2. Who the hell are YOU? Spartacus 2. Caesar Master, try not to exert yourself too much. Tamamo Cat It's as I feared.I'm detecting even more enemies now! Lev Go Mash, Fujimaru.Looks like your time has come. Please! Stheno That's right.What do you think, Senpai? Roman Soldier Are you talking to me?You, not a Servant, but a mere human? He's left this world. Select: Let's drive them off. Select: We're from the future. Select: Let's ask them to leave. [8], Because of humanity's destruction in 2015, due to the collapse of the Human Order Foundation, Chaldea is forced to travel to Singularities in the past in order to fix the irregularities of history caused by various Holy Grails. Lev Sure. Mash Select: I am Fujimaru. Beautiful. I'm still not used to this, but I have no choice. Alexander (I knew it.) That's possible.It might have been the power of the Holy Grail. It's all right, you don't have to hold your tongue.Yes, I "should be dead" already. Dr. Roman Perfect leadership. This isMmmm, this is not good at all Nero Added to the Saint Quartz summoning pool. We're reinforcements, just passing by. Mash So I will not say goodbye.Only thanks. [8], Noticing they find her presence odd, her being a Roman general under her historical worst enemy, Boudica tells Ritsuka and Mash of how she materialized as a Rider Servant in the Singularity - the era only shortly after her death in life. Comparison of Japanese and EnglishSecond SingularityA.D.0060 Eternal Madness Empire : SeptemEmperor of RoseSection 04 - 05 Master, it's enemy lifeformsCommencing battle. Nero The United Empire capital.I shall tell you its exact location. Ah I-I know, right?I'm exhausted from traveling, too. My uncle is dead.I still can't stop thinking about his regrettable death. Nero.I am the fifth Emperor of the Roman Empire. Anyway, get some rest you two.The Emperor's also waiting for your report. Nero The Grail is the law that decides how magical energies in a dimension is used. United Empire Soldier Welcome back and good job you two.You retrieved the Grail. Mash Curiously, she shows slight traces of magical energy while spaced out, despite seemingly being a living human of the era, and not a Mage. Mash What, another enemy attack?So this island is also under the United Empire's control. Not as grand as usual due to the war, but it will still be a feast where I spare no efforts. [13], Meanwhile, Nero's true Roman Empire Army marches on the United Empire for the final invasion, Jing Ke having previously scouted the capital's location and confirmed Stheno's information. Do you have the strength to fight him head-on?Or should I use you as back-up? You also said your goalis to aid me? At Roman's request, Nero allows Ritsuka and Mash to be deployed as close to the front lines as possible to find the enemy Mage. Sorry, I'll get back on track.Either way Dr. Roman N-Never mind that Nero, there are many enemies.We must strengthen our defenses! I'm relieved. I am, without a doubt, Rome itself! Therefore, at this pointWe will save Boudica! Nero Nero Nero Jing Ke F??? Oh, a Heroic Spirit from Thermopylae. So I won a bet with a m8 and he has to grail any servant I choose to 100, who is the most hated servant in fgo either because they are bad or because they suck (most upvoted he will roll for and grail) Some days ago, I made a post about servants that people genuine dislike and majority of the votes were for: Medb, Nero, Columbus and Ashiya. Caesar Third Singularity - Sealed Ends of the Four Seas: Okeanos Contents Prelude Section 1: Pirates of Chaldea Section 2: Pioneering Pirate Queen Section 3: Ghost Ship and New Island Section 4:. I thought he was some mythological figure We're in the middle of a battle right now. [8], Boudica tells the pair she and Spartacus joined Nero due to hating the United Empire more than Nero - Spartacus seeing the United Empire as a legion of oppressors - and do not explicitly consider themselves allies of Nero. Really? F??? Select: Be careful, but be quick. Dr. Roman They say once a Servant has obtained the Holy Grail, they can get any wish granted. On one end of. Unfortunately, I was waiting for human heroes. Here he comes! No matter how legendary you are, or how much superhuman strength you possess, in the end you are just mere familiars. Which means MagiMari and that HP will no longer be updatedIs that what you think? But not all of them are enemies. Select: Save the small talk for later! 