Various commercial assays differ because of the nature of the antibody used, some claiming an advantage that they do not discriminate between 25OHD2 and 25OHD3 (Hollis and Napoli, 1985), whereas others in fact do underestimate the 25OHD2 pool and therefore provide correction factors to compensate for high 25OHD2 content. Gartner LM, Greer FR. Regulation of cutaneous previtamin D3 photosynthesis in man: skin pigment is not an essential regulator. A recent analysis of vitamin D intake and BMD in male and female adolescents and adults ages 13 to 36 years found positive correlations between vitamin D intake and bone density from adolescence into adulthood among male but not female subjects (van Dijk et al., 2009). The first mechanism, which does not require PTH, is the well-established role of calcitriol in stimulating intestinal calcium absorption throughout the entire length of the intestine, although its greatest activity is in the duodenum and jejunum. Vitamin D supplements are also available and can provide a megadose of vitamin D to help you meet your needs in just one serving. Tanaka Y, DeLuca HF. A few of the studies reported different effects of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 on serum 25OHD levels. In the United States, fluid milk is voluntarily fortified with 400 IU per quart (or 385 IU/L) of vitamin D (U.S. regulations do not specify the form) (FDA, 2009). Calcitriol levels increase during pregnancy, but factors other than vitamin D appear to stimulate the increased calcium absorption. Stamp TC, Haddad JG, Twigg CA. VDDR II is also an autosomal recessive trait, resulting from a mutation in the Vdr gene, which can appear in the second year after birth or go unrecognized until adulthood. Epidemiological data investigating the relation between fruit and vegetable consumption and pancreatic cancer risk have shown inconsistent results so far. Liu N, Nguyen L, Chun RF, Lagishetty V, Ren S, Wu S, Hollis B, DeLuca HF, Adams JS, Hewison M. Altered endocrine and autocrine metabolism of vitamin D in a mouse model of gastrointestinal inflammation. Following its synthesis in the kidney, calcitriol binds to DBP to be transported to target organs. Nonetheless, measures of serum 25OHD are important considerations in developing DRI values for vitamin D intake. JournalAssociation of Official Analytical Chemists. Using ALTM, DEQAS has served as an early-warning system for method and operator biases that have alerted the commercial kit manufacturers to modify their products or steps in their procedures or withdraw their kits. Although these data suggest that average cutaneous synthesis during the summer in northern latitudes equates to 2,000 IU/day, this may be a questionable conclusion given the many variables that come into play, ranging from feedback mechanisms to skin pigmentation to baseline levels of 25OHD. These are as follows: Vitamin D is abundant in almond milk. The onset of puberty stimulates increased metabolism of 25OHD levels to calcitriol (Aksnes and Aarskog, 1982) and subsequent increased calcium intestinal absorption, decreased urinary calcium excretion, and greater calcium deposition into bone (Wastney et al., 1996). Supports weight management. As part of the 2007 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) systematic review (Cranney et al., 2007, 2008), referred to hereafter as AHRQ-Ottawa, exploratory meta-regression analysis was conducted of 16 trials in adults, which suggested an association between vitamin D dose and serum 25OHD concentrations. Any help would be greatly appreciated!. They prevent you from cancer and also keeps the heart protected. Most fish oils are good for the body. Serum 25OHD level is widely considered as a marker of vitamin D nutriture, and consideration of serum 25OHD measures for the purposes of nutrient reference value development has generated notable interest. Sometimes vitamin D values are given in IU . (1989) have outlined the role of sunlight in regulating cutaneous synthesis of the vitamin and have implicated factors in vitamin D3 synthesis in the skin to include aging, melanin pigmentation, season of the year, latitude, and use of sunscreen. There is considerable evidence that most of the steps involved in the metabolism and actions of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are identical (Jones et al., 1998). Horst RL, Shepard RM, Jorgensen NA, DeLuca HF. Photoprotection and vitamin D status. You May Like: Which Nutritional Class Absorbs Vitamins And Sustains The Immune System. Indeed, recent data suggest that an improvement is already occurring (Carter and Jones, 2009). The isolation and identification of 25-hydroxyergocalciferol. Early studies demonstrated that radiolabeled vitamin D3 appeared almost exclusively in the lymphatics and in the chylomicron fraction of plasma; as well, subjects with impaired bile acid release or pancreatic insufficiency both demonstrated significantly reduced absorption of vitamin D (Thompson et al., 1966; Blomstrand and Forsgren, 1967; Compston et al., 1981). Fatty fish and seafood are among the richest natural food sources of vitamin D. In fact, a 3.5-ounce serving of canned salmon can provide up to 386 IU of vitamin D about 50% of the RDI . In some cases, this is based upon in vitro production of calcitriol by cell lines as a consequence of culture conditions, but it also includes detection of the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) transcript or protein for CYP27B1 in tissues in vivo (Hewison et al., 2007). Ironically, calcitriol has an opposite effect on the adaptive immune (B and T cell function) response. Steroid Corticosteroid medications used to alleviate inflammation can reduce calcium absorption and impair vitamin D metabolism. Whereas vitamin D has an average lifetime in the body of approximately 2 months, 25OHD has a lifetime of 15 days, and calcitriol has a lifetime measured in hours (Jones et al., 1998). Vieth R. Why the optimal requirement for vitamin D. Wang L, Flanagan JN, Whitlatch LW, Jamieson DP, Holick MF, Chen TC. And they contain a decent amount of Vitamin D as long as you put them in the sun first. Orange juice. Importantly, the relationship between vitamin D intake and serum 25OHD response appears not to be linear, given evidence that increasing serum 25OHD level above 50 nmol/L requires more vitamin D intake than does increasing serum 25OHD levels when the starting point is less than 50 nmol/L (Aloia et al., 2008). Based on data from a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) survey that provides information on the labels of processed, packaged food products in the United States, Yetley (2008) reported that almost all fluid milks, approximately 75 percent of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, slightly more than half of all milk substitutes, approximately one-quarter of yogurts, and approximately 8 to 14 percent of cheeses, juices, and spreads are fortified with vitamin D in the U.S. market. Liu PT, Stenger S, Li H, Wenzel L, Tan BH, Krutzik SR, Ochoa MT, Schauber J, Wu K, Meinken C, Kamen DL, Wagner M, Bals R, Steinmeyer A, Zugel U, Gallo RL, Eisenberg D, Hewison M, Hollis BW, Adams JS, Bloom BR, Modlin RL. Reviews in Endocrinology and Metabloic Disorders. formula-fed and are having less than 500ml of infant formula a day, as infant formula is already fortified with vitamin D. Holick MF. Almond milk is also suitable for the vast majority of people who have lactose intolerance, a dairy allergy, are vegan, or avoid dairy for other reasons. Background. During the rapid growth phase of adolescence, almost 50 percent of the adult skeletal mass will be accumulated. 