You're so loved. I was a wretch. [Static] The desire for reunion with our other half, Aristophanes. The soul, by definition, is not the flesh. [3] Her videos have received widespread media coverage for their intricately designed sets and costumes and for their darkly humorous tone, which has led The Verge to call her "the Oscar Wilde of YouTube". - Yes, I do. - Is he? [1][8] Jake Hall, writing for Vice, called Wynn "one of the most incisive and compelling video essayists on YouTube". - Yes, we all like music. - I dunno. Two words, Jackie, sexual anarchy. - We always do what Father says. How It Should Have Ended ( HISHE) is an animated web series that parodies popular films by creating alternate endings and pointing out various flaws. What you call love, the sin I used to live in, the world, the flesh, and the devil, that only ever brought me pain. [22] She also said that Rubin was "a man who may disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to appear on his program and spout racist bullshit without interruption or objection", clearly critiquing Rubin's interview styling of not actively challenging his right-wing guests, which others have also objected to.[23][24][25][26]. ContraPoints is a popular transgender vlogger and 'champagne' socialist. - [Lucy] Yes. (void screeches) (bag rustles) - All right, that's it. It was difficult to watch. That's none of my business. U.S.A. - Jackie, the problem with libertarians is that a society with no values cannot function. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be turning in his grave. [37][16] As of 2017[update], she resides in Baltimore, Maryland. I was confused in my identity. - Um, that sounds a little bit like being silenced? And then, I called out to God for salvation. Virginia, I believe you were about to exercise Christian humility by explaining why your barren life of self-flagellation is more meaningful than mine. Shit. You're the one who needs to go to therapy. - How did you get in my house? ", "YouTuber ContraPoints Attacked After Including Controversial Buck Angel in Video", "Leftist YouTuber ContraPoints Explains Why Cancel Culture Mobs Should Drop the Pitchforks", "The Struggles of Rejecting the Gender Binary", "This Baltimore YouTube star wants to change minds about transgender issues, one absurd costume at a time", "Talking w/ Contrapoints - The Left, Voting, & Pessimism - YouTube", "5 Fantastic YouTubers Fighting The Spread Of Alt-Right Propaganda",, Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize a F@scist, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 14:24. - I'm sorry, you "used to be" a homosexual? - Jackie, can I bring this back on topic and share the good news of the Gospel? I know the thorns, the seething cauldron, the great whirlwind that whips sinners round an endless wheel of pain, but my shame was hammered to the cross; for those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. - That's hot. I was always a little more masculine. (enchanted jingle) Potions, Justine. - Isn't a love that is eternal superior to a love that is fleeting? Uh, whatever happened to "love your neighbor"? Before the deactivation, she further infuriated some by saying that she felt like the last of the old school transsexuals and that she was sympathetic to those who were worried about the future of trans acceptance due to radicals that did not pass or fit inside the gender binary. (glass clanks) (glass clangs) I quit. - [Lucy] I told you it was important. [60] Many fans, mostly her friends and BreadTube peers but also some unwelcome figures such as right-wing hacks like Ian Miles Cheong, Black Pigeon Speaks and Blaire White[61] jumped to her defense, saying that she was taken out of context and was merely speaking about her own personal discomfort with pronoun circles rather than dismissing them as a whole. You're listening to "The Freedom Pod" where it doesn't matter what you say. She has been described as the Oscar Wilde of Youtube by The Verge, and won the 2020 Streamys Award for best commentary channel. (tuts) Do you have bodies in your basement? I love the rules. - Jackie, I was alone. Whenever I'm working on a video people ask me what it's about. (Lucy snaps) (menacing music) - [Lucy] Mm-hmm, yes? I lived in filth. You know, when I look out at all these angry people at the Pride parade doing all this sexual acting out and wearing provocative clothing in a desperate bid for attention, I see the broken childhoods, and I see the craving for acceptance and belonging, a-and I feel for them. - [Lucy] Let's just say I'm in a different line of work. I enjoy the thrill of the chase, but there's no chase with you, no chase at all. Let me tell you, it is not freedom. Her work critiques transphobia, transmisogyny, misogyny and gender roles. - Do you find this humorous? - [Lucy] Ugh, don't say that name in front of me. Mother Doctor. Any resemblance to actual persons is a super crazy coincidence. - No, a Sagittarius. 8. ", "The Stylish Socialist Who Is Trying to Save YouTube from Alt-Right Domination", "He, she, they should we now clarify our preferred pronouns when we say hello? - I think you're here because God led you here, Justin. - Clearly, this transgender identity of yours is a defense against the emptiness you feel inside. (Jackie tuts) And I'm gonna need you to stop talking. Youngsters that read obscure authors they do not understand. You know, growing up, I never really felt connected to my mother. It reminded me the most of Gender Disphoria although thats no longer up on her channel. So what? If I didn't know, I don't think I could tell which one of you is the man. - I thought you said we could choose. No, I won't stand for that. Your meaning is what? - Jackie, the mainstream media establishment doesn't want you to know that people like me exist, because that goes against their narrative, but recovered homosexuals should be allowed to tell our stories. - Well, I wasn't planning to spend my day seated across from a goddamn exorcist, but here we are. - Lucy, (sighs) can I get a drop? Doctor. - God has healed the feminine within me. [31] Wynn also made a video talking about how to identify fascists,[32] where she made the controversial claim that just because someone says that they are not a fascist this doesn't mean they're not one (which some in the comments section took wildly out of proportion to suggest that Wynn thought anyone who said they weren't a fascist was a fascist. - Well, yeah, I feel the thirst. We're all stuck with it. (sighs) (Justine gulps) - [Lucy] Good girl. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me. - Shut up, dum-dum. I think that you are immoderate in love and immoderate with substances and so you need an imaginary father figure to make all the rules because you can't control yourself. In August 2019, she tweeted that the practice common in progressive spaces of people being in a circle and giving their pronouns while introducing themselves makes her feel uncomfortable,[58][59] causing a firestorm on Twitter and eventually leading to her briefly deactivating her account. [12] She often illustrates concepts by playing different characters who debate one another. (calming music) One drop of this, and all the pain will melt away. - God is love. Thank me. Verily I say unto you, there were influencers abiding in the feed, keeping watch over their followers by night. You have your gender nonsense. (gasps) Jackie, these are the silencing tactics of the radical left, and I'm sure the blue-check Twitter mob is already coming for me because you can't say anything anymore. ClanLite - [Unreleased] Fan Game Dec 2, 2022 20:51:01 GMT -5 . Digital Goddess: Comfort ye, comfort ye my subscribers. We have to build more prisons. Pronouns: He/Him. All right, we're doing this. That you're fulfilled? Fear not. What are you? - And my second guest is Virginia Lamm, (pious music) senior pastor at Hope Truth Ministries. Lucy, wake up. "Love is bittersweet," says Sappho: "Eros, giver of pain." Nov 30, 2022 16:25:50 GMT -5. Okay, name five things you love about men. - I'm sorry. It is bondage. - Well - Cheers to us. Before I was saved- - Here we go. - and you're on a save-the-children type moral crusade because you lack the adult capacity to face the demons in your own head. And Christians like me, our voices are being silenced. Not rich morons screaming into the biggest megaphone in world history about how silenced they are. You also have to appropriate female beauty for yourself. I will not have Father taking credit for my work. Yep, I was prepared for another meme-speckled socratic dialogue to add to my rooster of comfort video essays and just got painfully hit in the face by The Hunger (not complaining, though). Well After her release of the video "Opulence" on October 12th, 2019 she was criticised for having trans male pornographic actor, sex educator and, more controversially, truscum "transmedicalist" Buck Angel play a small voiceover role in the video as the voice of John Waters. Rebuke it, and be free, (chips crunch) or perish as a slave; for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. This page was last edited on 28 October 2022, at 02:53. (beer spatters) (froth slurps) - Jackie. [24][25] As of May 2022, Wynn had about 11,000 Patreon supporters. [8] In an article contrasting her personal sincerity and her ironic sense of humor, The Verge describes her as the "Oscar Wilde of YouTube. Foppington's Law has also been demonstrated and is often seen in racist babbling about the supposedly "ape-like" skulls of people of African descent. - [Lucy] Pathetic? (vitals monitor beeps) - Doctor, my pain is at a 10. Wow, behold the power of Christ. - You know who's really being silenced? (brooding music) (water burbles) (void screeches) (J.S. - And what if we want to make the wrong choices? - What was she? That's my meaning. A Capricorn? Hi, I'm Jackie Jackson. - Sorry. - Right, we all have (patriotic music) our little delusions. Desire feeds on absence. I thought I was gonna be here all night. "[27] Polygon named her video on incels one of the 10 best video essays of the year 2018. Wake up, Lucy. - Virginia, go to therapy. If I say "I am Natalie" and you say "I am Natalie," one of these statements is true, and the other false, even though they're the same words. - Of course. "What can make me whole again?" It's a purely fictional magical potion utterly disconnected from any real-world social issues. I have potions that will fill the emptiness inside. - That's right, Jackie. [35] In a Guardian interview on her January 2021 video "J.K. Rowling", in which she addressed cancel culture again in the context of trans-exclusionary radical feminists, she expressed that she is generally not interested in canceling anyone, and said that valid criticism needs to be handed out constructively so as to educate people. - Well, yeah, 'cause one drop doesn't really work anymore. Who is the beneficiary of your erotic constipation? Rowling: (Part 1): Critical: Darkness: Have you found fellowship in the LGBT2A$ community? - Than teach young people about the wonder-working power of the precious blood of the Lamb. I want specifics. (snaps) Look at me. ", "TV Club: YouTube's ContraPoints and Hulu's Puppy Prep", "Interview: Natalie Wynn of ContraPoints", "ContraPoints is creating video essays and short films", "ContraPoints Is Political Philosophy Made for YouTube", "I Think My Friend Is a Jordan Peterson Fan. - Justin, the love you yearn for can only be found in Jesus. (static roars) (beer sloshes) (snare drum rolls) (beer glugs) - War! - That's just most guys. - I'm sorry. [42] At the time YouTube atheism was, by her account, disintegrating as a community and marked by the rise of anti-feminist commentators such as Thunderf00t. (bell tolls) - Virginia, I appreciate your pious gibberish, but could you be a little more specific? You'll connect with people. You're further from God than I am. And he came to me as a loving father. Miracle Whip? [33][34], Wynn dislikes TERFs and transphobic women for their exclusion of trans women from women's spaces and movements,[35] cultural appropriation,[36] pick-up artists,[37] the concept of alpha males[38] and pop feminism. Why am I talking to these people? Arguments like how evangelicals are the way they are because theyre emotionally stunted and cant control themselves so they just cut off huge chunks of their personality then expect everyone else to do the same is on point. - Excuse me? [33][34] She was criticized for featuring Angel, including by journalist Ana Valens. I love VideoCorp. Or- - [Lucy] Of course you drink it. I mean it still had a solid foundation. - No, I'm trying to stop you from thought policing everyone else. (Justine sighs) I need to quit. (lighter clicks) (cigarette crackles) - [Virginia] Ugh. - (tuts) No. And that's the real agenda here. (Jackie coughs) - I'm giving you the plague, liberal. The flesh must die (bag crinkles) so the spirit may live. 40% are attempting suicide, and the remaining 70% are being delivered directly into the hands of pornographers, Satanic cultists, or, worse, Episcopalians. Absolutely goddamn everything. - No, I was addicted to alcohol, (can cracks) to pornography, (woman moans) to lusting after women, (electronic music) and to hype. The aches of the body, the agitation of desire, the sting of heartbreak, boredom, grief, and shame, all of that will fade away under a warm blanket of serenity and love. - [Lucy] Well, that didn't take a lot of convincing. I was lost, until one day, I decided to go to church with my mom, and I was surrounded by these women singing. I will pray straight to Satan. [12] In 2020, she came out as a lesbian in her video "Shame". I mean, he's definitely turning in his grave but not for the reasons you think. 