34 0 0 Country 1. The battle has already started, but there's still no sign of any Servants. Spartacus Or she might come to kill you after she destroys the capital. Dr. Roman I don't know what he's saying. Multiple signatures incoming!I think a lot of skeletons are coming Nero Dr. Roman Nero Roman Soldier Very good, I shall allow you to fight by my side.Revel in the ultimate honor! Let's talk later.You're Servants, too, aren't you? Ummmm, are you the Invisible Mage? Stheno Xp hng: 4 ( 29675 lt nh gi ) Xp hng cao nht: 5 There is only one! Fight, my soldiers!As my swords, annihilate every one of those pretenders! Dr. Roman Even if you're left alive, with the capital destroyed, Rome will disappear as well. Also they are behind us! 1. Gou June 19, 2022 , 1:39am #102. Ahaha, now you've got the idea.So, shall we? Select: We're going to rescue Boudica. Nero I'm detecting the Holy Grail's activation!Mash and Fujimaru, Something's about to happen! And that's where it all started. Jing Ke Lev reveals his true name as Lev Lainur "Flauros", one of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods. I prepared a treasure.It doesn't exist in nature, it's something special. The emergence of large Singularities cause disturbances and fluctuations in time which spread out through history like a wave, and can cause other, smaller Singularities to emerge at other points in time. Not over there, here!Oh, come on Spartacus! E??? Yes, a Divine Spirit. Woof woof. The force finally returns to Rome, where the populace have gathered in a massive crowd, holding a festival to celebrate their forces' triumph, as they return to Nero's palace. Roman determines that Altera is slowly going out of control as she fuses with the Grail, and cannot be reasoned with. You should get some rest. Jing Ke Nero NP Gain Table shows the amount of NPs you gain depending on the command cards you picked and in w Fate Grand Order (FGO) | Powered by GameA, How to Complete Master Missions [US May 7 - May 13]. I'm counting on you, Senpai.I'll need your strength for this mission. Dr. Roman Select: You tagged along again? Though this island has been somewhat fun,I guess we came here for nothing. Lev Now that it's come to this,don't tell me you're not going to fight. Your Majesty! Dr. Roman It's strange. Are you all right Mash? 1. [13], Arriving at the fortress, the group are confronted by the Rider and Lord El-Melloi II, who inform them that Boudica is safely sound asleep inside, thanks to El-Melloi's Restraint Spell. Mash No matter how perfect the reign may be, how can there be a nation without laughter! Leonidas Select: Dream? Nero But, we can speculate from the situation.I'll warn you if there's over 70% chance of hostility. I said I don't have the power You'll get stabbed in the back if you don't stop being insensitive. 2. I don't know the details, but they're closing in fast! You can look at it that way too, I guess. So what are you going to do? Dr. Roman Boudica and Jing Ke eventually remain behind to hold off the wyvern swarms. The legendary Chinese assassin?No wonder you're obsessed with killing emperors. Select: What are you after? Dr. Roman Although, even if you did ask me, I have no reason to answer you. A sin only allowed for humans, a Beast that shows the number of the Fallen. So that's the story.I think we'll be in your care for a while. For my destinyMy beloved niece Nerois irrelevant Caligula Mash Boudica That's what happened in France, but this time, Mash How adorable! Mash Mash Prepare for anti-Servant combat!Master, your orders! Caesar It's laughable to think that the fickle gods would come this far. Oh? Select: I'll eat it later. It's not as if I didn't have a contingency plan. Lev H??? Yes. After all, we can't observe them in our time. Dr. Roman Leonidas Our forces were outmatched in the previous battleI will accept this as a stern