Its the truth. I keep saying that when the weather gets warmer Id eventually feel better cause Id be able to enjoy the outdoors more. and nothing matter. Im sick of being in pain everyday. I have anxieties and depression. Im not even allowed to do service hours for my school because My dad doesnt like it & thinks its useless. Sarah, You can feel better. College hasnt been the best time of my life and honestly, I dont think it was supposed to be. [57] In North Korea, "violating the rules of collective socialist life" can be punished with up to two years' imprisonment. the first Triennial Review", "Violent deaths of LGBT people in Brazil hit all-time high", "Police Judgments of Culpability and Homophobia", "Homophobia, racism likely companions, study shows", "Majority support gay equality rights, poll finds", "The Hidden Cost of Homophobia in Africa", "What Homophobia Costs a Country's Economy", "A socioecological measurement of homophobia for all countries and its public health impact", "Links between economic development and new measures of LGBT inclusion", "Statement of the Holy See Delegation at the 63rd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Declaration on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity", "Council of Europe to advance human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons", Towards an international Day against Homophobia, 1st Annual International Day Against Homophobia to be Celebrated in over 40 Countries on May 17, "Campaigns against Homophobia in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico", "Lessons on gay history cut homophobic bullying in north London school", "AP nixes 'homophobia', 'ethnic cleansing', "No more 'homophobia'? The judge of course denied it, because again, I did nothing wrong! Sorry if its confusing as well. I tried applying to other relay companies to no avail. Because I am a woman !!! Ive been trying to get out of teaching for years, but I cant get back into my old field because too much time has passed and I do not make enough money to either go back to school or get training. Goes around discussing my mental health issues behind my back which I apparently only acquired as an adult by attempting to go no contact with her (after having my minimum contact which I worked so hard to develop via my therapist but destroyed by my interfering sister sticking in her little finger and stirring it up). I hate my life. If you want to change you job, you need to figure what kind of jobs are you willing to do and market your way to those specific job areas. I hate my life every time I go to make it better after two or three minutes later it gets worse and I always say to myself or yell I hate my life it is mostly ok at school but then when I get home my life sucks my siblings are mean to me my mom does not even care or do anything about it and I have to share a room with my sister I do not have any real friends and I really hate my life. Im disappointed right now with no money back from a lotto ticket plus no emails back like I was hoping. No, its not an easy option. I have endrimetriosis and Im constantly in pain. I volunteered to work on Christmas and boxing day because I hate being at home. I hate my life not because I divorced my cheating lying husband, but because people keep saying stupid comments like, you got this you are strong self care you can do what you want You know what, this all crap! [91] At least 445 LGBT Brazilians were either murdered or committed suicide in 2017. Sad times indeed. Best regards little one, best of luck to you. I am too embarrassed to tell my family, my father just died about a month ago, Im taking this hard too. sorry if too ling but just needed to reach outbtona groupnthat has bren in my place and knows what the real struggle isv?????? I dont think its appropriate for anyone to tell a stranger whether their life is easy or not. That's the problem people conflate it, he said. [67], Internalized homophobia refers to negative stereotypes, beliefs, stigma, and prejudice about homosexuality and LGBT people that a person with same-sex attraction turns inward on themselves, whether or not they identify as LGBT. Youre like a domestic justice equalizing vigilante super spy warrior or something. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. Put all your appointments on an online calender. Creating a Path from "I Hate My Life" to Resilience and Self-Realization, I Hate My Life: Finding a Path to Resilience and Self-Realization. she is just someone who had a bunch of kids. Is like if you are to eat something sour if you go in there and you dont want to eat it anymore, so the same way yourself is tired of looking for the attention of your boring husband. Ive tried enjoying the journey, the moment, thinking positive, turning lemon into a sweet treat, just nothing works or helps. It will definitely help me a lot. As people grow up, they tend to incorporate these attitudes and engage in a process of self-parenting. Secondly, I have this friend who literally makes me drive her EVERYWHERE and never pays for gasIts so irritating !! I dont go out, do drugs, etc. I am so so sorry, I cant imagine the pain you must be feeling. Ok thanks does it help with your anger then. Get information on latest national and international events & more. Why am I feeling so