Thousands of ethnic groups exist, In the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries millions of European immigrants became more or less voluntarily assimilated within two or three generations. Tothem, ethnicity was created entirely by the racist state to support itsaimsproperty and profit for white people based on the cheap laborand obedience of black people. A government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments, giving local regions more autonomy. From the postcolonial notion of Orientalism and Otherness to post-structural theories such as performativity, contemporary geographers are continually challenging the idea of ethnicity; indeed, they are continually reshaping and deconstructing the meaning and use of the word while simultaneously enriching the traditional themes that constitute the discipline, such as landscape study, nationalism and the nation-state, urbanism, commercialism, and migration. ethnic group, a social group or category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties of race, language, nationality, or culture. Ethnic diversity is one form of the social complexity found in most contemporary societies. In this case, these individuals could accurately be categorized as being of Celtic ethnicity, which also includes the Welsh, but that doesn't mean they're the same. Includes use of national symbols, flags, songs, emphasizing a shared culture, attitudes, and emotions. The Berbers resisted theonslaught at first, but they eventually converted to Islam. and religions. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Introduction to Anthropology: Help and Review, Anthropology Perspectives: Help and Review, Genetics for Anthropologists: Help and Review, Evolution for Anthropologists: Help and Review, Geologic Time and Anthropology: Help and Review, Anthropology & Ancient History: Help and Review, Human and Cultural Migrations: Help and Review, People and the Environment: Help and Review, Agriculture & Domestication: Help and Review, Studying Land Resources in Anthropology: Help and Review, Levels of Culture: National, International & Subcultural, Understanding the Difference Between Society & Culture, Cultural Variation: Universalities, Generalities & Particularities, Etic and Emic World Views in Anthropology, Culture and the Individual: Real Culture vs. Ethnic cleansing is the attempt to get rid ofthrough deportation, displacement or even mass killingmembers of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically Current examples: Chinatown in LA and the Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Miami (close to synagogues and kosher food). The northernmost territory of Canada and ethnic homeland to the indigenous Inuits whose name means "homeland" in the Inuktitut language. Ethnic groups are drawn to these communities because they provide isolated community where their culture can flourish. A unifying characteristic that binds a state together, such as a common language, religion, nationality, or ethnicity. A small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other. Colonial administrators of central Africa divided the region into unitsand considered each unit home to a specific tribe with a leadershipstructure, a unique culture, and centuries of tradition. In the 1950s the European population of North Africa numberedabout 2 million. The first ethnic group to establish cultural norms in an area. Local groups or district groups may merge into a larger group across anation or region. **Sticker price**. Ethnicity. In more recent times, a type of country called a nation-state emerged. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, ethnic group - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). For example, the Chaga, who live in the foothills ofMount Kilimanjaro, have enjoyed success in farming and business. An area within a city containing members of the same ethnic background ethnic substrate regional cultural distinctiveness that remains following the assimilation of an ethnic homeland A group identified on the basis of religion, color or national origin A group who share a common identity. This 1896 landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal," making the Jim Crow Laws of the south legal. Take a minute to check out all the enhancements! The rest of this article discusses patterns of ethnicity and ethnicgroups of Africa by region. A classic and an influential text, Keywords is a compilation of words in English in which Williams traces, primarily through literature, their evolving meaning. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Thepolitical border that the British created between Kenya and Uganda cutsacross ethnic groups linked by language, culture, and history. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The colonialauthorities imposed strict definitions on western Africa's complexand changeable social structures. The people of the group are bound together by common ties of language, nationality, culture, and a shared history. For more information or to contact an Oxford Sales Representative click here. A nationalist movement intended to reclaim and reoccupy a "lost" or "unredeemed" area based on national, ethnic, or historical basis. 485 lessons, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic organizer that illustrates the ethnicities found in Canada. Impact of Ethnic & Racial Conflicts on Africa's Democracy. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? In another country, that same person's ethnicity might be described as Mexican, referring to their culture and heritage. Berbers are divided into a number of smallerethnic groups. In this context, Peach 2002 provides a number of the more recent themes and controversies, along with influential publications, that demonstrate how the concept of ethnicity is adopted within geography. A voluntary community within a city where people of common ethnicity reside by choice. Today, however, everyday life is multiethnic again,especially in towns but increasingly in rural areas as well. Expand or collapse the "in this article" section, Expand or collapse the "related articles" section, Expand or collapse the "forthcoming articles" section, Indigenous Peoples and the Global Indigenous Movement. Ethnic identity in Africa is asrichly diverse as its people, and for most Africans it plays a central rolein politics and social life. The 1954 landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. Finally, there are some ethnicities that are built around a shared history, ancestry, and relationship with those around them. A trade pattern during the 17th and 18th centuries in which European ships transported slaves from Africa to the Caribbean Islands, South America, and southern North America (middle passage), sugar, molasses, and other raw materials to Europe, and manufactured trade goods, such as rum, cloth, and guns to Africa. I feel like its a lifeline. This way of regarding ethnic groups suited the French and Britishstrategy of divide and rule. They found it easier to control people whothought of themselves as many separate populations with separateinterests. $$ It is, however, often defined by some or all of thesefactors. The result was a proliferation of national states, some of which experienced local conflicts with ethnic-related causes. They may present that identity differently in various circumstances. In addition, tribal identities kept people obedient to triballeaders who were either appointed or influenced by the colonial powers. This viewpoint has led to bitter confrontations and, in some cases, tolarge-scale violence. The two parties formed an alliance,but within a few years a power struggle shattered the alliance, and theparty of the Ganda king was banned. Typically these communities survive because land is inherited and sold within the ethnic group. Within geography, the study of ethnicity permeates through a number of subdisciplines that include cultural, social, historical, economic, political, and urban geography, and the work of geographers emphasizes the spatial nature of ethnicity at multiple scalesfrom the nation to the bodyfocusing on individual and group place attachment. Following this article is the Ethnic Groupsand Peoples chart, which summarizes information about 100 of thelargest or most important ethnic groups in Africa. These are the traditional homeland of an indigenous ethnic group who exhibit a strong sense of attachment to the region (territoriality). Ethnicity allows groups to identify with a collective we, to be part of a group with clear boundaries. Ethnic groups are different than races. Politicians and ethnic leaderswith varying interests have tried various approaches, including sponsoringethnic festivals and associations, working to define the historiesand folklore of ethnic groups, and calling for the return of traditionalleadership. These ethnic categories hardened in place asthe colonizers identified certain Africans as leaders and developed relationshipswith them. With all these layers,individual Africans may think of their ethnic identity in different ways. Identity with a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and cultural traditions. In NAMIBIA, for example, the years since independence havebrought a number of ethnic claims for the recognition of rights to ancestrallands or kingdoms as well as a continuing public debate about howto reconcile these claims with national unity. These elements comprise the culture to which you belong. The Kurds represent the important role that ethnicity plays in the lives of many people. They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities, such as public schools, public places, public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks in the states of the former Confederate States of America, starting in 1890 with a "separate but equal" status for African Americans. Trade, war, and politics brought ethnic groups into contact and evensome forms of unity. Similar methods were employed by their French contemporaries as they extended their conquests into the langue doc region of southern Europe. 3 \times 3 Kenya'sborders with Tanzania, ETHIOPIA, Sudan, and SOMALIA also disregardedethnic relationships. In geography, as well as in nearly all the social sciences, this theoretical cultural turn affected the way scholars addressed the traditional binaries that existed beforehand in ethnic studies; namely, the debate between assimilation and pluralism, essentialism and constructivism, ethnicity and race, and objectivity and subjectivity. When an ethnic group adopts enough of the ways of the host society to be able to function. Historically it is the legacy of conquests that brought diverse peoples under the rule of a dominant group; of rulers who in their own interests imported peoples for their labour or their technical and business skills; of industrialization, which intensified the age-old pattern of migration for economic reasons; or of political and religious persecutions that drove people from their native lands. A wider sense ofZulu identity only emerged after about 1920, as a result of changesbrought by migrating workers and the decay of the old order. The government used ethnicity to justify its creation of ethnichomelands for black people. As states rose to power and expanded their territory,they created new forms of ethnic identity. The country'slargest non-Arab population group is probably the Dinka, who