Possibly but I dont think well ever know for sure unless SB tells all, which Im betting wont happen for a long while, if ever. One for the moms here. Hannah got away so she can divulge. Its this, *and only this*, that Eve needs the police to believe. I dont recall ever getting the name of Hannahs parents, Im certain we didnt. But maybe not the really clear ones, youre right. Perhaps in the end, Eve decides that the chance of finally living her own life, and Sarah, and the desire to finally begin telling the truth, becomes more important than continuing to lie to protect Hannah. Just chalk it up to my lack of sleep and thinking waaaay too much about this game. I originally assumed that was just to avoid having to record another actor so that the games focus would be on Hannah and Eve. MMM8DDM,,,,,,,,,,,,,MDD:~=========~~~~~~~~~~==++++++==~::,,. But instead she answers (playing nervous) in ALL those places? If they didnt know that the prints of identical twins are not exactly the same, why is she already so nervous at the second sequence? Baby Whoops!. Thats how I understood that line, at least. The proceeding video segment had a time code of 14:36:56. P.S. It is the third overall spinoff to the LOL Surprise line, succeeding the L.O.L. These algorithms are awesome and I want to say also that please add the basic s also because it is a lot confusing in starting but it easier afterwards, Omg this stuff is so confusing idk how anyone of you solved it, This really helped with notes and I finally learned how to solve a cube and I can get under 15 seconds now, this works after a month of me looking and learning how to i finished my speed cube or solved in 10 sec, i use cfop so my pb (personal best) is 19.44 sec and average around 29 sec. Maybe Ive read/seen too many detective/police stories but, isnt it often the case the the detectives hold back deliberately from letting the person being interrogated know that they have a crucial piece of information, in the hope that the person may then incriminate themselves in some way? That statement of last year says to me that either a) the creator got the date screwed up in his head and didnt check (really dont think thats likely) or b) its intentional, and perhaps an obscure clue. Im still not sure I buy that, but it does seem like a possibility. and so probably also to the ones of deceased relatives. But she didnt say her name was Eve and register as telling the truth. I hope thats the case. mine: 16/06/15, right now its almost 10 minutes to seven on it Not books so much. She had transmigrated into a book. So either the tattoo was fake or older. THE ATTIC is this an analogy for her (Hannahs) own mind? For me, this gives us two things. On the night of their marriage, Scheherazade begins to tell the king a tale, but does not end it. The symptoms described in the link you gave me do fall under DID; however if you look at the date of copyright that was printed in it was over 21 years ago. Why doesn't it work for me? Ha! I think that her killing Florence, her witch, was symbolic of Eve coming out as a personality. So its challenging to figure out when shes actually Hannah and when shes Eve pretending to be Hannah. I thought the knock code sequence where she has her head down (interview 4) might be evidence to support multiple personalities. The date on the videos are all wrong? Well, Hannah and Eves plan wasnt working. If youve already played the game and want to see all the clips in order, you can do so here. Thanks! Then if she did actually sneak off to the bathroom to clean up after puking, she could swap clothes with her sister and people would be too focused on the orange to notice that shes a little different (and it certainly makes sense for her to get her hair out of her face when shes throwing up). But there is still the big question posed to Sarah by SB via Chit-Chat. Thats why its nice to brainstorm together. Im still hoping its like a treasure hunt, that if we follow the clues it will lead to some secret file that will finally reveal the truth. Maybe Sarah has MPD as well (i dont know if u can inherit it?) How was she sneaking around when Hannah wasnt living there anymore? You might think that they could then go to Hannahs work place and compare the second prints with the ones that they will find there, and find them different also. If she did want attention, that might also explain her spilling the drink on herself to take off her shirt and reveal the tattoo. Also she said Simon had a long grey duffle coat, like Paddington Bear. I was just laughing to myself over the idea of a conference about double glazing. Wow, there are a lot of comments here, and I havent read through all of them, but Ill state some reasons on why I support the multiple personality theory: I think its just the all reflection symbology from the developer. Otherwise, how do the two sisters get each others messages? Attic Maybe.) I also agree with the possibility that she was a twin, but that her sister died at birth from having the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Really excellent site. Theres gotta be something useful in there. Theyd just say she worked herself up. (She could also have drugged him somehow, plugged him in the trunk, drove to glasgow killed him there or on the way and then drove back which seems highly unlikely, as the police would surely have some guy to dexter the blood spatter in the living room, which should be there after a cut-throat mirror attack.) If I think of anything else Ill share it, but I think these are the details that seem pretty clear from the videos Ive seen so far. It breaks it into pages with little numbers on the bottom. That would feel like a cop-out. Yes he also has to have some computer expertise, as he is, out of nothing, able to make a chat programm appear on our screen. This might be nothing but I thought it was an interesting connection. * the lottery startet in November 94 (Simon has lots of tickets in his wallet) What if some those lead to something, vs just being promo for those sites? he needs them to see properly. Starting from Quiplash, if a certain word or phrase is said, Schmitty will have something to say about it (this doesn't apply to all prompts). So I dont know what this is suppose to do, but I sent it anyway . It has been said that the most important milestones in a childs life occur by the age of seven. The lie detector will make more sense if you do. But Im not sure why she would do that. But I dont know how that links to what her mother did and why she did it . I've been trying it at least 2000 times across 16 years and have never even came close to solving it at all. I think the answer to all this has to be the twin hypothesis because Eve answered only one question wrong on lie detector test and that was her name. i like the idea that eve actually was a real friend in her childhood and she drowned her (maybe causing the syndrome) and then later created/mixed that story with the dead twin/sibling she may have overheard her parents talking about. Well we dont know what happens after the last clip. Im personally starting to lean towards the mistakes just being mistakes. Hadnt thought of it that way. I just finished the game and spent the last half hour reading all your comments I watched a few more solution and gameplay videos last night and Ive realised Im completely obsessed with this conundrum as well! . Hes aware of it and not calling it a mistake. Damn. Im wondering if its worth wiping my save on my iPhone so I can see if anything pops out at me. Instead (according to the maxim above), the focus should be on looking for impossibility in the story. Lils. Eve is not that hard to spot. yeah probably, as it would take sarah at least a couple of hourse to watch all the footage and find them, it is odd, that it seems odd not to move at all. Please keep me if the same happens for iOS version. Theres still the fact that the lottery wasnt around till November, so how did Simon have those tickets? By the way, your response to this game is exactly like mine. But you wont be able to use any Admin commands until you watch the credits. Im curious if anyone comes up with an explanation. So its not actually 9pm on 27/06/94 but it is instead 9am on 28/06/94. Read more. And Jj, if you didnt get the reflected images on the screen, you what I thought was the coolest thing in the game. I don't get anything about Rubix's Cube, I can't solve mine! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNDN,..~:~:::,:::,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,.O?+DNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDNNNDDDDDD Its intention was never to be solved but to be eternally debated. MMMMMMMMMO?Z,ZNO7+~:~~~::::::7DNNNZ=::~+$Z7==+=+?OMMMMMZ7$8NND77~~:DNNNNNNNNNNDD chicken wings Jun 28 2021 1:10 pm Finish watching this for the first time. The fixated selves dont grow up. The dissociation is a defence against the trauma. Hannah Smith is a twin but her sister, Eve, died at birth. Nobody saw him on Saturday, as he missed his appointment with Eric in the afternoon. if its not some sort of paralell universe, but the time has been tampered with, if 1997 is 2000 that would mean that 1999 when the the video files were transfered was 2003, so the whole Y2K think would be a lie. Eve High doses of fennel stimulate the uterus into contraction, causing blood loss and possibly pregnancy loss. Also both women (with and without tattoo) describe Simon as their husband. I dont think anyone in the story was particularly rich, so it doesnt seem like someone would want to trick Sarah into getting an inheritance so that she could be swindled out of it. Not to mention that theres a bug that caused my Query History to turn black at some point, so I couldnt browse through my old searches while organizing them. . Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But I think Sam had fun putting that possibility in there just to mess with us. Well, it was July when she said February was six months ago, so isnt that technically true? MMM8DDM..,,,,,,,,MDD~==+==~~~~~~~~~~~====~~======~~::,,,,..,DNNMN Ive noticed, at that she has said for her coffee (on 27/6) as long as its black and strong, Im good, then on 2/7 milk and sugar and on 30/6 tea with sugar. Well, they did interview Eleanor and Doug. Also seems like she killed her parents with mushrooms. And the guitar why did they have her play that? Maybe Eve wanted Hannah to seek Sarah out after she was born. I thought at first that maybe it was part of their plan, but Hannah is clearly flustered in interview 6. Definitely just over tired! Also, it just occurred to me. In one of the clips where Hannah talks about fairy tales, she talks about a book they used to have that had tissue paper between the image plates, and she talks about how the plates were in colour and so beautiful. Im starting to see how your theory might work. Make sure to watch until the end of the credits! With this in mind, I think there downfall was the speed camera photo. Its not always easy to imagine what the police questions are likely to be. The evidence they show her is understood to be a traffic camera photo of her driving past somewhere, probably Glasgow. It not implausible, that the time stamp on the video is not from the camera, but from the transfer to a backup or onto an archive format (you know, them big rolls). So perhaps Sarah is trying to understand what happened to send her mother into such a spiral, a descent into madness. What would he be doing in Oxford if there was no conference? She was the midwife and told Eves mother that she was dead, even though she wasnt. Is that everything? This would be a great movie I think. hope thats ok? Certain STDs can cause infertility and miscarriages if not treated properly. As I think about things more and discuss it with others, Im adding more thoughts to the bottom. . Whats great about this scenario is that it works for several theories. W I T H ,,::::MDD~~~~========~~~~===========+===~~:,,,.,~NNMMMMMM It is worth noting that Eve talks about loving her reflection and saying that it is her. ), and dismembers the other footage, making it harder for someone to get complete insight. And were talking about a missing volume, not just a clip. Although I thought about the split personality/ twin thing as well, I think it doesn`t even matter, because in the end neither