Christ in His earthly ministry dealt only with the nation of Israel, not the Church. In terms of modernized armaments, there was chatter on Intel Slava Z about their larger TOS thermobaric flamethrowers being sent along with urban warfare terminator BMPs. The body of Christ has been made complete and God has removed it (Rapture). Paul wrote: 22Wives,be subjectto your own husbands,as to the Lord. Or would most, if not all of this, be satans doing? In conclusion, God warned Israel throughout the 1600 year period of the Law that if they didnt get with the program, his judgment would fall on them. Amos had no more idea that Jesus would die on a Roman cross than did the disciples. 1/This war, as is the way with wars, particularly in Russia, has revealed deep fissures in Russian society. [76] However, Asquith's first budget, in 1906, was constrained by the annual income and expenditure plans he had inherited from his predecessor Austen Chamberlain. This is Grace. only believe believe on the one that The Father has sent etc etc. We are the nothing spoken of in Article 27 of the Belgic Confession. No gore) Probably as many, if not many more. There are no common factors when it comes to repairing and resupplying ammunition and spare parts. h. Other peoples from the Former Soviet Union - e.g. If you obey 1 Corinthians 14.1-4 you reject tongues. Posted by: wagelaborer | Nov 13 2022 19:51 utc | 96. First, let me commend you for writing this article, for using ample scripture and most especially for being willing to answer comments. And is the dominant ideology in much of the world. He fully understood the dangers. [208] The Allies suffered from infighting at the top, poor equipment, incompetent leadership, and lack of planning, while facing the best units of the Ottoman army. thank you. Asquith's adoption was not a foregone conclusion: the local Association was split between pro- and anti-coalition factions, and he was selected by a vote of 20:17 by the executive and then 92:75 of the wider members. I still haven't understood what "antisemitic" is supposed to imply. When some speaker express mild trepidation about recent events in the Ukraine, Peter Lavelle interrupted him, as is his wont, to assure him that when the ground froze and 300,00 new soldiers appeared, Russia would regain everything it had lost, and more so I have often argued that Russia should perform a sudden, very sharp tactical nuclear strike on numerous NATO facilities all at once. Prior to this time the phrase is used only of angelic beings. [227] Lacking cohesion internally, and attacked from without, Asquith determined that his government could not continue and he wrote to the King, "I have come decidedly to the conclusion that the [Government] must be reconstituted on a broad and non-party basis. And it is proving difficult to root out the sources of infection. May the Lord continue to enlighten you in His grace. Russia is objectively performing flawlessly on the battlefield. All Gods sacrifices in the sacrificial Law system pointed to Christ the Messiah for the forgiveness of Sins & Eternal Life. Great article! Through the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God began to reveal Himself. Sue, Jesus spoke these words to the Twelve. I think they will take the remainder of the Donbas and Zaporizhia which is all to the east of the Dnieper, and freeze the conflict in Kherson in perpetuity. It has the industrial capacity and supply capabilities to keep turning these arms out for years. unorthodox. Why? There was mention of blessings flowing to Gentile believers through Israel in the original plan. Even at Pentecost, after the Lord rose from the dead, Peter made no mention of it. 3. However, when the barflies end up so agitated to accuse other barflies of trolling and struggle to turn the forums into echo chambers of sorts, then the trolls have indirectly but decisively succeeded. [461], In January 1922 C.P. Because of Sauls intense persecution, Jewish believers feared him greatly (Acts 9.13-14). I was never taught that response from my youth up, and finding it being taught to me now, I spit it out. The cross for Peter was something to be repented of, not a message of hope and salvation (Acts 2.22-24; 2.36-39; 3.13-20). Paul never forgot what he had been and what God had done for him. Thus opened a fully-fledged crisis, the Shell Crisis. [515] In the autumn of 1925 Hobhouse, Runciman and the industrialist Sir Alfred Mond protested to Asquith at Lloyd George organising his own campaign for reform of land ownership. There are a million things that could have been approached better that were not. For the earthly Flesh & Blood body will not be able to enter. The Pentagon for all its post WW2 history of failures this time understood what war in central Europe requires and got it right. Patrick Lawrence's impression of the Kherson withdrawal makes sense to me: Why Are the Russians Retreating in Ukraine? [94] In 1912, one of these, Venetia Stanley became much closer. To leave the pure preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ because the church teaches and insists upon the truth that the Christian school is a demand of the covenant reveals that you never loved the gospel of Jesus Christ to begin with. He was a Jew. Russia is now preparing to start. [505], In 1924 the Liberal party had only been able to put up 343 candidates due to lack of money. For basic reasons having to do with industrial capacity. Due to national Israels failure to play their prophesied role, it was now Paul says, my gospel, the preaching of Jesus Christ uniquely given to Paul, that would be the instrument and means of their hearing and accomplish Gods eternal purpose. Posted by: bevin | Nov 13 2022 19:30 utc | 90, Jen @90: "I said nothing about multipolarity. What did David believe? First read more than 50 years ago. No more javelins, which have not had proven success any way. Posted by: Constantine | Nov 13 2022 16:37 utc | 33, @ Constantine | Nov 13 2022 16:07 utc | 27. thanks for your commentary here and earlier.. i agree with a lot of what you say i also agree with a lot of what william gruff says too, but like you would like to skip the troll focus.. and i too share the viewpoint this is a war between usa led nato and russia which makes the situation here more complicated.. it is civilizational too in that i think time is running out on the planet for a continuation of 'business as usual' and for the idea that one country can dominate all others in a unipolar manner so a lot of things are going on here that discourage an easy answer, in spite of most peoples demand for an easy answer, or a straight forward and clear response to all of the threads that are coming together at this juncture in our world.. that people would have a very different response to all of this is further encouraged by the role the msm plays in all of this, whether it be russian, american or whatever msm all of it is focused on the short term, not the long term.. there is a lot of fakery going on too, so thinking one can read the signs based off any one event will probably lead to a flawed analysis of the said event.. i can't say i know if this is the case with kherson, but i can't rule it out either so, i wouldn't be too quick to judge russia here myself, although i see most posters doing exactly this.. i mostly see the flaws in others, as opposed to myself, lol! Much more remunerative were his new contacts with solicitors who regularly instructed Wright and now also began to instruct Asquith. The problem is not with the Law; it is with us. "deter" is the word they use. Then I cannot ignore this scripture. 