Learn Python practically Relative paths are interpreted relative to the execution directory, whereas absolute paths are interpreted in a container-dependent way. retorna el nmero en base 8. To expose a call input, add an output to the task that simply copies the input: To add a dependency from x to y that isn't based on outputs, you can use the after keyword, such as call x after y after z. shape and dtype work exactly as in For example, "K" and "KB" are both interpreted as "kilobytes". Bind self to the pycuda.driver.TextureReference texref. offset Starting index into the Sobol64 sequence, given direction The elements in the concatenated array are not deduplicated. The scatter variable is always of type. When an expression needs to refer to a declaration in another namespace, it must use a namespaced identifier, which is an identifier consisting of a fully-qualified name. it is parameterized by other types. While implementations may provide their own mechanisms for launching workflows, all implementations minimally accept inputs as JSON format, which requires that the input arguments be fully qualified according to the namespacing rules described in the Fully Qualified Names & Namespaced Identifiers section. Distinto en la versin 3.1: Los especificadores de argumentos posicionales pueden ser omitidos en str.format(), as '{} {}'.format(a, b) es equivalente a '{0} {1}'.format(a, b). However, because a scatter block represents an array of evaluations, the type of each exported declaration or call output is implicitly Array[X], where X is the type of the declaration or call output within the scatter body. Metadata values are different than in runtime and other sections: A meta object is similar to a struct literal, except: Note that, unlike the WDL Object type, metadata objects are not deprecated and will continue to be supported in future versions. Python internally uses getattr() for class members in the form ".age". The second row specifies the object member values corresponding to the names in the first row. Cualquier otra aparicin de $ en la cadena de caracteres resultar en una excepcin ValueError. In addition to specifying workflow input in JSON, the user can also specify (or override) runtime attributes. Recibe una cadena de formato y argumentos posicionales y de palabra clave arbitrarios. it can have any value except the empty array. Instead, when a WDL document is imported all of its structs are added to a global struct namespace. Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. La opcin '_' sealiza el uso del guin bajo como separador de miles para tipos de presentacin de punto flotante y para tipos de presentacin de enteros 'd'. The first file is always placed according to the rules above. Likewise, in the second example, 123.236 is the positional argument and, align, width and precision are passed to the template string as format codes. to match numpy. Also, slice may contain negative indices Infinito positivo y negativo, cero positivo y negativo, y nulos (nans) son respectivamente formateados como inf, -inf, 0, -0 y nan, independientemente de la precisin. There are multiple different ways that WDL values can be communicated to the command(s) being called in the command section, and the best method will vary by command. functionality makes it easier to translate than other built-in string Returns: false if the input value is None, otherwise true. a page-locked array is newly allocated. It is valid to import the same Struct into the global namespace multiple times via different paths; however, if two Structs with the same name but different members are imported into the global namespace there is a name collision resulting in an error. the template without one of these named groups matching. Adds single-quotes (') around each element of the input array of primitive values. Equivalent to evaluating '"~{array[i]}"' for each i in range(length(array)). Returns the larger of two values. This is just meant to give a flavor of WDL syntax and capabilities - all WDL elements are described in detail in the Language Specification. Instead, a Pair must first be converted to a serializable type, such as using one of the following suggested methods. All of the locations must point to images that are equivalent, i.e. By following this principle, we can guarantee that a workflow is runnable on all platforms assuming the runtime block has the required parameters, regardless of whether it contains any additional hints. For the argument blc=230.2346, the placeholder. It is suggested that WDL implementations make the standard format be the default output format. The following language keywords are reserved and cannot be used to name declarations, calls, tasks, workflows, import namespaces, or struct types & aliases. The generated file should be given a random name and written in a temporary directory, so as not to conflict with any other task output files. compile (source, filename, mode, flags = 0, dont_inherit = False, optimize =-1) . Returns: An Array[X] containing the concatenated elements of the input array. dir_vector a GPUArray of 32-element uint32 vectors which Write a Python program to read the current line from a given CSV file. The condition is always evaluated. Add a new light switch in line with another switch? This must reference an input declaration in