Testng 16. 2.Whether JavaScript is a class or Interface? "contentUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFHMzWqDPiA&list=PLZMWkkQEwOPmrvNqVTaMnd2j07I6W2ORC", },{ Want to support the Selenium project? } QUESTION 6----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/. Also Read Top Selenium Python Frameworks for Web Automation Testing Step 5: Install Browser Drivers (Optional for Cloud Selenium Grid) This step is only applicable for Selenium Python tests that have to be executed on the local Selenium Grid. . W3C WebDriver capabilities: capabilities 7. what is the difference between @AfterClass and @After . to the one which is not the original. 12. Agile overviewWat is pomOops conceptDifferent between implicit wait and explicitly waitDifference between thread.sleep and explicit waitWat is interface?Why we go for interface?Wat is method overloading example in selenium?WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver() ;Define each word?Here you are creating object for WebDriver or class?In a page there are two same links as view details how you will locator?Code for implicitly wait?How you will be select from drop down values?Mouse over code?Difference between junit and testngJunit and testng annotations?How you will be getting the reporting file in junit? 8. } Use locators, and a combination of WebDriverWait/Fluent wait/ relocating the element yourself, so if your element goes stale, you can relocate it without having to duplicate the locator in an @FindBy (for a pagefactory initialized element), since there's no WebElement.relocate() method. QUESTION 16-----------URL : https://www.swiggy.com/. 17. how to execute procedure?18. NOTE: Print the first two rows details in the dynamic webtable. QUESTION 2 Exposure on Maven, GIT, BitBucket, and Jekins. "@type": "Question", If you have only two tabs or windows open, By now you have read this term in this Selenium Maven tutorial quite some time in your console output logs, so Ill shed some light on it. 5) tell me about the company you are working, 10)How much you are expecting package? org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.FluentWait, the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception. Ele implementado como uma extenso do Firefox e permite gravar, editar e depurar os testes.O Selenium IDE inclui o Selenium Core , permitindo que voc facilmente e rapidamente possa gravar e reproduzir os testes no ambiente real que ser executado. (long time, TimeUnit unit) If interested, Please share your resume with below format and send to cecil.britto@agilysys.com .In case of any queries please do mail us. How can you retrive the message in an alert box ? There is another Selenium Maven dependency that can be added to pom.xml based on the requirement. Thank you GREENS TECHNOLOGY. What is ur daily task4. I have click the button then I write it for switch to alert but alert is not present how do u handle5. GeckoDriver. setLegacy . BrowserType , ----------- Further, Ill show you how to install Maven for your test automation projects and running your first project in this Selenium Maven tutorial. ----------- About project and what framework u used? Strong focus in automated testing with a strong understanding of tools, techniques, and processes. How to handle null point exception??8. Cucumber test report formatsCTS :1.Tell me about your working expirience2.Difference between linked list and hash set3.Difference between Array and ArrayList4.Difference between List and Set5.How to get the names of the open windows ?6. "text": "Selenium is popular for the following reasons Free and open-source framework, Has huge community support, Provides a basis for creating other browsers, Has great demand in the market." 24.How to print the directory hierarchy? AopTestUtils is a collection of AOP-related utility methods. ignore specific types of exceptions whilst waiting, such as using a window handle. Wat methodology do you follow in ur previous company. cloud: options They Really helped me to clear the interview. NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario outline. NOTE: Give the details to register the demoqa form by using POM framework. },{ Captchas; File downloads ("https://seleniumhq.github.io") # Setup wait for later wait = WebDriverWait (driver, 10) # Store the ID of the original window original_window = driver. How many member in ur team7. ----------- What is constructor, where u used in your project, 1. , Selenium 4RubyGemsselenium-webdriver WebDriver is the remote control interface component that allows programs to interact and instruct browsers, manipulate DOM elements in a web document, and control the behavior of the User Agent. Our offshore delivery center is based out of Chennai, India from where we serve some of the largest clients in US and India. You can either use these goals alone or use it as a combination like clean-install for this Selenium Maven tutorial. What is Selenium? QUESTIONS(Theory)-----------------1.What is mean by constructor and types?2.Explain the types of variable?3.Do constructors have any return type?4.Write the syntax for creating constructor?5.What are the rules for defining a constructor?7.Why a return type is not allowed for constructor?8.Can we declare constructor as 'private'?9.Why a compiler given constructor is called as default constructor?10.What is constructor chaining and how can it be achieved in Java?11.Can we use this() and super() in a method?12.What are the common uses of "this" keyword in java?13.What are the types of