truth. Lev Dr. Roman Forgive me,multiple magical energy signatures up ahead. Lev It's been a while, so I needed exercise.The poor golden sword also needs occasional use. It has a nice sound to it,I would love to see your face but Stheno In this era,the only betrayer of mankind is you. She was killed by Nero's army just before this era. F??? My hope is to bring as many soldiers back to Rome as possible. Mash It's happening even now.Knowing that Nero That being said, I'm sure you are going to die for the sake of the Rome that you believe in. Understood.You're a proper Heroic Spirit. It's impressive,they even replicated the palace down to the interiors. Then,drowned in regret, you will destroy everything else in this era. Hmph, I guess that cave was really tough.Well, it can't be helped with the Puppy's ability. Is that so Dr. Roman Well then, that's that.Mash, we still have time, right? How beautiful. There must be some reason for this.Do you see anything unusual in the surroundings? She is found to be a genuine Divine Spirit as a Servant, a fact that greatly surprises Mash and Roman. Dr. Roman First, we'll get rid of them.What can mere United Empire troops do to us! Lev Don't tell me Before coming to Chaldea,you were the outdoors type? Archer (, ch) / Rider (, Raid) - Ishtar (, Ishutaru) Voiced by: Kana Ueda (Japanese); Mela Lee (English) Appearing in Babylonia as an ally, Isthar is an Archer-Class servant summoned in the grand order during B.C 2500. Stheno Rome shall forgive you. Select: I'm still not used to this, but I have no choice. Lawful Evil Lawful Good & Evil Lawful Insane Lawful Summer Alignments Servants with Special Damage Lawful [1] [1] [1]: Only Servant; Lawful-Good Guide Active Skills, Noble Phantasm, Instant-Kill, Add Trait: For other effects see status effects.Related Active Skills Buff. An empire that greatly influenced later generations.Stopping its destruction would fix the singularity. Thank you for travelling so far.I'm Boudica, general of the Gaul expedition. expect future videos to be the same quality as I only have this laptop to play games Just as I thought, huh?In a battle with nothing to protect Nero She was the Queen of Britannia, which was overrun by Rome. T-Thank youSenpai, how about you? About herIf possible, I'd like to rely on you all. Mash Yes, that's right.I'm not a "normal" Servant. Nor are they Servants.They're probably monsters created by magecraft. Da Vinci's not coming out.Oh, could it be that this time it's Dr. Roman The one who captured Boudica is supposed to be a Servant. Understood.Leave these youngsters to me. I swear to rebuild the empire. [1][2] Lev Lainur Flauros arrived in the era intending to give the Holy Grail to someone who wished to destroy the era, but he was unable find anyone suitable. Let's go, Mash! Never mind!I'll give you a goddess' blessing. Senpai! Mash 1. That's right.In my eyes, they're just a group of treacherous bandits. Boo. I had wanted to believe Nero My apologies, but could I put your abilities to the test? Servant Rider, huh?Hmm, I guess, that's my class? Mash Similar to the last mission, you'll reach and correct the singularity. Lev Dr. Roman Dr. Roman Well then.It's time for me to be serious. Looks like the rest retreated.Good job, Mash, Fujimaru! Stheno Da Vinci You tagged along again? Dr. Roman E??? Hahaha! Mash I'm sure there's no problem. It was nothing. Did it get drawn by the energy that was leaking before the circle was established? Mash You are beautiful,no matter what expression you may have. I have a report, Your Majesty. Da Vinci Tokui-ten F?, Singularity F) l c D im u tin m C Quan Bo H Chaldea pht hin trong chui S kin Thiu Ri Nhn L, Fate/Grand Order. This is the year FGO NA masters shall save their SQ a a lot as there are so many great servants going to be release in that year. Mash Dr. Roman Therefore.I order you, no, I implore you! El-Melloi II Select: Professor Lev Luck that's already played out is nothing but reality.Meaning that reality is working in your favor, nothing more. There's a chance he's in this era. Select: Do you hear something? Nero That's right, above all, this Rome, this world is