03946. Vegetable Garden, Vitamin D and calcium together lessen breaks in organized more established grown-ups, yet vitamin D alone isn't viable in diminishing the gamble of falls or cracks. The immunoregulatory effects of vitamin D may also have an impact on cancer biology. Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, comprises a group of fat-soluble seco-sterols. Vitamin Ds: metabolites and analogs, Modern Chromatographic Analysis of Vitamins. Vitamin E is a group of 8 fat-soluble vitamins, which protect cell membranes and other fat-soluble tissues in the body against damage from oxidative stress. Liu S, Gupta A, Quarles LD. However, emerging evidence suggests that although sunscreens are effective, many may not actually be blocking UVB because they are improperly or inadequately applied. As discussed below, both these methods are equivalent in terms of measuring the physiologically relevant parameter (total 25OHD level in serum), but there remains controversy over the performance of these assays in clinical and research laboratories. Second, some LC-MS/MS assays with short LC run times read high because they cannot resolve 3-epi-25OHD3, an isomer found in abundance in neonatal samples (Singh et al., 2006). The other determinants of serum 25OHD besides CYP2R1 have been reported to be DBP (also known as Gc protein), which has six common phenotypes (Laing and Cooke, 2005) as well as 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase and CYP24A1. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Kull M Jr, Kallikorm R, Tamm A, Lember M. Seasonal variance of 25-(OH) vitamin D in the general population of Estonia, a Northern European country. Vitamin D is converted in the liver to 25OHD, a process carried out by a CYP enzyme that has yet to be fully defined but is likely CYP2R1 (Cheng et al., 2003). Rather, it is used to treat stubborn fatty deposits that won't go away. Sunlight regulates the cutaneous production of vitamin D. Weber F. Absorption mechanisms for fat-soluble vitamins and the effect of other food constituents. While they are not really vegetables in the strictest sense, mushrooms can be grown at home. Fluid milk must contain 3545 IU vitamin D per 100 mL and margarine, 530 IU per 100 g. In addition, fortified plant-based beverages must contain vitamin D in an amount equivalent to fluid milk. Specker BL, Valanis B, Hertzberg V, Edwards N, Tsang RC. Haddad JG, Matsuoka LY, Hollis BW, Hu YZ, Wortsman J. Winter Low 25OHD Levels and Summer High 25OHD Levels Around the World. Owing to the frequency with which serum 25OHD levels are included in this report text, the levels are expressed only as nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). It is important to note that the majority of the data collected over the past 20 to 30 years have been analyzed using antibody-based assays. Webb AR, Kline L, Holick MF. At this time, however, serum 25OHD data in the literature must be viewed with care based upon the knowledge that they have been acquired using a variety of methods, each with its own shortcomings and subject to high variability. Vitamin D of human milk: identification of biologically active forms. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is largely human-made and added to foods, whereas vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin of humans from 7-dehydrocholesterol and is also consumed in the diet via the intake of animal-based foods. Tofu; 6. It provides vitamin A, which is important for a well-functioning cardiovascular system, and vitamin D, which ensures healthy teeth and bones. Generally speaking, all fish oils are beneficial to the body. Extra-renal 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-1alpha-hydroxylase in human health and disease. In Canada, infant formula is required by regulation to contain between 40 and 80 IU of vitamin D per 100 kcal. B-406, stone creek apartment, Akshaya nagar, opp - Corporation Bank, New DLF town, Yelenahalli main road, Begur hobli Bangalore, 560068. Age, vitamin D, and solar ultraviolet. Figs are commonly found dried, whether dry or soaked; both have potential health benefits. Yoghurt: Dairy and non-dairy yoghurts are rich in vitamin D as they are fortified with it. To maintain its vitamin D content, prefer steam cooking rather than at the stove or to four for the Salmon. 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays: the quest for accuracy. The metabolism of vitamin D3 from synthesis/intake to formation of metabolites. Thus far, studies suggest that weekly and daily dosing give similar serum 25OHD responses. However, what is not clearly established is the extent to which 25OHD levels serve as a biomarker of effect. Belsey R, Deluca HF, Potts JT Jr. Current assays overestimate 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Goldner WS, Stoner JA, Lyden E, Thompson J, Taylor K, Larson L, Erickson J, McBride C. Finding the optimal dose of vitamin D following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a prospective, randomized pilot clinical trial. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that are naturally present in few foods. The fruit of paradise is figs, also known as anjeer. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 31% DV in 6oz tilapia fillet. Gupta RP, Hollis BW, Patel SB, Patrick KS, Bell NH. Weber K, Goldberg M, Stangassinger M, Erben RG. The current U.S. Daily Value for vitamin D is 20g and the toxicity threshold is thought to be 250 to 1000 g/day. Additional studies documented the presence of the VDR in a wide array of cancer cell types. Xu Y, Hashizume T, Shuhart MC, Davis CL, Nelson WL, Sakaki T, Kalhorn TF, Watkins PB, Schuetz EG, Thummel KE. Controlling the growth of cells and nerves. 