variable?14.what is meant by local variable,instance variable,class/static variable?15.what is mean by static keyword in java?16.Can we override static method in java?17.Can we overload static method in java?18.What is mean by static variable?19.What is mean by static method?20.What is mean by final keyword and what's happend when we declare final as in class,method and variable?21.What is difference between final and finalize keyword?22.Where local,static and class variables stores in jvm? You can now see the newly created Java variable under System Variables. It has a single programming interface, called Selenese, in which you can program your tests in any number of popular programming languages. Moreover, with Selenium WebDriver, you can maintain speed, simplicity, and reduced execution time of your testing procedure." What is your role in ajile18. NOTE: Signin is first mouseoverClick start here Give details for signup. window will leave WebDriver executing on the now closed page, and will It is built on top of git. NOTE 1 : In home page scrolldown print the last line "greens technology overall reviews"and again scrollup and print the first line "NO 1 software training institute.". NOTE: Create a feature file for the firstname and lastname ----------- Difference between cucumber and jbehave6. which creates a new tab (or) new window and automatically switches to it. 2.for what purpose you use background in cucumber, 3. Maven Central Repository: It is a default repository in every new project which is official to Maven. ExpectedConditions in Selenium lets you wait for the occurrence of a specified condition before execution can proceed to the next step. Project Explanation?3. What testing you have done explain in order wise? Selenium Training in Chennai. 9.Write a code for inserting value in textbox? What is the difference between before and after hooks? "publisher": { "url": "https://www.lambdatest.com/resources/images/lambdatest-1-1.jpg", ------ QUESTION 6 Following siblings 4. For starters, Selenium WebDriver is the core of the Selenium automation framework. Selenium IDE um ambiente integrado de desenvolvimento para scripts de testes automatizados. Selenium IDE um ambiente integrado de desenvolvimento para scripts de testes automatizados. Project explanation?9) did u work with only cucumber framework from the beging ?10) didn't you work with any other frameworks?11) mouse over actions12) alerts13) how to access a values using xpath if its changing randomly14) how to identify or how to find the parent link using child xpath15) dropdown how u can print all values at a time16) who is scrum master17) tell me some interface in selenium18) what webdriver driver= new Firefox driver(); explain each word what is webdriver what is driverand what is Firefoxdriver();19) can we execute a program without constructor ?20) what is a default constructor?21) did we define constructor or it will create automatically?22) sample a =new sample(); what is sample() in the above syntax?23) system.out.println(); explain each word what its ment for?24) how days notice period you have?25) where is your company? * Purge timed out requests sitting the queue at regular intervals (#9283) * Add null check before returning isDisplayed value (#9299) * Added "/wd/hub" route to RouterServer for better backwards compat. Agile process3.Difference between interface and abstract class4.Explain JUnit annotations and its order5. So no, Selenium WebDriver is not even close to dead.

It allows you to automate cross-browser tests with six major Selenium-supported programming languages. . What is the return type of entryset method? 5.What is the purpose of Step Definition file in Cucumber? Explicit Wait With ExpectedConditions in Selenium Experience in understanding the requirements. The underlying web browser driver must be in sync with the corresponding version of web browser. One new feature is a family of friendly locators or relative locators that let you track down elements relative to their position with other elements on the page. "@type": "Answer", Selenium is the leading open-source automation framework for realizing automation of interactions with the elements in the DOM. Ru fuctioal ad o-functional tests. Experience required for the Job : 3 - 7 years, Job Location : Hyderabad, Hyderabad / Secunderabad. Literal and non literal string5. Maven ", Explain the testrunner16.feature file17. QUESTONS(Practical)------------------- How to handle it.There is an airline website from where you can choose source to destination place which givesyou 10 different flight details like e.g.Bangalore to Delhi.How do you manage the code versions in your project.Locator workspace object.How To Highlight web Element Using Selenium WebDrive.How to Download a file in Selenium WebDriver.How to handle hidden web elements in Selenium WebDriver.to delete cookies in Selenium. In out put I want your name write the code? Relative and absolute Xpath7. 9. Watch this video to learn about collecting performance metrics in Selenium 4 using the Chrome DevTools Protocol on the LambdaTest platform. 7.How to convert List into Set? NOTE: print all the even option in selenium commands. Task 1:Project :EmployeeDetailsPackage :org.empClass :Employee Methods :empId(),empName(),empDob(),empPhone(),empEmail(),empAddress(). Relevant Experience in Selenium Web driver: Shortlisted candidates will have the face to face interview on weekdays. Oops concepts ?15. TestNG : TestNG is a testing framework designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from unit testing (testing a class in isolation of the others) to integration testing (testing entire systems made of several classes, several packages and even several external frameworks, such as application servers). Difference between maven and gradle3. 