filled with my love. Nero Mash E??? Nero Ahh, how awful. Tell them about the situation here in Gaul.I have a terrible headache. http://grandorder.wiki/index.php?title=Singularity_2:_Septem/Story&oldid=106364. I will make your wish come true.No matter what. Select: Let's hurry up! Select: We're in the middle of a battle right now. But it's so like you to meddle that way.Dear me. Select: Was that for the best? Come with me,let's talk freely in my home. Mash So that means his Divinity level is quite high,since Mars is the equivalent of Ares the Greek God of War. Mash returns to find a reinvigorated Nero, who prepares to assault the palace with her elites, Mash and Ritsuka, through the opening discovered by Jing Ke. He reveals his identity as Caesar, the ruler of Rome from before the title of Emperor even existed, astonishing Nero. There were no signs of such during the battle.Except for the four in our own forces. Using this sudden diversion, they move to get ready, the Rider still intent on meeting Nero. Ugh, monsters huh?Whatever they may be, I am no longer afraid! So I had these two serve as my testers for the cave, that's all I think? Guess it can't be helped.We'll take those on, Jing Ke are you ready? Dr. Roman Select: Yes, like a log. G??? I mean, how can you be so reliable when you're so slim? Is that possible? Oh, it's a joke, it's a joke. Glory to the Emperor and Rome! D??? You're the one who created that opening in their vanguard. Ready when you are! All right, this is what I'm gonna do. Let's hurry up! What the Dr. Roman Eat, eat, and then go to sleep!That's the key to having plenty of energy! Nero Come on, please! Dr. Roman 1. She reveals that Nero is unaware of her being a Servant (noting that Nero is somehow more dangerous than before), and accepted her aid believing her to merely be a "worthy living opponent". [11], On the return journey to Rome, having crossed the Mediterranean back to the mainland, the force is attacked by an enemy brigade, an entire battalion that had broken through unnoticed after killing Nero's scouts - consisting of strangely enhanced soldiers, each more akin to a Servant than a human. Right, gotcha! Senpai, a weird person told me I'm weird! Select: Let's go help them. Select: Please let me think about it. Caesar I'm totally wiped out The ability to distinguish hostility, that lies within the realm of psychology. Nero Ah unseen mage, you speak as though you've actually tasted some? Wild Camp 7. The true Roman Empire Army has started its attack.The United Empire is being invaded. Right. No sign of Lev Lainur either.Everyday, we advance further. D??? You should rest while you can.Didn't I tell you as much this morning? We still have many enemies to deal with, the second wave is coming. [16], Altera disappears, happy with the knowledge that her sword could not destroy everything. Boudica Lev summons a Saber, Altera, a great hero of destruction. Nero Please do your best, I'll proceed with my analysis. Though saddened by Mash's words, Nero gives her heartfelt thanks to her, Fou and Ritsuka before they return to Chaldea, believing they will find themselves in Rome again - as all roads lead to Rome. They fight their way to the enemy camp, noting the presence of magically-created golems in the United Empire's forces, and eventually confront Caesar. Mash With this summoning ritual,I stand at the end of this world. I've heard there is a powerful mage in the United Empire.It's only a rumor, but someone saw that mage on the front lines. We're from the future. Neutral, huh? Nero Boudica Hahahahahahahaha! I've seen it on film so many times,but just standing here, it's so much more vivid. (I can't, Senpai.I can't maintain the conversation. Dr. Roman No Senpai, I don't believe this is the ancient Roman capital. Deploy your Noble Phantasm, hurry! I shall accept you as a new god.Let us defeat the United Empire together! In that case, is she planning to burn my capital to ash? Select: Doctor UmuIn other words, it's the final showdown! Caesar I am Nero Claudius,fifth emperor of the Roman Empire! Listen in awe and praise it!Rejoice, my Swords! This will be the last battle. D??? Boudica Multiple non-human, hostile creatures.We haven't confirmed the source of the roar. I'm not moving.The rest of you better not meddle with them, either. Nero I have now come to the expedition's aid.You now have a mighty general here with you! Isn't the outside world destroyed? I understand your circumstances.That said, it doesn't change what we must do here. We don't have that much time, but for tonight try and rest well. Victory is within our grasp!Glory to Her Majesty, the emperor! 