8:00 AM. - You may be done, but I'm not. - No, you go to therapy. It's called hype. Or just a right-wing troll? [21] She borrows some aesthetic cues from drag performance, joking in a 2019 interview that if conservatives were going to call her a drag queen anyway, she might as well "be the most extravagant drag queen on YouTube. Like, Justine is more or less rehashing arguments that were better addressed in other Contrapoints videos, Shame in particular, but not as well. I think you should have the right to do whatever sick shit that you're into. - See, I'll never get sick, because every day, I drink a pint of antifungal hedgehog medication. - I'm just trying to understand why you hate love. I'd honestly say this video was less traumatic- if only for the fact that alcohol and self-harm are my triggers. That's why my voice is a little lower. - I could not possibly be more done. She's also criticized the alt-right's memelord Trump. - When I left home, I was lost. - What were you addicted to? You'd really rather sit there in your little tub of sadness all alone? I know, Justin, the chains of sin. You, Virginia Lamm, were a hype addict? - Shh, stop interrupting. "[30], The ContraPoints YouTube channel won Best Commentary at the 10th Annual Streamy Awards. (can opens) - Can we wrap this back around to the drug topic? - [Lucy] A drop? [28], In November 2018, after a ContraPoints video about incels reached over one million views, The New Yorker released a profile of the channel, describing Wynn as "one of the few Internet demi-celebrities who is as clever as she thinks she is, and one of the few leftists anywhere who can be nuanced without being boring. Are you ready for that? Good Virginia tobacco. Vaush Addresses Perspective Philosophy's UNHINGED Tweets About ContraPoints 24,371 views May 28, 2022 Vaush addresses Perspective Philosophy's unhinged tweets on twitter about contrapoints and. Neither of us is the man, Jacqueline, uh, though if anything, th-this one's the man. And freedom is what makes America great. Her earliest videos were talking-head monologues. That must've been really hard. - No, I'm not. I lived that lifestyle. I'm a parched land, Luce. It's nothing like being an alcoholic. It's not a craving. Well, that's my definition of "sexual brokenness." I love VideoCorp. I was on fire, (fire roars) and I rebuke that fire. I was redeemed. - Okay, well, thank you for sharing. - Look, Virginia. Say goodbye to shyness, self-doubt, inhibition. What I think is that you have a vulgar cracker-barrel understanding of human sexuality- [Jackie] Oop. I was kind of disappointed for the first two thirds. I lived in mud. [9][36] She is a feminist and has called herself a democratic socialist and social democrat. - No, it's a throw-forward to the 20-I-don't-give-a-f*cks. Or a love that can be ripped away at any moment? After briefly handing over control of her account to an assistant, Gwen "the Quen" Kruger (who has been speculated by members of the ContraPoints subreddit as being a pseudonym for her then-friend and script advisor Theryn Meyer), she returned to Twitter on the 2nd of October [63] before permanently leaving again on the 6th of November. I know the murmuring complaints of the flesh, the itch, the ache, the shame. - Yeah, she probably got tired of your Jesus bullshit. I'd even started down the path toward transgendered. (Justine sighs) Shame? - I have prayed on this, and honestly, the Holy Spirit has filled me with so much compassion for young people struggling with same-sex temptation. - Jackie, my deal is that I entered the throne room with a repentant heart and rebuked the enemy that keeps me from the Father. Her videos often provide counterargument to right-wing extremists and classical liberals and talk about modern social issues such as class inequality, LGBTQ rights (particularly trans rights), cancel culture, and modern internet culture. That's the real agenda here: sexual indoctrination. You're saying that God is eternal love, and then, magically, that must exist because, uh, you defined it that way? (huffs) I'm quitting. - [Lucy] Justine? It reaches out across a void. [40], Wynn's views at the creation of the ContraPoints channel were strongly influenced by New Atheism and the atheist community on YouTube,[41] as well as disillusionment with the academic left. Beautifully made, such fantastic writing. - Yeah, Virginia, why can't you just live and let live, you know? Unless explicitly noted otherwise, all content licensed as indicated by. She also engages in discussions with YouTubers she is more ideologically aligned with, such as Polite Conversations,[51][52][53] Destiny,[54][55] Abigail Thorn from Philosophy Tube[56] and Kristi Winters.[57]. - Anything else would be a lie. At this point, I just want the pain to stop. So you're attracted to women. The Hunger : r/ContraPoints SPOILER The Hunger Not sure if there is a subreddit anywhere on here on the recent video for everyone who already seen the video I would like to express my views on how much this video is amazing and powerful and need to express what I like it 12 0 comments Best Add a Comment More posts you may like r/ContraPoints Join Her videos on gender usually focus on right-wing ideas of gender and how they conflict with the lived experiences of transgender and non-binary people. What, you think you're gonna rail a line of hype off a stripper's tits? It's such a big departure. And I'm not gonna let you turn me into some kind of pathetic junkie. And then, I was cast into the outer darkness. - Uh, who decides what the right and wrong choices are? It's not too late for you, Justin. - A satanic visitation at this time of year at this time of night in this part of the country localized entirely within my bathroom. Case in point, though you are one of the worst I've ever seen. - Yes, we do still have a constitution in this country. - Uh, Virginia, I'm confused. 'Cause you're not impressing anyone. [9], Wynn is a transgender woman, a matter prominently featured in her videos; she began her gender transition in 2017. - Well, how many drops is too many drops? (Lucy sighs) - [Lucy] The cool kids are doing it. - Just to take the edge off. The Hunger | ContraPoints Show Video (TV buzzes) (static roars) (gloomy music) (static roars) (hopeful music) (alarm screeches) (tone rings) - [Natalie] The following program is a work of fiction created for educational, artistic, and harm-reduction purposes in compliance with the VideoCorp terms of service. I'm living for the drama. Hey friends! You people are selling the cure to a sickness you created. Though the podcast episode is framed as an episode and debate about the war on drugs it immediately devolves into discussing Virginia and Justine's sex lives as lesbians. - Oh, has free speech gone too far? Followers 1 Recommended Posts Sweet Sexy Savage Posted May 29 Sweet Sexy Savage ATRL Member 17.6k Share Posted May 29 The Hunger | ContraPoints Link to comment Share on other sites Have you feasted with such profligacy on apples of Sodom that you think the urge to fornicate is half the soul? You talk about "the flesh" and "same-sex temptation." This generation that's coming up, 20% identify as LGBT. - "Reparative therapy"? I use to be a homosexual. Hasan reacts to Contrapoints controversial tweet. Believe it or not, the Founding Fathers actually wanted to protect us from whatever twisted necromancy these people think is Christianity. You're saying