woman would have left the police station so soon after being a suspect in a murder case. But thats not like going to jail for murder. thought so too, but it seems like she has not seen those before, could be simons It would make much more sense for them to flee after stumping the police. MMMDDDN ..,,,. I think the comments about realistic DID are just that. Or it couldve been fingerprints from Hannahs burned hand. As they learn reading and math skills at school, they are able to interact with more complex toys, games, and books. For me, the weird part is when shes living in the attic after Hannah already moved out. in the beginning i thought twin story. Either its a mistake, or its there on purpose and for the script to explicitly call out Dianas divorce as 1993 doesnt feel like a mistake to me Need to rewatch (been playing it all through with my gf tonight 3am here now :S ), but Ive got to believe theres something there. So, after the black blazer interview where the police explicitly accuse her of being two different people, Hannah and Eve know that their original plan failed and theyre not going to both get away clean. I guess because her story at the end is all we really have. Unlike the Blind Box series, you can now choose the exact doll you want from four different options. So this actually brought out another instance which supports the split personalities. Instead, read my spoiler-free review and come back here if you get stuck or want to discuss the story with others. She trails off after the before.. She admits to being there saying that she used a false name. So does that mean he was cut into pieces in order to fit into multiple bags, or was he double-bagged (LOL!)? 1) In multiple personality, usually the main personality tends to be more submissive, while the secondary personality tends to be more dominant. Honestly, from reading Sams responses, no one is ever going to get an answer. (actually i am wondering how that did not stand out to me earlier), 7) Sarah gets access to the files in 2015, jesus, should habe checked it before posting forget the last 7) und put the conclusion between 5 and 6 to the end . I dont think we were ever meant to seriously think Simon was a twin. How do we know if were reading *too* much into things, or if little details like this really were deliberate? Unless we are supposed to believe that something messed with the times, like a hacker. The guitar part was strange. I assume she went through the cat flap, cant remember what is mentioned on this. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee formed to support or Having learnt the tap code, we only have to see this as Hannah tapping under her breath.. Hannah, a shy and quiet child, is haunted by the death of her twin sister. It does look like open world is back though and that world looks distinctly Parisian! It looks like its got a nasty film on it. If you havent got the when then you cant even get to the where were you on the night of This is the reason I had spent so long trying to resolve the apparent inconsistencies in the days and dates from the first interview. Also, it makes sense that she would tell the truth at that point without worry, since she is innocent. It almost has to be. If you open it, SB asks you if you think you understand. Theres less inconsistencies. Yes. Top Deals. Interestingly enough, when they both tell the coat story (search that term) about Simon not being home, one of them says she called Eric, then Simons parents; the other says she called Eric, and then called Doug and Eleanor (which must be Simons parents). I used this method in 2014 and was able to solve the cube in 1 minute and 14 seconds. Here she/they said early here, we, then i and then we again had an alibi. wanted Simon/sister for herself and setup the confrontation, knowing her sister is abit unstable, and the meeting would ensue voilence. is it a coinidance dates dont work out (see lady die, the lottery ticket). He bought lottery tickets bc he knew the numbers). So now we just need a reason, why he/she did it?! Really, Go on then. A series of segments is out of order and in the wrong blocks of the database. https://www.google.com/maps/views/explore?gl=za&vm=1&ll=55.829474,-4.218501&bd=55.828872,-4.219359,55.830077,-4.217643&z=18&pv=2. I think she only came in because she didnt think they could really arrest her. The idea was for the police never to know that Eve existed. But if theyre twins, how would they get each others messages? Okay, the database was mothballed in 1999, because of the Y2K bug. But if they think theyre separate people and Hannah/Eve arent in on her plan, how would she be saving them? But I didnt really think into it too much. The videos simply say yes or no. To make the white top cross without disturbing the rest of the cube, you should use the following algorithm: Use the algorithm three times when only the center color is white, Use the algorithm two times when there is a pattern that looks like an "L.". I think it is a reference to a divorce that can be seen as coming, but which has not happened yet. Cornerstone is a relational database for DOS by Infocom. The tattoo, I think, must have been Simons way of knowing his wife was suffering from a mental illness. I forgot about that. Never too late to join the party. But I do think some details were in there just to make us consider it, however briefly. But her story is all we have to go on. It had a great view of the river and you could hear the church bells. [527] Well I dont know. It seems Sams main intention was for both stories, or all stories that diverge from the main two this forum discusses, to be plausible. Didnt want to get told off. She was stunning in looks, has a shapely body, and had a lot of suitors, although she had never been in any serious relationships. Yeah, the problem with the bruise is that it makes most sense if theyre twins. Also, last but not least. But if its split personalities, her mother is likely in prison or an insane asylum and Sarah went through the foster care system. I generally wasnt expecting to be Sarah when I originally finished the game however and thought that I would need to use the clips to some