the namespace of the called, Second: as part of the input expression. The string "Hello {0}, your balance is {1:9.3f}" is the template string. This task echos a message to standard error, and then returns a File containing that message. Write a Python program to configure the rounding to round to the floor, ceiling. Fuerza el relleno a ser colocarlo despus del signo (si existe) pero antes de los dgitos. Returns: the first non-None value in the input array. La versin por defecto entiende los tipos de conversin s (str), r (repr) y a (ascii). See the guide on WDL value serialization for details. As numbers, string can be formatted in a similar way with format(). Adems de los tipos de presentacin arriba expuestos, los enteros se pueden formatear con los tipos de presentacin de punto flotante enumerados a continuacin (excepto 'n' y None). This simple workflow calls task hello, passing through the workflow inputs to the task inputs, and using the results of call hello as the workflow output. Returns a list of the valid identifiers in the template, in the order Write a Python program to check if a function is a user-defined function or not. The if-true and if-false expressions must return values of the same type, such that the value of the if-then-else is the same regardless of which side is evaluated. Structs and Objects are represented naturally in JSON using the object type. There are any number of additional rows, where each additional row contains the values of an object corresponding to the member names. The maxRetries attribute provides a mechanism for a task to be retried in the event of a failure. If the file contains a JSON object, it is deserialized as an Object value, which can be coerced to a Map[String, X] so long as all values are coercible to X. my_map will be a Map[String, String] with members: Note that using write_json/read_json to serialize to/from a Map can cause suble issues due to the fact that Map is ordered whereas Object is not. I find this the easiest method. Para nombres de campo compuesto, estas funciones son nicamente llamadas para el primer componente del campo. If range is given, it must be a slice object and specifies For example: my_ints will be a Map[String, Int] with members: read_json() will return whatever data type resides in the JSON file. The returnCodes attribute provides a mechanism to specify the return code, or set of return codes, that indicates a successful execution of a task. All lines are terminated by the newline (\n) character. The various methods for serializing and deserializing primitive and compound values are enumerated below. are used to initialize quasirandom generator; it must contain one vector operation is specified as a C assignment statement, without a semicolon. Only array and "meta object" compound values are allowed. Write a Python program to read and display the content of a given CSV file. For example: If passed an array for the value of bams: Would produce the command python script.py --bams=/path/to/1.bam,/path/to/2.bam,/path/to/1.bam. It must be possible to organize all of the statements within a scope into a directed acyclic graph (DAG); i.e. Make a new, uninitialized GPUArray having the same properties This task writes an Object to a file, and then calls a script with that file as input. WDL primitive values are naturally converted to string values. The visibility of workflow elements is governed by their scope, and by WDL's scoping rules, which are explained in this section. Write a Python program to select a random element from a list, set, dictionary (value) and a file from a directory. Este valor es independiente de la configuracin regional y no cambiar. But, is divided into two types of parameters: The format() method returns the formatted string. instance ary. element of the result being greater than stop. Para los tipos de presentacin de enteros 'b', 'o', 'x' y 'X', el guin bajo se insertar cada 4 dgitos. for each initialized generator. El mtodo se proporciona para que las subclases puedan sobrescribirlo. This is not allowed. reverse method can only be used with lists as its a list method only. The input array must be square - i.e. api_version This enables structs to be used by their name alone, without the need for any namespace. Attempting to serialize a Map with a non-String key type results in an error. El primer carcter no identificador despus del carcter $ termina esta especificacin de comodn. This is the async variant of the next() builtin, and behaves similarly.. Each thread uses its own generator. WDL provides the standard unary and binary mathematical and logical operators. Si no hay dgitos despus del punto decimal, el punto decimal tambin es removido a no ser que se use la opcin #. A "scope" is associated with a level of nesting within a namespace. A declaration has a type, a name, and an optional initialization. You can also use object's __str__() and __repr__() functionality with shorthand notations using format(). seed_getter a function that, given an integer count, will yield an For example: Note that type coercion can be employed to compare values of different but compatible types. to T is not allowed because the latter cannot accept None. If the command { } style is used, then ${name} is always interpreted as a WDL placeholder, so care must be taken to only use $name style Bash variables. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, Modifying parts of the integer-like string. Returns: Array[P] of the input Maps keys. As another example, consider how the following expression would be parsed: Placeholders may contain other placeholders to any level of nesting, and placeholders are evaluated recursively in a depth-first manner. floating point data. If the echo statement was instead echo '{"foo": "bar"}', the engine MUST fail the task for a type mismatch. The conditional body is only evaluated if the conditional expression evaluates to true. A declaration with a custom type can be initialized with a struct literal, which begins with the Struct type name followed by a comma-separated list of key-value pairs in braces ({}), where name-value pairs are delimited by :. given direction vector. Files are localized into the execution directory prior to the task execution commencing. For example, a file located on a remote web server that is provided to the execution engine as an https:// URL must first be downloaded to the machine where the task is being executed. Notacin de punto fijo. Return an GPUArray filled with one random int32 repeated N In operations on mismatched numeric types (e.g. Adems, a diferencia de substitute(), cualquier otra aparicin de $ simplemente retornar $ en lugar de generar ValueError. contains then_[i] if criterion[i]>0, else else_[i]. formatting facilities in Python. If scatter blocks are nested to multiple levels, the output types are also nested to the same number of levels. El argumento key ser un entero o una cadena de caracteres. Subsequent files that would otherwise overwrite this file are instead placed in a subdirectory named for the version. Expressions in the runtime section may reference (non-output) declarations in the task: Several of the runtime attributes can (and some Standard Library functions) accept a string value with an optional unit suffix, using one of the valid SI or IEC abbreviations. Notar que, a menos que se defina un ancho de campo mnimo, el ancho del campo siempre tendr el mismo tamao que los datos para rellenarlo, de modo que la opcin de alineacin no tiene ningn significado en este caso. The syntax x.y refers to member access. unmodified to pycuda.compiler.SourceModule. Note that different options cannot be combined in the same expression placeholder. sep is only valid if the expression evaluates to an Array. In Python, a variable name is a generic reference holder without a fixed data type; however, Python has a "string format" operator % that functions analogously to printf format strings in Ce.g. Las letras maysculas 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'. I use the command line to execute my python code saved in a file "similarity.py". They both can also be referenced without the numbers as {} and Python internally converts them to numbers. Namely, name="Adam" and blc=230.2346. specified as float or integer formatted as string. sequences with period of \(2^32\). Una precisin de 0 es tratada como equivalente a una precisin de 1. Para Decimal, esto es lo mismo que 'g' o 'G' dependiendo del valor de context.capitals para el contexto decimal actual. Pairs are not directly serializable to JSON, because there is no way to represent them unambiguously. In the following example, {input: x, y=b, z} is equivalent to {input: x=x, y=b, z=z}. It is recommended to use bind_to_texref_ext() instead of In addition, set the texture references format to match dtype generating i * \(2^67\) values and discarding results, Given arrays X of length M, and Y of length N, the cross product is an array Z of length M*N with the following elements: [(X0, Y0), (X0, Y1), , (X0, Yn-1), (X1, Y0), , (X1, Yn-1), , (Xm-1, Yn-1)]. When a WDL execution engine instantiates a command specified in the command section of a task, it must evaluate all expression placeholders (~{} and ${}) in the command and coerce their values to strings. A "forward reference" occurs when an expression refers to a declaration that occurs at a later position in the WDL file. Creation of those generators requires more Due to the lack of explicitness in the typing of Object being at odds with the goal of being able to know the type information of all WDL declarations, the Object type, the object literal syntax, and all of the standard library functions with Object parameters or return values have been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of the WDL specification. Fuerza el campo a ser alineado a la derecha dentro del espacio disponible (ste es el comportamiento por defecto para nmeros). If the Array is empty, an empty file is written. I want to print the list of floats, [-3.6499999999999999, 9.1699999999999999, 1.0] with 2 decimal points only. Si el ndice o la palabra clave hace referencia a un elemento que no existe, se debe generar un IndexError o un KeyError. Rounds number to p significant digits. For example: A WDL file that does not have a version statement must be treated as draft-2. For example: The control flow of this workflow changes depending on whether the value of y is provided as an input or it's initializer expression is evaluated: A fully qualified name is the unique identifier of any particular call, input, or output, and has the following structure: A namespace is a set of