4By referring to this, when you read you can understand my insight into the mystery [secret] of Christ, 5which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit; 6to be specific, that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel, 7of which I was made a minister, according to the gift of Gods grace which was given to me according to the working of His power. "[204] Lloyd George's counter view was expressed in a letter of early 1916 in which he asked "whether I have a right to express an independent view on the War or must (be) a pure advocate of opinions expressed by my military advisers? I wonder what else Professor Gritters knew and about which, did nothing more. God had sent Peter to Cornelius house, not only so that Cornelius might be saved, but that Peter might come to Pauls defense 14 years later. I believe its the bedrock of everything He has done for us through our faith! In fact, the comparison is apt in that a portion of the weapons and monetary aid is siphoned off. Laurel, Thank you for your kind word. (Luke 17:10), Paul would be the first to admit that although blessed with many revelations he too was seeing through a glass darkly and that he too only knew in part. [80] King Edward, who was on holiday in Biarritz, sent for Asquith, who took the boat train to France and kissed hands as prime minister in the Htel du Palais, Biarritz, on 8 April. A long war for Russia likely means a complete, vs. a partial. In the second return, the Lord will return to earth, (an earthly return for an earthly people, Zechariah 14.4). Amos 3.7 and Luke 18.31-34 state that God reveals secrets when He wants to and not before. They would tell me in private that they agreed with me, but then in the consistory room and in the correspondence they would send, they would say something entirely different. It has corrected most of those baby steps and gained a lot of knowledge about NATO's EW, SIGINT, comms, weapons and such. It's stupid to accept the total annihilation of humanity just because you're afraid of the Russian idea, of our ideology. Lanning explaining Noahs building of the ark: We read about this project in Genesis 6:22, Thus did Noah. Noah did it. And how they were ready to pick up stones many times to kill Jesus. None of it was the case and you are astute enough to comprehend the inconsistency of descibing the conflict as almost existential on one hand and then still calling the implacably hostile western bloc as "partners" (per Lavrov a few months ago), while refusing to increase the tempo of military commitment. See Matthew 25.31-36. 2:2023). Whats that? But Jesus in His earthly ministry had not revealed the program He would reveal to Paul. [79] Asquith was universally accepted as the natural successor. Acts 11:19 Now those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to no one but the Jews only. I believe the Gospel of the Grace of God must be revealed through the Holy Spirit. I cringe at saying 'good' when an incident harms the innocent. If not, I'd suggest you wind your neck in. [453], Paisley was a false dawn, for the Liberals and for Asquith personally. Paul used the term to describe the body of doctrine therisen, ascended, glorified Lord revealed to him. 12Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts,13and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. This is what he meant in being untimely born in 1 Corinthians 15.8 and ministering as a priest (Romans 15.16). [551], According to Matthew, "Asquith's decision for war with Germany was the most important taken by a British prime minister in the twentieth century, and was more important than any prime ministerial decision of the nineteenth century. "[573] As Campbell-Bannerman's "sledgehammer", his "debating power was unequalled. Its the only fellowship we have really. I would suggest the latter. [185] The following day Asquith saw the King and an ultimatum to Germany demanding withdrawal from Belgian soil was issued with a deadline of midnight Berlin time, 11.00p.m. (GMT). Russia seems to have no equivalent. Not happening for me because if not for Paul, I wouldnt have the strength to even try and walk this road. A NATO thrust into Western Ukraine concurrently with the soon Russian thrust salvage their unsinkable carrier or they are expecting a diversionary attack against Russia's rear or belly. Many saw Him die. Printed USDs can buy whatever is for sale in that currency. Blocked at first by Treasury officials from setting a variable rate of income tax with higher rates on those with high incomes, he set up a committee under Sir Charles Dilke which recommended not only variable income tax rates but also a supertax on incomes of more than 5,000 a year. Looks the the Pentagon is still several steps ahead and will see and raise Russia's winter offensive preempting it with their own screwing up Russia's timing with the mobilization and arms procurement forcing it to scramble. Hello Don, I would appreciate your comments on Acts 26:22 Paul before Agrippa. Putin told us in his Feb. statement that Russians consider Ukrainians to be family. Posted by: John R Moffett | Nov 13 2022 15:19 utc | 15. Its interesting isnt it..? Here he is speaking to gentiles and he says to repent. Unlike in Vietnam (for the U.S.) and Afghanistan, Russia is losing very few aircraft as it decimates Ukraine with cruise missiles and kamikaze drones. In terms of modernized armaments, there was chatter on Intel Slava Z about their larger TOS thermobaric flamethrowers being sent along with urban warfare terminator BMPs. Only they. YouTube miracles at Disneyland is a fun video, R.W. Noah took a saw in his hand and a mallet in his hand, and Noah did what God said in building an ark according to the specifications that God had given Noah: three stories high, with a door in the side and a window in the top. Your eschatology is just the latest twist of Darbyism. The Law excluded Gentiles as the Blessings were through Abraham & to his lineage & natural Israel. Good re-post from PeterAU re: Brzezinksi. The US is also losing status as reserve currency. "[344], Law then took the resolution to Asquith, who had, unusually, broken his weekend at Walmer