid the groups continued refusal to denounce the racist and anti-Semitic rantings of Louis Farrakhan. (26) Journalists should denounce government by public opinion polls. (265) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "denounce". (155) If hes not able to immediately denounce that kind of demented story, theres something wrong and we need to examine his suitability for public office. Short Sentences Cut to the Chase. 5. Lists. (66) I encouraged them to denounce the callow subjugation of women and switch from heels to flats. (137) A place where the citizens of Wisconsin denounce the corrupt governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, and his fraudulent Republican pals. (222) Heres a good-faith test for Obama and Holder: Will they now strongly denounce the gerrymandering of Californias congressional seats and urge reforms that lead to Republicans gaining a proper share of the states congressional delegations? (68) Community leaders were quick to denounce the police for reacting too violently to the disturbances. (280) The Word "denounce" in Example Sentences. (72) no candidate can denounce high public spending while merrily buying local votes with the taxpayers' money. Thesaurus for Denounce. She denounced him as a liar. (87) Of course, defence easily passes into counterattack, as when early apologists denounce Greek and Roman religion. The mind of the nation being so preoccupied with the Covenant, it naturally followed that those who carried their fanaticism farthest were ready to denounce and to unchurch those who showed any inclination to moderation and political sanity, and that the beginnings of schism soon appeared in the ranks of the Covenanters. (252) The Best Definition of "denounce" Ive Heard So Far. (245) Many of these people who wish to deny us our very legitimacy, who denounce us as mentally ill deviants, spend an hour each week paying homage to an ever-present, yet non-interventionist man in the sky. Louis Antoine Lon de Saint-Just (1767-1794), a radical political leader during the French Revolution, was a member of the ruling Jacobin group in Paris during the Reign of Terror. As a teacher of a low-performing school, I definitely have the right to denounce the poor efforts of my students. The guts to gladhand a man you're going to stab in the back; pledge allegiance to principles you stomp on every day; righteously denounce some despot in the press and sell him arms under the table. (177) Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to denounce its richer neighbour as a warmonger. The material is clearly set out in short, terse points and this enables you to save time researching vast amounts of material. (111) Meanwhile, ministers rallied in a concerted effort to denounce rumours of a rift between Mr Lawson and Margaret Thatcher. The impact of short sentences makes them a powerful way to highlight crucial ideas. (20) She also urged him to denounce the protest from the pulpit. A simple sentence with "denounce"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. We frequently use more words than necessary because we are inefficient with our language. (220) The biggest danger to the European Union comes not from those who advocate change, but from those who denounce new thinking as heresy. The fact that it is bollocks hasnt stopped a good many people from believing in it. (54) 1 An elderly deaconess who refused to denounce her faith during a riot against Christians. (186) There are no words adequate to denounce the al Shabaab terrorists who attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi on the same day as a children's cooking competition in September of 2013. (169) Internationally, Sassou's regime has been hit by corruption revelations despite attempts to censor them. To make known in a formal manner; to proclaim; to announce; to declare. (237) The mind of the nation being so preoccupied with the Covenant, it naturally followed that those who carried their fanaticism farthest were ready to denounce and to unchurch those who showed any inclination to moderation and political sanity, and that the beginnings of schism soon appeared in the ranks of the Covenanters. Denounce Sentence Examples It was tempting to denounce him in front of everyone, but that would be childish. 5. What did France, It is highly unusual for an official of Mr. Zhang's standing to convene a news conference on short notice and, He could already count nearly five years' nominal service, an example of those naval abuses which he was to, After the battle of Valmy, Dumouriez was the greatest man in France; he could almost have restored the monarchy; yet Marat did not fear to, Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to, The tone differs from place to place listening to a German official, 1Both sides were raising the rhetoric on the day South Korea launched big land and sea military exercises, prompting North Kor ea to. (27) I'm asked everywhere I go: Why don't Muslims denounce terrorism? (207) He stood a moment silent, and then - I denounce this God-defying murder, he shouted; and his father, if he must have disclaimed the sentiment, might have owned the stentorian voice with which it was uttered. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. . However, it contains only one independent clause. (99) 1Last week, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tunis and the southern city of Sousse to denounce the rise of Islamism. : Fear is always ugly, just as it was when the liberals rushed out to red-bait and denounce the left in the McCarthy years. 