Other Attributes While other attributes are used less commonly, it's still good to be familiar with them in case you need to define a custom type of behavior for your HTML5 audio player. Sie knnen Wiedergabelisten aus verschiedenen Quellen erstellen und verfgen ber eine Vielzahl von Anpassungsoptionen. Similarly, create elements for timeline, progress, controls, etc as described below: In the
tag you can add the custom text (music name etc). OP ask for hide and customize controls, not a plugin. We do this by adding an event listener to it and when the audio time updates we call the function. I use the audio action play() to start the audio, then use the jQuery method replaceWith which basically replaces the play button with the pause button. Audio tag supports 3 types of audio files: MP3, WAV and OGG. How to store objects in HTML5 localStorage/sessionStorage. Thanks for letting me know, Ill update the content and mention to include the CDN link for icons. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Add this to your HTML5 document with the following code: If you take a look at the code above you can see that I have declared the