1 Key Pedagogical Practices in Instruction and Student Learning, Teacher Education through School based Support (TESS)-India, Guinevere Palmer; Rachel Peters; and Rebecca Streetman (The University of Georgia), Mary Forehand (The University of Georgia), Faculty of Education and UQx LEARNx team of contributors; The Open Resource Bank for Interactive Teaching; and University of Cambridge, Anne West (The University of Georgia); Janet Swanson; and Lindsay Lipscomb, Ch. Cooperative learning allows the implementation of a series of games (structures) that work with specific principles and clear goals in the classrooms. Carefully structured activities can help students learn the skills to work together successfully, and structured discussion and reflection on group process can help avoid some problems. Pair and group members experience themselves as a team and are on the same side working toward the same goal. Cooperative learning is based on social interaction; thus, grouping students together to work independently even for a short period of time may encourage behavior that is off task. Both Mrs. Solomon and her students were more motivated and enthusiastic about each new chapter. Groups can be formed by putting students together who share common strengths, interests, etc, or they can be randomly assigned. This gives your students a nice mix of learning styles that you may also find in a blended learning classroom. You will receive all the updates you need if you are a project writer and you dont want to miss all the news about the 2021-27 Erasmus programme. The teacher asks a question in class, and then asks every student who can answer it to stand up. Updated on January 23, 2020. Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that enables small groups of students to work together on a common assignment. ), or break students into large, easy-to-manage groups to monitor them more effectively. By playing a part in the production of these items, students will have a greater motivation to participate in the group work (see Six Cs of Motivation chapter about choice and control as methods to increase motivation). TeachingLD.org, Palmer, G., Peters R.,& Streetman, R. (2010) Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology, Global Text, Michael Orey. The existing non-cooperative target poses estimation methods with low accuracy and high resource consumption. Students have heard the conceptual details of what theyre learning, and now they can apply those to a group activity. Students of all ability levels took pride in their accomplishments and felt a sense of involvement by being allowed to have input into the activities and classroom expectations. This summary was created by Angie Furney, Allyson Richardson, and Hilary Ritt (2006). Sharan (2010) describes the constant evolution of cooperative learning as a threat. Because students are placed in a situation where they are able to interact with peers that they otherwise may never socialize with, behaviors which might appear odd in other settings become understandable when students are given the opportunity to explain and defend their reasoning. The Strengths of Cooperative Learning: The greatest strength of cooperative learning methods is the wide range of positive outcomes that have been found in the research. There are also concerns that gifted students are held back by the lower ability students in their group. Send-a-problem Several groups generate solutions to problems. Peer tutoring has proven to be very effective for both sides: high achievers, who are already familiar with content, get the chance to prove it and learn valuable communication skills at the same time. For example, you may feel that it was important to learn how to work with other people cooperatively because that is a good life skill for future work (pro), but you may also feel that there were some members who "coasted" and brought the group down because they did not pull their own weight (con). The strongest agree student stands at one end of the line while the strongest disagree stands at the other. Examine the definition of cooperative learning, explore the elements of this teaching technique, and learn how to apply cooperative learning methods in the classroom. Even though inquiry-oriented discussion and investigation benefits when it involves the teacher, it can also be useful for students to work together somewhat independently, relying on a teacher's guidance only indirectly. New cooperative methods and techniques help the participants to transform classrooms into attractive environments. This is also very much in line with the idea of articulation and reflection in the Cognitive Apprenticeships chapter. In a lecture format, individual students are called upon to respond to a question in front of the entire class without having much time to think about his/her answer. Assist with needs While monitoring the groups work, the instructor should assist groups with their needs. The skills students develop while collaborating with others are different from the skills students develop while working independently. Kagan cooperative learning is built on a single tenet: engagement.When students are engaged and motivated, "learning sticks." In a Kagan classroom, all students must be engaged and accountable. ABSTRACT. You Only Look Once v5 (YOLOv5) is an innovative and . Other students, the instructor, administrators, other school staff, and potentially parents become integral parts of the learning process, thus supplying multiple opportunities for support to the students (Kessler and McCleod, 1985). When each expert teaches another student, they eventually all learn the whole lesson. 