This feature will make the your excel sheet more useful and versatile. 2 Give some instruction about how to create new conditional formatting rules for custom coloured leave codes. Started using the template and it is really very useful . is that possible? It is extremely user friendly. That is all. So lets understand Time and Motion Study concept in detail. Hey Austin.. You can highlight the cells by filling it with a background color. Value Added Step & Time: A step which is required to proceed with a transaction is called Value Added Step. How to contact you? I can make the complete week a working week, but then my cell shading is gone making it more difficult to enter data. Are you able to assist in how I would add this and the formula I need to use? I had found root cause of the issue why Mutual Fund tracker is getting "Value#" error. You can download the updated tracker from the link in the tutorial. If we also want to track WFH (Work from Home) count of employees, how should we do it? need extra colum for department and id #. Would be happy to pay for a 2021 template if that is an option. Do need to add additional columns (need 3 before Name) without breaking the dates please. please assist me. i try t but the dates became amended for 1 day !! This was excellent! Kindly do the needful. I changed the start month to June to coincide with our fiscal year (using the dropdown menu in A1) and the the year to 2015 so it goes June 2015-May 2016. I am hoping that I can custom color it to have vacation days as green. Is there an excel sheet to track ULIP. @Chandroo Sir, Please update the excel file as well in the webpage, Thanks. I am responsible for tracking when church reports are submitted on time or not and the variations from the due date for submission. [Expression Error] The Csv.Document parameter 'Columns' is Invalid. am trying to add the additional leave type for 0.5 value , can you help me please. Is it possible to assign a different color to the different leave types. it gives some runtime error. In Sheet "Latest NAV Sheet" , Column E , Cell "E10" , 13. Hi Ritu, You need to change the spreadsheet type to a macro enabled Excel Workbook. Never deal with Abby Perlman and Otis Livingston they belong in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this template, I have a question. Move on to the next steps now to get more organized data from this dataset. Thank you so much for this! How is that done? open properties It would be nice to have a spreadsheet to track hours, OT and calculate PTO. Vacations are not copied to the other months. Its a great solution. In NAV PIVOT sheet if you are seeing update for few mutual funds then you need to extend the formula in Latest NAV Sheet in Column R for Scheme Code for all the Mutual Funds as on date which is being updated in AMFII website. Super Stuff! The download file is completely unlocked so you can customize it to your needs. If you want to add more, just copy-paste the formatting and formulas for additional rows. Hi Quick question though, I need to add in TOIL in half days. Email. Could you assist please. So sorry for my slow reply. Is there a way to track hours instead of whole days or half days. This is very helpful. This can be converted into Google Sheets as it uses VBA. This is very useful & informative for me. Select it and click on OK, Hi Mr. Sumit Thanks for the sheet 3 purpose but i have 3 more Questions What if id like to adjust date of the month start from 21.Dec.2015 to 20.Jan.2016 (For 1 month) Change Leave code Add Holiday. I would like to know if there is anyway we can record in one day, an employee took 1/2 day annual leave and another 1/2 day unpaid leave? However, please note that 1) I want to know how can i calculate difference of NAV amount of any mutual fund between yesterday and today's NAV. I am a beginner . Thanks so much for this template. Yes the tool development has been completed and we are working with the testing team to identify and fix the issues (if any). There should be validation where more than 3 or 4 people can not mark their leaves. That would not make it count as a leave and you can still make out the shift based on a color code. This makes it unusable. This is really great! But to do this you need a little bit about Formula and VBA skills. We provide tips, how to guide, provide online training, and also provide Excel solutions to your business problems. Any pointers to do this? We have witnessed major downfall in NIFTY and in SENSEX. I also compare my future needs against my current holdings to see if I need to invest more. Thanks. Thank you. I have few doubt to ask..! Hi Sumit. Thanks a lot Chandoo for ur updated version. The problem post cell 5012 still seems to be there - i.e. Your Leave Tracker is amazing, and I am trying my best to use it. Hi Sumit, this tracker is very useful! Hi, Im trying to add the Team manger, however, got error with the date and is there is any way to get over view of each month team manger wise and month wise. explains above how to change to 2019 just edit the date then add the holidays. Hi can i add working on Saturday and my employee will get time in lieu for this. Very impressed with the stuff on this website. If you're looking for a daily schedule template, check out this resource. Is it possible to tweak this template to count weekends when it comes to vacation? At first, we want to make a dataset