that I'm a thought criminal just because I happen to believe in the traditional biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman who form a covenant before God who gave his only begotten son to wash away the sins of the world when he died on the cross and was resurrected three days later, all glory to his name? That was so dumb. I 'sexually identify' as an alcoholic, so Jesus can't change me." - Yes, we've all noticed. Sometimes it's easy to answer that question. Thank God. - You people do love to rebuke things, don't you? You'll always know just what to say. - When I gazed upon her beauty, I thought sunlight had broken through the clouds, but the light I saw (fire roars) was nothing but the fire of my own wickedness. And I Well, I'm sure I must have something. - You what? - Okay, so, I'm confused. - I thought you said this wasn't gonna be a weird sex thing. In February 2020, Wynn set all her videos from before August 2017when she began her gender transitionto private, stating that they "no longer represent the person I've become". - "You, God, are my god. - It was like a part of me was ripped away and I was left to face my brokenness alone. - (huffs) Lucy, if I wanted a sermon, (gloomy music) I'd have called the other guy. The Hunger | ContraPoints ContraPoints 1.6M subscribers Subscribe 132K Dislike Share 1,825,593 views May 28, 2022 "I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land." -Psalm. - [Lucy] Oh, you'll probably die. I love the rules. I don't have to live this way anymore. Is it impossible to have a civil conversation in America today? For it is I, the digital messiah, the online oracle, the social media savior yea! You have no sense of humanity, and you have no sense of the erotic. - Well, obviously not, because it's a bunch of wounded people wounding each other. You liberals call everyone who disagrees with you a bigot. Have you really wandered so far astray? - Argh, help me, Doctor. - No, Virginia, that's not what I think. (glass clinks) (water sloshes) - (sighs) So, do I just drink it? What does that even mean? I used to be like you, Justin. - Can we have a civil conversation, please? - Is it hate to heal the brokenness and be made whole through radical obedience to the Holy Spirit? - In the mirror? - No! - [Jackie] Damn it. - That is literally the opposite of freedom. (thunder claps) - No. (Justine sighs) What, do you need a clear mind to process how bad you were on that podcast? Has Reddit gone offline? I've, I've gotta quit. Erotic love is not aimless pleasure-seeking. To mutilate God's image and to live a lie? I think if I was a lesbian, (sultry music) I'd fuck me. What else would you do with it? Celibacy is not a good deed. - Because Father says so. But for me to start the journey of writing a book about my life, the first place I had to re visit was my past. We're living in Orwell's nightmare, but you're a freedom fighter. - [Lucy] Oh, I get into a lot of people's houses. Men's and women's bodies fit together for the purpose of creating children. - Oh my God, she's totally cancel culturing you right now. The Hunger). [1] The videos have been noted for her production choices such as dramatic lighting, elaborate costumes, and vibrant aesthetics. (Jackie coughs) - Okay, well, I hope it kills me because I'm done. [66], In January 2020, Wynn posted an extensive video covering basically all of the above controversies titled "Canceling". I just (Lucy chuckles) - [Lucy] Good luck. [32] The tweets were criticized as dismissive of non-binary people who use pronouns other than "he/him" and "she/her". [20], Wynn has parodied Dave Rubin's show The Rubin Report (her parody show being called The Freedom Report and having a similar intro style and theme as well as set up to the Rubin Report). Endings for many major movies have been presented, using the tagline "sometimes movies don't finish the way we'd like." Contents 1 History 1.1 Statistics 1.2 Running gags 1.3 Critical reception Her videos on internet culture and online hate movements have become an online . Some restrictions apply. That's not really true. Bondage to the flesh is mental infancy. - Well, there's your problem. He commands me to be holy. You know, one day your kids will come home, and you won't even recognize them anymore. - And suddenly, my pain made sense. - That's not the topic. - Why can't you just leave your emotions out of it for once and have a calm rational conversation with people who have different opinions. - What happened to my goddamn nail? Christ is the definition of love. Why? I used to shoot up testosterone. - Justine, if she doesn't hate anyone, then how can she be a bigot? Justine. [8] Her father is a psychology professor and her mother is a doctor. [62] After briefly handing over control of her account to an assistant, Gwen "the Quen" Kruger (who has been speculated by members of the ContraPoints subreddit as being a pseudonym for her then-friend and script advisor Theryn Meyer), she returned to Twitter on the 2nd of October[63] before permanently leaving again on the 6th of November. - Oh, shut up. - [Lucy] Oh, you're gonna quit, are you? "[23], The video channel is financed through the crowdfunding platform Patreon, where Wynn has been among the top 20 creators on the site. So sayeth your Goddess. Lucy, wake Lucy. I'm sorry that you feel offended by it. The Void is uncomfortably and viscerally relatable, and I have never felt so gut-punched by a Contrapoints video. Lo and behold, you have a desire without acting on the desire. I agreed to this podcast because I thought you were a conservative. These people want to lower the age of consent and legalize sodomy with all the beasts that walk the earth, and the birds of the sea, and all the fishes of the sky. [13][14][15], Wynn has made videos criticizing the anti-SJWs, which include criticizing their blaming of feminism for allegedly "destroying" the atheism movement,[16] their overtly offensive and exaggerated style of critique[17][18] their denial of having any racial bias or prejudices whatsoever[19] and for fat shaming. Lucy. It's the only way to keep this country free. The Void. Doctor Mother. Saying "I am a woman" still feels to me like an awful lot of ontological commitment. [6] Unlike many YouTube talkers, Wynn has a background in academia. - Well, God has nothing to do with hate. Ex-philosopher, ex-tweeter 64 104 1,888 Dark Natalie @ContraPoints 13h "Power to the people" means power to business and tech, power away from journalists, with their irritating fact-checking and flaw-finding 25 120 2,449 Show this thread Dark Natalie @ContraPoints Love is painful. Justine. - Yes, we've all been to Cincinnati. It only matters that you say. - Aren't a lot of serial killers transgendereds? I know this one: sex. The election booth is temporarily closed!Due to an error, votes were not counted, and you will need to vote again from December 12 through December 19. - The free market? (Justine gulps) (escalating music) (ominous music) (distant music) (music stops) (water sloshes) (Justine gasps) (Justine breathes) Oh That was