9. ----------- NOT MORE THAN 1 MONTH. } jdbc connection3. QUESTION 4----------URL : https://www.gettyimages.in/. Which methodology r u following,when u start scripts, 5. We navigate to webpage, alert popup will, how get text from that popup prompt, then go to L 21. 12.diff between relative and absolute xpath? ----------- QUESTION 13-----------URL : https://www.homedepot.com/. 10. How good are u in SQL ? QUESTIONS(Find the Output)--------------------------------Task 1:Write a Java program to sum values of an arrayInput - a[]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}Output - 55, Task 2:Write a Java program to calculate the average value of array elements.Input- a[]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}Output-average-7.0, Task 3:Replace the 10 into 100 in ListInput :List:10,20,30,90,10,10Output:List:100,20,30,90,100,100, Task 4:Write a program to find the size of arrayInput - a[]= {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}Output- Size is 6, Task 5:Write a program to iterate on array using for loop and Enhance for loopInput - a[]= {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}Output- Value is 111213141516, Task 5:Write a program to iterate on List using for loop and Enhance for loopInput :List:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16Output:Value is 111213141516, DAY8:-----1.Userdefine List2.LinkedList vs Vector3.Set and types. Can we create object for abstract class? It has multiple uses, ranging from functional testing to performance testing and everything in between. MSTest framework for Selenium automated testing is the default test framework that comes along with Visual Studio. Facultys interaction with each and every student for the better subject retention. Maven can be more specifically defined as a software project management tool which uses the concepts of project object model (POM). NOTE: Creative image DropDown option click video. Write a code for triggers and procedure, 1. (, .). Selenium is an open-source framework consisting of automation tools for browser testing. We went through the major changes to be taken into consideration when upgrading to Selenium 4. QUESTION 12-----------URL : https://www.snapdeal.com/. Write a program to get duplicate strings using list, About Sprint retrospective meeting in agile, In a Excel sheet we have more than 100 record, how will retrieve 50 row value using data driven concept. "@type": "Organization", ". QUESTION 8----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/selenium-course-content.html. RubyGemsgem persistent in a single session. The Selenium WebDriver works with a Client-Server architecture model.. We have the Selenium Client Library on the client-side, which supports multiple client libraries corresponding to the programming language being used, like Java, Ruby, Python, etc.The language binding feature of Selenium allows it to support various For example, if you have configured a bean as a dynamic mock by using a library such as EasyMock or Mockito, and the mock is wrapped in a Spring proxy, you may need direct access to the cursor? Able to evangelize test innovations, through prototyping or other means and. Since the Selenium WebDriver and web browsers are on the same page (as far as W3C protocol is concerned), you can expect less flakiness and more consistency as far as Selenium automation testing is concerned. Tracking defects and select test cases for Regression testing. )what is functional testing?5. However that has not been the case always. 26.How to Run Cucumber tests in parallel? Do you know about selenium 3 & explain, 15.How you handle when 10 tabs open at a time & how, 17.How you get inputs for requirements Isnt it easy? Interact with the client side people to solve issues and update status. How will u perform keyboard functions?20. 3.What is meant by Annotations? 4.In which package Robot class is available? Fluent API; ; . AopTestUtils is a collection of AOP-related utility methods. How will you upload the file? ----------- 21.Explain background in feature file 17.What are the two files required to run a cucumber test? Restores the window and sets the window size. "uploadDate": "2021-09-17", "name": "Why is Selenium so popular? 19. "duration": "PT11M53S", "@type": "Question", It was initially developed to make the build process of the Jakarta Turbine Project much simpler and is now widely used to make build processes easy and uniform. URL : https://www.facebook.com/ ----------- },{ QUESTION 3-----------URL : http://toolsqa.com/. The default timeout is. Youll see all the information that we entered in step 4 here. Write syntax for implicit wait and explicit wait, L2 questions:1. "@context": "https://schema.org", QUESTIONS(Practical)-------------------- QUESTION 16-----------URL : https://www.amazon.in/. Selenium .Java Greetings from Power IT Services Pvt Ltd. We are looking for below requirement. },{ On clicking Enter, your Maven project will be created. Rate ur self in JenkinsHow will u create a job in Jenkins? Explain about ceremonies.21.which ceremonies u have attended22. 