Castle to return to Downing Street. That was given to Paul (Galatians 2.7-9). [10], Lloyd George and Churchill were the leading forces in the Liberals' appeal to the voters; Asquith, clearly tired, took to the hustings for a total of two weeks during the campaign, and when the polls began, journeyed to Cannes with such speed that he neglected an engagement with the King, to the monarch's annoyance. Relax dude and don't take the trolling personally. For example, 1 John 2:2. Instead, the standard modus operandi has been for years to spout potential threats to offenders, make exhibitions of new weaponry to back those threats and then toning failing to defend practically every red line set (often, incredibly enough, by the west). No one understood salvation by faith alone until God revealed it to Paul who revealed it to us. Oh, how I yearn for Gods unfathomable grace to be taught and preached in the power of His Holy Spirit! In the meantime, the U.S. can print money, and thereby afford to continue the conflict indefinitley, until public opinion turns against it. And by dare, I mean a professor listed it on the syllabus and I had to read it and then write papers about it. In the middle of my life, I found myself in a snowy waste, -28 F real temperature, not wind chill, driving my pregnant wife to St Joseph's Hospital for the birth of our first child Emily, now a lawyer in Milano. On that note, if John taught that Jesus was propitiation for sins, why did John urge his audience to confess their sins for forgiveness? He did not tell the Jews to believe Christ died for their sins and rose again (Pauls gospel). Russia would ultimately like to avoid direct war with NATO but NATO may be too stupid to know that such a war would be as dangerous for them as it would be for Russia. Peter being reluctant to go to the house of Cornelius is the proof and the negative reaction of the Jewish believers after the event provides further evidence of this fact. When he stated he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7.55-56; Psalm 68.1), the enraged Sanhedrin seized and stoned him. But God has given the Church, the body of Christ, different promises from those He gave Israel. I say that He was referring to all Gentiles because He contrasted helping her with Israel, when He said, I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. When you do a study on this you will be shocked to discover that all at Penecost were Jews. Posted by: William Gruff | Nov 13 2022 15:10 utc | 13. God does no evil but does allow evil accomplish His will and to bring us closer to Him. Many of us felt that Russia's military was a powerful unstoppable force on that front but we were wrong. I was actually involved in one such activity about 30 years ago, when my company manufactured and sold the Government 30,000 Tempested PC's, at $10K apiece, until the state-of-the-art negated the need for them. Remember that the Russians moved into Kherson early in the SMO without a fight, and life there was pleasant for the residents until the Ukies started attacking them a couple of months ago. If Jew and Gentile were equal the Lord would have ministered to Gentiles and would not have COMMANDED His disciples NOT to go to them. A clubbable man, he enjoyed "the companionship of clever and attractive women" even more. Salvation by faith alone was unknown before Paul and we have many verses that prove this. Hello! They simply do not understand Pauls apostleship or ministry. -USAF KC-10A FIAT11. They were kept secret. Why cant anyone on this site understand that Russia can knock out all the electricity, water and heat in one day. For those who want to monitor the attrition of American, Western, and other mercenaries who have been awarded the prestigious Darwin Award for fighting in Ukraine: TrackANaziMerc Those bridges are burnt, for a very very long time. Thank you very much for the detailed studies you did for more unfolding of Gods mystery of the gospel of Grace. But my wife of 53 years is not a believer and until the Lord Jesus solves that dilemma its not possible right now, and it makes life extremely difficult on many levels. But hysteria is costly. Jesus, during his three-year ministry on earth, neverrevealed these teachings and the Twelve knew nothingof them, even after Christs resurrection. For four years the seminary professors had a man under their tutelage who proved to be an abuser. Did the Twelve not preach this gospel? These greedy people, whom we know very well, live in an actual and particular Hell in the dispute of who can do more. Please try again. In their ongoing work to remove any remaining evidence that the Holy Spirit once took up his abode in that congregation, they are taking down Rev. One might even say, Rev. I also have the impression that you don't follow actual Russia much, which this blog isn't part of. This is only a preview. See the authors study on theDay of Christ. To Die For Our Sins & be raised from the dead! In fact, he went further than I did (and rightfully so) in condemning the preaching. There are no common factors when it comes to repairing and resupplying ammunition and spare parts. Please pray for Jo Ann. Two gospels. Categorically no. We have Lukes court record of Stephens trial in Acts 7. He warned of the coming apostasy(2 Thess 2:1-12). [494], Instead of resigning MacDonald requested, and was granted, a General Election. I watched an hour of the over 10 hour documentary and was blown away with the things I had never learned. With this program, He could bless Gentiles despite Israels rejection of their Messiah. Hi Doctrine, With due respect to you & others who might be reading. In the face of all this wickedness, what is the response of the editor? Because they are told to confess their sins when they did. It did not take long to realize what was missing from the preaching of Rev. Posted by: whirlX | Nov 13 2022 19:08 utc | 82. The Lord will inherit the nations (Psalms 2) and rule over them. Jesus spent 3 years training people up (the disciples)- to give them the secrets of the kingdom unto THEM it was given to know the secrets of the kingdom and when He (Jesus) said that he was referring to His words ALONE not someone elses words who was to come (Paul)! "[382] That evening, he dined at Downing Street with family and friends, his daughter-in-law Cynthia describing the scene: "I sat next to the P.M.he was too darlingrubicund, serene, puffing a guinea cigar and talking of going to Honolulu. Posted by: circumspect | Nov 13 2022 17:52 utc | 61, Posted by: hopehely | Nov 13 2022 17:53 utc | 62, @First Time Poster | Nov 13 2022 16:55 utc | 39, Posted by: Norwegian | Nov 13 2022 17:56 utc | 63. thanks to all those in the world who wish to live in a better world that rises above war and all the devastation that goes with it.. Posted by: james | Nov 13 2022 16:47 utc | 34, @ OdessaConnected | Nov 13 2022 16:19 utc | 30. The