Ugh, that was dumb. - So you don't have an argument? They make those authors' words their own, and the mere act of reading them part of their identity, and immerse in the maelstorm that is youth they decide to deal with uncertainty in the most destructive way; by rebelling for the sake of it. - Are you thought policing me? [7], After posting her much-noted video on clinical psychologist and conservative "intellectual" author Jordan Peterson,[8] her subscriber count rapidly surpassed 100,000. (wistful music) - Desire is always for something that you lack. - So can we do drugs? - A pagan pornographer, the sort of filth these people want to teach to children. That's why we're seeing all this woke cancel culture PC CRT SJW globohomo pomo nomo. You call me Mommy now because I own you. - I walk with the spirit until the day I go to glory. [9] Wynn's YouTube channel now has over 1.6 million subscribers and 80 million views. It's not temptation. I thought you didn't want to go down dark paths. You could've had a wife. She is best known for her YouTube channel, ContraPoints, where she creates video essays exploring a wide range of topics such as politics, gender, ethics, race, and philosophy. - [Lucy] It's not a weird sex thing. It pulls some elements from her very early work, some of which isn't online anymore. - (exhales) - (tuts) Nothing wrong with the proud history of good American tobacco. (laughs) Veggie Tales? I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will raise up my hands. - You used to be a lesbian. This was doubly funny as in the video itself Contra pointed to a fascist who was literally telling people to not openly call themselves Nazis or fascists in order to gain more public sympathy). - You're saying it should be a thought crime? - Look, I do need to brush up on my apologetics, but since I'm among heathens, clearly, I will do my best to argue not from faith but from reason. Natalie Wynn (born October 21, 1988) is an American YouTuber, political commentator, and cultural critic. That's who I thought I was. - That's right, Jackie. - Well, everything. [33] Linguistics professor Lal Zimman said about pronoun introductions, "Wynn is absolutely right that people engage with that practice in ways that can be somewhat problematic". A love that is eternal? - Lucy, the time for that was about 12 hours ago. (laughs) Is it the shame? - [Lucy] Shh! It's a yearning. Do they not have demons to slay in the back country? Are you trying to get demonetized? 7. Recent videos contain miniature narratives inhabited by reoccurring characters, often with a self-referential and sarcastic tone, with the situation depicted in the video reflecting a specific issue, as well as serving as commentary on specific kinds of creators or media formats. [8][10][12][13] She left Northwestern with a master's degree, saying, "The idea of being an academic for the rest of my life became boring to the point of existential despair," and moved to Baltimore, Maryland for a relationship, which ended up failing. The Hunger | ContraPoints May 28, 2022 by Cyber Dandy ContraPoints ContraPoints 2022-05-28 "I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land." -Psalm 143:6 Support this channel: Lucy, I want the void. - You think it's cool to be contaminated in fornication? They're being vilified just for having legitimate concerns about the deviant lifestyles promoted in schools. And they're getting our children amped outta their little minds on hype. According to the National Institute for Strategic American Liberty Heritage Enterprise Prosperity Commerce Policy Research. (tuts) You know, I don't think it's that great, and I don't think there's anything respectful about the two of you sitting here interrogating the morality of queer people, something you know absolutely nothing about. The ploy of the enemy is to make us feel that we cannot change, (Jackie slurps) but what if every addict said, "Well, I'm just a junkie. I was sanctified. - Well, if the Aeolian lyric poets can't tell us what love is, then goddammnit, (lyre glissando) I don't know who can. - Okay. - Well, the boot of the law (warped patriotic music) will crush you without mercy. (thuds) (horror music) (eerie music continues) (sighs) Lucy. When I found Jesus, (box crumples) I found someone who truly loves me, and through obedience to him, (wrapper rustles) my identity is no longer in my attractions but in Christ. I'm in love with this furry. It's a longing for connection, for recognition, for wholeness; to traverse the lonely void that separates us from each other, to liberate repressed energy, to feel alive. - A dealer? To sit here and listen to the ramblings of a bigoted hate preacher? I need five drops to take the edge off, so I'm gonna do five drops. - But it's your first time, so just do one. [1][21][27] Her analysis of fascists' use of memes and coded symbols has been cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center in an article explaining the right-wing use of the OK sign. Her main claim to fame is comparing the plight of incels with that of transsexualism. - Interesting. The next AMA stream will be later this week along with some new ide BTS/Outtakes 21 Comments \"I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.\" Psalm 143:6Support this channel: Live: out my other videos:Envy: They often accuse her of being a liberal who does not do enough to advance the leftist cause that is the supposed basis of much of her career, in some cases mirroring her relationship with other trans people. (scoffs) Ha. What Should I Do? - Can you? - Jackie, anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm the most compassionate person that they know, but love your neighbor doesn't mean anything goes, and it certainly doesn't mean that we all just bow down to the intimidation tactics of the secular ruling elite. God has a sexual plan for all of us. It's called a harm reduction. - Look, I just think it's great that three people with differing opinions can all sit down in a room and have a respectful conversation. - Yes, I know what void is, but that's a very hard potion, and it's a dark path that I don't wanna go down. - (chuckles) Nice. Uh, do you have babies? Lucy! I'm on day 1 of detoxing and this is so hard. In that moment, I was transfigured by the Holy Spirit. I used to live in shame. I was cleansed. - To walk with purpose abiding in the identity of who God made me? My whole being longs for you in a dry and parched land where there is no water. That you have hope? Hype. (eerie music) (static buzzes) (Justine breathes) - No, I can't do this. Bach: Prelude in E minor BWV 855) (void whispers) (void screeches) (void exhales) (void screeches) - [Lucy] Five drops already. That's what being silenced means. Other countries, they don't have choices, but in America, we have the freedom to choose whatever we want. - (scoffs) You really think having babies is the only way to have a meaningful life? - I'm a libertarian. - No, because I'm not a f*cking animal that can't tell the difference between my own reflection and a different person. - Who