7.Write the folder Structure used in POM? ----------- (RubyJavaScriptC#PythonJava), Selenium 4. explain about maven structure in your project. "acceptedAnswer": { QUESTION 4----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/selenium-course-content.html . How will you handle the simple alert.11.how will find i frame and switch to iframe12. 34.How to display all the directories in a directory? Defect Reporting and Tracking using Automation Tools like JIRA, Experience in preparation of automated test scripts to perform Regression testing using Selenium. NOTE: Write seperate test case for each textbox based on groups and execute it based on groups. 7.What is the method used to perform click? Technology:Java, Selenium ,POM,TestNG and Data Driven. thread sleep5. Using Selenium IDE is it possible to get data from a particular html table cell ? Want to support the Selenium project? Worked using page object model with Junit, Testng and data driven for UI automation. 7.What is the purpose of getText() and getAttribute() ? present. 23. Consequently, Practical Assignments, Assessments and Mock interview will be conducted post training sessions. Joins types explain6. To make the process fast, you should focus on these four things Java, Selenium WebDriver, Frameworks, and TestNg. you will need to switch to it. occurs: QUESTONS(Practical)------------------- 12.What is the purpose of getPhysicalNumberOfRows()? Where will u generate report17. complete? ----------- ! Open a command line in your system and type mvn and then Enter. Coverage One is offered through, GEICO one of the largest providers of service. NOTE: Open the Gmail application , Define the method credentials() which is defined as a Dataprovider using ", Though it was originally based on Selenium RC, its modifications have set it apart from it. QUESTION 18 10.In which class contextclick() is available? Where did you use Static key in your project. 10. what is TestNG suite? Login in to facebook by getting the input data from excel sheet using DataDriven. returns screenshot which is encoded in Base64 format. The application helps to register new customers and create Prepaid, Postpaid and Hybrid numbers. 4) Should be well versed and aligned to the test delivery assurance processes and controls defined. )how will you refresh,forward &backward your web page?8. QUESTIONS(PRACTICAL)--------------------QUESTION 1----------URL : http://toolsqa.com/automation-practice-table/. 19.What are the keywords used in Feature file? The different methods are simply goals. 28.How to get the size of a directory? Tell about ur self.3. Looking for only immediate Joinee or who can join withus within 10 Days or Not working Candidates. For me it is lying at C:/apache-Maven-3.6.1. Mouse over action s code L3 questions:1.what are all the challenges u faced in your current project2.what is your notice period3.company details4. { In the end, we also glanced upon the new and improved features which Selenium 4 offers. List and set9. How to collect Brocken links in web page6. (above, below, toLeftOf, toRightOf, and near). 4. QUESTIONS(Theory)------------------1.What is difference between break and continue?2.Whether we can use continue statement in Switch?3.What is mean by control statments and types?4.What is mean by for loop?5.Can you explain about for loop execution process?6.What is difference between while and do-while?7.What is the use of default keyword in switch?8.Difference between for and while loop? 10.What are the difference between getText(),getAttribute()? "text": "WebDriver is now a proposed W3C recommendation which is all set to be a part of Selenium 4. QUESTIONS(Theory)-----------------1.What is meant by maven?2.What is the latest version of maven?3.What is the advantage and disadvantages of maven?4.What are the steps to configure maven?5.In which place maven jar files are stored?6.What is meant by pom.xml?7.What are the dependencies you are using ?8.What is meant by artifactId,and groupId? 6.Where is the test report saved in testng? test planning, test preparation, test execution, test reporting activities. 10.what is abstraction.how it is acheived in java. 9.Write a code to paste a text using Robot class? Finally, when we have switched to the frame, we wait for the checkbox to be clickable and finally click on it. It has a repository that is centralized that manages jar files. Where the test reports stored in testng and in which format? testng terms like description ,exception,priority,grouping - why include exclude? What is TestNG Assert and list out common TestNG Assertions? Note: Java code is placed in /src/main/java, resources are kept in /src/main/resources, testing code is placed in /src/test/java and the testing resources are placed in /src/test/resources. How to take screenshots of test output & add verification steps to the script. }, )How will you use different browser as parameterization in seleniumwebdriver?12. The following steps in this Selenium WebDriver tutorial will guide you in configuring and installing the Eclipse IDE: Step 1: Launch eclipse.exe that was saved in the steps to install Eclipse. URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/ components of STLC? URL : https://demoqa.com/registration/ "text": "One of the disadvantages of local Selenium is that it is a maintenance-heavy framework and is difficult to scale as you grow. However, Selenium 4 provides a new api NewWindow Write a program to find 2nd maximum value in array, 13. "acceptedAnswer": { It allows you to automate cross-browser tests with six major Selenium-supported programming languages. QUESTIONS(Theory)-------------------1.What do you mean by an array and How to create an Array? Handel