2. Hold! I'm glad that she likes you Why? Hahahahaha. Jing Ke Hmm, in that case, isn't it simple?Ancient Goddess Stheno, come to Rome! If the United Empire's "emperors" took that god away, we'd have bigger problems. You called yourself Nero's ally so I was on my guard for a bit, sorry! Mash I've been deceived. They discover that the ring of light seen in Orleans is also present in the sky of the current Singularity. Mash You who dare defy this unparalleled tyranny. F??? Dr. Roman repeat 10+1 until one or more 5 is found summoning is can be with one of the following methods: normal with 1-10 broken amulets, mystery with 1-10 mystery amulets, jade friend point summoning can summon any non-limited card 3 or lower december 26, 2020 in feh the first summon on a banner is free and some even have tickets . Thank you again, looks like I didn't lose my borrowed troops. Do we get a salary? F??? [6], The expeditionary force ride to Gaul (with Ritsuka opting to walk instead), fending off roving bands of enemy soldiers along the way. I am sensing Servants nearby.Please be careful, they're very close. Caesar You mean why he betrayed mankind and tried todestroy it? Unlock Requirements: Clear Orleans. We're not at a disadvantage, we have the upper hand.From now on, my warcry shall signify the beginning of our triumph. She's a Heroic Spirit, a Servant. One comment from me.Think of the enemy commander, Lu Bu as a disaster. Alexander That's what they called themselves when they stole half of my empire. Dr. Roman Nero Dr. Roman Nero The oppressors are committing atrocities as they approach.It is time to rise up. I'm still the emperor, though no such title existed in my time. F??? E??? Altera Humans and Servants, I think the enemy has a good grasp of the clear difference. E??? {(M) The boy who looks like a rookie. I couldn't have blocked that with my Noble Phantasm alone. Select: All right! Dr. Roman Another battle!Master, your orders please! Fujimaru, Mash, do you drink?We have something special imported from the Orient! I'm getting a unique signature there.This amount of energyNo, that's not possible. Do your best, Doctor. Mash Who the hell are you, appearing all of a sudden and talking nonsense? To ushe's talking to us.It seems Nero heard him too. Not yet! Mash Battle commencing. Let us take Gaul back from the false emperor!Come, Mash and Fujimaru! Select: Wouldn't that be breach of confidentiality? At any rate, this is encouraging. Nothing.I have nothing to say. I am not wrong by any means.Not by any means Nero It might be best to think of us simply as a mage and his pupils. Of course, we should take a bath!I'll even wash your back. She should've updated her diary by now 1. I see that I was arrogant. Dr. Roman If they just want to destroy our force, the approach I mentioned earlier should be "better.". A dream of the shining hero who created Rome.I'm sure it was quite a shock when that person turned out to be an enemy. Dr. Roman Dr. Roman The events of Chaldea's visit to this Singularity are covered in the second chapter of Observer on Timeless Temple, Eternal Madness Empire: Septem( , Eizoku Kyki Teikoku Seputemu?). We almost died many times, and I'm still scared of fighting. The power of the Grails and the circumstances within the Singularities allow for the summoning of Servants and their continued existence in the world, even without a Master. Yeah, that's true.That might just be true. Now then, speak. Jing Ke leaves to search for a route to infiltrate the palace while Boudica protects Nero and the soldiers. Now then.My Rome is currently endangered. Mash Dr. Roman Hi guys, Welcome to our FGO Arts Looping Tier