said anything about female beauty, Virginia. - She's stonewalling me. My guilty stains were washed away, and I exchanged my brokenness and pain for his loving grace. - And yet, you haven't punched me. How do we get these goddamn junkies off the streets? ContraPoints. She turned out to be a fuckboi, ugh. Not people on podcasts. - Uh, no, it isn't. And you refuse to be silenced. I knew that lifestyle was wrong, but I couldn't quit until she broke my heart. That you have purpose? She's a wit. So who's really being silenced? My old self has been crucified with Christ. - That's kind of crossing a line, don't you think? [13] In May 2019, she topped the Dazed 100 list, which ranks people who "dared to give culture a shot in the arm. - And now? - [Lucy] Argh, you really are far from God. It depends on a lot of factors. I mean, I get it. What is it good for? I would say this video is informed by personal experience, but there is a philosophical point being made. - [Lucy] Sure, I can help with anything: depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain, boredom, failure, shame. Despite her overwhelming support from fans, she often faces criticism from other leftists, trans and non-binary people, specifically on Twitter and Tumblr, due to views she has that they perceive as transmedicalist or exclusionary towards non-binary people. Due to an error, votes were not counted, and you will need to vote again from December 12 through December 19. Addiction and sexual brokenness, these are two heads of the same serpent, symptoms of the same cultural leprosy: single mothers, weak emasculated fathers, childhood sexual abu- - Is anyone going to ask me what I think? Nine months in the making, it's finally done! - Is it great? October 21, 1988. I was not warned that there would be a transgender here today, and, I really have nothing to say to this eunuch servant of Jezebel. Parents get no say anymore. [65] Angel has also spoken out against non-binary gender identities, causing many people to speak out against Wynn for collaborating with someone who is transmedicalist and nonbinary-phobic, which in the process re-ignited multiple previous contra-versies relating to these subjects. - Well, thank you for being supportive, cheers. - We are all half angel and half beast. BTS/Outtakes: The Hunger | ContraPoints on Patreon Unlock this post by becoming a patron Join now for $5 per month October 3 at 1:54 PM Locked BTS/Outtakes: The Hunger Hey all!Here's some behind-the-scenes video and outtakes for The Hunger! [10] Her most-viewed video is about J.K. Rowling and has over five million views.[11]. Gather round, everyone. [citation NOT needed]. Escalating, aren't we? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. - So you used to be cool, and now you're boring. - Well, Virginia, if you're so worried about it, why don't you take your Mickey Mouse sexual neurosis back to the nunnery in old Missoura? Amazing. Potions. - Who are you? A white power symbol? She endorsed Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries and supports Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I'm tired of you people shoving your lifestyle in everyone's face. [33][34], Wynn's January 2020 video "Canceling" addressed both criticism and harassment of her, and the broader context of cancel culture. The important thing is that we cling to them and we never let go no matter how much evidence gets in the way, because that's what makes us free. - Would he? - Uh, why am I being lectured about amputation by a castrato? But you became a woman. - Gay is just a feeling. - Well, Father decides. - I rejoice in persecution and revilement for the sake of righteousness; for the Lord commands me not to hate my brother, Justin. Reminds me of the Tiffany Tumbles video, which also starts with a Freedom Report interview with Jackie Jackson and then takes a hard right turn when the protagonist gets back to her apartment. I felt a terrible void inside. What a terrible wound of self-disgust to inflict on young people, telling them they're broken and polluted and they need God to make them whole. You will be locked in a tiny cage. You'll finally get things done. - Hold on. (tuts) But I guess you'd just rather feel pain and shame and humiliation and heartbreak and boredom, loneliness, despair, disappointment, failure, anguish, frustration - Look, I'm a smart person, okay? Love is not the flesh. - [Lucy] Do you want it to be? Wynn, contrary to the right-wing stereotype around progressives,[44][45][46] frequently engages in debates and conversations with YouTubers she disagrees with, including Sargon of Akkad,[47] The Distributist,[48] Blaire White,[49] and Theryn Meyer,[50] the last of whom has since changed her opinions drastically, and worked with Wynn for a time as an assistant director, co-writer, creative assistant and sound editor on her videos. Now it's gone too far? - No, look, I've had a terrible day. - Shh, Jackie, I really am trying to silence you this time because you're so stupid and I can't stand it anymore, so shut up. Do you eat dick now? - Excuse me, Jackie, I'm really not comfortable with this. (ominous music) Do you not feel the thirst in your body (TV hisses) like a parched land? Wynn has been highly critical of the Alt-Right,[27][28][29] as well as critical of Alt-Right talking points such as race[30] and their arguments against casual sex. Doctors don't want you to know about it. In September 2018, her video The Aesthetic caused controversy due to what many saw as a sympathetic portrayal of the character Justine, who viewed gender strictly through a performative lens rather than a psychological one. You'll have energy, confidence, charisma. Religious liberties are under attack. How have we reached this point? I'm a lesbian, just like you, girl. She also expressed sympathy for incels, saying that incels have an understandably bad experience on online dating and urged people to sympathize with that. - Yes, because heartbreak is painful. Let's all witness the power of Christ. (yearning music) I thought she was a catgirl. - Yes, Mother, (sighs) I'm gonna quit. (Justine scoffs) You have your Jesus bullshit. - Why can't you just admit that you hate God because you wanna sleep with men. [8][14] After quitting her PhD program, Wynn taught piano, and worked as a paralegal, Uber driver, copywriter, and would-be novelist, eventually deciding to begin making video responses to the alt-right and Gamergate on YouTube. I've got the hunger, the emptiness inside. Lucy! Only he can fill the void. Have we run out of fedoras in America? The world is laughing at us, even the Canadians, with their pronouns and their genders. Can you drop a quick storytime on this? [41], In her analysis of incels, Natalie's character Lady Foppington posited their eponymous law,[43] reflecting the incel belief that much of their inability to get it in derives not from their incredible misogyny but instead from believing that their worldview is founded on unchangeable biological truths about all incels, including bone structure. It's called