damn grumpy a lot of the time? I feel like my parents set expectations too high for me. But now with increased attention, I think people are reporting again. after rhis ten yeats of my marriage I came to know his real face, he had so many affairs and coz of that he was in money crisis and he comes to me for money by saying someother emotional issues. I enjoy staying indoors and do not like going out all of the time. Work was piling up. I hate my life too. I am 26, trying to get a job since 4 years and I even took up full time masters degree program in the field I am interested in. Im going to school and my car got repossessed . I will be extremly selfish, I will leave and I wont feel any guilt. Im lucky to have parents that love me enough to take back there adult daughter but makes me feel like a complete loser. From that day they have sponged off my parents trust and my parents took care of them both, The gratitude they guy was 0.. Many guys may feel ashamed of having these feelings and I want them to know theyre not alone. its dawning on me that she has been the reason why me and my dad havent been close for all these years! Missnoone July 27th, 2015 . Call your college of choice and ask for them to help you get started. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. I never got my license an we live in the woods I feel so isolated from the outside world I quit school halfway through my junior year, because the bus transport didnt go to my house it was out of jurisdiction so I had to walk miles to get home. If you feel like you hate your life, its beneficial to ask whose life are you really living? I probably avoided finding a mate of the opposite sex for this reason. Just let some random strangers have at them, thatll sort them out. I pray God will give you wisdom and that you receive a miracle this Christmas season. You need to leave your abusers. [77] According to Cheval et al. As someone in similar situation, I will tell you what will I do. I am not able to go back to the land of enchantment? 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. The researcher suggested that a 1% decrease in the level of homophobia is associated with a 10% increase in the gross domestic product per capita. Yet the intolerant poeple are constantly congratulating themselves on how tolerant they are. Hope you are still here. Why do I have to subject myself to this boring ass life, why does my life lack passion. It will help you. I would love to get one email. Now I live on someones couch with no job, no house, and a degree I cant stand to finish. [121][122][123], Use of homophobia, homophobic, and homophobe has been criticized as pejorative against LGBT rights opponents. At this point, I would take a job scooping poop, if I could get one. [64], Since 2006, under Vladimir Putin, regions in Russia have enacted varying laws restricting the distribution of materials promoting LGBT relationships to minors; in June 2013, a federal law criminalizing the distribution of materials among minors in support of non-traditional sexual relationships was enacted as an amendment to an existing child protection law. However, living there has not giving you the satisfaction that you dreamt of because you are in this situation right now. Yes God help us all endure these earthly pains and strains until we are called home. it can be tough. Now his seven and I love him just as much as I do her. Thats right, no one want to do it. That a stupid horrible thing to sa. May God be with you which we will give you our Blessings for you to get well. I just hate my life. My daughter married a kind positive helpful man. Just be true to urself and stay calm and frgt abt past which has no importance in present and frgt abt future which we cant predict all abt,,,,,,,jut live ur life as naturally and simply as possible. My partner doesnt even believe in oral sex, like how boring and lame is that. If you do not have time to do it I suggest reading fictional books like Harry Potter (dont be intimated by the length of the series) since it helps you to take your mind off things. Show me your faith without deeds,(Y) and I will show you my faith(Z) by my deeds. (At this point, I feel obliged to remind you of the dangers of overspending and not enough saving. Hi Anna, The facts are- we ARE hurt. My grandma died recently of old age like some time last year; and since my dad cant live by himself because of a slight mental problem, he was put in a Assisted Living place in another town by my aunts but I still get to visit him once in a while. I hate how we have to pretend to be someone else to fit in. Start with taking a walk, going for a run, learning to just let things go. i have no resources and have never held a job. My husband leaves for buisness a lot leaving me for up to 10 days at a time. And YOU probably do not have these feelings, Mr. PsychAlive. I feel like suing them for that one. My parents think that my siblings are better than me. But on top of being depressed every month because I cant have a baby (for over 4 years and counting) I have to be concerned that I need another surgery for my disease. please cheer up! Still, since 2014 or so Im just empty. I have been feeling like I hate my life for a little over a week now. At age five, I remember my father huffing and puffing on cigarettes, and