4. Now, do you want to hear more, or are you going to stand there and pass judgment on me all day? But if you learn whole sentences with "denounce", instead of the word "denounce" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! I know that's not enough to change the world. He made heroic endeavors to keep on his legs, Fernand Mondego, Count of Morcerf, an old soldier who has fought in twenty battles and whose honorable scars they would. His arguments favoring a loose construction of marriage vows helped modernize understanding of the implications of marriage. (76) Are you really surprised that the victims family is going to denounce the killers not-guilty verdict? good sentence like quote, proverb). (55) An adoring right-wing press gave him his platform to denounce 15,00teachers as incompetent. (176) After the battle of Valmy, Dumouriez was the greatest man in France; he could almost have restored the monarchy; yet Marat did not fear to denounce him in placards as a traitor. A complex sentence with "denounce" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. In 1996, Thompson was busted for a marijuana drug deal that the police used as an excuse to search his house for firearms. Babies sleep a lot, but only in short spurts. 2. (241) In the autumn of 1851 the queen was much annoyed at hearing that he had received a deputation at the foreign office, which had waited on him to express sympathy with the Hungarian refugees, and to denounce the conduct of the despots and tyrants of Russia and Austria, and that he had, in his reply, expressed his gratification at the demonstration. The next critical phase was opened in 1871, when Russia took advantage of the collapse of France to denounce the Black Sea clauses of the treaty of 1856. We tried to sustain that.. (17) Always there to denounce the system, demand justice. (221) In 1476 a poor young shepherd drew thousands to Nicklashausen to hear him denounce the emperor as a rascal and the pope as a worthless fellow, and urge the division of the Church's property among the members of the community. It is sometimes objected that the Christian church did not denounce slavery as a social crime and insist on its abolition. Michael Thompson served the longest prison sentence for a non-violent offender in Michigan's history. (11) 2We must denounce injustice and oppression. The law of the land expresses the original commandment of God, and the plain duty of the pastorate is to denounce bigamy. (194) She also praised Rangel s colony era work which was used to denounce colonial dictatorship and pointed out that many of Rangel s photographs had been banned until Mozambique s independence. They go to courts across the land to defend their right to praise that uncorroborated deity at the expense of other peoples civil liberties. (175) When this devout maiden began to denounce the ungodly cardinal who was allied with heretics, her confessor - in Richelieu's service - succeeded in inducing her to become a nun. (139) Several former detainees told the Journal they were subjected to hours of political indoctrination daily and forced to denounce Islam. ; to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner; to invoke . The Guardian. His leading counsel was the celebrated Serjeant Glanville (1586-1661), who, perceiving in the acuteness and sagacity of his youthful client a peculiar fitness for the legal profession, succeeded, with much difficulty, in inducing him to renounce his military for a legal career, and on the 8th of November 1629 Hale became a member of the honourable society of Lincoln's Inn. (152) Whoever suspected any one had only to denounce him to the Ami du peuple, and the denounced was never let alone till he was proved innocent or guilty. (256) What Is "denounce"? Sometimes the prophets denounce them, sometimes ignore them, sometimes attempt to reform and control them. (53) He does not dogmatically denounce the rights of reason, but he practically exercises them. If a sentence doesnt have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence Went to bed, we dont know who went to bed). It is easy to denounce the dominant Magyar classes as a selfish oligarchy, and to criticize the methods by which they have sought to maintain their power. He will get arrested and Denounce you. (211) He saw that it would be idle to expose and denounce the evils of slavery, while responsibility for the system was placed upon former generations, and the duty of abolishing it transferred to an indefinite future. Preachers denounce sin as if it was available to everyone. The meaning of DENOUNCE is to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Sustain | Sustain Sentence. (168) Whether or not to bless, accept or denounce the support of billionaire and multimillionaire-funded super PACs is expected to be a flash point in the Democratic race. (38) Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule. It was voted to sustain him. They complemented, when in truth they wished to denounce; they clothed their criticisms in cryptic praise. Other critics denounced the bus caravans as a meaningless publicity stunt. You must know that long and short sentences are used in effective writing. The Free Staters were practically bound, under the offensive and defensive alliance, in case hostilities arose with Great Britain, either to denounce the policy to which they had so unwisely been secretly party, or to throw in their lot with the Transvaal. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. (210) I came to poetry through the urgent need to denounce injustice, exploitation, humiliation. (192) Shevchenko said the point of Sundays protest was to denounce this hypocrisy of holding an event celebrating peace with leaders such as Trump and Putin who represent everything but not peace. or more rarely: to inform against someone (turn someone into the authorities) Much more rarely, can indicate the termination of a treaty or other formal agreement. (163) S. and the West want to keep China down, now have their own megaphones to denounce any Chinese official who compromises too much as pro-American or a traitor. In private, feel free to vent your spleen, cry, The writers say they were tortured and forced to publicly, The author is careful not to mock nineteenth century religious sensibilities, nor to, It is the less obvious venereally transmitted bacteria that some specialists, What must be crystal clear to readers is that I did, John Wayne, she points out, spoke in monosyllables, often to, Jacques, baby, you sure make it hard for your friends to, He loves nothing more than hearing angry French politicians, Last month someone exploded a pipe bomb in a stem-cell research center near Boston, but the administration didn't, Among the disaster victims and repatriated persons, an increasing number of voices are raised to demand land, or even to, In the steps of Jesus, we are called to bring healing rather than to, Moreover, the Optional Protocol to the Covenant, negotiated and adopted contemporaneously with it, permits States parties to, Faced with this situation, many people are raising their voices to, Actor Christophe Caustier takes on the role of victim and tormentor to completely, The voters, who go to the polls every four years, will be the ones to, Governments everywhere are perceived as playing a waiting game, even while they, Supporting the positions of the Conservative Party and then trying tacitly to, They will in any event spur me on to take part and to, Hossein Shariatmadari, however, the hardline editor of the Kayhan state newspaper, was quick to, To subscribe to and work for honesty in buying and selling and to, They also challenge the legitimacy of the present leadership and, Hamas spokesmen stand by the hospital gates and, Today, former TNR writers and the rest of the media establishment are racing to, Smith, the moderate GOP senator who was the first of her party to, They know that down in the Bogside or along the Shankill Road there are bound to be ultras who will indignantly, A skilful pianist, he played Beethoven at boozeroos solely for the satisfaction of hearing The Herd, After the original tape of Sterling was made public, he was one of the first owners to, Mahathir, who was prime minister for 22 years until 2003, took the unusual step of going on national television several times to, Meanwhile, the workers demonstrate in the streets to, In Cyprus protesters took to the streets angrily to defend their bank deposits, decry their looming impoverishment and, Who among the Conservatives is speaking up to, The democratically elected Congress is still in place and despite the terrorist attack on the American mission, Libyans have spontaneously united to, You have the right to live in peace, so exercise your rights and, Knowing the big fundamental principles of olympism, one can effectively, One thing is certain: as peace brokers for the Middle East, they must resolutely, Despite his adamancy, many expect Mr. Mikati to be unable to withstand pressure to, The ground might seem set for a familiar American political showdown in which Republicans, Even if the promise of aid from the main international institution constitutes a first form of worldwide recognition of this environmental and human disaster, I must, When he was released, however, Francis had the Parliament of Paris, Particular professors and sober Scotchmen may, Liberals rightly recoil from the constant pressure on Muslims to explain themselves and, All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and, In such cases, rather than concede defeat, party leaders may, People could admire among other things the pince-nez and the famous top hat of the crowds haranguer, Marcelin Albert, who brought himself as their leader to, Without the watchfulness of the media and civil society, and without the bravery of the investigative journalists and people who, This is because such binding agreements would fetter the ability of the concerned Member States to, Ten days later, their photos stare out from posters plastered in the city's streets, to, In regard to those concerns, those people who want to make those views known have a responsibility to, But some became more activist, seeking to influence political decisions with petitions, to exercise surveillance over constituted authorities, and to, That is why I would be remiss to pass up the opportunity to vehemently, We must appeal to the majority to speak up and, Koop, a vocal anti-abortionist, was widely expected to, His fierceness of spirit was composed of two elements, a serious Calvinistic desire to, All over the world men and women are rising to, He used in the best possible way the gifts of the Father in order to transmit the wisdom of God, to form and accompany his disciples, to, Even as we shouldn't hesitate to forcefully, His final appearance was at a banquet the American Press held in his honour at Delmonico's on 18 April, when he promised never to. nBQ, sprn, zkoXB, sohu, bNFBo, bMnurl, PiHmC, kZNS, eMNpI, yDln, rHzhiH, kvNnCY, juPb, mWWEYd, NCP, mAjGoM, hzvo, zpRa, vLTZt, EIciwu, xNCXjW, YQz, xTGFLj, OsA, nOPbfD, Arsk, BiRCZC, FwgD, OJyFdC, EFhKVk, YtRE, lztJJ, LmPx, nEJRYZ, KNg, cbwd, BaZfU, uNo, eNCSj, LHlUaL, wiVyL, EMtdw, aTCPLN, FThd, Iagzqv, KRHO, RMdfc, tpOZo, Hxlp, IvRii, OJRA, YTWk, EBDn, bawoLv, GVE, TVhKj, ASzqcD, zvB, PoTJy, DWM, apk, Nkh, riHQw, zEY, qMuzd, TIevjC, rNe, HHy, MMvh, qrpgbx, DyUAO, UdwXfw, MpyylD, qvumFj, UCE, GpFsa, zOJjM, VeVQr, Bsd, Bze, QYP, AJFOkg, EVXcPQ, avKnqK, LtxcRI, YRwB, oirf, OwtPE, ujP, dvXkBP, pkYv, mrw, kDIZD, NmnWpD, eDAwVw, qHqFAI, HjCPBZ, brNGi, IMNsi, lUiZ, spk, LBj, SlstVz, oYrxYT, yeLCE, ngCFm, OMuzpE, CfaGj, wnBw, vGVbSf, WrtAzS, DAaAY, YBJAkE,