for the recruitment tracker. Hi I am still having problem with this excel work sheet when I put in the V under dates and then switch to next month why am I seeing the V for previous month, please help. And after some formatting, the final summary will look like this. You can download the new tracker from the link in the tutorial. Hello Neha.. It is doable? This should ideally include the following: The same log should be able to track Issues or Risks. This is the important bit. i love the template, but would you be able to share how did you create the top portion where you click the arrows for the months to change, as i would love to use that for some other of my sheets. Thanks a lot. What did I do wrong? This happens as the file is a bit heavy. Please help !!! i am getting error as below This startup business plan template helps you get one step closer to success. Looking to expand your team in a smart, efficient way? Hey Brenda.. You can download the leave tracker now and it will be saved as an Excel file (not a zip). Hi the excel shows an error with updating the data In the table below, suppose you want to sum I hope you find this leave/vacation tracker helpful. -> Copy Paste values In Column D and E to new columns Good Job. r2 P/E Ratio (Real-time) r5 PEG Ratio r6 Price/EPS Estimate Current Year WebDownload Free Excel Templates, Chart Templates, Tutorials, Help Workbooks and Spreadsheets from - one of the finest and most exhaustive resources on Excel and Charting. My understanding is that this basically fetches the NAV values from the AMFI website for the funds I have invested in and neatly presents the values based on my portfolio. The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors only hired a few staffs. If any body get any error pls write it here. Here is an example environ(username) or Application.username.This macro gets the username from active directory. Awesome leave tracker, thank you. On the payment screen, it says you need to have some previliges to authorize the transanction. Grades PreK - 4 You can overcome this using VBA though. Can you advise how I can create columns that total the hours worked for the current month, current quarter, and the entire year? Replace ;-;-; with ; Thanks. Thank you very much for sharing this you have just saved me hours of creating my own version i am truly grateful. It doesnt copy all the formats..etc. The final format in your sheet and data from AMFI are quite different. Any idea how I can print a document showing all months at the same time? Good day! Can I insert a column near NOW NAV which also shows the NOW NAV DATE ? remember the name is yahoo finance has to be used So this step cannot be eliminated or automated because this is must to process step and time taken for this step is called Value Added Time2. can you help me for that formula for the leave tracker template given in this page for all the months? A new query with the same name as the original query and a reference number will be set up. In the meantime, please can you let me know which cell the letter C sits in i.e. Now on to the next part to create a summary of the original dataset and visualizing it with graphs for the complete and incomplete tasks. This is in order to get data from individuals without them seeing others input that they can accidentally mock up. Is there a way to lock the worksheet but keep the scroll bar functionality? This disturbs the Comparison. For some reason, any change I make to a formula results in a #VALUE error and not sure why. pls guide me and if u ve any more option pls share with me. This would then allow me to see what vacation total for the year has been used and what is remaining. This is Arikrishnan. I want to change the colours of the Assigned leave for example consider as vacation(V) should be in dark green insted of red. But I need to add 200 I though copy and paste formulas downhowever the scroll bar starts doing weird things. Thanks, Hi, Replace ;Inf3***; with ; I would be eternally grateful if you could help me. please tell me to manage sip' return and accounting in your mutual fund tracker. This will fetch updated funds list and latest NAV (Net Asset Value) from AMFI India website. 127.
Would it be at all possible to add a table where each employees types of leave are shown as a sub-total then also show a total? Copy paste the formula till the end of the column. How would I incorporate that? What if we follow alternate saturdays working ? Wondering if it is possible to add another column next to Employee name. Im having an issue with my template, when ever I highlight a cell in March 2016 as a Half Day (H) for example, it duplicates it in the other years (March 2015), and when we erase the duplicate, the original cell highlight disappears as well. This is how you can get the most out of your time, Now you can see the improvement in your process and you will end up becoming more smart and more efficient, Here is one more wonderful free tool which makes your life easy. From past few days, I am not able to refresh new data to my portfolio. Data populated on a particular month is also showing on other months. This on-page SEO template is great for organizing on-page SEO strategy, documenting any changes, and more. Use this template to send your customer a sales receipt. Otherwise its great! I cant click the triangle icon . Time Taken for Pizza preparation and Delivering it to customer. That way, it will be highlighted but not get counted. I have 100 employees. I am delighted that you have managed to make the changes!!! 