September meeting of classis exhibited love and care on a scale that I have never before witnessed at a broader assembly. Short of a nuclear conflagration, I think we are heading in the right direction. Many Church Fathers were fairly orthodox but they also held unscriptural views, especially in their abandonment of Paul. The Divine Comedy is so divine (I pass the redundancy) that we can bring some of Dante's narration to our day. What Paul wrote was NEW. Hick, All Church doctrine is found in Pauls letters. If we can encrypt communication and authenticate data with public/private keys God certainly has far more sophisticated methods to keep His plans secret. It just happens to be the peace of the graveyard.). No doubt the Church is in a very priviliged position because of Apostle Pauls teaching. "[223], This personal loss was immediately followed, on 15 May, by the resignation of Admiral Fisher after continuing disagreements with Churchill and in frustration at the disappointing developments in Gallipoli. What you must understand is that all the apostles thought the Lord would return in their lifetime. Here Paul goes on to explain that basically believers in Christ must make the rapture and attain the Glorified Body for entrance into Gods Kingdom, an Eternal Kingdom. My point just to put it slightly differently this time, is that the name of the Creator Father and His Son are significant just because they are, this has to be beyond debate and I do not think we even need Scripture to emphasize this (even though they do sorry but I could not help stating that based on so many verses.Joel 2:32 and our apostle Paul quoting Joel in Romans 10:13 just to name 2 more). If anyone believes the outcome is anything but a Russian victory then I have some amazing farm land in the Sahara to sell you. The Bible says people were from all languages. I can imagine what people expected from Russia, and we all wanted to see a flash-bang show with weird but fancy weapons doing all kind of stuff and also all that quick, rocking and swinging. But was I the only one who thought this about the preaching? Gentiles were always in view in Gods plan but not as the Church, the body of Christ. Paul made it clear in Ephesians 4.5 that only one baptism existsbaptism of the Holy Spirit. Grey will never consent and I shall not separate myself from him. In Hebrews, Paul was speaking as a Jew of the gospel of the kingdom. Asquith was more of a committee chair than a dynamic leader. Posted by: Seward | Nov 13 2022 15:29 utc | 17, @ John R Moffett | Nov 13 2022 15:19 utc | 15. And that is without mentioning the effect on the morale both in Russia and the greater international resistance camp as well as the camp of the imperialist scum. But of course that leads to the extinction of much of life on this planet, so decent people might be a tad hesitant. Posted by: Seward | Nov 13 2022 15:29 utc | 17, @ John R Moffett | Nov 13 2022 15:19 utc | 15. document.write(''); Their destiny is earthly, not heavenly (Matthew 19.28). And sad. Ukraine will be a frozen cemetery of nazis very soon. e. People who consider themselves Ethnic Rusyns, speak Ruthenian and are Orthodox. But before they commit suicide again, they have to break free from their mousy personalities and commit sins grievous enough to secure them a decent place in Hell. Your post makes me wonder: everything we believe (as human beings) ought to based on some kind of evidence. What evidence supports your belief that Paul was actually chosen by God to receive special revelations that we should deem trustworthy? Especially since the gas situation will be much worse in 2023. But the blood of these helpless victims cries out to God from the ground, blood spilled while the leaders and rulers of the church did nothing to stop it. It also looks good for neighborliness if Russia is seen to give it to Ukraine as a grant. Deacon Altena saw this and could not in good conscience say other than what he did. [9] Another biographer, H. C. G. Matthew, writes that Asquith's northern nonconformist background continued to influence him: "It gave him a point of sturdy anti-establishmentarian reference, important to a man whose life in other respects was a long absorption into metropolitanism. Because while the Collective West has been deindustrialized, so has been Russia, not to the same extent, but it is a nearly 10:1 ratio in terms of population size in favor of the Collective West, and this matters. Russia is still eliminating hundreds per day plus forcing an evacuation of Kiev it seems due to lack of power. I pointed out Paul did not teach against the Law, that the Law was holy righteous, and good but we are NOT under its ADMINISTRATION. I have been reading US war plans for some years. This Baptism into His Death however, which all were included into, was Christ identifying with Us to the uttermost, so that being now Baptised into His death anyone can be also Included in His resurrection upon a Faith response in Christ, apart from water baptism or any other sacrament or work, work of law. If thats the case that Pauls assertions are false then how could ANY of the scriptures be trusted? The current open thread for other issues is here. This explains why, since 2018, American military and research groups have been warning that the US would lose any regional conflict with Russia or China (let alone both) and advocated for provocations intended to slow the development and degrade the effectiveness of these perceived opponents. generally. But on his journey to Damascus, a remarkable event occurred. Acting overconfident and accusing anyone who disagrees of being trolls is just an emotional reaction. But Im hoping that the economic pressures and Ukraine fatigue will make it stop. In other words, Russia cannot remain as it is indefinitively: an oligarchy, full of the most overt and arbitrary corruption, incomparably more inefficient and retrograde than China, because as such it will stand no chance against the West, which at least ideologizes democracy and even at times social democracy, though it may not necessarily implement it. They have been broken off temporarily and Gentiles, wild branches, have been grafted into Gods place of blessing. Speaking of our resurrection body, Paul wrote the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 5.1-3: 1 For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. There is martial law in Ukraine and nobody between 18 and 60 can leave. Posted by: Seward | Nov 13 2022 14:35 utc | 10. Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 13 2022 17:21 utc | 49. This DVD is a message based on this article.. Second, I had never had a conversation with him. For 150 years or so, Galica was under Austrian rule and influence. Al, the answer to your dilemna is to read, believe, and apply II Timothy 2 :15 using the KJV! Posted by: Jzo | Nov 13 2022 14:17 utc | 9, Driving around this morning I caught Cross Talk on the radio, repeated from yesterday. Blessings and Peace in Christ Jesus be with you. Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 13 2022 17:21 utc | 49. -US Navy P8 Poseidon AE67B0 patrolling the Strait of Hormuz. They have lit the lightbulb in my mind far more often than anything I have read elsewhere. Russia did not "invade[ing] with too few troops". "[232] But he was unable to express these sentiments directly to Haldane, who was greatly hurt. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. But what I know is that the tide on the ground has turned decidedly against Russia the past 3-4 months and it can probably just barely hold on to many areas going forward. -RAF RC135W Rivet Joint RRR7233 These sort of increases typically feed into consumer inflation (now running at about 11% in EU) with a 3-6 month lag maybe resulting in above 20% inflation? The Russian military appears to have many gaps that need to be filled. Grace and peace. I have a lot of questions but lets start with that. It does not state He reveals all secrets to all prophets at the same time. GDay Don, Earlier in one of our exchanges you said Ron, Prophecy relates to Israel, not the Church. Something is not known and unknown. Gentiles were total strangers to the Covenants of Promise, with God (Adonai, Elohim, Jehova), unlike natural Israel. In this divine event, members of the body of Christ will receive resurrection bodies. I see nothing wrong with it, but indeed it did set some civilised moral standard of not flattening Ukraine, killing millions and making war as it is usually expected to be done by US/NATO. Israels promises were earthly; the Churchs are heavenly. Paul did not meet the qualifications of being one of the 12 apostles; he met the qualifications of being an apostle for he beheld the resurrected Lord and the Lord Himself selected him, just as He had the 12. 5Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? And I will definitely print out The Great Hinge. God bless you once again! Will the Holy Spirit (Gods circumcision of the heart), forbid Gentiles from obeying Gods Law? Current word seems to be a massive attack on Zaporizhzhya and then a blitz to Melitopol splitting Russian forces in the south and putting the AFU back on the Azov sea. 1:3, 20, 2:6, 3:10. The problem with the tongues folks is they elevate experience above the Word of God and faith. Acts 20:24 so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Paul teaches that while our bodies are still in an unglorified state we are nevertheless to believe this, and hence lay hold on Eternal Life. Having trouble reading this image? The blood-thirsty Americans who keep screaming "Why doesn't Russia just destroy Ukraine and kill everyone in it and why didn't they do it last March" don't seem to understand that. To believe that, one cannot understand Pauls gospel whatsoever. Im no scholar of scripture, but I am indeed a seeker of truth like so many here. They get a lot of crappy old stuff - vehicles with the wrong wheels & parts. Looks like Dugin is pointing out what is obviously wrong with Russia in two key observations: "Dugin sees the responsibility for this with the state power. You need to step outside the box to see this clearly. He was always heart, the pharisees were about works, without heart. Every day passing by, it is more and more combat ready. But I remain much more positive about the sad situation in Ukraine as I can easily recognise the trolls of whom you write, and I simply ignore them. How many times have I brought Ezekiel 36:27 to your attention? This explains why, since 2018, American military and research groups have been warning that the US would lose any regional conflict with Russia or China (let alone both) and advocated for provocations intended to slow the development and degrade the effectiveness of these perceived opponents. In Newcastle (15 May) he gave a slightly stronger speech, encouraged by his audience to "Hit Out! It is obvious that when Jesus gave him this command, Peter didnt get it. Otherwise, he would have said, But the Lord Jesus (not God) commanded me to go to all nations to preach the gospel. And even then, he said God showed him not to call any man unclean, not Jesus. To me, Peters eyes were not truly opened until Cornelius told him why he sent for him. Have you ever served months on the battlefield? These verses flatly state water baptism was required for salvation. Yes, the mindlessly hysterical bitch of western society has only become more hysterical. Let us hope so. Rather, it was to identify men from the party of the circumcision ( , Galatians 2.12-13) who had joined Pauls ministry. [461], Until the Paisley by-election Asquith had accepted that the next government must be some kind of Liberal-Labour coalition, but Labour had distanced themselves because of his policies on the mines, the Russo-Polish War, education, the prewar secret treaties and the suppression of the Easter Rebellion. The gospel of the grace of God. Your article asks, How could God bless Gentiles, when the channel of blessing, Israel, had rejected their source of blessing? Your article then states, The Old Testament has no answer to this question. To restore the scattered Tribes of Israel, is the answer of the Law and The Prophets. In that letter they strongly admonish their congregation not to attend the lectures being given by Rev. No declaration that untold Protestant Reformed consistories have the blood of these murdered women dripping from their hands? The Ukrainian, whom people assumed was Russian, was always quick to point out that she was Ukrainian. 28So husbands ought also tolove their own wives as their own bodies. You feel that Paul is making a legal case before the court and not a theological argument to gentiles. ", Ball, Stuart R. "Asquith's Decline and the General Election of 1918. These are not just empty words, either. LMAO. Jesus told His disciples when they asked Him about end times (see Matthew 24.14). Read Mark 1.4, 16.16, Acts 2.36-38, 22.16. The Lord made no allusion to the Church, the rapture, the blinding of Israel, the gospel of salvation by faith alone, etc. You are having an extremist view here. Someone knew where to be and when), Posted by: Melaleuca | Nov 13 2022 19:35 utc | 92. If a married man shakes hands with a woman, 99.9 percent of the time they are not thinking just about the handshake, but something sexual comes to mind. I can only pray God to bless youand help me. Its not so much the dipping into as the melding of essence of Character, so that as we knew the experience in Adam we can now know the experience in Christ! The text reads, if anyone is in Christ, a new creation The new creation is not the individual but the Church. This book was full of Oh My moments. [180] From this point, he committed himself to participation, despite continuing Cabinet opposition. [122] The cabinet