Radio boxes are styled forms of standard form radio controls. And use it in the button's onClick method. React limits the number of renders to prevent an Also ignore the divs. ): The idea now is put the ref on a button (this button has type="submit", and it belongs to the form), then when the button outside is clicked, we just need to call the "click()" function of the ref button [which is a smart thinking from the author himself], (Actually, component from semantic-ui is a modified and improved version, no longer the standard form, so my previous way above may not work when it tries to submit the form, however, the below way will work). However, sometimes you have to integrate with third party libraries, so we'll assume that the above is not an option. Assuming you aren't going to dynamically generate the fields in your form, you can pull the validation rules out of your lifecycle hook and move them into a static variable, shared between all instances of your component. A progress bar can contain a text value indicating current progress. (I.E, state might look like {marketSide:buy, price:50, quantity:9} I also stuff the forms error info into state as well, taking advantage of yup's default behavior to not validate fields that are not mentioned by the validation schema. Why is Singapore currently considered to be a dictatorial regime and a multi-party democracy by different publications? I've searched through the documentation without any success, and there doesn't seem to be examples of validation using this Semantic UI React library. I assume you did it by the following way, and just continue adding more code to make it work for you: 1/ Add ref to your Form, then you can access the Form in the parent (Modal): 2/ Then in the makeActivityInfoUpdateHandler function: The above code is the way you should do, please post here some more details in case this doesn't work yet! If you're new to the framework, note that ReactLink is not needed for most applications and should be used cautiously. 6)Disregard the long style '' notation, you could use the shorter ,