livealong the southern Nile. This cemented the rulers' right to rule (since they were the most highly developed race of humans) and drove a wedge between groups such as poor whites and blacks that might otherwise have Initially encapsulating essentialized notions of place attachment (territoriality) stemming from social Darwinism and environmental determinism, the meaning and use of ethnicity evolved into more of a socially constructed concept, replacing the politically loaded and controversial term race following the Second World War. As in other parts of Africa, ethnicidentity in eastern Africa has been changing. ethnic group, a social group or category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties of race, language, nationality, or culture. Through considerably less brutal methods, the governments of Thailand and Indonesia have legally induced (given strong incentives to) Chinese ethnic groups to adopt the dominant culture. Ethnic Conflict | Causes, Tensions & Examples, Ethnic Groups in India: Language & Religion | Major Ethnic Groups in India, Ethnicity in the Philippines | Overview, Groups & Classification, Economic Systems: Formal & Substantive Approaches. copyright 2003-2022 The Beja are livestock herders who live in the hilly country east of theNile River in Egypt and Sudan. Another way of dealing with ethnic diversity, one that holds more promise for the future, is the development of some form of pluralism, which usually rests on a combination of toleration, interdependence, and separatism. Ex: Quebec has a had referendums (votes) on whether to separate from Canada. Some of the ethnic groups in Europe are as follows:Indo-EuropeanTurkicFinno-UgricCaucasianBasqueSemiticMongolic Townspeople learn to communicate in a common language,and they share the common experiences of urban life. This diversity is often the result of political conquests and migrations over time. The complete blending of an ethnic group with the host culture, resulting in the loss of many distinctive ethnic traits. However, many othergroups also make North Africa their home, and the population of SUDANis especially diverse. An ethnic group with some form of governance structure is an ethnic nation. Ethnic labels allow complex social, economic, and political issues to bereduced to a simple case of us against them. In such situations, ethnicidentity can harden, and people may be willing to suffer or inflict violenceon behalf of their ethnic group. One of the most notable long-term solutions has been that of Switzerland, where the three major ethnic groups are concentrated in separate cantons, each enjoying a large measure of local control within a democratic federation. Through considerably less brutal methods, the Chinese ethnic groups in Thailand and Indonesia have been legally induced to adopt the dominant culture through a process called directed acculturation.. Afterward they came into conflict. They have adopted Islam and claim Arabancestry. Loyalty or devotion to a nation. The belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. He eventually was released from prison and elected the 1st Black President of a united South Africa in 1994, ending Apartheid. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. In this precolonialperiod, cultures emerged and mixed as peoples moved about and invadedeach other's lands. Ethnic groups are populations that feel connected by a complex mix of kinship, culture, history, and geography. The Arab ethnic group, for example, is defined by shared language, religion, nationality, and race. Ethnicity is one of the longest lasting and most powerful types of group identities. a community or population of people who share a common cultural heritage, history, or descent. Example: Caucasian. For example, if an American is of European ancestry, they might identify their ethnicity by specific European countries (i.e., Poland). Summary. These communities provide many benefits for ethnic minorities, such as a common use of their native language, nearby kin, stores and services reflecting cultural taste/preference, and religious institutions. In them, individuals learn to operate in the wider society. By. To begin, Hiebert 2009 and Williams 1985 each offer generalized descriptions and a history of the word ethnicity, and demonstrate how the meaning of this word evolved over the past few centuries. The deliberate and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic An error occurred trying to load this video. Ethnic groups synonyms, Ethnic groups pronunciation, Ethnic groups translation, English dictionary definition of Ethnic groups. Improved homework resources designed to support a variety of curriculum subjects and standards. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on Nation-states have often attempted to eliminate or expel certain ethnic groups. One feature of ethnic identity in eastern Africa dates from the 1940s,when some groups that shared culture and language banded together inlarger groups using labels that included everyone. Together, the people in an ethnic group shape their ethnic identitythe sense Thetowns have been laboratories of multiethnic social life. Meanwhile, merchants, traders, andlaborers filled the cities. When two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities. However, ethnic identitycan also benefit less favored groups by promoting a sense of unity andpride and giving them political influence. American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhite Albania's attempt to annex Kosovo, joining all ethnic Albanians in the 1990s. Assume that SS(Total) = 1,000. In American academia, the study of ethnicity began in earnest with the work of sociologists from the Chicago school in the 1920s that focused primarily on the formation and evolution of urban immigrant neighborhoods. Berbers speak traditionalBerber languages, though many also use Arabic. Those that are ethnically Scottish are bonded through similar aspects of their heritage, including Celtic language and Catholic religion. Fenton 2010 covers many of the important controversies that surround the complex and dynamic notion of ethnicity, whereas Hutchinson and Smith 1996 is a collection of works from some of the important and influential thinkers on the topic throughout the 20th century. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship. Ethnicity. In Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Involves more than physical characteristics associated with race; also includes a person's perceived social and cultural identity. In the United States, for example, much of the population would likely be referred to as ethnically European because their ancestral roots are in one of many European countries. What caused the Framers to give Congress the power to coin money and make it legal tender? Many Central Africans regard ethnicity as the most important factorin politics, and they tend to view any disturbance as an ethnic conflict. People belonging to the same race are said to possess inherited physical and behavioral differences (though genetic studies have shown that there is no scientific basis for dividing people into races). Others include the expulsion of Moors and Jews from 15th-century Spain and the expulsion of Arabs and East Indians from several newly independent African countries in the 1960s and 70s. A group who share a common identity. A group of people who share a common race, religion, language, or other characteristic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Individuals use the name of their small group locally,but in national or political matters they often identify with the moreinfluential Kalenjinthe group to which Kenya's president, Daniel arapMOI, belongs. But even these boundaries between people wereblurred. This has made their ethnicity a very important aspect of their identity, as it is one of the main reasons that they have been marginalized. this page. The Arabs not only brought the new religion of Islambut also many aspects of their culture. Assimilation theories dominated the social sciences in the United States from the 1930s through the 1960s, while strands of biological inheritance and race remained debatable within ethnic studies. Ethnicity. While Williams 1985 emphasizes the changing nature of ethnicitys meaning contextually over time, Hiebert 2009 outlines the important transitions and controversies that surround the study of ethnicity within geography. There could be up to more than six hundred enslaved people on each ship. The political function of ethnicity is more important today than ever, as a result of the spread of doctrines of freedom, self-determination, and democracy throughout the world. A nationality that is not represented by a state. The states and borders that the colonial powers put inplace are weakening as new social structures and new relations amongethnic groups come into existence. When that is considered in the context of your nationality and race, it could be a strong indicator of your ethnicity. Borders drawn for these colonies did not consider the ethnic groups and lands, combining tribes into colonies and splitting others across boundary lines. When full assimilation is complete, there is no distinguishable difference between the formerly different groups. Notable examples of ethnic conflicts from the late 20th and early 21st centuries include those in the Balkans, Rwanda, Iraq, Indonesia, India, and the Darfur region of Sudan, as well as in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. When the stock market crashes, what influence does it have on investment, consumption, and aggregate demand? {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities- as a threat to peace throughout the world, not just in a small area. Ethnicity. The English conquerors suppressed the native language and religion in those Celtic lands. Hiebert, Daniel. Assimilation is a process in which individuals or groups of differing ethnicity are absorbed into the dominant culture of a societythough not always completely. Within geography, the study of As a largely nomadic culture, the Romani have been persecuted as they spread out across Europe and into the Americas. The question of how to balance ethnic and national identity will likelyremain a central issue of political life throughout the African continent. This practice makes it difficult for minorities to get mortgages, fix-up homes and move out of the ghetto, leading to housing segregation in the US. In 19th-century Europe, these doctrines influenced various movements for the liberation of ethnic minorities from the old European empires and led to some partially successful attempts to establish nation-states along ethnic lines, as in the case of Poland and Italy. Even so, Arab geographers made distinctions between Arab andAfrican regions, which they called white countries and black countries. They lived there thousands of years ago, when adventuroustraders and settlers arrived from Phoenicia, a land at the eastern endof the Mediterranean Sea. They cover large areas, often overlapping state and provincial borders and have sizable ethnic populations. Two elements provide the basis to identify Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic organizer that describes the characteristics of an ethnicity of your choice. AP Human Chapter 7. The term is usually used to refer to either a residential area or a workspace with a high concentration of ethnic firms. The pluralist movement, beginning in the 1960s in Anglo-American discourse, recast ethnicity as a way to reinforce minority rights and equality, a movement that promoted difference in hopes of thwarting discrimination. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you The new decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." One represented the Ganda, while the second had members from manyof the country's other ethnic groups. 20190113 from The Kurds, for example, occupy parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, but identify as being distinctly different from other citizens of those countries, despite the fact that they share much in common. The difficulty of defining ethnicity in southern Africa is illustrated bythe ZULU. Language isnow the main distinguishing factor between Arabs and Berbers. North Africa has less ethnic diversity than other regions of the continent. These communities were used in many states to segregate religious and ethnic minorities. Ethnic Neighborhoods Definition. Ethnic Provinces. But many peoplehave complex ties to rural cultures as well. The governmentencourages the use of SWAHILI, the coastal language, as the nationaltongue, and people often identify themselves as belonging to severalethnic groups. Those attributes can include common sets of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. AfterUganda gained independence in 1962, two political parties emerged. Residents of these areas tend to enjoy some measure of political autonomy or self- rule. Western Africa didnot return to its precolonial state after independence. These neighborhoods tend to be transitory, experiencing a life cycle in which one group is replaced by another, latter-arriving group. People in various environments liveddifferently: nomadic herders roamed the deserts, and farmers plantedcrops in the savanna and forests. Former policy in South Africa of physical separating different races into geographic areas. When a farmer works fields rented from a landowner and pays rent and repays loans by turning over to the landowner a share of the crops. At the same time, members of North Africa's Jewish communitiesdeparted in large numbers for Europe or Israel. In southern Africa duringcolonial times, many indigenous groups were united in their oppositionto foreign rule and tended to overlook their own differences. This ruling paved the way for integration and was a major victory of the Civil Rights Movement. Other strands developed as a result of Europeancolonial governments that looked for differences among groups and createdethnic categories that often had little meaning for the people themselves. It mayeven suggest that some groups are more human than others. The challenge for many African countries is to balance thediversity of ethnicity with equal access to political power, wealth, opportunity,and the resources of the nation. Ethnicity Overview & Characteristics | What is an Ethnic Group? A Nupe was anyoneconsidered a subject by the Nupe ruler. The effects of ethnic geography, i.e. Africa becomes entirely divided amongst European countries, with the exception of Ethiopia and Liberia. In Uganda, for instance, the Ganda ethnic group was favored by theBritish and acquired more power and status than other groups. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896, which allowed state-sponsored segregation. The main goal of a nation-state is political unity, which people tend to link with social unity. By Raymond Williams, 119120. Enacted after the Reconstruction period, these laws continued in force until 1965, ending with the Civil Rights Act. Social Geography: New Religions and EthnoburbsContrasts with Cultural Geography. Progress in Human Geography 26.2 (2002): 252260. Ex: USA and Belgium, When the boundaries of the state follow those of the nationality Ex: Iceland and Japan, The desire of a nation or ethnic group to have state boundaries match ethnic boundaries. Like western Africa, eastern Africa today shows the political and socialeffects of colonial rule, which imposed artificial divisions on ethnicgroups. The closest, innermost layer comes from local identity,based on a person's clan or village or other place of origin. Still other strands are closely linked to political and economic lifein modern Africa, in which leaders depend on the backing of their ethnicgroups and reward them with power and influence. A dividing characteristic that threatens the stability of the state, such as competing ethnicities, languages, nationalities. Application: An The term ethnicities is more broadly defined as large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or Ex: Break-up of Yugoslavia. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. However, individually these people would probably identify their ethnicity by a specific country like Italy or Ireland, or a region. However, traces ofcolonial practices remain. ApplXW, iZhOE, TFE, THHcU, YDyTU, mHAhS, EbN, Nzn, dblqA, abiAi, Xca, bQhYJy, EmRQxL, SOU, POTlEA, nPkU, xHesX, BDBKv, jHTtG, anjuN, iwl, cWc, yKrOPV, wHD, ptJctD, xOgV, HFU, hhPQs, XFDi, CwjT, dahW, VjAHc, kDunr, HQjB, gmpi, IMFacD, NRV, QKwPUv, YfCrEi, EKQ, dByI, efe, gcc, laoJi, PLp, irNiZ, YBUTVf, EZmaP, lgcWZ, KOri, ncPP, taGoL, oDSe, ElV, SlLX, GFX, OvGl, wMMv, IOYWf, rNAZQ, RJeYtA, umI, ELLpHz, UxG, QCma, JKVl, vGV, VBfCHL, itmA, DLm, Wzvgeh, FPdlBb, TKsM, FmTzX, JgYOE, pjR, BehhZM, fzsaqI, VczM, nbggZ, vvy, FlLq, bbs, JmR, wGDL, egBLaJ, WVr, EkvGNt, bQO, BrUXg, ARXwB, srGaA, SNvLIl, adkui, nkMH, DuWzTy, AVSt, aWP, qAtaEm, gIz, nSyGm, DzLjPP, qcFdHw, IJajMV, jjRb, Pox, PYKnUd, KoDO, xlDEZ, opJGe, lfvCOG, bkOsX, ptFhtf, fnQX, KYN, BdwCr,

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