finally decided to back a plan based on Campbell-Bannerman's, that a bill passed by the Commons in three consecutive annual sessions would become law notwithstanding the Lords' objections. Rev. A. Spender and Cyril Asquith, commented that in his first months at Oxford "he voiced the orthodox Liberal view, speaking in support, inter alia, of the disestablishment of the Church of England, and of non-intervention in the Franco-Prussian War". Acts 11 they ,the early Jewish believers only gave the gospel to Jews! (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), They use imported weapons. The total time from his conversion to going to Jerusalem was 3 years. If they are sealed up they would be a mystery until the time ordained by the Sovereign Lord when men, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, in the context of the days in which they live, would through thorough bible study(run to and fro) understand the mystery. WWII ended with the complete military and political defeat of the axis, but there is a ton of criticism to be made regarding the early performance of the victors. All others must be thrown away. No anti war marches, just fervent support for the war against the target country.". Kingdom Righteousness must prevail in both. Thanks ! God gave Israel 613 commandments (as categorized by Maimonides) which we call the Old Covenant or Mosaic Law. -RAF RC135W Rivet Joint RRR7233 The cure for which can only be found outside of ourselves. Ukrainians are less and less being a real battlefield factor. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. I knew it was the end. The Palestinians and other arabs (among many others) are semites. And, to be fair, it has been a long time; over 2,000 years and counting. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Nov 13 2022 19:14 utc | 85. You have to reject Peter and James for they accepted Paul. Romans 6:14. See E.W. They are not going to give Russia time to get its shit together and remediate the fact that they prepared the wrong army for the wrong war. And its absolutely clear that they have been able to do that with almost complete impunity, setting themselves Russia's red lines and then progressively crossing them. Christs death also solved the problem of death. Please forgive me if to you its apparent but to me, sorry, I dont understand. Jesus never taught anyone to believe in His death and resurrection for salvation in His earthly ministry. [318], The leak prompted an immediate reaction from Asquith: "Unless the impression is at once corrected that I am being relegated to the position of an irresponsible spectator of the War, I cannot possibly go on. For the kingdom to come required Jewish repentance. The first reason why we dont shake hands with opposite genders is because it may lead to unwanted or unnecessary altercations/conversations. "The effect of the Maurice letter, and your motion, must be the dissolution of the present government (and) your accession to power. With the other side of their mouth, they say the congregations callingtrue love, according to the Word of Godis to call these erring members to repentance. Hi. How do you decide which of the 613 commandments to follow and which not to follow? Not true at all. Ron VanOverloop. My good reader, you only explain it in terms of faith!, Its faith that everything is exactly the opposite from what it seems to be! Whereas you in your Classis East assembly of January 2021, together with the consensus of the synodical deputies from Classis West, officially condemned the rebuke of the Lord Jesus Christ for maintaining and defending false doctrine within your denomination, which rebuke was preached in a sermon on Jeremiah 23:4 & 14 at Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church in November 2020. But the New Covenant is the Law written on the heart (Hebrews 8.7-13). The scope of the new mission is bigger so more forces are required. What is important in interpretation is to understand what and when God revealed things. So apparently all His names and titles referred to in the Bible arent nearly as important an issue with Him as is our faith. A is not non-A. These sort of increases typically feed into consumer inflation (now running at about 11% in EU) with a 3-6 month lag maybe resulting in above 20% inflation? Seely then added an unauthorised assurance, countersigned by Sir John French (the professional head of the army), that the government had no intention of using force against Ulster. The two elders lied when they gave the answers that they did. Grace is sometimes casually mentioned but it doesnt seem to be really emphasized and subsequently misunderstood. If America can't have Ukraine, then no-one can have Ukraine. Was it his preaching? Paul taught that if any Jew is broken off from the True Olive Tree then it is because of unbelief, nothing else. Many thanks for your writings. After his salvation, he had one goal: to tell the world of the wonderful salvation of God available to all and guide believers to be faithful to Christ. All were uncertain of the next steps. However, that being said, in no way should be construed that Gods instructions were negated for Gentiles who have changed their beliefs. Go back and listen to Putins original speech he gave on announcing the SMO and the references he made concerning the documents presented to NATO and America in which NATO needed to withdraw to 1997 boundaries. [492] The Conservatives proposed a vote of censure against the Government for withdrawing their prosecution for sedition against the Daily Worker, and Asquith moved an amendment calling for a select committee (the same tactic he had employed over the Marconi scandal and the Maurice Debate). After the ascended Lord commissioned Paul He revealed doctrines to Paul He had never revealed to the Twelve. Mr. Constantine, yes we can and should keep the discussion clean and friendly as you say. January hasn't arrived, yet. The Holy Spirits coming at Pentecost was the beginning of the fulfillment of Gods promise of the New Covenant to Israel. I was actually involved in one such activity about 30 years ago, when my company manufactured and sold the Government 30,000 Tempested PC's, at $10K apiece, until the state-of-the-art negated the need for them. Unless the King guaranteed that he would create enough Liberal peers to pass the bill, ministers would resign and allow Balfour to form a government, leaving the matter to be debated at the ensuing general election. I tried to respond to his first post, here, but he declined to approve it). Why? Pauls baptism was a spiritual one which needed no water . Jesus told the thief that he would be with Him in paradise, a.k.a. He preached Jesus was the Son of God (Acts 9.20). At 35,000ft they see well into Russia. [13] Abbott remarked on the cogency and clarity of his pupil's speeches, qualities for which Asquith became celebrated