Radio Button and DropDown Controls, Why Implicit wait and Implementation of Implicit wait, Why Explicit wait and Implementation of Explicit wait, Web Driver Fluent wait and Thread Sleep functionality, File uploads and File downloads (Handling Window based controls using Robot and Sikuli API), Handling alerts box and Verfying the Alert Texts, Handling Iframes working with Nested Iframes, Preparing web driver test cases using customized x-path, Identifying controls using x-path predefined functions, 3. QUESTION 7 7. You can add more dependencies like apache POI, extent reporting, commons email, or anything that might be specific to your project in a similar fashion to your pom.xml. data inputted. Open system properties through My Computer. QUESTION 1---------- 20. L1:1) Brief yourself2)Selenium program to launch browser take screenshot refresh and then takescreenshot thencompare two screenshot3) cucumber frame work explain4) exception handling5) polymorphism6) inheritance used in project. current project Wat methodology u have used?11. As mentioned earlier, Selenium WebDriver is an enhanced version of Selenium RC. ru familier in writing Codes? Write syntax for implicit and explicit wait2. How many team members5. )what is diff b/w isSelected,isDisplayed & isEnabled?7. URL : https://www.facebook.com/ 2.What is Xpath? URL : https://www.redbus.in/ Where have you used Method Overloading in your Project. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks which is collectively known as xUnit that originated with SUnit. B.Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad passed in 2009. .In which class getText() and getAttribute() ? Step 3: Create a New Project by navigating to File > New > Java Project. QUESTIONS(Practical)--------------------QUESTION 1----------URL : http://toolsqa.com/handling-alerts-using-selenium-webdriver/, QUESTION 2----------URL : https://www.lvbank.com/search.aspx?zoom_query=. Hybrid numbers acts like both Prepaid and Postpaid numbers. do u automate all the test cases? "item": "https://www.lambdatest.com/blog/selenium-webdriver-tutorial-with-examples/ " You will be able to spot the locator in the Elements tab. We hope you enjoy Selenium 4, and we cant wait to see what you do with it!#selenium4 Selenium (@SeleniumHQ) October 13, 2021. If your project does not have any parent dependencies, you dont need to fill in the project dependencies. . Identified Test ScenarSelenium required for testing. QUESTION 14-----------URL : https://www.snapdeal.com/. Step 4: Add the complete path of the Java installation directory as per your system location and click OK. 27.How to search all files inside a directory? "name": "Does Selenium testing require coding? What type of testing u do.6.current in which project u r working7. 26. Difference between abstract class and interface, 8.How will you print only numbers from alpha numberic, 10.How will you print all link in one page, 1.what customization u have done in framework, 6.other than junit and testing, what framework used. 6.Which methods are used to perform rightClick? What is meant by synchronization? "@type": "Answer", location. "name": "Selenium Testing Tutorial - Learn how to write automation test script in Selenium", Get started with your journey of learning Selenium with the help of our complete Selenium WebDriver Tutorial." Selenium 3W3CSelenium 4. 10. A project which you can publish it among your team members as they can use it and update it from there itself. NOTE: Click HTC global services take the screenshot of first 10 questions. How to develop Test automation frame work in live environment. Book a hotel using above url by getting the input data from excel sheet. 1.Locator(xpath) JD: Should have hands on experience in Manual and Automation testing. Mr.Velmurugan Sir is our trainer who has very good knowledge of Selenium he helped us a lot in preparing our resume according to my domain. If we run Maven project for 5 times then will it download jar files every time. build name capability, What are @Factory and @DataProvider annotation? For example, the. L1:FrameWork Structure?TestRunner Annotations?Excel data?POI?Have you iterated multiple sheets in excel for validation purpose?PageFactory?Webtable How to take values?Collections?How to iterate Using HashMap?HashMap? 24. Test and report bug based on severity and discuss with PM to priorities with. RCWebDriver; WebDriver; Selenium 3. 10.what are the problems u faced in ur project.? QUESTION 6 Where does your userstories gets submitted? 9.do you think you can adapt to plsql if you are selected within a week ! QUESTION 3----------URL : https://netbanking.hdfcbank.com/netbanking/?_ga=2.176378149.1819882415.1533883212-608727520.1532670997. Can you able to do?9. )what is class initiate & class instantiate?4. Greens Technology Reviews given by our students already completed the training with us. Explain Cucumber4. Which selector is preferable and what u have preferred in ur project.8. 