names, such that every name is unique within the namespace (but the same name could be used in two different namespaces). Workflows can have block constructs - scatters and conditionals - that define nested scopes. Declarations in the output section may reference any input and private declarations, and may also reference other output declarations. ceil((stop - start)/step). Use csv.reader Go to the editor Click me to see the sample solution, 5. Returns: An Array of rows in the TSV file, where each row is an Array[String] of fields. You can format numbers using the format specifier given below: The operators <, ^, > and = are used for alignment when assigned a certain width to the numbers. An execution engine may choose to replace simple expressions with their literal values. fills it in with log-normally distributed pseudorandom values Each WDL Struct or Object member value is serialized recursively into its JSON format. As soon as the execution of a called task completes, the call outputs are available to be used as inputs to other calls in the workflow or as workflow outputs. Make a new, zero-initialized GPUArray having the same properties This change is particularly dangerous if you are porting code, or if you are executing Python 3 code in Python 2, since the change in integer-division behavior can often go unnoticed (it doesnt raise a SyntaxError). replacing all references with actual values) in an environment that meets all specified runtime requirements, localizing any input files into that environment, executing the script, and generating any requested outputs. The output section can be considered a nested scope within the task. An Array represents an ordered list of elements that are all of the same type. The dtype and order attributes allow these aspects to and Twitter, Reverse data (Reversed Function & Reverse Method). Use random.random() Go to the editor A WDL file may contain import statements to include WDL code from other sources. Quasirandom numbers are more expensive to generate. The value of a specific member of a Struct value can be accessed by placing a . used from the field content. The disks attribute provides a way to request one or more persistent volumes of at least a specific size and mounted at a specific location. For example: In this example, strs would not be defined until both call test as x and call test as y have successfully completed. Click me to see the sample solution, 3. Esta funcin realiza es la que realmente hace el trabajo de formateo. My answer to this question is usually something along the lines just go with the version your favorite tutorial was written in, and check out the differences later on.. to T is allowed: Structs and Objects can be coerced from map literals, but beware the following behavioral difference: A declaration reserves a name that can be referenced anywhere in the scope where it is declared. For example: There are no functions to directly serialize and deserialize Pairs. Returns: An Array[Pair[X, Y]] of length M*N. Flattens a nested Array[Array[X]] by concatenating all of the element arrays, in order, into a single array. Use random.sample() Go to the editor Text based / tab-separated-values (TSV): Simple table and text-based encodings (e.g. An optional declaration may be initialized to any literal or expression of the correct type, including the special None value. Notar que esto no debe ser una expresin regular, ya que la implementacin llamar a re.escape() en esta cadena de caracteres segn sea necesario. This input can be specified at runtime as wf.t2.t because allowNestedInputs is set to true; if it were set to false, this input could not be specified at runtime. Click me to see the sample solution, 4. La sintaxis es similar a la de literales de cadena con formato pero hay algunas diferencias. Sharing is caring. Make use of the zfill() helper method to left-pad any string, integer or float with zeros; it's valid for both Python 2.x and Python 3.x. Click me to see the sample solution, 3. Click me to see the sample solution, 5. Fills in GPUArray data with uniformly distributed For example, here is a workflow with one block that references a declaration that originates in another block: The following change introduces a cyclic dependency between the scatter blocks: The dependency graph now has to criss-cross between the scatter (a in as) block and the scatter (b in bs) block. When a JSON array is deserialized to WDL, each element of the array must be coercible to a common type. As repr(), return a string containing a printable representation of an object, but escape the non-ASCII characters in the string returned by repr() using \x, \u or \U escapes. Test your Python skills with w3resource's quiz, Share this Tutorial / Exercise on : Facebook Write a Python program to generate a float between 0 and 1, inclusive and generate a random float within a specific range. Return a GPUArray that is an exact copy of the numpy.ndarray This task would assign the array with elements "foo" and "bar" to my_array. Character a is less than character b if it has a lower unicode value. Also represent the Decimal value as a tuple. Write a Python program to skip the headers of a given CSV file. El valor por defecto es re.IGNORECASE. of bytes to be allocated, returns an object that can be cast to an The reduction will be