telling me my mother didnt understand him at allhe was angryand I remember so well how helpless I felt. Why am I living and he is not. He does have a right to complain about how our stepfather treats him unfairly though.) so we decided to be just friends. Its hell. Keep your calendar full of activities to socialize and meet others. Once I got sober I lost everything. I am self employed and started hating my business a few years ago and dont know how to get out . a doctor. I am young for my grade already and Im worried that Ill be held back. Plus, Im currently the only employee, and if I left then my boss would be shafted. It seemed I loved to take risks when I was younger. Warren J. Blumenfeld argues that this emotion gains a dimension beyond itself, as a tool for extreme right-wing conservatives and fundamentalist religious groups and as a restricting factor on gender-relations as to the weight associated with performing each role accordingly. I became so depressed self-sabotaging myself self-consciously because that is how my mom likes me best as someone she can lord over as I am not actually a person to her just an object she created and has rights over. I have been unhappy in my marriage basically since the beginning and we do therapy each and have done therapy together and it just seems to be the same old same old same old all the time. I sit at home all the time because there is nothing at all to do. All these sites say focus on things you can control in your life. Isnt mindfulness just glorified, wilful ignorance though? are all so brave to admit your challenges and abuse (any kind) . For your family. Stopeping my pity party right now! I cant say I hate my life, but I hate this moment in it. Im not looking forward to worsening health and getting more bitter too. I used to feel for people like this, feeling guilty not anymore. Ego-dystonic sexual orientation or egodystonic homophobia, for instance, is a condition characterized by having a sexual orientation or an attraction that is at odds with one's idealized self-image, causing anxiety and a desire to change one's orientation or become more comfortable with one's sexual orientation. Im always tired and so is she. my fathers not my life and my mother using me for money. I hate my life too. I asked my volunteer project owner if I could do certain tasks just to get the experience to put it on my resume. Old because Im bombarded with images of successful people in their 20s and everyone my age looks like a wreck, is married and nothing in common with me. :/. I feel bad about this because its not their fault I decided to go back to work and I am thinking of quitting. Bob Dylans First 60 Years as a Columbia Recording Artist Celebrated. I cant believe iam in this situation right now. Hes still a father to our kids, but I can no longer go home, take care of my elderly mother, spend quality time with my father, or brother, hang out with my childhood friends where do I choose to die and lay my remains? The meds really help & are not addicting. A meagre job is a meagre job in whatever world you live in but if you do it in a place of your choice it makes a difference. Dress well, good make up, groomed hair, etcAlways look your best. I want to write screenplays as an adult. Although I am good at teaching I dont like the way my students behave in my class. Show them how amazing life is. Take each day and do something towards changing what you hate so much. thats why I seem stuck. The statement, however, was addressed to reject a resolution by the UN Assembly that would have precisely called for an end of penalties against homosexuals in the world. Thanks bye x. Im a ten year old boy to and I really do hate my life my friend say there friends but thay always annoy me and ceep asking for stuf and its always do this for me and all stop annoying you and the next day guess what doing it again till I do it for them and then theres a kid in my class that always bugs me his name is James and he always targets me not anyone elses only bugging me it makes no sense to me I just hate him for what he dose to me makes no sense to bully makes people feel angry and I always mess things up the dogs turd everywhere and we (do) pick it up and is so discussing and I halve a girl friend and Im always messing things up and I get grounded all the time and its so annoying and my dad died when I was five years old my mo gets to be annoying some of the time and it makes me so mad and Im also depressed about all of this to Im also adopted I met my birth mothe r but never my birth father and I didnt meet all my brothers and sisters and it bugs me so much and all of this makes me feel angry but some times I know my mom is there for me but some times I dont tell her what im thinking or why I get so angry all the time. So to Nanasie and Cosmic sorry but the sad truth is you may be worse off after your children leave you! In August 2019, the Pride in London community took a different initiative to "show solidarity with the LGBT+ community" and colored the crossings in rainbow colors for the annual parades. Sometimes I even think about getting pregnant out of spite, but I wont (because I feel that it would be unfair to my baby) and cutting myself out of spite (not to commit suicide). sometimes im always sad and crying i dont know what to do. I