reference. it is still unclear to me as to when and why the tapes were modified, but it seems there are some valid hints. I need help solving a rubik's cube guys. Human face. Im not trying to argue with what you believe happened. $59.99 Madden NFL 21 - PlayStation 4. Probably the Luftwaffe bombed the whole area to rubble, being near to the Harbor. After Hannahs blunders in interview 4, they realize the truth will be discovered, and Hannah flees while Eve covers for her to give her time. A touch of jealousy over this fairytale couple with two fairytale children? I didnt think it was weird at all. I believe Hannah and Eve were overconfident. There might be a more personal reason, but the story doesnt really highlight anyone who would have a motive to do this. (Trying to think of a way I can ask Sam about this that isnt too prying. Im not saying that Sam Barlow would necessarily have investigated the condition in this detail. And she honestly believes it. She feels that somehow SHE wrapped the cord around her neck and was the cause of her sisters death. They are twins. She mentioned the garbage truck waking her up, which is, lets say, somewhere around 5 or 6 in the morning, so lets assume there is proof of her beeing at the hospital between 6 and 7 the earliest for here story to stick. Ahh! This kit contains everything they will need to create slime that changes color when exposed to the included UV light. Again, I think Simon discovered she had two personalities and he liked Eve because she was more adventurous and unpredictable. If you need thick glasses, you probably cant see without them. On my iPad I only saw it after answering the Chit Chat. My reasoning is because of all the different ways and types of drinks she asked for. But if they asked for fingerprints during the 5th interview, they wouldnt have had the chance to change places again. . They are both Eve going forward, (this is represented by the white shirt) and Hannah no longer exis. Ive seen all the other clips -.-, hannah do not has a fingerprint because she burned her finger in the oven accidently and eve did not know that. Like she was hinting about some flea on her back. Well, if you search for Simon parents, the character in the orange suit mentions that after his mum (Eleanor) mentioned old stuff sad stuff it made her think of stuff in the basement (nursery stuff, etc), which made her go down there, where she noticed some boxes out of place; she then grabbed a torch, went back down, looked around and found bin bags (garbage bags), which she opened only to find what inside. Maybe it just happened to be something the police had lying around and they let her borrow it so that she could finish the interview and go home in a clean shirt (and therefore they discovered the tattoo). actually they had to, and maybe made a mistake doing so if it was a perfect crime, we would never be able to figure it out?! Im having a hard time putting my finger on it, describing exactly why I find it so creepy. Its especially hard not knowing the context like, was she raised by her mother or did she only learn about her from these videos? The other personalities are resting in a state of unconsciousness so to speak. Hannah met Simon around September 1983 Except for the actual days/dates. And virginity, unfaithfulness. Yes, the fact that the police doesnt immediately ask more about the tattoo is very weird! I mean, if we start on that, the list of names could have some hidden message! But it was the same year that Hannah lost the baby. this page is getting so rediculously long, i forgot to check, but i dont think so ist it possible to spread this whole thing and the comments over a couple of sites maybe? Description: WWE Smackdown live stream 7/24/20. Not just at any sign of conflict. I dont think were told anything about whether Diane is blonde or not. And dont forget that Eves whole life has been a lie. Eve said Hannah was more important to her so she probably took the rap and the two agreed that Hannah would leave after the 02/07 session when the detectives began suspecting they were twins and Eve volunteered to be the only one to go into questioning thereon. Cart; LOL Doll Names with Pictures Chart melanie 2022-03-25T22:45:29-04:00. so she somehow had to be communicating with them that same night? (hopefully not!). Yeah, disappointing. The question Hannah about it, first asking if Simon played. NNNNNNNNNNNNND$ ,,:+~+++?$=~~::::::,,,,.,,:,,.,.,,~DNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDD I cant figure out where to enter it. Shes not allowed to leave, but she sees her reflection freely leaving the house, having birthday parties, etc. But Sam said he wanted us to fill in the rest of the story ourselves (what happens when the videos end) so I dont think well ever have an answer for that other than speculation. And since Hannah brought up her friend Eve to her parents, the parents wouldnt think twice about it when the police say she was caught with someone. Were viewing it post-Y2K, so the date on the clock that looks like 16/06/15 must be something else. Anne Franks entire family did it for a long time. I hope so. I wonder if its some sort of missing twin syndrome, with Eve having died at birth, strangled by Hannahs umbilical cord. theres actually a video 2 days after the one with the bruise where she doesnt have any bruis, where she goes The bruise? I find her so damn likable, even knowing that she likely killed all the parents she ever had! However, Eve was the daring smooth-talker who has no problem lying, so I believe she could have easily told the police a false name and address so theyd take her somewhere else. But maybe I missed something. If Hannah got away, I dont see how she could have raised Sarah. (for example, she never really says, that the went to the concert with eve, only referring to us and than later she only said to have layed it off on eve). I think Sams being misleading. I think, I dont blame her at all. According to the narrative of Eve if its real the Hannah sat with the body all day in shock. She hides the body in the cellar, packs the smashed mirror and bloodied clothes into the car and drives to Glasgow to dump the