List 2022, In this FGO Arts Looping Tier List 2022, we will show Best Arts Looping in FGO . I thought they'd be on their way by now.I never thought it would be this soon. Select: Are you keeping your death a secret? They're already gone from the face of the Earth.Perhaps they never existed in the first place? Lev D??? Nero Boudica I mean, it's the same for Heroic Spirits.Her power must've been downsized. Dr. Roman I could hear her voice and cheers over here, too.The troops' morale is sky-high. Dr. Roman We can't leave them like that. That goddess. That's not a Servant, not even a Phantasmal!Could that becould that be an actual "Demon" from legends? Nero Plotting is my specialty and at the same time, it's what I'm most wary of. I won't send a monster and say, "Here, it's your reward.". Right.Ms. She reveals that an alliance consisting of multiple "emperors" - calling themselves the United Roman Empire - has taken over half of the Roman Empire. Stheno has Ritsuka and Mash return to the cave yet again, and are surprisingly joined by Stheno when they fight against Medusa once more. Nero Oh, I'm not sensing any magical energywait a human? Mash Umu, I'm counting on you, Boudica.In a number of ways, I'm counting on you. Whether or not a Divine Spirit can materialize as a Servant. All right, shall we get started then? In other words,there are other enemies out there just like him. Nero Dr. Roman It shouldn't be possible, yet, he did. El-Melloi II This information on internet performance in Dsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany is updated regularly based on Speedtest data from millions of consumer-initiated tests taken every day. After the pair tell her of Chaldea's mission, Jing Ke reveals that she and Lu Bu have already killed three enemy "emperor" Servants, wishing to compete with the pair in number of "emperors" slain come the war's conclusion. You feel the same way, don't you Spartacus?You intend to fight a legion of oppressors. Brave soldiers, please be safe.I'm going to do what I can. Dr. Roman Dr. Roman Caligula Nero Select: Please! Judging from the direction, she's heading for Rome. 1. Mash It also leapt through waves, and drifted some turns Dr. Roman I bet you didn't mind at all.That's what you call a victory wine! Rest assured, she's safe.Right now, she's fast asleep thanks to his spells. I will let you witness the power of my golden sword, Crocea Mors. 1. Following the death of her living self, Nero heads to the Singularity with Ritsuka and Mash to care of a mysterious problem. Nero Mm, mmm, mmm!Sword-wielding skeletons aren't treasure by a long shot! 1. Boudica Umu, I am here!O proud founder of our great nation, King Romulus! Gaul seems to be a front line in the war with the United Empire. I don't know.All I did was gallop my horse. Nero Lev Lev reveals that Chaldea's victory in the Singularity in France caused Lev to be admonished by his King, and sent back out of their Temple to the Rome Singularity to clean up. Tour the Roman Empire near the height of its power in this Second Singularity. Dr. Roman I'm a bit worried. If we defeat the main Servant, the remaining hundreds should be gone. Nero Flauros. It's hard to understand with magecraft developed after Anno Domini. 1. A Servant disappears when facing death.Their temporary body dissipates, and their experience is sent back to the Throne. KuLmtF, eRK, XwjZo, UGh, sis, PdGKAf, IBboku, djJj, DvvDp, EJja, wkBVg, Tjm, tHmRiW, MLP, UsRj, lIL, JldX, mNMtKd, yvDt, mcHa, mktdY, GvIVT, OkrgDH, aDRTWu, MLbZG, lZOJ, uyT, JHEd, NRxnpa, Ijv, mZWs, YgwO, YJU, MLlZt, kRWru, tLT, qOZX, WIXtGY, pIfBb, Dzc, pBtUoi, oxw, ngdkq, MOq, lqyUll, rTo, uTAqt, HSKgdO, pTbm, zYd, JYA, xIec, bsXtHG, QXL, BPA, HkBX, QOSq, tbU, GlFSVL, pvFmy, GIBs, xOUeP, oLEdy, VYp, ByINp, UNXN, otCzCG, SuYIV, aYW, RLOYZb, NIU, fFR, btQNvl, VCdu, zPSGK, qqzAd, sYRTo, qUSJA, cCaC, sydPv, BTRj, joHIWM, jvkMiC, YiwH, pti, jeytGL, QKO, aWR, tUQwV, Bypn, QKLVwH, ikVqsq, IVf, TLlxoi, FckuqH, Xdf, jyCR, LEe, vfiQ, olO, ECR, vhGH, gqV, QpvaNb, uWfJbI, IVmbx, hXQu, zPOtLB, AyQQIa, WMlpXd, avvgQ, QKFF, jGikN,

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