have these thoughts suicidal ones and I cant because of her. I watch people I know: friends, clients, co-workers, relatives and associates who have higher educations and yield higher paying jobs than I do but are miserable. We want to know there is a brighter future. i have the so called FRIENDS but they just want my money please i need lots of help. 8. I also have a ton of student loans. and believe me there is a guy around you already or at least in you recent future who will be the real one to keep you happy and at the same time be really thinking for your welfare..he wont leave you abruptly like that ex of yours.. Like the rest of you, I hate my life as it is now Similar to Matt, I live in a state that I despise because I moved here to be with my husband who has an amazing job here. Ive reassured her that I wont buy but she wont listen. She doesnt seem to care. I developed severe acne and folliculitis by then. A 1969 article in Time described examples of negative attitudes toward homosexuality as "homophobia", including "a mixture of revulsion and apprehension" which some called homosexual panic. The university itself. for no apparent reason. Even the simplest things like sharpening a pencil were impossible. I read the Bible for a sense of purpose even though it seems I see none. [14] According to UK HIV/AIDS charity AVERT, religious views, lack of homosexual feelings or experiences, and lack of interaction with gay people are strongly associated with such views. Well i know that i do as a single man that cant find love with the right woman to settle down with, which makes our life so very rotten as it is. I knew that was not love so I kept searching and searching till I found it! Life does change. Being engrossed in something you enjoy helps. I need a partner and I have tried finding one but it seems impossible to find. My brother and stepfather are loud, and my brother is almost always home. Youre grown, act like it. What truly has meaning to you? I dont know what t do. Iran is changing a lot and I hope that your children will get to experience a life with choices. Dont know your location to provide any numbers, i hate my life because i cant do anything at all i cant even go on any electronics for fun like other kids and go on social media and i cant do anything also my brother gets to do whatever he wants go on social media and talk to his girlfriend meanwhile im being tortured and feel like poop rn he also have a phone and i cant even have one like wtf. I am still crying every day at home alone. I hardly ever interact. It will be hard but you have to do it for you and your child. I got married to someone that didnt treat me right, moved across the country from my family, 8 years ago and now they have all passed away and I have no one. right. on the other hand , in Iran there is not any places that i can study well. I used to wish i was dead but now i just wanna live an try to make it better. Write a list of things you hate and target one thing at a time until you have changed it into what you want it to be. After being alone for a very long time, I managed to meet someone but its mainly a friendship than a relationship. Yes money is nice to have but its besides that to keep people happy n to keep em going I never had anyone give me confidence or the encouragement to do anything productive with my life I always was veribally abused badly. And now she is telling everyone that Im abusive and making me out to be this horrible guy. Please help me. You should prepare yourself for not having a choice. If Im happy or excited about something, I count myself lucky to experience it. I did have some college and did a course at home. I feel so alone!! I really hate my life. Bring harmony in your relationship. . And i really feel as bad like you too. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Rictor Norton; Louie Crew (ed.) I might end up in community college which scares me because I know hell just be talking bad to me everytime & Im just so scared of what might happen because my mom right now has no money shes in debt & owes my dad a lot of money. Dry with a clean towel and use some lavender powder. Ive been manipulated and used by my brother for years until i moved far away. I never wanted to be a teacher.i had no choice to pick up my own career.My dad thought that its the safest one for girls. Hold your head up. Pray and let God be your best friend. I say I hate life pretty often and I am always being negative. Im sure you are not a nobody. [60] In 1997, a court found Canaan Banana, Mugabe's predecessor and the first President of Zimbabwe, guilty of 11 counts of sodomy and indecent assault. Try having a spinal cord tumor and than tell me how much you hate life. It may mean going on another outing. Missnoone: Sometimes, parents will suggest that you stay with your husband because they do not want additional responsibilities of a daughter and grandchild. [33], The official teaching of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality is that same-sex behavior should not be expressed. I always wanted children and a family in life. Moved two states away where we know no-one, (a good thing) and saved each others lives. But keep trying to apply. I have one close best friend who helped me with resumes and cover letters and she is kind and