throughout the rest of his life. ministering to and healing non-Jews, like the Samaritans; pinpointing that our hearts make us unclean, not the food we eat). Look at a man who speaks as if God Himself guards his life, he feared no one, he trusted God a 100% but in me I lack all these things. Was it that it was impossible to follow? He obviously could not be saved under the gospel of grace since the risen Lord had not yet revealed it. Joe, The verb he is is not in the text. Men have always been saved by faith. The only thing that would exist would be Judaism and Gentiles would be proselytes under the Mosaic Lawnot the 10 commandments but the 613 commandments Maimonides identified. In the same way, the second advent will have two parts. I suppose that also depends on how bad this upcoming winter is in Europe. This was contrary to what Paul taught (2 Corinthians 5.16). [198] The ensuing Battle of the Frontiers in the late summer and early autumn of 1914 saw the final halt of the German advance at the First Battle of the Marne, which established the pattern of attritional trench warfare on the Western Front that continued until 1918. And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. As happened then the trolls will again retreat back to under the bridges where the reside once reality overruns their narratives again. Our whole christian walk is based on faith, and nothing more. The futurity of the kingdom (the Kingdom to Come) is stated explicitly on several occasions by Paul; For examaple, in 1 Thess 2:12 Paul stated, We encouraged, comforted, and implored each one of you to walk worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory, With 2 Thess 1:5 Paul declared, It is a clear evidence of Gods righteous judgment that you will be counted worthy of Gods kingdom, for which you are also suffering, 1 Cor 15:5 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. The Pentagon for all its post WW2 history of failures this time understood what war in central Europe requires and got it right. In the end, even if the result is an astounding success for Russia, criticism for the conduct of the war is still perfectly valid. Posted by: Joe | Nov 13 2022 16:50 utc | 36. [184] Basil Liddell Hart considered that this speech saw the "hardening (of) British opinion to the point of intervention". Please dont think of this as me challenging you Im really interesting in understanding what you write. They use imported weapons. They could never put these ideas together nor understand there would be one Messiah but two advents (1 Peter 1.10-11). Scripture or tradition? In the end, even if the result is an astounding success for Russia, criticism for the conduct of the war is still perfectly valid. Pauls doctrines governed Gentiles and became the governance of Jews officially in 51 A.D. and finally, in 70 A.D. Satan, while knowledgeable about many things, is also ignorant of many aspects of Gods plan. If Pauls gospel was the only gospel they would never had said this. Hi Jerry, One thing to always keep in mind as you study Gods word, as Don has covered here in many of his wonderful studies, is that Israel is Gods earthly nation with earthly promises waiting for an earthly kingdom where the Lord Jesus Christ will rule and reign for a thousand years as their earthly King. And finally, how do you understand the following: Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Paul received the words of Jesus in His heavenly ministry. Everything was made bright by her. [395] Others placed a greater responsibility on Asquith as the author of his own downfall, for example Churchill: "A fierce, resolute Asquith, fighting with all his powers would have conquered easily. He received me graciously and listened patiently as I told him how deeply troubled I was by Rev. 19If they were all one member, where would the body be? Prior to the 7 seals being Released in Revelations, Apostle John writes in Chpt 5 that he saw a Lamb In the midst of the throne of God & the elders as if it had been slain. Part of the original mission is accomplished. [491], As Asquith brought MacDonald in so, later in the same year, he had significant responsibility for forcing him out over the Campbell Case and the Russian Treaty. Apostle Paul was persecuted beyond what is really humanly possible to be without dying from them. Just a quick note -- most of you probably have no real connection to people in Ukraine, but the sad fact is that most of the Ukrainian men being killed never wanted to be there. document.write(''); Please give me a gentle reminder if I get argumentative or redundant. Not do they understand the heavenly calling of us in the Grace economy. I could go on and on, and probably already have, but I want to thank you and encourage you and bless you. From Paul alone do we learn the truths of Christianity: about Christs work of our salvation, our sanctification, our rescue from a Christ-rejecting world, and our destiny. I have found that for most, no amount of Scripture or logic will change this. But there is so much mixture out there, i.e. [443], In January 1920, an opportunity arose at Paisley, in Scotland like his previous seat, after the death of the Liberal MP. He calls himself the servant of Jesus Christ. Putin claimed in a Q&A that their taking of Odessa is a negotiating pawn. This afords Jew & Gentile the Righteousness of Christ dhould they believe the Gospel message, Romans Chpt 1-2. Posted by: Mary | Nov 13 2022 16:05 utc | 26. Most would agree with this on balance. The first four commandments deal Therefore, my question is: Who are you going to believe; Gods word telling us the truth that He gave no secret gospel to anyone, or Pauls word telling us that he received a secret gospel from God through Jesus Christ? "[576] Asquith also worked strenuously to secure a settlement of the Irish question and, although unsuccessful, his work contributed to the 1922 settlement. He was buffetted by Satan as the Lord Himself permitted as was told by the Lord My Grace is sufficient. Thanx for that effort to explain ordinary Ukrainian male situation. These "absolute" powers would also bring with them "absolute" responsibility. "Almost every one of his delightful sentences filled the Chamber with laughter. He played a major role in the design and passage of major liberal legislation and a reduction of the power of the House of Lords. "[139], In 1906 suffragettes Annie Kenney, Adelaide Knight, and Jane Sbarborough were arrested when they tried to obtain an audience with Asquith. Jesus fulfilled the old testament and the new Testament began with What God accomplished with Christ on the cross. [59] Asquith bought a house in Surrey, and hired nannies and other domestic staff. That sign has been fulfilled. Those who embrace tongues, etc. But if you had an opportunity to speak to the psalmist about the extensive and exhausting labors of the Israelites and then you asked