evidence. I think you mixed up Hannah and Eve a few times here? There are a lot of details in the Florence story. As her birthday two days previously must have been between 15 to 20 June, the month is correct. What did I miss? The bruise/tattoo/Glasgow just dont make sense if its split personality. Hannah mentioned Eve, and she was a lot less collected in general so I think she forgot to cover up the black eye (rather than leaving it there on purpose). I feel like theres something more to that game, but Im damned if I can find out what it is. Btw, I added more thoughts to my post, past the videos. the Glasgow story. She said it only took 6 hours. I got it from one of the MURDER clips that mentions her tattoo and how its a palindrome. Im not sure were the interrogating officers sit, as there at least sometimes seamed to be two but you may notice that she always places her drink on that left side the tattoo later appears on (even though she is right handed as you sometimes can observe), the body language, and she never really touches that area, She probably expects to be recorded, and when she is alone in the room, she moves her arms almost always in a way, that there is no clear sight too that part of the arm. Could someone theoretically have arranged all of these elaborate mistakes to create a pretend twin for the purposes of this deception, whether doing so purposefully or as part of a mental illness? By the way, for anyone who cares to play the wind and rain song it looks like in the beginning she might be fooling around with caddD or Dsus4 hammers for the finger picking but once she gets going its just D A and E (em? There are simply too many strange variables to account for for it to make sense they are the same person. I wasnt sure if it was really supposed to be Grace Kelly before, because it looked more like a man to me. :/, To be honest, out of game for a second, if you were making a game like this and referred to a historical event, if you didnt know when it occurred, you wouldnt specify a time, surely? Here at Very, we have adorable baby dolls from names including Baby Annabell and Baby Born. When Hannahs parents were killed, Im wondering if the third personality did it to keep the girls living together in the house they grew up in. It also begs the question, though did they ever want the police to figure out they were twins and, if so, how soon? I suppose the date 08/09/83 could be the UK release. All your keyword searches are saved in a list so you can go back to them at any time. I have a strong feeling that the most obvious explanation the game gives us (the twin solution) has to many flaws und unexplainable logical errors, as many people here already demonstrated. Lupe on April 26, 2019: I think this was an error, a spoken error, not the text date on every video. on the other hand we dont really know if she was pregnant at the time, and it was simon who got the recipe from MasterChef, so she had to get it for him and says she had to find it or something. Could be a fake as discussed. At the very end of the story, the police asks Sarah: Now do you UNDERSTAND why your mother did what she did? He isnt asking Sarah if she understands why her mother killed her father. but it seems like everything actually works out so far. These books are an essential part of any library. Meaning there could have been one mirror not two, Newly acquired tattoos do have a sheen but would be more raised and sore. I think EVERYONE is completely missing the most LOGICAL answerThe mother would clearly know if she delivered twins.You dont forget giving birth and then somehow lose one of your children who somehow then sneaks in to your attic and lives there for the next X amount of years.. Now on the otherside there is NO SUCH THING as multiple personality disorder as described in this game or as you see in the movies. I see that she drops the cup on purpose probably to reveal her tattoo. Yet I am fascinated by the possibility of multiple interpretations, when there is no clear evidence excluding one of the versions. Eve died at birth but lives on in Hannahs body. My take is that she, cold blooded as she is, calculated that someone of the above mentioned would remember her and didnt bring her ID on purpose because if someone did, that would be almost conclusive proof she didnt plan it. It was probably a mistake on Hannahs part to wear the short-sleeved shirts (maybe Hannah didnt know about the tattoo) and then (assuming the 3-second intervals were an error), if the police gave Hannah a short-sleeved shirt to change into after the spilled coffee, Eve would have no choice but to wear it if she wanted to continue the act. .. I cant move the comments. But its so easy to read too much into every moment of this game which is what makes it so fascinating and wonderful! I may have to ask him in my interview, but not sure hell give a real answer. I can see why it would remind you of that. If you havent spent any time with the game, I suggest not looking yet. I was a bit confused as to why a date mentioned on there was (something)/06/84 as opposed to 06/94. I want to try it if it will be good. Oh PS the windows in the family home were hard to open. I dont, then, agree that there arent solutions to be had. Well I agree that there is an answer, but as Sam said, its up to us to choose it. I think in the beginning, when they were younger, they WERE twins and at some point the evil twin actually DID kill the other and took on the persona of Hannah (the shy one), the trauma of this brought the dissociative personality disorder to surface. Shes pretty cocky in that last interview. Just to add to this. Hannah killed her father (SImon). I think there are some holes in either scenario, which is why were still debating it. Theres so many things we arent told about the case; perhaps she was, and the child was given up for adoption, and is trying to figure out why, a quest that has led Sarah to the police station to look into her mothers arrest, to find out why she was abandoned as an infant, why her mother chose to protect her sister over her. The day before, on June 30., wearing a short sleeved, white and blue floral top she clearly appears to be ink free. So I already new how to do the Rubik's cube but overtime I had forgotten the algorithms that why I came here so this site was very useful since I know where to position my Rubik's cube for each step and I knew what everything meant so thankyou for just providing the algorithms straight out for people like me, My rubix cube was impossible to solve I think someone took the stickers off. Stay informed Subscribe to our email newsletter. If someone was ill enough to claim to be someone else and really believe this, surely they wouldnt turn around and say that the lie detector works, she may have been more doubtful, or even distressed? so it would be somesort of hallucination sarah has? Eve was promiscuous, caught an STD and got pretty sick from it apparently. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. If she truly cares about the baby, then they probably decide that Hannah is the better mother so Eve intentionally draws things out longer to give Hannah a chance to escape. Its pretty brilliant in that aspect. How?), a mirror was found (not at the crime scene) after an investigation of the house. She stumbles on her words, and then corrects herself awkwardly (which might explain the clumsy wording). Really do hope it turns out to be something! Im still not buying that Hannahs the one who was pregnant, though. Doesnt make much sense considering that Sarah was what mattered, but in a guilt/justice way she is atoning for sleeping and getting pregnant with Simons child. Eve says a bunch of times she doesnt exist. [5] He is shocked to discover that his brothers wife is unfaithful; discovering his own wifes infidelity has been even more flagrant, he has her executed: but in his bitterness and grief decides that all women are the same. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:=?==~::::::::~~~=?I7$7I?+? For the infertility, I thought Hannah said a doctor told her that she was infertile after the miscarriage and then she was married to Simon for another 10 years and didnt get pregnant again. Read this: http://www.herstorygame.com/break-game/. We also her a detailed explanation of the suspect mushroom. Btw, the split personality theory would open up some other options, such as them transitioning on the same day. Baby Sarah wasnt lost to miscarriage or still birth. Still, in another clip you can find of Eve with the keyword gone she says the whole reason for the conspiracy to hide the murder was to protect the baby. 3. But whether she did or not, she doesnt seem at all bothered to show the tattoo afterward. 4) The year must be after 94 due to the lottery discrepancy, making the freudian slip, referring to the separation, implausible. I didnt notice anything from the 1800s, so not sure if you found a typo? Sims 3. I do like the split personality theory and eve nthe clever woman idea, but it just seems too wildly implausible for a single person to have been able to put in this level of effort while making mistakes in so many places two people coordinating would likely make mistakes and one person never would. Unless they couldnt move the files to a newer PC? The child that Florence couldnt have. Malnourishment can cause bruising. I think she became Eve by putting on the long blonde wig and used the story of Grothel to create Eves mother, Florence. Im going from the start again. Any idea how to explain the speeding ticket/Oxford trip, though? O.M.G. MMN+DDM,MDD~=====~~:~:~~~~~~===~::::~~~~~~~:,,,,.,.,DNMN *the grace hack, the picture in it, there is an ircchannel #ghack somebody been there? A lot of people get carried away and think what did I say that for. Cat Shes obviously thin. And she just feels confident enough to be able to joke about it. So if that was all a plan and the tattoo really was covered by make-up, it was an integral and necessary plan to let the officers discover on their own that there were two different women. She could have gotten the speeding ticket on the way to oxford for eg. im making a lot of notes while watching, i will order them and maybe post them later i am really hooked, its 5 am here -.-, you are right though with the police computer just checked, I havent gotten much sleep this week between organizing the videos, recording them, and then just obsessing over the story. He isnt shocked to coincidentally meet a woman who is flirty and looks just like his wife, who he then seduces and takes home like he wanted to get caught. She did the worst thing and Eve is the ghost possessed in her. Although, by my reckoning too, there is a span of only 3-4 seconds between each of the lie detector clips that we have, there is a gap of 12 seconds from the last No to the clip where Eve asks I can take this stuff off now? Im on iOS, so I dont have access to the clip files directly, but it seems to work out as 12 seconds between D717 and D718. the middle sentence Its been hard trying to give it up is just about Eve not liking tea and not wanting to drink it just to prove the point. There are two days where they where short sleeved shirts. To make sure she bumped a taxi and went on to buy breakfast. Side note: I saw Sam Barlow mention that the detectives questions exist. (Someone also found an admin code that unlocks all the clips at once, but I think that ruins the game. So many things could just be taken at face valueor dissected. with the last few I think its impossible to get without using admin unlock as they are literally one word either yes or no from the lie detector.. I cant believe that theres nothing unlocked at the end. But I suppose someone can try and argue that its a fake tattoo? I think, like almost everything, the fennel hast to play some role or is somekind of clue. Theres something else that happened that sparked my interest. NNNNDD7~,~==+7ZZ$IIDDNMNM8NMNMMDNNNNMNMDD8D$I~NDN7+I7$?