caring. What is it that has ALL victims of abuse continue the struggle to survive versus choosing the possibility of a way outof relinquishing this neverending fight for the sake of what might be true emancipation? Most of all were trapped in economic situations that dont offer opportunities for independence. You re not alone. Need help? And my friends dont really talk to me or anything and I dont really know them. Every single human being is special on their own way. I want to take care of my issues and I want other to take care of theirs, but how do I get them to do it? I hate my life too. people would stab me in the back over the littlest thing. I always feel like a failure. You should speak to a counselor before you make the decision to stay in your marriage or leave. Im mostly an introvert, so I dont feel like I could really hold a conversation even if I started one. Good luck. Plus, I want/wanted children and part of providing a good safe home involves having a good job, insurance, not being a drug user, in jail, etc. Interviews are far and in-between and that crock about networking on Linked-In is a crock. I hope we all find happiness. Those have always been there to either do great things or screw things up royally. If you do what is right, dont give a damn about what the others think or say. The only pitfall is I have to take my beloved cat to the shelter as my new landlord wont allow a pet. My girlfriend of almost two years is amazing I love her to death shes a carpenter and takes great care of me but I feel like Im nothing. She uses the way her parents treated her as an excuse for why she treated/treats us like shit. My mother is gone and last yr i went to jail and it ruined my life. If i ever meet God I would ask him why me? Its a lie. Everyone wants and needs to be loved, instead of being single and alone all the time. Trust me, I know this first hand. Breaking News, First Alert Weather & Community Journalism. My husband and I havent even taken a honeymoon, or has 24 hours alone together, ever! I have a tendency to take things way too seriously. its kind of ironic. Also, Going to therapy is an action that would benefit everyone. is a lie. Being a dad is hard. I sometimes feel like Im living someone elses life. I am CNA and graduated in computer sciences. Your email address will not be published. I am so tired of feeling tired and depressed all the time! I also dont have a girl friend . A further examination of the submitted reports showed that in many cases, the verbal harassment that women received reflected the very intersection of racism and sexism. [134], Negative attitudes and discrimination toward homosexuality and LGBT people, "Anti-homosexuality" redirects here. Good luck and God bless. So, I share the same sentiment with what many others express of their concerns with poverty, working-poor & not getting a raise (been there! Whats the difference? My cousins on that side of course have all went to college and a couple of them are going to be surgeons. Well said; l thought the same thing; if you are making a post here your in a lot of pain no matter what; how or buts. I also love my girlfriend very much and I want to keep everyone. I go everywhere alone will take my daughter too. 4 Things I Wish Id Known Going In. If people were ABLE to follow such empty advice, they WOULD have already, naturally, on their own. The more we can stick through hard times without expecting the road to be easy, the better we can handle what life throws at us. this is my own making, but that does not make it easier to deal with. The system is all kinds of messed up period . i am forced to work for his business and work at home and am not allowed to seek outside employment although all 4 of our kids are school aged now. I hate my life too. Losses i gave up on love greaving. Im always thinking he is cheating and he is always thinking Im cheating. The only thing is, shes way prettier than me so everytime we go out guys only talk to her and Im left there feeling like a huge piece of shit once again. Society is most likely the fault. Drastic and uncomfortable ones if thats what it takes. I just feel yucky all the time. Work in baby steps. I grew up around abuse not on me but my mom was beaten a lot my dad was a contractor we had a lot of nice things growing up I have 2 sisters n 1 brother weall grew up around this my dad was very selfish n full oof himself he put himself before his own kids well my mom n dad split when I was ten I was the only one left with my dad he didnt abuse me but her verbally abused me throughput my whole life hes not a positive person at all I went through a lot of struggles growing up there were times I had to walk in the freezing cold for 3 miles to get back n forth to work because my father didnt want to pick me up when he had the time but was to busy drinking. Anyways thanks reading about my life assuming that you did of course. I wanted to retake the exam, though, but they wouldnt let me. Im sorry to hear about your struggles Jason. How old are you? It made me feel so bad that I have been thinking about it non stop since then. Go easy on future thinking. You imagine hushed halls, quiet libraries, and intellectual discussions where people quote Hamlet. Things will get better. You are right being lonely is most difficult weather being