4. Plus, once you have those strategies in play, you can create a structured approach to cooperative learning in your classroom that makes it exceptionally hard for students to goof off, lose focus, or go off-topic. The team members have a clear structure of what is to be done and stay together until the project is complete. Students are given a means for analyzing their group for how well the group has learned and whether or not collaborative skills are being used. It encourages students to use their differences to help each other. But yet they are often neglected in school curricula. Another very effective strategy for engaging students in answering a question is Circle-the-Sage. They should be able to tell the instructor what worked or what was good about this unit, and they should point out what did not work well. Write a reflective journal entry on your experience of cooperative learning. Formal Learning Because of the social interaction among students, cooperative learning can be used to model the appropriate social behaviors necessary for employment situations. Formal cooperative learning groups. "Cooperative learning" (i.e., jigsaw, learning together, group investigation, student teams-achievement divisions, and teams-games-tournaments) is a generic term that is used to describe an instructional arrangement for teaching academic and collaborative skills to small, heterogeneous groups of students. Pairs will most of the time succeed where single students would have probably failed. Required fields are marked *. Choose an assessment method that will promote positive group interdependence as well as . But after learning more about cooperative learning, she believed that she had a whole new perspective on classroom strategies. Johnson and Johnson developed Learning Together and Alone and Constructive Controversy, DeVries & Edwards created . This method was developed by Donald Dansereau and involves students working together in pairs, one as a summarizer and the other as a listener. The instructor should also adjust their lessons based on the reflection and feedback of the students. And when the teacher is the most active participant in the classroom, students are obviously disengaged (and most likely bored as well). Each member of a team is responsible for not only. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Vague objectives, avoidance of teaching, and lack of critical thinking activities are other problems associated with cooperative learning. Each individual team member is responsible for learning the material and also for helping the other members of the team learn. Any attempts at class discussions during the lecture tended to yield little or no response from the students. Since students are used to concrete assessments, it may be difficult for students to adjust to authentic assessments. Cooperative Learning Examples & Strategies | What is Cooperative Learning? Theres no better example of cooperative learning than students working in groups to accomplish a physical task. Cooperative learning is so important in the elementary classroom because it helps students become actively engaged in their learning process and improve their understanding of the content. TeacherVisionis part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Imagine that you are a specialist in the cooperative learning methods you learned about in this lesson: reciprocal questioning, jigsaw, and scripted cooperation. to. Through this activity, students improve speaking and listening skills equally and get to know their classmates better. Moreover: listening without the urge to respond helps listeners focusing on the speaker and listening only to understand, which is the definition of active listening. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Praise Students need to know if they are completing the assignment in a satisfactory manner, especially if they are inexperienced at working in cooperative groups. Unlike traditional modes of delivery, cooperative learning (CL), as a teaching method, is said to be effective in improving learners' cognition, social skills and motivation (Johnson & Johnson, 2008, 2018; Johnson et al., 2000; Slavin, 2011).Cooperative learning is a teaching method that involves students in learning process in order to understand and learn content of the . Mary Firestone has a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Finally, it would be wise to use icebreaker activities before beginning so that students find that they have something in common. Cooperative learning should be seen as a key part of each lesson, but not the whole lesson. The jigsaw method gives students the opportunity to become the leaders of their own learning. Cooperative Learning is an instructional method in which students work in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal under the guidance of the teacher. Every single one of them can be applied to different classes such as mathematics or language. Determine Group Size and Assign Students to Groups Group size can range from two to four students, depending on the CL task. This is a cooperative learning approach where one member of the group is responsible for teaching something to one other member of the group. Members of each team become the "expert" on a topic, and them come back and teach the rest of the group about what they learned. Cooperative learning is a successful teaching. This is also true of those who are grouped by gender or race because it may support stereotypes that certain subject areas are dominated by certain groups. She has noted that, while the high achieving students tend to score well on Multiple/Choice and True/False questions, none of the students do well on application and scenario-type questions. Decide whether cooperative or competitive learning methods would be best for the activities or areas of study below. However, lets take a moment to address the similarities and differences in the two. A Review of Literature." Quest 67 (1): 56-72. doi:10.1080/00336297 . Since cooperative learning is centered on group work, students may be concerned that other members of their group are going to bring their grades down. More importantly, can cooperative learning work in a career and technical education (CTE) setting? She has determined that the seating arrangement has only escalated the arguments. This might involve pointing out additional resources and/or points-of-view, and it also includes helping the students reflect on the work they have completed and their progress. As instructors move around the room and observe each group of students interacting and explaining their theories, they are able to detect misconceptions early enough to correct them. Without students complete understanding of the goals, objectives, and procedures, cooperative learning will not be a success. If they are in agreement to the solution, they repeat the process with more problems. Before collaborative groups are formed, it's important to teach skills of collaboration. If you would like to see a transcript of the audio,click here to download script as a word document. Research and interest in the flipped classroom are increasing steadily. These skills include: leadership, decision-making, trust building, communication and conflict-management. Because of the reasons mentioned above, this type of learning environment allows for improved social acceptance of mainstreamed students with learning disabilities (Slavin, 1990). For the past 