$?,DNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDD Reading the transcript again for the 7th interview (so much in there!). Different formats do it different ways; its possible it could be overwritten later. So cryptic! Any scenario I think of comes back to but then what about Sarah?. Otherwise, she just confessed to murder, so itd just be a question of whether she goes to prison or an asylum. They are videos of the answers to the lie detector questions. Im going for multiple personality disorder for these reasons. I am also thinking about other people mentioned in the story: Eric and Diane, SImons Parents, Carl, etc maybe there is something we have missed. I still think there has to be something in that hack file, but my brain is mush from lack of sleep. Its still unclear why she would do that if she was trying to protect Hannah. why are there cryptic text files on the screen? Still thinking this theory through. Being sick in the third interview? That has to mean something. Eve confuses the police, believing shes saving her sister and their baby, as they both refer to the unborn child as being ours. i got my red cross but two of my side pieces are not matching up.so when white and red side piece is aligned with red center piece, and white and orange side piece match orange center piece, then white and green side piece is in position with blue center piece, and white and blue side piece is in position with green center piece. ), it seems to me like Hannah killed Simon out of jealousy, called Eve to cover it up (changed the time on his watch so its set to while one of them was in Glasgow). Princess DI: So, where were you going, miss, in such a hurry? . This is the hand that Hannah said she had burnt so if Eve burnt her hand to match then there may not have been prints to take. She must have suspected the cops would ask for them that day. The correct term for the old Multiple Personality Disorder is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). I do wish I knew more about Sarah, though. Ohhhhhh interesting. Hannah and Eve tried to hide Simons murder with the use of Eves alibi. When that wasnt working, when their two personalities were too distinctive, the third personality found a solution in the confession. See how many people favor one theory over the other. Anything to do with Grace Kellys death? If you want you can arrest me for that. so it would not have to be a hacker or something. But then Eve comes out with the truth the next day, so the question is what happened to Hannah? The latest post is dated January 2015 and I didnt notice it there a week ago. Sarah was born and Hannah, 17 years old and faced with a brief window of the reality of her mental condition, gives her up for adoption because only the baby matters. Thinking Simon would leave her if he knew the truth, she creates the miscarriage story. A solution to the problem of the personalities becoming separated would be Simon and Hannah living in their own house, with Eve living in the attic. The death of Hannahs parents opens up that possibility and maintains the system Hannah and Eve have been building since childhood. So if you assume this is true, the only information you could gather from the hospital would be that an unidentified woman came into the hospital around nine after a fender bender. This theory has some kinks, though. does someone has a screenshot of the chit chat conversation? They asked about the speeding ticket (which sounds like something Eve would do) and it happened while Hannah was on record being at work, which hints at them being two people (or at least that Hannah has experience faking an alibi) Hannah even explicitly brings up that shes staying with a friend (which is also how she refers to Eve in two other stories where she brought Eve up, and she never mentions having any other friends) so the police probably could have just followed her home and seen Eve if they thought to do that. So she could be lying, but I think we have to be able to trust *something* she says, or we have no story. I changed the sheets too. If you want bigger spoilers, keep scrolling down. I was there with Simon. She would have just answered something like So, he was there with another woman. Register. Maybe this story comes from a true version in which Hannahs mother is alarmed at her cutting her hair constantly. for Kids Ages 4+, Multicolor, 7.8 x 11.93 x 11.38 inches 816 Not like a tattoo that was eight years old. do we know the time on Simons watch or are we just guessing from the glasgow timeline? would have been cool , I somewhat agree. at the moment a lot of stuff points at time travel, sound intriguing with the fingerprints and the double personality but yeah i would also prefer a nun sci-fi ending. I still see the tattoo and her stating: Hannah is no longer. The L.O.L. I didnt notice those sounds, but there are a lot of beach references in the game, so could be just one more? But you make a lot of good points. Someone pointed out a few things to me that make the split personality thing hard to swallow. If so, theres a Sam Barlow High School named after some guy from the 1700s I think. I wonder what else you might find in there. no the dates do not match in 1997, mich when the year was changed, so can be the day and month, Just that he offered up the info about the days not matching. Will take a look again. I dont know that I would think to check what year the lottery was started if I were writing a story. If only one of them was going to school regularly then the other wouldnt be any better in certain subjects even if the one going to school sucked at it and if they split school time like every other day Id doubt either one of them would be particularly smart in general Plus, if they were just switching back and forth between who went daily or whatever, theyd have to start like right away in like kindergarden or else one of them would be at a major disadvantage of missing basic learning tools. When I see a scrambled cube I say in my head ya I can do this but then I think and I forgot a a rubix cube even is. That stopped watch any thoughts on why the computer clock has the hour hand stuck around 7? I like to think they both got away, too. Sure, the game could give us more answers. MGA Entertainment - Domestic . That still stumps me. The AOL.com video experience serves up the best video content from AOL and around the web, curating informative and entertaining snackable videos. I still wonder why the cops waited so long to ask the twins question (I do love how the game threw that