single or married. It gets better. I was told the excuse about money problems. am now living in niota, illinois, was born and raised in burlington, iowa. How old will you be if you dont do it? Search our huge selection of new and used video games at fantastic prices at GameStop. In the second week of my time at Leeds University, the tutor of our Introduction to Prose seminar asked us to name a writer we liked that more people should read, and one we didnt like that everyone read. This threat causes repression, denial or reaction formation. Not seeing much to look forward to. Cosmic if you find the answer to your question, I just wonder what is the point of it all. Sometimes we just sit on the couch and watch TV and Im looking at him like why are you so boring. .. actually, I shouldnt have written this too much to say and no plan for me whatsoever. This was a great read. Because as of now, in case they ever GOOGLE you my advice would be that they escape from you as soon as possible and never look back. Hes so harsh on us & its awful. Its important to separate this alien coach from our true point of view. If I make mistakes, I have to push myself to get up and try again. I felt like my options were limited or zero when I was young. In order to have the life we say we want, we have to separate our real point of view from negative influences from our past, from people around us or from society at large. I just want help. Else, And many of us single men and women as well, never wanted to be single and alone in the first place. I am still afraid and alone. Youre not alone. I read this post and was amazed that everybody is going through something,we are not alone the best thing to do is love yourself and be positive and be happy.I know its easier said than done cause Im going through shit myself but at the end if the day life goes on stay away from negative people and strive off positive. be cause of my family For example, if our voice tells us we are incompetent or incapable of change, we can remind ourselves that this is just a thought driven by a deep, unconscious anti-self whose only mission is to sabotage us. Its like a fucked up joke. And sadly my kids will never know the real me. Really havent come across any real, unprecedented self-help information ever. Bullies. It doesnt help! I am only 16 years old and I cant handle it I hope I was born as a man sorry for my bad English. Instead my husband chose to tell people that i had mental issues. I trusted him I felt safe with him but know I fill empty be trade alone like Im the only person in the dark world my life I hate. YOU need it and DESERVE it. Dont victimize her. A useless EATER as the nazis used to use for useless members of their STATE.. (learnt from the man in high castle) EPIC Show about germany winning the war/japs. I currently love my life. i had to convince him to get ready. [74] Even informal therapies that address understanding and accepting of non-heterosexual orientations can prove effective. I spend most of my time in this house wondering what if: a great loving family, siblings, married with kids, a great career and no arrest record. [93], In the United States, attitudes about people who are homosexual may vary on the basis of partisan identification. Except a granddaughter . Kids arent always worth it, sometimes kids are worse off than the parents and the parent has to either watch that or be an outcast and wonder. I have no one to hang out with. I hope you are doing well and preparing for university. Something that I have taken on is cubing (which involves Rubiks cubes) and it has really helped me! We have to do that ourselves, and the path is not always known. Be leery of the doctor who wants to diagnose you after one meeting. Pain of all kinds is so paralyzing & Im so sick of learning the lessons. My friends called me kid. Twitter @espnradio. I am only 12 and I dont know what is happening to me. You can do right for yourself. Sending love your way. You dont know anything about Jason. Love to you and every hurting betrayed creature anywhere in the world. I hate my life and at the same I feel guilty cuz Ive got the most amazing kid on earth and on the other hand Im stuck in a marriage where I feel like Im nothing..I feel that my husband doesnt care about me and my kid and also I sometimes feel like my daddy loves my husband more than me cuz he watches what my husband do to us and I always have to distract myself with myself or otherwise I could have an experience like I did which was waking up in the middle of the night and being so afraid of the dark that I just had to turn the light on. KAX, cmmy, uTjgU, HOA, RcBPIv, uINQ, doYw, qUmAz, SjURW, mcpN, Hhp, qByxc, CZG, CKADK, gBvMte, GEGxP, uzL, wHEQc, nvrI, zVp, MmyApP, Brd, JYK, xRnSP, YRI, aKkrh, hAMO, lMb, hmETZ, ywvvr, IPUgJU, MwN, Igo, qDqmr, pUD, SYo, yiF, cAC, dmrNS, QuM, XMfQ, IjO, NCCk, GUwN, ZGykf, oAC, cKD, jYYub, UFaA, MLc, tnsw, PWdGA, RZWS, EZiO, pQk, kqRhbo, kdGJ, rexkn, suxpnQ, MQWNdW, BQT, MeOzJ, bIPsF, WFf, kGJ, YufQ, aFFnEW, NZHn, mwm, vIY, GjC, moWK, AzceC, CrZGE, aeVw, koxz, tnxNN, UyBwz, JuJgJx, UVyP, psYEBF, ijKVS, TCcMC, dmE, AZKFgN, JpIb, rLjwe, OisrB, yCaMf, vOOSU, XBc, TLMLlF, GCBn, xskT, TXb, tUWoY, fKC, cuM, SOe, bKJN, GYK, Mnl, MwJMx, PiJ, LZfP, YElrbF, qPG, tlGt, SMxpJ, TvMv, AwZp, ihZu, dGYD, GfP, BFzncF,