25. What is a static keyword where u used it in ur project ? "acceptedAnswer": { ----------- I would like to inform you regarding an opening with Standard Chartered Global Business Services for the position of Automation Engineer. Overview on Connection Interface, Statement Interface, Prepared Statement and Result set Interfaces. though testng, 13.what r frame work u r using,explain abt architeture, 14.defect tracking tool,can u explain defect lifecycle, 15.how many sprints u have in a single scrum, 17.while working on one sprint,po is changing the. What is requirement gathering ?11. Why multiple doesn't support in java and how to achieve?? If element is dynamically changing in web page how will u use xpath? How @Test annotation is used for testing exceptions? "name": "What is the difference between selenium and selenium WebDriver? What is test plan,test case,test script,test steps, Reasons for not using thread.sleep and how to overcome it, Entering text in textbox and getting values from it, Different methods which return Boolean like is Enabled, is selected, Is displayed. Now that you know the basic goals for executing our automation test youre good to go to run your automation scripts through Maven! ., . 16.How to copy one file into another file? 10.IF the window is very long or if the window is inactive how will you take the screenshot, 2. Furthermore, our Instructor has 10+ years of experience in Selenium Training & Testing Automation. What are all the annotations available in TestNG? Must have good communication and teamwork skills, 12. We are a two time Dallas 100TM fastest growing company award winner. Selenium 1; Selenium 2. Please refer to the Job description above, Industry Type IT-Software / Software Services, RoleQuality Assurance/Quality Control Manager, Functional Area IT Software - QA & Testing, Employment Type Full Time , Permanent Job. code sample in the previous section you will have the previous window QUESTION 1 Synchronisation with example20. Visit now, Migrating Test Automation Suite To Cypress 10, How To Automate Toggle Buttons In Selenium Java, How To Automate Mouse Clicks With Selenium Python, How To Run Cypress Tests In Azure DevOps Pipeline, Fluent Interface Design Pattern in Automation Testing, Cross Browser Testing Cloud Built With For Testers. The Eclipse will open up, and there you are done with your second prerequisite of this Selenium WebDriver tutorial. Css corp Written test:1. How u will execute parallel browsing(where it is mentioned), How to move from parent window to 3 child window, How will u get ids of parent window and child window IDs. All the external libraries that are used in a project are called dependencies. "acceptedAnswer": { What is the return type of println? It is compatible with all modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. NAME : XXXXXEmail Id: XXXXXXMobile : XXXXXXXX. "@type": "Answer", } Page Object model is an object design pattern in Selenium. Thanks to Greenstechnology for providing wonderful hands-on Training in Selenium Course. QUESTION 7----------URL : http://www.greenstechnologys.com/selenium-course-content.html. } Agile process5. It is located in the root directory of each project. 2. "name": "What are the pros and cons of Selenium? QUESTION 13-----------URL : https://www.flipkart.com/, NOTE: Select any item and then right click and press open in a new window "item": "https://www.lambdatest.com/" Drop them on LambdaTest Community. What is @optional annotation? In the below snapshot you can see all the files generated(a jar file as well since this is a simple JAVA program) as a result of Maven install. Install- It would install all the dependencies, in case of missing jars, and create the deployment file(war/jar files in case of JAVA) and then itll run the test. 1.What is an Alert? The company specializes in market-leading point-of-sale, property Management,, inventory & procurement, workforce Management, and mobile & wireless solutions that are designed to streamline operations, improve efficiency and enhance the guest experience. No.1, Appa Rao colony, We have been recognized as 500 fastest growing companies by INC. } will still clean up the WebDriver session. Different annotations in testng and it's order. To see the installed directories in your local system you refresh your project and see the directories generated. It is an open-source framework and has various features like multi-browser and platform compatibility, multi-language support, simple setup, and integration with popular unit testing frameworks like JUnit and Well first go by the steps on how to install it through Eclipse IDE. Step 5: Next, you need to download the browser drivers that will help you instantiate the browser. Difference between collection and collections. In this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, I deep dive into the integral aspects of Selenium WebDriver along with touching upon the Selenium WebDriver architecture. NOTE: Enter the email & password and click login button using JavaScript. Instead, it interacts directly with browsers, which are native to the particular browser application." ----------- What is the structure of it, 4. NOTE: Add any two items you want in the cart Print the total cost in cart. Action13.diff class and interface14.method overriding15.expalin where u have used in ur project16. Their is a 2 dropdown bottom one is list of countries and another one is lost of its states. QUESTION 19-----------URL : https://www.flipkart.com/, NOTE: womens is mouseoverClick footwear Click flat slipper, QUESTION 20-----------URL : https://www.sprint.com/. ", "text": "Yes, Selenium testing does require coding for setting it up and maintaining it, along with some third-party integrations for executing multiple testing processes. What is interface?11. Collect ad ceate test data fo fuctioal ad o-functional testing. URL : https://demoqa.com/registration/ Also, We provide adequate knowledge about Selenium automation testing and the different frameworks. NOTE: Write some failed test case and you have to re-excute that failed test case and generate report that. It is also compatible with the near-retiring Internet Explorer (IE) browser. ", "@type": "Answer", NOTE 4 : Click career and scrolldown till the end and print the email displayed at last. Poide estiates fo test actiities. 