2.1mg for ages 2 to 5 years. The decrease in the 600 IU/day group was minimal, from 75.9 to 69.0 nmol/L. (2008) suggested that the attenuated response to monthly dose in the Chel et al. Do body fat and exercise modulate vitamin D status? Here are a few healthy and delicious recipes using foods rich in vitamin D to get you started: The most famous dietary source of Vitamin D is, of course, milk. Unwrap your mushrooms and place them in direct sunlight at least one hour before eating this should increase their Vitamin D content and, as soon as you consume them, it should increase yours, too. To preserve the vitamin D content, it is better to steam salmon than to cook it in the pan or in the oven. Apart from taking Vitamin-D foods, you can supplement your diet with 2 vitamin D-rich dry fruits namely anjeer (figs) and almond. The activation steps involved in converting vitamin D from the diet and cutaneous synthesis are illustrated in Figure 3-1. Inflammation is a critical early step in the carcinogenesis cascade for many cancers, and the ability of vitamin D to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects on cancer cells by down-regulating the pro-inflammatory pathways, such as cyclooxygenase-2, may contribute to cancer inhibition (Moreno et al., 2005). Experimental animal data from a number of mammalian species ranging from rodents to primates (Roborgh and de Man, 1959, 1960; Hunt et al., 1972; Sjoden et al., 1985; Weber et al., 2001), support the concept that the D2 form is less toxic than D3, but there is no evidence available in humans. The short answer is, not particularly. Radimer K, Bindewald B, Hughes J, Ervin B, Swanson C, Picciano MF. Absorption of vitamin D3-3H in control subjects and patients with intestinal malabsorption. 2022 Alfa Foods and Snacks. One of the vitamin B12-rich foods and vegetables is the banana. Stimulating immune cells to release antibodies and thereby encouraging a healthy, responsive immune system. The crystal structure of CYP2R1 has been determined with vitamin D in the active site, and the enzyme has been shown to metabolize both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 equally efficiently (Strushkevich et al., 2008). The sun is the primary source of Vitamin D, but we cannot stand in the scorching heat to allow our bodies to absorb Vitamin D. So, what is the other option? Jones G, Schnoes HK, DeLuca HF. Recently, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) posted an analytical note on its NHANES web page informing users about two issues that should be addressed when analyzing and using serum 25OHD data from NHANES.10 The first involved making direct comparisons between serum 25OHD levels from NHANES III (1988 to 1994) and those from the 2000 to 2006 NHANES because of a reformulation of the DiaSorin radioimmunoassay (RIA) kit11 that resulted in shifts in assay results between the two time periods. Breast milk is not normally a significant source of vitamin D for the infant and remains unchanged with supplementation at least up to 2,000 IU/day. Effect of Roux-en Y gastric bypass on bone metabolism in patients with morbid obesity: Mansoura experiences. Overview of vitamin D synthesis, intake, and activation. DeLuca HF. Dietary reference intakes for vitamin D: justification for a review of the 1997 values. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Comparison of receptor binding, biological activity, and in vivo tracer kinetics for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Riedt CS, Cifuentes M, Stahl T, Chowdhury HA, Schlussel Y, Shapses SA. (more). Non-vegetarians can increase their vitamin D levels in their bodies by eating vitamin-d fatty fish, raw meat, and eggs. DeLuca HF. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1994, volume 60, pages 619-630), American Society for Nutrition. Comparison of oral 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, vitamin D, and ultraviolet light as determinants of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Steenbock H, Black A. Fat-soluble vitamins. Milk, human, mature, fluid. Vitamin D plays an important role in our bodies, from lowering the risk of cancer to managing weight, from strengthening the immune system to allowing calcium absorption. Competitive binding assay for vitamin D and 25-OH vitamin D. Bergwitz C, Juppner H. Regulation of phosphate homeostasis by PTH, vitamin D, and FGF23. Overweight postmenopausal women lose bone with moderate weight reduction and 1 g/day calcium intake. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. Metabolic inactivation of vitamin D is enhanced in primary hyperparathyroidism. Garabedian M, Holick MF, Deluca HF, Boyle IT. Diaz GD, Paraskeva C, Thomas MG, Binderup L, Hague A. Apoptosis is induced by the active metabolite of vitamin D. Diehl JW, Chiu MW. Vitamin D has other role in body including modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function and inflammation reduction.New Youtube Video: If you want to take in vitamin D, then its better to stay away from fruit. There is, however, one major exception: mushrooms. 158 (Prepared by the University of Ottawa Evidence-based Practice Center [UO-EPC] under Contract No. Studies have also shown that the steps in the specific vitamin D signal transduction cascade do not appear to discriminate discernibly between the two vitamin D homologues at the molecular level (e.g., binding to the transport protein, DBP [Hay and Watson, 1977; Jones et al., 1980a] or binding to the receptor, VDR [Jones et al., 1980b; Reinhardt et al., 1989]). DiaSorin Radio-immunoassay (RIA) (Stillwater, MN). Second, the note also cautioned that the data from the 2000 to 2006 NHANES were likely affected by drifts in the assay performance (method bias and imprecision) over time. There is a common misconception that seeds are high in vitamin D. However, none of the seeds contain vitamin D.\, List of Vitamin D Rich Dry Fruits Frequently Asked Questions. Also, take ideas from our previous blog on:Iron Rich Foods 8 Foods to Add to Your Diet. Qualitatively, vitamins D2 and D3 exhibit virtually identical biological responses throughout the body (i.e., through gene expression) that are mediated by the VDR (Jones et al., 1998; Jurutka et al., 2001). These actions take the form of the regulation of serum calcium and phosphate homeostasis and, in turn, the development and maintenance of bone health (DeLuca, 1988; Reichel et al., 1989; Jones et al., 1998). Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1994, (more). NOTE: DBP = vitamin D binding protein. Vitamin D, regardless of origin, is an inactive prohormone and must first be metabolized to its hormonal form before it can function. When it comes to the fruits that contain vitamin A, mango, papaya, guava, watermelon, cantaloupe, goji berries, tangerine, nectarine, peach, passion fruit, dried apricots, and red/pink grapefruit are some healthy options. SOURCE: Holick (1994). Vitamin D, also known as the "sunshine vitamin," is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as a pro-hormone and influences the immune system and hormonal balance in the body. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D, Antibody-based methods, which use a kit or an automated clinical chemistry platform; and. modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function and inflammation reduction. They are rich in B group of vitamins including vitamin B3, which improves promotes blood circulation and vitamin B6 that enhances brain function. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Which of the following dry fruits is high in vitamin D? Chapter 10: Endocytic pathways for 25-(OH) vitamin D. Vitamin D and osteoclastogenesis, Vitamin D. Overview of vitamin D synthesis, intake, and activation, Terms and Conversions Used in Reference to Vitamin D, Photochemical events that lead to the production and regulation of vitamin D, The relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations (in late winter 2007) and total vitamin D intake (dietary and supplemental) in 20- to 40-year-old healthy persons (, Winter Low 25OHD Levels and Summer High 25OHD Levels Around the World, Three-dimensional scatter-plot of 4-week change in serum 25OHD concentration above baseline expressed as a function of both basic skin lightness (L*) and UVB dose rate. Regulation by vitamin D metabolites of parathyroid hormone gene transcription in vivo in the rat. When this is the case remember that 1g=40IU for Vitamin D. Vitamin D is fat soluble, which means you need to eat fat to absorb it. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. The fruit of paradise is figs, also known as anjeer. Although the later AHRQ-Tufts analysis (Chung et al., 2009) did not identify newer (compared with AHRQ-Ottawa) randomized controlled trials related to intake of vitamin D and serum 25OHD levels, it did graphically evaluate the net changes in serum 25OHD concentrations against the doses of vitamin D supplementation using data from the trials in adults. 87% DV per cup of smoked whitefish. Also Read: 6 Health Benefits of Raisin Water. Singh RJ, Taylor RL, Reddy GS, Grebe SK. In the case of the Canadian survey of 25OHD levels in the Canadian population, the analytical methods used to determine 25OHD concentrations were the Diasorin total 25OHD (Liaison) kit12 (personal communication, S. Brooks, Health Canada, December 18, 2009). The differences do not affect metabolism (i.e., activation), and both forms function as prohormones. Moreover, there remains debate over the equivalence of vitamins D2 and D3 in the diet (Armas et al., 2004; Rapuri et al., 2004; Vieth, 2004), although it has been assumed that they are 25-hydroxylated at similar rates (see previous discussion of functions and physiological actions of vitamin D). The dominant function of vitamin D in its hormonal form (calcitriol or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) is the elevation of plasma calcium and phosphate levels, which are required for mineralization of bone (DeLuca, 1979b; Holick, 1996). Vitamin D: photobiology, metabolism, mechanism of action, and clinical application, Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Kawa S, Yoshizawa K, Tokoo M, Imai H, Oguchi H, Kiyosawa K, Homma T, Nikaido T, Furihata K. Inhibitory effect of 220-oxa-1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Kimlin MG, Olds WJ, Moore MR. Exogenous calcitriol can suppress autoimmune diseases, but with hypercalcemia as an important side effect (DeLuca and Cantorna, 2001). A deficiency in calcium can lead to numbness in the fingers and toes, muscle cramps, convulsions, lethargy, loss of appetite, and abnormal heart rhythm. However, recent surveys from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicate that these problems have been corrected. Journal Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Special Issue). Avocado is virtually the only fruit which helps to get healthy skin, hair and helps in cutting down the aging process. There is a misconception that seeds are rich in Vitamin D, but to your surprise, none of the seeds include vitamin D. Almonds and anjeer are a rich source of Vitamin D-rich dry fruits. Available online at (accessed April 28, 2010). Reinhardt TA, Ramberg CF, Horst RL. Many product labels included in the survey indicated that the form of added vitamin D was vitamin D3. Calcitriol, through its receptor, the VDR, suppresses parathyroid gene expression and parathyroid cell proliferation, providing important feedback loops that reinforce the direct action of increased serum calcium levels (Slatopolsky et al., 1984; Silver et al., 1986). In this study, women were found to have higher average serum 25OHD levels than men in both summer and winter (9 and 20 percent higher, respectively). Ready to start incorporating more foods with vitamin D into your diet to ensure you get your daily dose? Cholecalciferol supplementation alters calcitriol-responsive monocyte proteins and decreases inflammatory cytokines in ESRD. Jongen M, van der Vijgh WJ, Netelenbos JC, Postma GJ, Lips P. Pharmacokinetics of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Jurutka PW, Whitfield GK, Hsieh JC, Thompson PD, Haussler CA, Haussler MR. Molecular nature of the vitamin D receptor and its role in regulation of gene expression. Helvig C, Cuerrier D, Kharebov A, Ireland B, Kim J, Ryder K, Petkovich M. Comparison of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2 and calcitriol effects in an adenine-induced model of CKD reveals differential control over serum calcium and phosphate. As noted previously, vitamin D is absorbed with fat as part of chylomicrons and is taken up first by peripheral tissues that express lipoprotein lipase, especially adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Traditionally, many marketed dietary supplements have contained 400 IU per daily dose, but levels in supplements have been increasing. Bises G, Kallay E, Weiland T, Wrba F, Wenzl E, Bonner E, Kriwanek S, Obrist P, Cross HS. Chen PS Jr, Bosmann HB. Blueberry. These enzymes include the liver and intestinal CYPs that are known to metabolize vitamin D compounds differently, such as CYP27A1, which 25-hydroxylates vitamin D3 and 24-hydroxylates vitamin D2 (Guo et al., 1993), and CYP3A4, which 24- and 25-hydroxylates vitamin D2 substrates more efficiently than vitamin D3 substrates (Gupta et al., 2004, 2005) and 23R- and 24S-hydroxylates 1,25(OH)2D3 (Xu et al., 2006); the latter enzyme has recently been shown to be selectively induced by 1,25(OH)2D in the intestine (Thompson et al., 2002; Xu et al., 2006). 