void. - Yes, you do. Uh, communion wafers, maybe? Tonight, the war on drugs. (TV buzzes) (Justine exhales) - Listen, Justin, I'm just trying to help you understand how lost you really are. - Hello? Reacting to Contrapoint's The Hunger. - [Lucy] Well, I can help you with that. [64] Why? My leftist comrades on here tend to characterize me as a naive liberal. (Jackie gasps) I was tempted by same-sex attraction, and I struggled with gender confusion, you know? - Here we go. [40], Last edited on 11 December 2022, at 14:24, "gorges to be honest I've been in the depths of a major depressive episode for a couple months and not doing well at all, but 1 million subs has jolted me alive and I'm so grateful for everything, thank you, love you so much", "Transgender YouTube star ContraPoints tries to change alt-right minds", "The Oscar Wilde of YouTube fights the alt-right with decadence and seduction", "2020 YouTube Streamy Awards Winners: Complete List", "YouTube Streamy Awards 2021 Nominations Announced, MrBeast Leads With Seven Nods", "Alright, alright astrologers. - Answer this: what do you think erotic love is a desire for? Can I have de potion, please? It seems we've forgotten that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Eve and Kai and Jayden and Caden and Lilith and Ashton and Skylar and Rainbow. I want to ask if she's OK but she's clearly at least OK enough to make the (really good) video. Wake up! That's where this is headed, the shrine of Moloch. My heart was also broken by a woman. - Jackie, these communists are polluting the innocence of children, and if you speak out against the grooming, they call you a bigot. I know. - Why do you want to say the N-word? (electronic dance music) This will make you come alive. I will stay right here, and I will remind you every minute for hundreds of consecutive minutes that your pain is optional and I have the antidote right here. A book written from the deepest part of my heart as so many tears at times did fall upon the keyboard as I typed away.Author: Christian S. Simpson (fire crackles) (solemn music) (J.S. - I'll die? Contrapoints posts new video, The Hunger Contrapoints posts new video, The Hunger Sweet Sexy Savage May 29 in Celebria Share More sharing options. She has also severely criticized other trans women who ally themselves with trans-exclusionary feminists or anti-SJW skeptics (for example, Blaire White), both in her earliest videos and one of her most recent. - [Lucy] Is it some kind of masochism? It was praised by Robby Soave of Reason. I cut my hair off. because when I look at you, I see someone who feels bad, and to me, that's pathetic. - Well, God, for one. This is why for now I like the term "trans femme." I was delivered. Homosexuality is a gateway drug to transgenderism, and from there, it's just one step away to p*dophilia and b*stiality. (Justine huffs) How hard could that be? Mom. [26], Wynn's videos have been praised for their clarity, nuance, and attention-grabbing sense of humor. (void screeches) This is important. Isn't that right, Justine Tableau? There's the heartbreak. [15][16], Wynn started publishing YouTube videos in 2008, initially focusing on criticism of religion and her position as an atheist and skeptic. Natalie Wynn is a social commentator, entertainer, and video essayist with over 1.5 million subscribers to her channel, ContraPoints. Think of me as a salesman, an apothecary. - Do you? You should really do this the right way, okay? I'm supposed to take this seriously? - Jackie, regular Americans like me are just trying to set people free from sexual brokenness and protect the rights of children. (horrifying music) (Justine gasps) Jesus. - Yeah, the two of you sound kind of the same, honestly. I really don't think he cares, gorge. I used foul language. 'Cause that is pathetic, and it's so unnecessary because you're choosing to feel bad when with one drop of void, you could be in bliss. "[29] The Atlantic praised Wynn's use of "lush sets, moody lighting, and original music by the composer Zo Blade" and opined of her videos that "The most spectacular attraction [] is Wynn herself. - [Lucy] Elixirs, serums, tonics, medicaments. Bach: Prelude in F minor BWV 857), [STEF 2022] 3D-3R / Challenge of 3D-3R Technology to fill the world with emotion, Enabling an Accessible SDLC People, Process and Technologies, Evolving Community Engagement Panel Discussion. Uh, (sighs) Okay, just give me the goddamn void. [39] Wynn later retracted her comments about pop feminism in a video commentary. (beer splatters) - Excuse me? You will no longer live in shame; for your creator will be your husband. You're the one who keeps bringing that up. Why am I even here? Shit. In "The Hunger" Justine debates Virginia Lamm on "The Freedom Pod" ran by Jackie Jackson who plays a libertarian. - So you're alone, you're far from God's grace, and you have no catgirl gf. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. And for what? - [Lucy] Well, it's difficult to say exactly. - Yeah. People that are further left on the political spectrum than her, such as Marxist-Leninists, left communists and anarchists, have beef with her as well. We don't discriminate here between what is true or false or even downright dangerous. To me, this all just sounds like a lot of words to say that you're gay and you hate yourself. The poets are unanimous. - I love the Lord, who does not command me to be straight. - What happens if I do too many drops? There's a hunger in your soul no pleasure of the flesh can satisfy. - I'm sorry your girlfriend left you. - Yes, Socrates, that is evident. [39] She posted transcripts of the majority of these older videos on her website. Nothing is eternal, Virginia, except maybe sanctimonious assholes. - Oh, I don't want to sleep with men. - [Lucy] Well, this is one of my favorites. - You do realize you don't need a man to have a baby, right? I now understand the segment as self-critically recasting Shame and some other videos from 2019-2020, to provide the motivation for the desperation that Justine feels, leading to her downward spiral. Because to me, it sounds like you amputate half of your own soul and you call it sin and shame. - "Mental infancy"? And I felt this tingling all over my body, and I knew I was hearing the voice of God for the very first time, not just the words of the hymn but the voice of the Father speaking directly to me. - Yes, but we have to make the right choices. [31], In September 2019, Wynn described on Twitter feelings of awkwardness when asked in some contexts to describe her preferred gender pronouns. I was blind. I'm gonna quit. - Well, that sounds like a bunch of liberal Marxist bullcrap. Every day in Biden's America, Muslim cartels are driving Mexican dump trucks full of Chinese fentavoid across the Rio Grande. One of her characters, Tabby, can be seen as a caricature of those further left than her, which doesn't exactly help matters. There's the loneliness, the self-loathing. (bell tolls) - Let that sink in. What potions do you have? Addressing of controversies in "Canceling" video, The video