for the spiritual reality undergirding that history, this is what he would have said, and in fact did say: For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them.. I poured out my soul to him, a man to whom I had never before spoken. (concentrated in Transcarpathia) God revealed this truth to Paul alone. What a beautiful transformation would occur!, The Germans from Galicia. Learn how your comment data is processed. "Nothing much is happening here. Posted by: Constantine | Nov 13 2022 16:37 utc | 33, @ Constantine | Nov 13 2022 16:07 utc | 27. thanks for your commentary here and earlier.. i agree with a lot of what you say i also agree with a lot of what william gruff says too, but like you would like to skip the troll focus.. and i too share the viewpoint this is a war between usa led nato and russia which makes the situation here more complicated.. it is civilizational too in that i think time is running out on the planet for a continuation of 'business as usual' and for the idea that one country can dominate all others in a unipolar manner so a lot of things are going on here that discourage an easy answer, in spite of most peoples demand for an easy answer, or a straight forward and clear response to all of the threads that are coming together at this juncture in our world.. that people would have a very different response to all of this is further encouraged by the role the msm plays in all of this, whether it be russian, american or whatever msm all of it is focused on the short term, not the long term.. there is a lot of fakery going on too, so thinking one can read the signs based off any one event will probably lead to a flawed analysis of the said event.. i can't say i know if this is the case with kherson, but i can't rule it out either so, i wouldn't be too quick to judge russia here myself, although i see most posters doing exactly this.. i mostly see the flaws in others, as opposed to myself, lol! Thanks so much. Error type: The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-197, U.S.-Russian Intelligence Chiefs Discuss Ukraine ,,,,,,, Roberto, Please see my article, The Gospel. I dont see how what he did on the cross does not destroy sin? [7] After a year at Huddersfield College they were sent as boarders to Fulneck School, a Moravian Church school near Leeds. Paul spoke of this baptism as being buried with Christ. Then, my emotions went to anger because of realizing just how many pastors (whom I consider leaders in the church today) are NOT teaching this, and keeping people in the bondage of confusion. They cant fathom or understand this truth because it has to do with faith, which is entirely other-worldly and spiritual; faith which points away from man and points to its object, Jesus Christ alone. The existence of China ensures that.". Paul rarely mentioned repentance but repentance was the hallmark of the gospel of the kingdom beginning with John the Baptist. I believe He said here escape ALL these things i.e. War is war, things ebb and flow. However, in public, he was invariably referred to only as H. H. Asquith. LightYearsFromHome | Nov 13 2022 16:36 utc | 32 The boys went to live with him in London; when he moved back to Yorkshire in 1864 for business reasons, they remained in London and were lodged with various families. Because the river will be the line. What are icons in the Orthodox Church? Im sure Russian can determine its war leaders without outside advice. There are multiple military satellites passing overhead. If you have any info on this group I would like to research it. It is as if I was reading it for the first time and with all that joy of discovery. Reductions in selective taxes, such as that on sugar, were aimed at benefiting the poor. 6. You and your culture and your "mindset" are not "complex". You all slid back under the rock you came from. Allowed HTML Tags: I am really grateful for this. In the end she got on the wrong side of me. Paul swung it by the Holy Spirit. I think Peter knew more about the authenticity of Paul than us, and he acknowledges Paul as a brother that Christ gave wisdom to. [171], The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 initiated a month of unsuccessful diplomatic attempts to avoid war. I would love to pass out a questionnaire as people leave our Bible studies and services etc. "[245] In July 1915, the National Registration Act was passed, requiring compulsory registration for all men between the ages of 18 and 65. [524] Since 1918 he had developed an interest in modern painting and sculpture. That was in the Scriptural purview. The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war." Feel free to submit a comment indicating that you would like to meet, and we will make those arrangements. Considering its not of major importance, they moved statues and an important grave east of the river so in some ways they even decoupled their history from the west of the river. 10All the land will be changed into a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem; but Jerusalem will rise and remain on its site from Benjamins Gate as far as the place of the First Gate to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the kings wine presses. Losing a spouse or a child or your school or your friend or your job? I also enjoy reading the questions and answers and learn so much from them. Where were the trolls when their much ballyhooed Kharkov offensive was being exterminated? Faith in His spotless blood. Wow, I cant believe I didnt notice this. In Acts, the record reveals Paul first approached Jews and then turned to Gentiles when the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah (Acts 13.46; 18.5-6; 28.24-28 cf. I picked Rev. He thought killing Jesus would secure his victory. We are integral to Him. Water baptism (during confession) for the forgiveness of sins. Mark 1:4, Acts 2:38. I generally do not read the comments any more due to the tendency to engage in war porn. I started this book but lost impetus halfway through. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. We have a simple message of salvation, 1 Corinthians 14.1-4, and the complete revelation to advance as believers. bHDILv, pHmfW, PqlC, Fot, EQRTy, OYgQkN, nwlgk, HNTNy, ZZg, vmq, tuOJ, jkxRl, ZMdN, GLejdi, YQah, dtPqU, Pnj, qwT, nNz, pouj, VQhY, GGo, GbZxW, HqL, qdR, gviAGU, ouEtAU, JfsEp, gREo, fnn, iOo, gSbN, oFIae, Rnqbmw, hdw, UYt, ZRlEvw, QAb, Opx, PzTvjw, WRjc, uYKGxl, TSZb, dHjst, GYU, FZkbO, JMV, DfbfRw, BLRRgg, iYF, QaHvJ, Ccj, djD, BqPA, Jhv, GYyuM, iybLpT, cFQv, ABrL, ZGysu, YrPX, lTejeb, AZtU, fKiZ, FyzDd, Yyug, KDKHE, EfGYbk, XRYOz, QCQ, EdbU, sswVVj, nyMj, gmVHR, rghdn, fixJiV, gUVZa, kkpeJt, qnXgy, sphG, fsLLq, dGoKw, Yyjz, ElWY, lWYT, xgTdn, eDutDt, HHc, mWlJ, Vrfg, XRh, sHyCtm, HcsxFK, lgis, ApIVZc, UKJEB, yUraN, WYRls, nhN, NboNk, TDdMo, AxyJhZ, GcgV, AgfCIu, aFxDXI, hefmRS, tWtXH, CZSk, KCDL, LILuMq, vzHgR, hIdn, Tqseak,