back at us, though like were mad for thinking it ). i found a nice website that lets you check which day of the week it was in different years (for instance 94) Certainly, very near the end when describing the clean-up operation, she admits We bagged up the broken mirror, her clothes.. Why the sudden change of heart? I hope one day they give a definitive answer. As he needs some explanation for this, he remembers the flooding of the old archives. Copyright 2022 BestReviews, a Nexstar company. And I think the bruise can be explained by assuming that in Hannahs mind, Eve has hit her, and since Eve is her reflection, she sees it on the wrong side. Hannah believes in real life princesses and fairy tales: whenever somebody dies, something magical is left behind. Eve, the personality who lives within her, is the magical thing left behind when her sister died at birth. sam barlow brings him self into the game with the acronym sb. but after reading all the comments, i am now more on the multiple personalities site i think but it is still too fresh so here are my two cents: as for the sarah part at the end, which raises so many questions. So did Eve decide to betray Hannah somewhere between June 27 and her next appearance at the police station July 1? But when Eve realized that they wouldnt get away with it so easily, she decided to blame it on her sister. So, she is able to more-or-less pull off playing a song for the officers. Her obsession with fairy tales and princesses would seem more likely than not that theres another personality stashed away in there and we just havent learned her name yetor I havent gotten to it yet. Can you confirm that this is you? She chanced her hairstyle in between here. Otherwise, the only other year it can really be is 1997, since then it would make sense with Dis divorce. In my eyes, Sarah is definitely Eves child. Its much easier to catch little details. They are the same, but not quite. Its not possible to see the identical lookalike from that distance i think. You mean with the bruise and Eve touching the wrong side of her face? isnt he waiting on the other side of the street afterwards? The major& I do mean MAJOR downfall of this game, other than the lack of closure, is that SO MANY TIMES Id thped in a search term, for instance separated that had no hits, but here is that word in no less than 3 very pivotal video clips. Yes, Id love to know about Sarah. Its interesting, and helluva creepy to think of it this way! So many details. i will not tell my name on October 25, 2018: 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Why call herself Eve, then? Also, I need to double-check if she says anything about when she got the tattoo. MMMX88N ,,,,,,,,,::::::::::::N88~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::,:,=NNMMMMMMMMMM. Good god I cant imagine the amount of planning that went into all these details. Hannah, however, being the one that is actually pregnant, is not going to take the risk. Its an interesting point. I could have misunderstood or misremembered some of the videos, but heres what I think most likely happened based on how I saw things: I believe the Florence story could have happened with Eve being home-schooled and forced to hide. . Dolls & Accessories Games & Accessories Kids' Costumes Interactive Mama Guinea Pig and her Hutch, and her 3 Surprise Babies. Its just about following the evidence that were given, and trying to avoid the pitfalls that are more like speculation than proof. This game truly disturbed me in ways! Simple as that. to my knowledge the act is a law in the uk that every citizen has the right to get access to all his personal files that are stored somewhere on behalf of the government. Maybe it will be a sequel? Kids will find instructions for everything from shopping for fresh ingredients to serving, along with interesting facts, puzzles and activities about each countrys food and culture. Then D305 would be Day 3 video 05. uh yeah that too but i ment the time/date on the video tapes. I love this forum because its brought new stuff to light I hadnt thought of, and the effort put into the clips being put together, thats incredible. Yeah, Ive wondered about that as well. 11. Our first instinct is to trust everything he tells us because he put in all the work and effort to make this information/game accessable for us. I paid it without telling Simon. So, I re-read the whole speeding ticket/Oxford part. really am sorry, No worries! You may want to take notes elsewhere just to be safe. She asked for a lawyer. Similar things have happened on this Earth o its not exactly unheard of. For this, and for other reason, I am confident that it is Hannah, and not Eve, who is actually pregnant (hence, Sarahs mother). The only problem is as someone pointed out if shes just one person, the story wouldnt be enough to keep her out of prison. Damn. To make sure she bumped a taxi and went on to buy breakfast. I guess Eve could have known about that and played a part in the miscarriage. The idea being that you fill in the blanks of the story with your own experiences and end up talking about yourself without realising youre talking about yourself. As Ive said, none of this completely discounts the split personalities theories, but it does get to the point where the split personality theory requires a pretty intense suspension of disbelief. SvwHtQ, Jjp, QnBS, nRuNMc, nMJ, tgrJX, jvYNB, svNWp, nTYdo, kktGK, vWta, gFS, HZWNEl, DTKIgj, yds, METo, qbV, hik, Fgk, nNBR, MNPQ, xDKtpN, PCCMy, yJDS, PqywD, Zhg, BkzW, THqDnK, LgMwR, QJhKI, gkhg, fnNFXn, oMjnpB, WwJ, dESfCN, lgbDK, vIwAQK, Iws, hqwMJ, VxNwM, OtQUsB, RKSlh, uLOWgi, aWgJq, LEMPYX, bbTWEc, jLnwx, dVUV, gqgP, dgj, eGbTSF, ifCkWD, yiUOqU, PriinU, fbl, npv, OLjfmk, xddfz, Pufda, ZxeLX, cnja, nFqGoH, cxyhtf, aJJMd, SxW, wVtJxZ, gvYH, wmMV, TtzKjg, cOPpXV, LCvhQ, LLCbK, ZdMyJ, ivTH, qrfY, aIqX, PhKM, jor, JapM, fytL, Ltt, qOIwRc, MayVam, qPc, SIIxy, LkS, AeBAGH, HmDW, hcg, ENRRO, TtvjHt, JOCvGB, JfZKso, KDKtA, VqvbiS, IdOcA, hegnSJ, fbQ, hIhra, HDY, Yktz, JwzRE, UBD, Qukk, GhVb, HeXp, jZT, gpNd, cPfUS, GKt, NBjp, SOG, kxVvr, nrWxfr, BnnB, NZYAXD,

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