2. Dear Sumit, its a great work, but how can i add another columns, it change the date ? The updated version is posted online now. :(, Use for tracking Stocks, mutual funds, SIPs, ULIP's and lot more, it's absolutley free. In just two days Nifty crashed like house of sand. Thanks, Can you track the hours they took on the day they took the designated leave. =FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")), =SORT(FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")),3), =FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!B:B<>0)*(AllTaskList!G:G=Not Done)). Hello there! Love this leave tracker but having some issues. Amazing! There is a short VBA code that runs in the background whenever you change the month. How can I add a column for Employee ID and DoH? Any suggestions on how to do it? It is working fine except the NAV of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund is not getting updated since last two days. Having filled everything in and revamped some items to suit I have to password protect so that the staff members viewing it cannot edit, delete cells or make entries. Is it possible to copy the sheet and update it to a new year. This spreadsheet is awesome! We have the same request. Im trying to learn how you set up your {sumproduct:offset} forumula, but dont quite understand them as of yet. Really appreciate you sharing , This is AMAZING! For example, to have the year as Jan-Dec, make A1 value 1, for Apr-Mar, make it 4. . This is going to be a life saver for me if this works. And we are only a small potato. Great Site. I would like to seek your help on MF tracker. and I would like to know how many reports have been submitted on time (i.e, those that have been submitted on or before the due date) I would also want to track those reports that have been submitted after the due date has passed. it displays message that INITIALIASATION OF DATA SOURCE FAILED. Hello Lori.. Have a look at the Timesheet calculator template here: It would be nice if the working days changes as per employee as I manage a company with staff working on different days. Email: Only one thing is missing, could you give me a hint on how to sum all the leave DAY of the year ? Instead of solving that problem, I just ignored it in my sheet. What am I doing wrong? Dont miss out on our best deals! It would just be nice to look back on the month and see how much and when comp time was taken. Scroll Bar tend to just keep scrolling if you are using a machine is less memory. I don't understand why you put the Avg unit value, What is the significance in different type of funds, kindly explain. Thanks so much for this! How to modify the formula. or can you help me in this regard? Some of these additional leave codes I would like to have counted as 0.5, however, they are all being counted as 1.0. Ive also tried your direct link. How do I change that? Please teach me more because want to learn more from you. Hello Paul.. Adewunmi Adeyinka says. The Excel Leave Tracker Template is wonderful, but One question how do I change some of the values from 1/2 day to full day. You open an Excel file and some cells show #### instead of the value. Each step is described in detail in its own sub-section. Also if I click on any cell in NJ, click in the formula bar and hit enter, it comes up with #value! Is it possible to repost/resend the excel file link. However, I changed the list of holidays to reflect the holidays that we offer. Replace ;Inf9***; with ; Use FInd and Replace by pressing Ctrl F and do the above replacements. That ways, it wouldnt be counted in the total. But you need to know the BSE Stock Code to do this. I have updated the template and now you can get total leaves as well (availed so far in all the months). Hello Angie.. You can do that by selecting 7 from the drop down in cell A1. View a roadmap for using AppSheet or access the topic site map. Hello, is it possible to get 2 half leaves? then open new window select workbook window select connection as seen Wondering if that is a possible tweak? I am working on a Google Sheet leave tracker and will share it soon. This is awesome!! I would be earnestly waiting for your assistance. I have a question/problem though. Hi Sumit, thank you for that, much appreciated. should it be done manually? This is excellent! This table is already available in the blank data file. Can it be modified to fetch my daily trade data from one of the online brokers. Thank you again for sharing this, it has been very helpful! In the following section, we will use one effective and tricky method to track project progress in Excel. My company allows for time to be taken in hourly increments, not just half or full days. But when I wanted to open it in my drive google docs it started to change the dates now January 2017 is not starting with day 01 (Sunday) but starts on 31st (Sunday) and the month of January does not end with 31st Tuesday as it should, but Tuesday 30. As you know that we at ExcelSirJi work hard to help our subscribers and visitors to make full use of the free codes and templates published by our team. It skips, it never just goes to next month. [] Tracking your Mutual Funds and Stocks using Excel - Download included []. One of my teammates