8.Why we use .perform()? Senario-1:Selenium program to print username and password. Extensive exposure in Black Box Testing using BVA and ECP. Java8, pom.xml mvn clean compile , build.gradle ./gradlew cleanbuild , Java MVNRepository , C#Selenium4 NuGet Some key terms you should know for this Selenium Maven tutorial: Maven Local repository: It is a local repository in the developers machine which holds all the project artifacts. Some of the key reasons Maven is used are: Now that we know why to use Maven, lets explore a bigger question in this Selenium Maven tutorial, What is Maven? What is the difference between iterator and list iterator?25. Technical specialist with Automated test experience in Functional and Non-Functional Area, 2. QUESTION 4----------URL : https://www.lvbankonline.in/lvbretail/RetailLogin.html, QUESTION 5----------URL : https://infinity.icicibank.com/corp/Login.jsp, QUESTION 6----------URL : https://twitter.com/login, QUESTION 7----------URL : https://netbanking.hdfcbank.com/, QUESTION 8----------URL: https://www.swiggy.com, QUESTION 9---------- )what is STLC?3. 9.How to check a file exist or not? Fills the entire screen, similar to pressing F11 in most browsers. Did u work in payment module?5. 14.Diff btw string, string builder and string buffer ? However, as a QA engineer, the innumerable features offered by Selenium 4 fascinate me a lot! 4.What are all the methods available in CSVReader and CSVParser? NOTE 6 : Click Contact Us and print the line "Our Main Branches In Chennai" and scrolldown and then print "Copyright 2018 Greens Technology. Ability to create test plans, test cases and track resolution of software defects. 3.What are the Types of Xpath? In result, You can get Highly skilled Selenium Training with Less course fees in Chennai. Can we use class as a private?12. Selenium Maven Dependency For Your Automation Project, Voices of Community: Move Forward with an Effective Test Automation Strategy [Webinar], Agile in Distributed Development [Thought Leadership], How To Automate Toggle Buttons In Selenium Java [Blog], It simplifies the build process & provides a uniform system. QUESTION 7----------URL : https://www.facebook.com/. How will you handle window based application?8. 4.testng : i)if there are 5 test methods how many times @BM and @AM will run. Who will be responsible for that?? types?19. Responsibilities:Understanding Requirement Specifications and Design Documents of the application.Identify the test scenario to be automated.Analyze each user story write scenario for each acceptance criteria.Prepare the automation script in selenium webdriver using cucumber framework.Prepare reusable components to improve productivity and maintainability.Executing the test cases and debugging.Raise and track the defect to analyze the issue on selenium scripts until closure.Periodically reviewing the test script as per coding standards.Defects reporting and daily status reporting.Publish the consolidated daily status & discuss the same in the calls on a daily basis.Participated in all the agile ceremonies planning, daily scrum call Delivery and reportingsprint level deliverables.Implemented continuous Integration test executions after every schedule build and track theresults.Define, maintain and share testing and test data management.Test and report bug based on severity and discuss with PM to priorities with development.Prepared the cucumber feature file and automated the feature files using selenium.Implementing Junit and cucumber test automation framework and developingautomation infrastructure.Co-ordinating Test team members and Development team in order to resolve the issues.Interact with the client side people to solve issues and update status.Implementing the cross browser testing and parallel test execution.Keeping the track of any new or updated requirement of the team.Tracking defects and select test cases for Regression testing.Experience in preparation of Test scenarios, Test cases, Test case reviews, Test datacollection, Test execution and Defect reporting.Experience in preparation of automated test scripts using SeleniumAnalyzing test results, sending suggestions on defects.Defect Reporting and Tracking using Automation Tools like JIRAAble to work collaboratively with testers, developers, and other team members in testingcomplex projects and in the overall enhancement of software product quality.Technology:Java, Selenium ,Cucumber and Junit. What is the super class of throwable?3. QUESTION 1----------. ----------- 5.how to select the test cases for automation. Our value is the attention each student receives from us while learning the Selenium Training in Chennai. Step 2: Select your workspace manually, or let the default location be there and click on OK. Maven has an excellent feature that automatically downloads required libraries from its central repository, which makes it easy as you dont have to store them locally. This framework is compatible with all the prominent programming languages and allows users to use any language they are comfortable with to create test scripts. Explain about implicit wait and explicit wait. Also Read Top Selenium Python Frameworks for Web Automation Testing Step 5: Install Browser Drivers (Optional for Cloud Selenium Grid) This step is only applicable for Selenium Python tests that have to be executed on the local Selenium Grid. 1.What are the locator available in selenium? window. Automatic screenshots: Screenshots are automatically preserved when a test case fails. How long was the sprint duration?14. Agilysys serves casinos, resorts, hotels, foodservice venues, stadiums and cruise lines. Therefore, to use the Selenium Grid on Selenium 4, you need not start the Hub and Node separately. If I click the button one alert is open how to switch over alert, then need to click Ok,Cancel andgettext handle it10.Do you synchronization concepts11. 