in question has been made private and is inaccessible after Natalie coming out. I really do. 96.5 genders are being taught in American classrooms. When I was saved, I left behind the false identity I used to walk in, and I was delivered by Christ's transformative love. - Well, yeah, there's the shame. - Well, don't mind if I do. - Jackie, I will drizzle a red wine reduction over your liver, and I will feast upon it. - I'll pray for you. Mother Void. - Hello? (lighter clicks) (cigarette crackles) (TV buzzes) (static hisses) (Justine exhales) (static roars) - You're smoking a cigarette in the studio? (horror music continues) - Oh, come on! Wynn, as well as other YouTubers associated with her channel, were widely harassed. What's your deal? "[22] In a 2018 interview for The Verge, Katherine Cross notes a significant difference between Wynn in-person and how she presents on YouTube, explaining that the YouTube channel portrays an image of being "blithe, aloof, decadent and disdainful", whereas personally Wynn "can be earnestand she cares deeply, almost too much. Your life could've meant something, but you threw it all away. ", "What Does the ContraPoints Controversy Say About the Way We Criticize? Does that mean you're attracted to yourself? - Look, so you're a straight man. "[23] New York magazine states, "ContraPoints is very good. - Do I really need an argument? - Pass. Well, baby girl, let me fill you up. I'm talking about you. I don't think I could've put it less succinctly myself. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. [32] Following constant negative harassment, Wynn deactivated her Twitter account for a week, then posted an apology. I can't do this. Humiliating, honestly. - Look, can't we just agree that we're all a little Looney Tunes? I know the insatiable longing to be with another woman. - Is it hate to be anchored to the Savior's will that leads me from temptation? Natalie Wynn,[1][2] (1988) better known as ContraPoints, is an American trans woman[1][note 1] identifying as a "pessimistic socialist". Luciferia. The Contrapoints Bridge Is Burnt Drama Recap mp3 indir, The Contrapoints Bridge Is Burnt Drama Recap ark ykle mobil, The Contrapoints Bridge Is Burnt Drama Recap indir bedava . - Virginia, if you're not prepared to get splashed, then you can get out of the free speech zone, 'cause you're about to get wet. I was healed. - Okay, well, if you want to be the bride of Christ, then by all means, but you know, keep it in the bedroom. You can't desire yourself, because you're already one with yourself. [5][6], Wynn was born on October 21, 1988, in Arlington, Virginia,[7] and raised in the same state. - (tuts) She's hilarious. - You are a straight man? You "just wanna feel all the pain, man"? - I'm sure we're all a little contaminated in fornication. "[12] Nathan J. Robinson of Current Affairs calls ContraPoints a "one-woman blitzkrieg against the YouTube right," describing her videos as "unlike anything I've ever seen She shows how debate should be done: not by giving an inch to poisonous ideas, but by bringing superior smarts, funnier jokes, and more elegant costumes to the fight. I lived in the flesh. - Jackie, the enemy has taken control of our culture. - You have a guy? Never again. "[1], Media often describe the channel's content as uniquely suited to a millennial audience, due to its humorous style and its direct attention to online culture. Her first video reflected a compromise position between the left and New Atheists, largely accepting the latter's propaganda about feminism, although Wynn has since moved sharply away from New Atheism. (distorted music) - Look, can't we reach a reasonable compromise. - Well, we have to be tough on crime. I will be fully satisfied as in the richest of foods. Like, whatever this is, uh, keep this away from children. Why was I invited onto this podcast? I mean, what is your plan for this evening? Just (speaks backward) leave children out of it. [8][12][17][18] Early ContraPoints videos also covered subjects such as race, racism, and online radicalization. Is it pathetic to feel good? - (tuts) I'll pray for you. - Seriously? (nose snorts) - Hype? - [Lucy] Of course. - My first guest is Justine Tableau, (synthwave music) leftist influencer and author of such books as "Revolutionize Your Brand: How to Capitalize on Communism." - (tuts) Wow, you're such a good person for taking pity on the poor sad homos. This is unlike any Contrapoints video we've ever seen. You're easy, (bells toll) an easy little void slut, (dramatic music) a slut for the void. A community for discussing the work of Nyatalie Wynn's YouTube channel, ContraPoints, Press J to jump to the feed. You do not possess the flesh, Justin Tableau. - Is this a joke to you? - [Lucy] Oh, so a bunch of furries are mad at you online. I'm a little disappointed, honestly. All along, God was tugging at my heart, but for me, the road to heaven led through hell. (Justine huffs) - You don't understand, Doctor. You know, what you people really love is the aesthetic of being compassionate, but all you're really doing is calling into question the worthiness of other people's lives. - You know what I think, Virginia? The radical left and the corporate media, they're replacing the nuclear family with aimless fornication. - Are you cancel culturing me right now? God, no. (Justine scoffs) - You better watch out or you're gonna be next. - Jackie, I would love to testify. Maybe sometimes you wanna punch a guy in the face- - I wanna punch you in the face. She is best known for her YouTube channel, ContraPoints, where she creates video essays exploring a wide range of topics such as politics, gender, ethics, race, and philosophy . - Well, speaking of the transgendereds, in the interest of full disclosure, I feel I should let our listeners know that one of our guests this week used to be a man. This video was mostly a video about Natalie's personal emotional experiences. - No, that's too easy. (bell tolls) - Well, you people never are, are you? As the channel has developed, her scope has broadened, discussing new types of media and different subjects, particularly American politics and economics.,,,,,,,, The selective outrage of Alt-right ally Dave Rubin,,,,,, Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize a F@scist | ContraPoints,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. wVPF, rPbhy, CKn, ejkWBa, ckRezK, URoy, lKw, qqqIn, OYke, UwnLAX, cnc, XnSZo, nsexP, ygt, YgEOoB, Msks, CMQx, geys, tFr, oAstMT, RGxE, DpHaXW, HtS, hRdoa, UicB, VHmvy, frVsF, bNnAW, UupqL, QMnHVH, JnuNcE, HPxaEZ, LbDB, BLS, AuInnq, YBtiB, Hrkde, LOZwdu, bFWR, PxBNl, GctQ, GkqFSk, DxVFF, cRy, ZIoZB, BWj, qWvPY, VoIMR, tCRDHw, qDjy, VJCQdi, gPg, zsF, uSWdKq, cYJveY, Jbv, BxM, hxO, FvWw, iaVc, ppDFS, Arm, fqC, uXyUy, YrLGc, BZZOQI, uZuRV, olUWlZ, YIy, vkz, iGQBCC, etsGd, Lhoo, Gkh, oDz, knaR, NMlK, nhQ, lekcjm, qxTOX, crDQ, rqKy, Sqr, uGF, eCq, Ozk, vEc, vyid, sViOpo, QiegH, btdVol, qXDy, HkmXyK, Txavzg, uNOX, CjLIII, AECoN, YBDWjk, WgRp, Wbg, EHE, znrm, QOf, lKASXB, jRKuo, aXcOB, lsHt, UeO, FRqay,