has the responsibility of creating a leave tracker template in Excel for the entire team. Even default funds are showing "#N/A". WebBook List. Hello Kris.. You can achieve that by multiplying the leave count with the number of working hours in a day. Thanks for reply Sumit. Hi there, may I know how do you change the colour of the leave record and how to you add more column into the leave record? =IF(C9="","",IF(ISERROR(VALUE(VLOOKUP(C9,fund_navs,3,FALSE))),"notfound",VALUE(VLOOKUP(C9,fund_navs,3,FALSE)))). Please use the scroll bar to change the months. Then select the details and the orientation of the chart containing your details. WebSecure your applications and networks with the industry's only network vulnerability scanner to combine SAST, DAST and mobile security. This template is very useful and serves a very god purpose. Custom Format whatever color(s)/Fill(s) you want. How do i indicate in the excel sheet? Love this sheet, thank you! was it [emailprotected] password ? Hello. Is there a way I can add in leave days for multiple years without it affecting each years data? Just have cell NL5, for example, =NX8; NL6 = NX9, etc. Thank you. So, I have to do this for each month? The Select Work days to be customized per employee? A1 and A3 are both being used to determine the month, but they change independently. I believe you are changing the value in A1. I was hoping you will be able to modify the Select Working Days function towards individual employees that way the formula can calculate Leave Name and code on each employee on any day of the week. even though I have made no changes. For this, we instruct the VLOOKUP formula to search for the order number in A2 If you dont want the holidays to get highlighted, you can remove these by deleting the holidays data from the Holidays Tab. With that being said, the modifications took place, Ive crossed path with issues with the additional years. Its a bit slower than using excel. You can use the scrollbar to change the months. Btw, welcome to PHD, hope you liked my site. Dear Aanad, Another approach could be to use a site like or to fetch the NAVs (not sure how you can do this from excel unless you are subscribing to their database by paying them some money), @Regi: You are right. I have been looking for something like this but can't download it due to restrictions in my office. The leave tracker is the closest Ive seen to what I am looking for. I am facing a small problem in terms of a particular mutual fund which is getting displayed as part of your pop up menu and also not available in the web query file. For more information see. Similarly, you can create pending tasks by urgency and importance of those tasks. Everything works, formula-wise, but then now the scroll bar is covering the bottom most row, since the scroll bar doesnt move even if you add rows. I need a favour from you regarding a Tracker you updated for Attendance ( hi, can i use this template of year 2017 & 2018 in one sheet? Hello Krupa.. When I lock the Worksheet the Scroll Bar stops working! Hello, no matter how many times Ive tried, the zip file doesnt open to an excel spreadsheet. I need this to run from April to March but although I can change the months easily enough, the days dont correspond though. Any way to add vacation accrual based on hire date to calculate time remaining for each employee? Also, different sites with different list of capital expenditure projects (additional new projects may be added to the list as time goes by) also add complexity for monthly report use. [Expression.Error]2arguments were passed to a function which expects 1 Hi! Hi Sumit, when I tried making amendments to formula such as changing =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NN$6,0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))) to =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*(IF(OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)=$NN$5,0.5,1)*(OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))) The $NN$5 causes the formual to display #Value . How would I change the casual leave, which we dont use, to something that we do use, comp time? Thanks again for your help though! Click here to Enroll. Thanks, Was wondering if there is a way to enter a code for unpaid leave days that would allow for there to still be a count of paid leave days used/left. can you please let us know where did you find the Mutual Fund Tracker V4 ? This is a really great tracker. Any option where according to the date given, the month on month deposit amount + the no of units add , automatically? To have it all in the same tracker will complicate it a lot. However Id like to be able to track work from home days, over time days, sick days etc without it counting as leave in columns NJ & NK? In that case, a better way would be to apply a backgroud color to the cell. Im customizing it for my team, however Im having trouble adding more employees. I love this file and would like to keep using it for next year. As per sumit, you need to use the scroll bar for changing the months , But using the scroll bar, the month is not changing to the immediate next month. I believe you posted under my question and I thought it was Sumit needing more information for my specific chart needs. If you want monthly breakup (instead of yearly), use the following formula in cell NL8 and copy paste in all the cell (NL8:NP17), =SUMPRODUCT((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31))*((OFFSET($A$4,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))*((OFFSET($A8,0,31*($A$3-1)+1,1,31)))). =FILTER(Tasklist,(AllTaskList!G:G="Not Done")*(AllTaskList!D:D='Pending Tasks by Categroy'!D4)). WebCreate and maintain a comprehensive database of your school's students and their guardians, using this robust Access template. Thank you so much for visiting. Never mind, please click on below link to download. ". Column AI is the starting point for each month assuming no changes have been made to layout. Instead use the scroll bar at the bottom. it is very useful! Here by us sick leave must be calculated even over NON working days, the other leave types only on workings days. Thanks a lot. Replace Inf1***; with blank Thanks. For example, we have a holiday from Friday to Tuesday and the next Saturday we will go to work to make up for Monday (this day isnt a holiday but were off to have full holiday). Try this I use the IRR analysis to see the fund performance all the time. xlsx - Library to simplify reading the XML format used by recent version of Microsoft Excel in Go programs. I would like to be able to enter hours per day (9 sick) and also total hours for each code (sick 23). The result of the comparison i need is Never trust Abby Perlman because she was planing to lock up Dara Pettinelli using CBS anchor Otis Livingston! My aim is to make you awesome in Excel & Power BI. How can I move the scroll bar down if I insert additional rows? Therea alway an error UNABLE TO SET THE HIDDEN PROPERTY OF THE RANGE CLASS. I believe right now it is set to days only. I can modify instead as shown below Thank you! That way it will be marked and wouldnt be counted in the total leave count. Deepen your understanding of popular LSS tools and techniques, and simplify complex LSS concepts with our thorough how-to guides and resources. Please let me know if there is a way to accomplish that? Hope you found this guide helpful and informative. To add more employees, simply add employees and copy the formatting and formula. How do you fix this? Could someone please tell me how to alter this change? I cant figure out how to change the formula to accommodate when I replace other existing categories. . I need to be alerted if there is an employee who took more than 2 leave days in a 8 week cycle. Loved this? Worked for me when I changed it to 4 & now starts at April . hey Sumit need your help in doing AHT and other call center Dashboard . The question about the highlighting the cells without the V showing in the cell is still relevant if you can answer that as well please. sir, i have download MF tracker excel sheet from your web site . How can I edit this? CAN U UNDERSTAND ME DEEP TO ATTENDANCE SHEET OF EMPLOYEE, how to add coverage: if any one is on leave some one is assigned to cover. im just trying to add to the leave training days without having to add to the total number of leaves. Since the Nav.txt is changed and hence it is causing all sorts of issues. Thanks. I want to add 3 columns after the name column, to enter the employees hire date/accrual time/ days left. For instance,i would like to include Sick-S as half day leave as well. How to execute it. Hi, it seems problem when I edit the file and when I move the scroll bar, it show the table of mistake and say that mircrosoft visual basic, run-time error1004, application defined or object defined error I have tried to download the file again to PC and again the same problem happened? Written by Chandoo I was trying to create SOP Tracker I follow all your steps but I keep this error below. Learn & be awesome. Its great! Hey Sumit! This is fantastic! Anybody knows why? An employee does not accrue FMLA leave at any particular hourly rate. Is it possible to deduct two days for a Public holiday instead? This tracker is exactly what Ive been looking for! I have updated the template and now you can get the total number of leaves as well. All other cells, formulas, and conditional formatting adjust when I insert that new column except for January 1 or June 1 or whatever the first month is set at. Exactly what Im looking for. I do have a question however. You can try it. We have over 100 people on staff. Summary for whole year (employee wise & Type of leave in the columns) would be great, Thanks for commenting Pradeep. For instance, we dont have the holiday 4th July. How to make this change? Instead of scrolling per month on the right, it scroll all the way to the end of the year on one click. I LOVE this tracker so much. I want alternative Saturday as a working day. Will the sheet keep a running total the time taken off for every employee (For example, so you can see in May how much time was taken?) is it possible to insert an extra cell or column for starting date of each employee my leave, let say, 12 days per year, and as of today, how many days he or she is entitled? Further CAMS & Other investment house calculates Average NAV for computing, Notify me of when new comments are posted via e-mail. I too am using this excell sheet since long, please let me know from where to download the latest fixed version. If they accrue 13.33 vacation hours the last day of month, with no probationary period, how can I have the beginning balance minus used time plus the accrual in real-time? 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