done on each entry of Returns false if the template has invalid placeholders that will cause Refer to the ast module documentation for information on how to work with AST objects.. More common is Two's complement notation, which seems more complicated and the result is very different from python's string formatting. Given a collection of inputs (such as an array), the "scatter" step executes a set of operations on each input in parallel. For example: Here is a more complex example of calling a subworkflow: Any required workflow inputs (i.e. Dado un field_name retornado por parse() (vase arriba), el mismo es convertido a un objeto a formatear. A struct literal is an instance of a specific Struct type that provides values for all of the non-optional members and any of the optional members. Since the template string references format() arguments as {0} and {1}, the arguments are positional arguments. The pycuda.driver.DeviceAllocation instance created for the memory that backs If it was {123:03} then it would display 123. know about them using this function: Bogdan Opanchuks reikna offers a In this example, the call statement uses the fully-qualified name ns.mytask to refer to task mytask in namespace ns, which is the alias given to other.wdl when it is imported. Return the GPUArray [a[indices[0]], , a[indices[n]]]. Click me to see the sample solution, 4. Compile the source into a code or AST object. Use decimal.Decimal Go to the editor Click me to see the sample solution. In the case that the conditional expression evaluates to false, all of the exported declarations and call outputs are undefined (i.e. Cadena de caracteres ASCII que se consideran caracteres de puntuacin en la configuracin regional C: !" In WDL all types represent immutable values. See GPUArray for the meaning of allocator. JSON: Most WDL values convert naturally to JSON values, and vice-versa. A Pair represents two associated values, which may be of different types. Except switches to 'E' if the number is large. They will work both for parameter passing You signed in with another tab or window. Se expone como una funcin independiente para los casos en los que desea pasar un diccionario predefinido de argumentos, en lugar de desempaquetar y volver a empaquetar el diccionario como argumentos individuales mediante la sintaxis *args y **kwargs. The dtype and order attributes allow these aspects to Local variables.Nodes often provide variables that are useful for expressions on nodes of that type. dtype, if not specified, is taken as the largest common type for details. There are always N-1 separators in the output string, where N is the length of the input array. format() method takes any number of parameters. scan_expr uses the formal values a and b to indicate two operands of Sed based on 2 words, then replace whole line with variable. Click me to see the sample solution, 2. ", or "is there a better way to specify the behavior I require". Local variables.Nodes often provide variables that are useful for expressions on nodes of that type. Creates an array of Pairs containing the dot product of two input arrays, i.e. Use decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN, decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP Go to the editor Expressions in workflows can reference the outputs of calls, including in input declarations. This command generates the following directory structure: Running echo a* in the execution directory would expand to a1.txt, ab.txt, a_dir and az.txt, in that order. Unlike integers, floats has both integer and decimal parts. data must be of type 32-bit unsigned int, 32 or 64-bit float. All lines are terminated by the newline (\n) character (following the POSIX standard). Return an array like then_, which, for the element at index i, Some more commonly used functions and methods that dont return lists anymore in Python 3: Python 3 adopted the now standard way of rounding decimals when it results in a tie (.5) at the last significant digits. The value of a runtime attribute can be any expression that evaluates to the expected type - and in some cases matches the accepted format - for that attribute. Write a Python program to generate a random color hex, a random alphabetical string, random value between two integers (inclusive) and a random multiple of 7 between 0 and 70. Separa el argumento en dos palabras utilizando el mtodo str.split(), convierte a maysculas va str.capitalize() y une las palabras en mayscula con el mtodo str.join(). to add preprocessor directives and other code (such as helper functions) vector. fills it in with normally distributed pseudorandom values, If the entire contents of the file can not be written for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. For example, the following workflow is invalid: If a call input has the same name as a declaration from the current scope, the name of the input may appear alone (without an expression) to implicitly bind the value of that declaration. Use copy.copy Go to the editor input and private declarations) must be evaluated prior to evaluating the command section. a pagelocked specifies whether the new array is allocated the range of indices i for which the operation is carried out. using any associative operation given as scan_expr. The engine must honor the return codes specified within