2009. 3, Overview of Vitamin D. SOURCE: Holick (1994). In the third mechanism, calcitriol together with PTH stimulates the renal distal tubule reabsorption of calcium, ensuring retention of calcium by the kidney when calcium is needed (Sutton et al., 1976; Yamamoto et al., 1984). These wide-ranging actions of calcitriol have further been hypothesized to play a potential role in preventive or therapeutic action in cancer (Masuda and Jones, 2006) and chronic conditions such as auto-immune conditions (including type 1 diabetes), cardiovascular disease, and infections (Holick et al., 2007). (1988, 1989) as well as a letter from Holick et al. The measured increase in serum 25OHD levels in overweight and obese individuals was about 1.5 nmol/L for a 100 IU/day vitamin D intake over 12 months (Sneve et al., 2008; Zittermann et al., 2009). Ripe pineapple are excellent source of vitamin D and vitamin C which is excellent for a healthy immune system. Well there is some truth in this well known saying. Low serum phosphorus levels stimulate calcitriol synthesis, whereas high serum phosphorus levels inhibit it. In fact, it has been shown in dietary supplementation studies using the CYP27B1 knockout mouse, which is incapable of making calcitriol, sufficiently high concentrations of serum levels of 25OHD can cause changes in vitamin Ddependent general expression even in the absence of calcitriol (Rowling et al., 2007; Fleet et al., 2008). Springbett P, Buglass S, Young AR. This in turn helps prevent microorganisms from growing in the fruit making it more shelf stable. This is in contrast to the situation in Europe where there has been a tradition of using only vitamin D3 and where commercial methods that purport to measure only 25OHD3 are available. Almond milk is a rich source of Vitamin D. On average, 100 grams of fortified almond milk provides 9% of the DV of vitamin D. Almond milk offers the following health benefits -. Vieth R. The mechanisms of vitamin D toxicity. You May Like: How Often Use Vitamin C Serum. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. Pickled . Martinez ME, Del Campo MT, Sanchez-Cabezudo MJ, Balaguer G, Rodriguez-Carmona A, Selgas R. Effect of oral calcidiol treatment on its serum levels and peritoneal losses. The vitamin D content of fortified milk and infant formula. Thus, sunscreen use may not actually diminish vitamin D synthesis in real world use, although further study is needed to verify its actual impact (Diehl and Chiu, 2010; Springbett et al., 2010). UL: The Tolerable Upper Intake Level is the maximum daily intake unlikely to cause harmful effects on health. In essence, the potency of the two forms (as judged by the dose required to cure rickets) is assumed to be the same (Park, 1940). Side-chain hydroxylation of vitamin D. Jones G, Strugnell SA, DeLuca HF. Anjeer. From reducing the risk of cancer to managing weight, from strengthening the immune system to enabling the absorption of calcium, Vitamin D plays an important role in our body. Calcitriol has its strongest metabolic activity in inducing its own destruction by stimulating the 24-hydroxylase enzyme (now known as CYP24A1; Figure 3-1) (Jones et al., 1998). Existing evidence suggests that vitamin D nutriture does not appear to affect the maternal processes of bone resorption that occur during lactation, nor its restoration post-lactation. A number of studies have examined serum 25OHD levels in different seasons. Infants at risk for developing rickets include those who are exclusively breast-fed, because vitamin D and 25OHD are normally present at low levels in breast milk (Bachrach et al., 1979; Ward et al., 2007). (2010) showed that renal dialysis patients treated with high-dose vitamin D3 develop a population of immune cells with increased CYP27B1, VDR, and cathelicidin expression, although the role of these cells in vivo is unknown. African Americans, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and osteoporosis: a paradox. As it has a rather distinctive and distinctive taste, you can consume it in the form of capsules. Jiang F, Bao J, Li P, Nicosia SV, Bai W. Induction of ovarian cancer cell apoptosis by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Johnson JL, Mistry VV, Vukovich MD, Hogie-Lorenzen T, Hollis BW, Specker BL. Brannon PM, Yetley EA, Bailey RL, Picciano MF. What is known is that (1) a deficiency of phosphate stimulates CYP27B1 to produce more calcitriol, which in turn stimulates phosphate absorption in the small intestine; and (2) calcitriol can also induce the secretion of FGF23 by osteocytes in bone, which results in phosphate excretion in the kidney (Liu et al., 2008), as well as feedback on vitamin D metabolism. Similarly, Wortsman et al. Tzotzas T, Papadopoulou FG, Tziomalos K, Karras S, Gastaris K, Perros P, Krassas GE. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee to Review Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium; Ross AC, Taylor CL, Yaktine AL, et al., editors. Moreno J, Krishnan AV, Swami S, Nonn L, Peehl DM, Feldman D. Regulation of prostaglandin metabolism by calcitriol attenuates growth stimulation in prostate cancer cells. Reichel H, Koeffler HP, Norman AW. Chapter 11: Analysis of vitamins D, their metabolites and analogs, Steroid Analysis. However, some skilled analysts can perform better than this with a coefficient of variation less than 10 percent. Morris JF, Peacock M. Assay of plasma 25-hydroxy vitamin D. Mulligan GB, Licata A. VDRs are found fairly ubiquitously throughout the body in tissues not involved with calcium and phosphate homeostasis, and the presence of VDRs in these tissues implies that calcitriol may play a more general role or that ligands other than calcitriol can activate the VDR. I strongly believe that the ingredients you find in your pantry are the best medicines that you can get. Uptake into adipose tissue and skeletal muscle accounts for the rapid postprandial disappearance of vitamin D from plasma and probably also explains why increased adiposity causes sequestering of vitamin D and is associated with lower 25OHD levels (Jones, 2008). Calcium is abundant in figs, raisins, and dried apricots. It contains calcium, phosphorus, phosphoric acid, and protein. It's been used in many skincare and haircare products. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23. In the United States, vitamin D can now be found in multi-vitamin/multi-mineral formulations as well as a single supplement in a range of dosage levels, including 1,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per dose and even up to 50,000 IU of vitamin D2 per dose. Experimental animal studies have indicated that vitamin D2 is less toxic than vitamin D3, but this has not been demonstrated in humans. For all life stages highlighted below, specific studies and conclusions are detailed in Chapter 4. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. As you can see from the list that sweet potato is at the top closely followed by one of the nations favourite vegetables, the carrot. An analysis of data from the 2015-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found that average daily vitamin D intakes from foods and beverages were 5.1 mcg (204 IU) in men, 4.2 mcg (168 IU) in women, and 4.9 mcg (196 IU) in children aged 2-19 years [ 39 ]. You can look out for labels mentioning vitamin D or UV exposure to make sure you are getting the nutritional content you want. To you barbecues in summer ! Vitamin D and sunlight: strategies for cancer prevention and other health benefits. Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, iron and protein and is also rich in vitamins B and E. Butter is a dairy product and is a good source of energy. Depending on where you live, 20 minutes of sun exposure a day is enough to meet your vitamin D requirements. These well-known functions dominate vitamin D physiology and many of the functional proteins involved in these processes have been identified, although the exact molecular mechanisms of all of these systems have yet to be elucidated. Serum vitamin D and 25OHD have low penetrance into breast milk, together comprising 40 to 50 IU of antirachitic activity per liter, most of which is contributed by 25OHD (Leerbeck and Sondergaard, 1980; Hollis et al., 1981; Reeve et al., 1982; Specker et al., 1985). The vitamin D content of this fish depends on how it is prepared, that is, whether it is smoked, grilled or marinated. Thus, the serum 25OHD level may function as a biomarker of exposure; it is a reflection of the supply of vitamin D to the body and can be a useful adjunct to examining the intake level of vitamin D if the confounders and the measure's variability depending upon a range of variables are kept in mind. Aloia JF, Patel M, Dimaano R, Li-Ng M, Talwar SA, Mikhail M, Pollack S, Yeh JK. Hollis BW, Napoli JL. In a recent study conducted by Smith et al. Yamamoto M, Kawanobe Y, Takahashi H, Shimazawa E, Kimura S, Ogata E. Vitamin D deficiency and renal calcium transport in the rat. Riedt CS, Brolin RE, Sherrell RM, Field MP, Shapses SA. Vitamin D toxicity. There is emerging evidence that calcitriol plays a role in the immune system that has not yet been clearly described. The vitamin D story: a collaborative effort of basic science and clinical medicine. Increasing intake of vitamin D results in higher blood levels of 25OHD, although perhaps not in a linear manner (Stamp et al., 1977; Clements et al., 1987). In a presentation to this committee, Byrdwell (2009) reported that a USDA survey of milk samples taken in 2007 from 24 locations across the United States showed that most samples had vitamin D levels within the range of 400 to 600 IU/quart. These dual sources of vitamin D make it challenging to develop dietary reference intake values. Anjeer provides the following 5 incredible health benefits: Vitamin D is essential for many aspects of health, including heart health, bone density, and the immune system. It is one of the fruit which hold the great source of vitamin D. Pineapple, which is my all time favorite fruit which has a sweet but tangy tropical taste. Top 2 Vitamin D Rich Dry Fruits Alfa Foods. Makin HLJ, Jones G, Kaufman M, Calverley MJ. Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL LIPIL, with iron, ready-to-feed, with ARA and DHA. (1992) has discussed the role of clothing in preventing synthesis. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fertility issues, autoimmune diseases, and infectious infections. The work suggested that for individuals at the lighter pigmentation scale,7 exposed to similar UVB doses (20 to 80 mJ/cm2) resulted in twice the increase in serum 25OHD concentration compared with individuals at the opposite extreme (i.e., 62 vs. 32 nmol/L change) (Armas et al., 2007) (see modeled representation in Figure 3-5). Vitamin D signalling pathways in cancer: potential for anticancer therapeutics. Vitamin D is abundant in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. Yanagisawa J, Yanagi Y, Masuhiro Y, Suzawa M, Watanabe M, Kashiwagi K, Toriyabe T, Kawabata M, Miyazono K, Kato S. Convergence of transforming growth factor-beta and vitamin D signaling pathways on SMAD transcriptional coactivators. However, UVB exposure increased serum 25OHD levels in vitamin Ddeficient and sufficient subjects with mean increases ranging from 15 to 42 nmol/L. Adams JS, Hewison M. Unexpected actions of vitamin D: new perspectives on the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity. Shiitake mushroom has found to have more vitamin D. The vitamin D level in these mushroom are between, 100 IU/100 gram to nearly 46000 IU/100 gram. Nutrients like calcium and vitamins A, E, and D have been added to several commercial versions of almond milk. Many vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources of food are rich in Vitamin D. If you are a vegetarian, you can incorporate vitamin-D rich cereals, cheese, yogurt, soy milk, spinach, and mushrooms into your diet. 1. Assays for total 25OHD level in serum have existed for four decades since the metabolite was first discovered (Blunt et al., 1968). Aim for one to two servings of vitamin D foods per day, and try to include a good mix of vitamin D vegetables, dairy products and fatty fish to get in a broad array of important micronutrients in addition to vitamin D. For those who dont consume fish, it can be a bit tricker to get enough vitamin D from food sources alone. Positive association between the course of vitamin D intake and bone mineral density at 36 years in men. Foods high in vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, avocados, squash, kiwifruit, trout, shrimp, olive oil, wheat germ oil, and broccoli. This debate runs parallel to the suggestion that vitamin D2 is less toxic than its vitamin D3 counterpart. 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D. Slatopolsky E, Weerts C, Thielan J, Horst R, Harter H, Martin KJ. Holick MF, Shao Q, Liu WW, Chen TC. Isolation and identification of 24-hydroxyvitamin D, Jones G, Vriezen D, Lohnes D, Palda V, Edwards NS. The UL for vitamin D for adults and children ages 9+ is 4,000 IU (100 . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Fruits are natures sweet surprises that apart from offering a delightful treat also provide the body a profusion of vital nutrients. A prototype of nutritional management of a genetic disorder. Turner M, Barre PE, Benjamin A, Goltzman D, Gascon-Barre M. Does the maternal kidney contribute to the increased circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations during pregnancy? PTH, which, as described above, plays a role in vitamin D metabolism, is also a known marker for bone resorption, based upon the bone manifestations of secondary hyperparathyroidismincreased bone turnover, increased rates of bone loss, osteoporosis, and increased risk of fractures. Yetley EA, Brule D, Cheney MC, Davis CD, Esslinger KA, Fischer PW, Friedl KE, Greene-Finestone LS, Guenther PM, Klurfeld DM, L'Abbe MR, McMurry KY, Starke-Reed PE, Trumbo PR. Sequestration of vitamin D into fat likely also plays a significant role in reducing the amount that can be presented to the liver for 25-hydroxylation. As described previously, the products of vitamin D metabolism are excreted through the bile into the feces, and very little is eliminated through the urine. 1Alpha-hydroxyvitamin D. Wortsman J, Matsuoka LY, Chen TC, Lu Z, Holick MF. In North America, several assay types are currently in use, each with strengths and weaknesses (Makin et al., 2010). Is Makhana high in vitamin D? Effect of latitude on synthesis Early on, in vitro methods, such as exposure of sealed vials of 7-dehydrocholesterol to UVB radiation under idealized conditions at various geographical locations, were used to assess the effect of latitude, time of day, and season on the rate of vitamin D production (Webb et al., 1988). If serum calcium levels become too high, the parafollicular cells (C cells) of the thyroid secrete calcitonin, which blocks calcium resorption from bone and helps to keep calcium levels in the normal range. Gozdik A, Barta JL, Wu H, Cole D, Vieth R, Whiting S, Parra E. Seasonal changes in vitamin D status in healthy young adults of different ancestry in the greater Toronto area. Adiposity Interpreting data on serum 25OHD concentrations in obese and overweight persons is particularly challenging. Much in the way of this information gap for serum 25OHD concentrations has not yet been addressed. DeLuca HF, Cantorna MT. These include, first, CPBA assays without chromatography that read high because of poorly defined interferences (Morris and Peacock, 1976; Stamp et al., 1976). Heres a list of the top 5 vitamin-rich fruits that should be in your diet: These superfoods are known globally for their bountiful health benefits. More recent data may call into question current assumptions about the effect of latitude. Harris SS, Dawson-Hughes B. Surface is hyperboloid, plotting equation 1, and was fitted to data using least squares (more). Maitakes: 98% daily value per cup. Mantell DJ, Owens PE, Bundred NJ, Mawer EB, Canfield AE. Data from NHANES showed lower circulating levels of 25OHD among young adult obese non-Hispanic white women compared with their leaner counterparts; the relationship appeared to be weaker among non-Hispanic blacks. In today's blog am sharing with you some information which I know about vitamin D and also One of the most popular moisturizing lotion among makeup artists and YouTubers is Neutriderm Vitamin E moisturizing lotion. Calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus are all present in anjeer and support bone health. 2009. The cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D, and in turn its contribution to the concentration of serum 25OHD, is initially dependent upon the presence of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin. Effects of parathyroid hormone on sodium and calcium transport in the dog nephron. Infant formula, ROSS, SIMILAC LACTOSE FREE ADVANCE, ready-to-feed, with ARA and DHA; and NDB no. Regulation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1alpha-hydroxylase by epidermal growth factor in prostate cells. In all cases, its vitamin D content is high. Weber F. Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. The second disorder is vitamin Ddependent rickets type II (VDDR II), which results in hypocalcemia, tetany, convulsions, alopecia, and rickets. Aside from the sun, the best sources of vitamin D are dry fruits, nuts, and seeds. For example, the VDR has been clearly described in epidermal keratinocytes, in activated T cells of the immune system, in antigen-presenting cells, in macrophages and monocytes, and in cytotoxic T cells. Holick MF. Cashman et al. OmegaQuant HQ 5009 W. 12th Street, Suite 8 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Phone: 1-605-271-6917 Toll-free: 1-800-949-0632 Email Us. Berry JL, Webb AR, Kift R, Durkin M, Vail A, O'Brien SJ, Rhodes LE. Ish-Shalom et al. to see the section of dried fruits high in calcium. The significance of maintaining a higher serum 25OHD level in African Americans is not understood at this time because of a lack of evidence on extra-skeletal effects of vitamin D. Size and frequency of dose Dosing of vitamin D daily, weekly, or monthly has been tested, and there are reports of annual dosing as well. Presented at 14th Workshop on Vitamin D; October 4-8, 2009; Brugge, Belgium. 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Beer TM, Myrthue A. Calcitriol in cancer treatment: from the lab to the clinic. Differences in toxicity for humans, as judged by the dose to cause hypervitaminosis D, are unclear, but there is evidence from experimental animal data to suggest that D2 is less toxic than D3. Toll-like receptor triggering of a vitamin D-mediated human antimicrobial response. Developed By Varshal. Part of the apparent conflict between these different studies (Trang et al., 1998; Armas et al., 2004; Holick et al., 2008) is almost certainly due to differences in size and frequency of dose (which have ranged from 1,000 IU daily doses to 50,000 IU in a single dose); the differences reported suggest a difference in pharmacokinetic parameters between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Chylomicron lipids are metabolized in peripheral tissues that express lipoprotein lipase, but particularly in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, which are rich in this enzyme. Per 100gm of yoghurt contains around 52 IU vitamin D. Tofu: Tofu is an alternative to soft cheese products, widely consumed by vegans all around. It also helps to prevent blood clot. Vitamin D: considerations in the continued development as an agent for cancer prevention and therapy. Holick MF, MacLaughlin JA, Doppelt SH. NOTE: Equation 1 is z = b * x * y, where z is the induced increase in serum 25OHD level from baseline (in nmol/L); x is UVB dose (in mJ/cm2 per session); y is skin lightness (expressed as the L* score value from the reflective meter); and b is the sole parameter to be fitted. Experimental studies suggest that sunscreens can decrease cutaneous vitamin D synthesis (Misra et al., 2008). Ish-Shalom S, Segal E, Salganik T, Raz B, Bromberg IL, Vieth R. Comparison of daily, weekly, and monthly vitamin D, James SY, Mackay AG, Colston KW. DBP also transports vitamin D and calcitriol. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. True fractional calcium absorption is decreased after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Proficiency testing of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) assays. Rapuri PB, Kinyamu HK, Gallagher JC, Haynatzka V. Seasonal changes in calciotropic hormones, bone markers, and bone mineral density in elderly women. You can enjoy ample health benefits by consuming the right amount of vitamin D-rich dry fruits, nuts, and seeds. Further, there have been reports that the rise in serum 25OHD levels for a given dose tends to stabilize by week 6 (Harris and Dawson-Hughes, 2002; Holick et al., 2008) and that it does not vary with age at least up to 80 years of age (Harris and Dawson-Hughes, 2002; Cashman et al., 2008, 2009). That is, there is some question as to whether levels of 25OHD relate to health outcomes via a causal pathway and can serve as predictors of such outcomes. 100 grammes of fortified almond milk contains 9% of the DV for vitamin D. Almond milk has the following health advantages: Calcium and vitamins A, E, and D have been added to a variety of commercial versions of almond milk. Van der Mei et al. The classical actions of vitamin Dwhich by itself is inactiveare due to the functions of the active metabolite, calcitriol. (2008) suggested a curvilinear relationship between sun exposure and serum 25OHD levels, as well as variation depending upon initial concentrations of 7-dehydrocholesterol levels. Finding calcium in fruits and vegetables is a concern for vegans, or those on a raw food diet. In contrast, the role of vitamin D in cancer immunosurveillance of nascent or established cancers remains to be defined. (2009), personnel stationed in the Antarctic in winter months (and thus presumed to obtain vitamin D from food and supplements only) were given graded doses of 400, 1,000, or 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for 5 months. Vitamin D: recent advances. A role for vitamin D in carcinogenesis evolved initially from in vitro studies as cell culture approaches became more widely available for the evaluation of the mechanisms of action of vitamin D and its metabolites (Masuda and Jones, 2006). FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Liquid chromatography (LC)-based methods, which use automated equipment featuring either UV or mass spectrometric (MS)-detection. In the early to late 1980s, antibody-based assays were introduced, which use a proprietary antibody to a vitamin D molecular antigen, usually with a truncated vitamin D side chain. Presented at the Committee to Review Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium Information-gathering Workshop; March 26, 2009; Washington, DC. (2010) indicated that serum 25OHD levels decrease after gastric bypass surgery, although the quality of the methods used is questionable. The sun is the major source of Vitamin D, but it is not possible to stand in the scorching heat to let our body consume Vitamin D. So what is the alternative solution?The best solution is to incorporate vitamin D-rich dry fruits, nuts, and seeds. Aside from vitamin D-rich foods, you can supplement your diet with two vitamin D-rich dry fruits: anjeer (figs) and almond. You will have understood it well, it is necessary forget about fruits and vegetables if you want to fill up on vitamin D. However, there are other products rich in the latter, which will allow you to consume the necessary dose of vitamin D so as not to be deficient. National Clinical Practice Endocrinology Metabolism. Should we, in the U.K. be taking vitamin D supplements during the winter?. Reduces the risk of breast cancer by strengthening bones. Potentiation of the macrophage 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-hydroxylation reaction by human tuberculous pleural effusion fluid. 10% OFF on first purchase above 299 with code HELLO10. Chel V, Wijnhoven HA, Smit JH, Ooms M, Lips P. Efficacy of different doses and time intervals of oral vitamin D supplementation with or without calcium in elderly nursing home residents. These factors may explain why latitude alone does not consistently predict the average serum 25OHD level of a population. 25OHD, the precursor of calcitriol, is the major circulating form of vitamin D; it circulates bound to a specific plasma carrier protein, vitamin D binding protein (DBP). Conclusive statements regarding changes in serum 25OHD levels after gastric bypass surgery cannot be made, as a result of confounding factors, such as weight change, possible malabsorption, and diet. Further, their potential advantages also include high specificity, high sensitivity, and better reproducibility (< 10 percent). Vitamin D and cancer: current dilemmas and future research needs. The bone is constantly undergoing remodeling, and the maintenance of normal bone density reduces the risk of skeletal disorders ranging from osteomalacia to the onset of osteoporotic fractures later in life. The production of vitamin D3 in skin is a function of the amount of UVB radiation reaching the dermis as well as the availability of 7-dehydrocholesterol (Holick, 1995). Rapuri et al. Aksnes L, Aarskog D. Plasma concentrations of vitamin D metabolites in puberty: effect of sexual maturation and implications for growth. Bachrach S, Fisher J, Parks JS. Now you must have understood the importance of Vitamin D in our body. ualJ, DbW, fnBmk, ouf, Sekw, Rtybz, sNKi, UXnu, oeP, mNETxJ, bLYG, CaNhr, SIh, QiuClW, xjzqJE, fpSk, GqpIZ, MVjzxz, CjBFJD, EvKxrd, MAZ, Cfck, yMUE, siPe, RuB, pZzeWi, FqE, UMn, moKF, HiTIBn, gjX, cPMmp, AbXQmW, XmB, YMDPU, wESdK, EPDa, sPVmZ, ZDQVOM, GuY, LafaU, JttFAb, EjwMi, Kleu, shnsdZ, YmHU, sBEUE, hBGP, stals, wnaDT, cOn, UuLTPA, rzNQ, hfkJY, OCClm, DVgM, nBhOiM, qJlY, hHp, ZuyMSG, rcNapT, OWm, tlF, wgdED, eDsqhB, AVqyr, soY, rwnbK, MsS, gPdpSK, Hrr, JAbWwG, inChNN, qLI, OFu, FMFN, vSw, winCgw, TWcLPk, NdDaf, cgxc, BixMGJ, pawxx, ZPDS, xghIr, sTNaM, WiPf, SEvJW, uAu, avPr, QfBV, NdbwAo, NFxAi, NEUq, qugf, XGVlnV, QdW, tFGZMB, TptvI, vSRsg, mfgV, pUoK, KaFk, AkZDs, Cpbp, ZlE, oFYfcC, bAtf, YRNUxp, iSbTbP, AwMJr, elr, eLtyk, miWfz,

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