3.11, SeleniumW3C 1. Step 7: Accept the Terms & Conditions and click on Finish. What u will do in Jira tool.9. WebDriver provides mechanisms for moving and resizing the browser Out of the box, Selenium WebDriver does not support parallel testing, which makes it very challenging to run larger and complex test suites. Youve now installed Maven successfully to your Eclipse IDE. "height": 400 Read Parallel Testing in Selenium using JUnit 5. NOTE: Give details and register the form. Summary. NOTE: Create an excel sheet with all details required for Hotel Booking . QUESTION 11-----------URL : https://www.swiggy.com/chennai/login-besant-nagar-adyar, NOTE: Type ur mob num and then cut and paste it in password using Robot class 3.What are the types of debug? Step 5: Your Maven project has now been created! NOTE: Click login/signup and give the details and press submit.Print the details you are given. What are different assertions supported by JUnit? 6) Should possess excellent hands on experience in hands on coding/scripting, 7) Should possess excellent hands on experience in development and implementing automation using a framework built using Open Source Stack - Core Java & Selenium. 1.from 2 radio button with same name, id amd value, select the 2nd button2.difference b/w interface and abtract class3.what are the difficulities you faced in project4.where did you used the data from excel in your project5.From where you take the test input6.did you raised any defect ?7. 17. Selenium WebDriver Architecture in Selenium 4. 4.payment and processing questions from the project ! }] Understanding the Requirements and Functional Specifications of the application. 4.Tell me each module explanation in our project. ii)How to run Test scripts parallalely using TestNG, iii)order of execution of testng annotations. Webpages are represented as classes, and elements on the page are defined as variables on the class, so user interactions can then be implemented as methods on the class. What is stale state exception?14. Now that I am done with configuring the project, Ill run the project to see if the tests work fine. By now, you already have the idea that Maven is a build automation tool that is used to manage the project dependency and the whole project lifecycle. GeckoDriver Understanding Software Requirement Specification and identifying the required Test, Professional Software Experience in which includes Effective Test Case Designing and. Jenkins is written in Java. "name": "How can I learn Selenium testing? What is the use of git? Write a program to count of each word and consonant in a string? Furthermore, the user may configure the wait to 5. accessed from one class to another and if yes how? } 2.What is CSVParser? offering placement focused selenium course by selenium experts. "name": "What is the difference between Selenium 3 and Selenium 4? Strong automation skills using Java, Selenium, TestNG framework. In this section of the Selenium WebDriver tutorial, we look at setting up Selenium WebDriver for the Windows Operating System with Java as the programming language. What is regression.11.write triangle start program.12. current window by using: Clicking a link which opens in a Infostretch Corporation(Software Test Engineer)-Automation Testing. Yet GREENS TECHNOLOGYS offers Selenium corporate training for Software Developing Companies. 23.What is the difference between jxl and apache POI jar file? } 10.Write a code to perform scrollUp in a webpage using Javascript? When you are finished with a window or tab and it is not the Some examples on SELECT,UPDATE and DELETE queries, Some Web driver examples using Data fetched from Database, User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation, Test Created New REST Service USING HTTP GET, Selenium webdriver and Automation Testing, Write a pgm to count character in a string, Write a pgm to count list of file in directory. Click on Advanced System Settings so that a new pop up opens up. 26.How to get the parent directory of a file? 4.What can we do to click ok in alert? Design, develop, and maintain automated testing process, framework & scripts, 2. In the earlier days, it started as a command-line tool for executing tests. Practical oriented Selenium Training in Chennai and Online Training by Industrial experts. It provides extensions to QUESTION 13-----------URL : https://www.snapdeal.com/. 9) Should be able to leverage the existing in-house test automation framework built on Open source stack. We promise you 100% Money Back Guarantee if you fail to clear the actual AWS Certification exam in your first attempt. Creates a new window (or) tab and will focus the new window or tab on screen. NOTE: Book a room by using POM and data driven framework and update the order no generated in excel. QUESTION 3 Briefly explain about your self and your automation experience.2. 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