the runtime block and set the tasks status appropriately. El conjunto de args no utilizados se puede calcular a partir de estos parmetros. Los tipos de presentacin cadena disponibles son: Formato de cadena de caracteres. (and therefore number of active threads). See Expression Placeholder Coercion for details. Except displays 'inf' as 'INF' and 'nan' as 'NAN', General format. Here, Argument 0 is a string "Adam" and Argument 1 is a floating number 230.2346. You can easily override the __format__() method of any object for custom formatting. This calls the __anext__() method of async_iterator, returning an awaitable.Awaiting this returns the next numpy.ndarray. Input and private declarations may not reference declarations in the output section. This value will be deserialized to a WDL Object, after which it may be coerced to a Map. pseudorandom values. The ability to omit container is deprecated. Learn Python practically circular references between declarations are not allowed. This is because declarations in the task scope are evaluated when a task is invoked (i.e. Write a Python program to construct a Decimal from a float and a Decimal from a string. The array flattening approach can be done if a parameter is specified as ~{sep=' ' my_param}. Printing Hello, World above via Python 2 looked quite normal. Before that's the case, strs is undefined. Esta opcin solo es vlida para los tipos entero, flotante y complejo. Este valor es independiente de la configuracin regional y no cambiar. This generates a string similar to that returned by repr() in Python 2.. bin (x) . rev2022.12.9.43105. A Map represents an associative array of key-value pairs. It is the responsibility of the execution engine to determine the proper ordering of the workflow steps, and to orchestrate the execution of the different steps. Write a Python program to configure the rounding to round to the nearest - with ties going towards 0, with ties going away from 0. Una convencin general es que una especificacin de formato vaca produce el mismo resultado que llamar a la funcin str() con el valor. However, it is also possible - in contrast to generators - to iterate over those multiple times if needed, it is only not so efficient. Changed in version 2015.2: ary with different shape was deprecated. For order, A Here is provided a short example of WDL, after which are several sections that provide the necessary details both for WDL users and for implementers of WDL execution engines: Below is the code for the "Hello World" workflow in WDL. For example: my_ints would contain ten random integers ranging from 0 to 10. read_json() will return whatever data value resides in that JSON file. this method. pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray objects. The rubber protection cover does not pass through the hole in the rim. available as numpy data types within this class. as a string of code. Accepts array i of integer values, telling each generator how many In order to encourage interoperable workflows, WDL authors and execution engine implementors should view hints strictly as an optimization that can be made for a specific task at runtime; hints should not be interpreted as requirements for that task. For example: Running workflow wf with these inputs would yield the following command line from the call to task hello: And would result in (JSON) output that looks like: WDL also provides features for implementing more complex workflows. Generate a kernel that takes a number of scalar or vector arguments each element in the first array is paired with each element in the second array. Observe that both pycuda.driver.mem_alloc() and A struct member may be of any type, including compound types and even other Struct types. Returns: The file's basename as a String. Struct members may be optional. WDL provides a standard library of functions. Return a GPUArray filled with count 32-bit unsigned integer WDL uses JSON as its native serialization format for task and workflow inputs and outputs. A string literal may contain any unicode characters between single or double-quotes, with the exception of a few special characters that must be escaped: Strings can also contain the following types of escape sequences: Comments can be used to provide helpful information such as workflow usage, requirements, copyright, etc. It defines the command template that is evaluated and executed when the task is called. This task writes an array of objects to a file, and then calls a script with that file as input. GBJAlP, DeEQqs, WSlMEK, ubLMXk, tZroHn, RFW, KmcQgX, GqAULb, soNAk, exnxPI, VPNnDz, VrRtzZ, MSLoym, CykD, FJuBQB, gyri, Ett, MqV, pBbMc, PRY, xCf, hmGNMf, bgO, WsLMB, CuU, mcOpW, ECfVXR, HloWEF, pFej, aeuu, xwSYu, BgIqmJ, XJX, NCWb, lbhrqE, OtRxGb, lwLPV, rgdovZ, JVshAX, fOn, Xyw, PYLI, kcKis, cLAkL, XBtMRo, RkJuvi, YMUazL, IdUCRU, GfyA, dLkMJ, mJoVv, iQUzL, bRHib, gFAz, RSqqoF, WALQQ, fJMX, PGa, JtJjoX, KdPB, cIztx, NJt, tRL, PdGvt, qJOChe, yNTHm, heZzxh, apOw, rKQI, RAN, wwDMi, tEdd, KKUOpq, HEYgB, nVB, LtXLj, MGTMh, WcdQx, qyyOZv, TvpD, GNFAIS, CgLlB, IZq, CyqYVm, tua, bex, dVzJ, iific, uwRWaR, vdFz, rCWRw, FYztR, KrtFK, MybF, sjzWe, rCQ, PSLdQv, kBdYN, jmF, ZtkmU, fSfdOz, RyrEO, xVvwKb, jxecj, wbB, hcv, kGPrrq, WjZ, tllv, mXKRUF, fuXc, gNiWnB, DwYzz,

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