50 years, teachers have been utilizing this method and its various components to promote collaboration in early grades through post-secondary classroom settings. All the other students can now choose a classmate and listen to the explanation. Having these listed on a handout for each group could prevent group discord and off-task behavior. Standards for Assigning Grades in the Classroom, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning in the Classroom. There are several features that can help these groups work well: . Mrs. Solomon teaches a 9th grade Careers course. There has been some debate as to how groups should be formed in order for students to effectively work together and reach their maximum potential. Have a few key examples tied to accomplishments that show your teaching capabilities. Communication includes not only speaking, reading and writing, but also listening. These groups can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Cooperative learning methods include reciprocal questions, jigsaw, and scripted cooperation. Students need peer interaction, and without the integration of interaction among students, the need for social contact emerges in a negative context. Firestone has experience as an instructor for English, English Composition, Advanced Composition, Contemporary World Literature, Contemporary Literature, and Creative Writing. Four types of cooperative learning have been derived: formal cooperative learning, informal cooperative learning, cooperative base groups, and constructive controversy. Begin implementation by only using pairs for CL groups. Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (1991) give three jobs for the instructor to complete after the students have worked together to complete and submit the task. Explain Criteria for Success The instructor should communicate the group-work skills that will be evaluated. Definitely a matter of lack of self-confidence those students who do not raise hands to answer. She has taught at a variety of schools such as Ottawa University Online, Rasmussen College, Excelsior College, and Southern New Hampshire University. First, describe your experience (e.g., I remember doing a group project in 7th grade with four other people on the water cycle in science). When students work cooperatively they learn to listen to what others have to say, give and receive help, reconcile differences, and resolve problems democratically. The underlying premise is founded in constructivist epistemology. In pairs, partner A shares and partner B listens. Structure positive interdependence and accountability Group size should be kept small so that each member participates and contributes uniquely to the group. ; The Open Resource Bank for Interactive Teaching; and University of Cambridge, Ch. To play a narrated PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the content in this page view this video, Cooperative Learning Presentation (13:05 minutes). According to David Johnson and Roger Johnson (1999), there are five basic elements that allow successful small-group learning: Positive interdependence: Students feel responsible for their own and the group's effort. No, it is not necessary to use CL in your classroom at all times. To accomplish this, the instructor can conduct mini-lessons on ways to respect others (i.e. The opportunity to discuss their ideas in smaller groups and receive constructive feedback on those ideas helps to build student self-esteem. Other Drawbacks Since students are working together on a group assignment, it is difficult to assess students with a paper and pencil test. After the instructor has completed the evaluations, it is important that they provide feedback to the students about their product and their group performance. It may be a good idea for students to produce a written summary or short list of ideas they plan to take back. Various cooperative learning structures were used to teach the topics on "Current Electricity" and "D.C. Circuits" over a period of about 8 weeks. Peer tutorings downside is that it implies that some students are weaker than others and need therefore some help. Identifying responsibilities within the group and encouraging each to do their best work needs to be addressed before group work begins. Showing their expertise in a subject area is important for some instructors. Cooperative learning is an effective way for students to learn and process information quickly with the help of others. This happens naturally in cooperative learning since students work with one another, but they all have a different task to accomplish or concept to explain. Assign group roles There is some debate about whether or not the instructor should play a role in this decision. The quality is overlooked in order to increase the quantity of assignments. Student TeamsAchievement Divisions (STAD) In Student TeamsAchievement Divisions (STAD) (Slavin, 1994a), students are assigned to four-member learning teams Employing a cooperative . The purpose of this experimental study was to explore the effects of cooperative learning on EFL high school learners' reading comprehension. ESL students Cooperative learning is especially useful in courses where interactions involving the use of language are important, such as ESL courses. High achieving students also benefit because they are verbalizing their ideas and actually teaching others. These five elements are as follows: Positive interdependence. Cooperative learning. She was impressed with the results. As a School Guidance Counselor, I find the cooperative learning strategies to promote respect, acceptance, encouragement-of knowledge and helps the student to engage in the I can attitude. It exposes them to different family cultures, ethnicities, and racial differences to create fewer lines of polarization as children grow up. Drill review pairs Groups of four split into pairs. CO-OP CO-OP (Kagan, 1985a, 1985c) This method consists of structuring the classroom so that all the students work in teams with the objective of fulfilling an objective that helps other students. Students who are inexperienced with CL often have a difficult time getting started or reaching their goals. Although the computer managed to pique the interest of more students than the lecture did, she found that a large number of students were off task. Think-Pair-Share can also be used to have students reflect on a topic, even when no right interpretation is needed, and, being the simplest and most famous cooperative learning strategy, can be the first one to be implemented. The Finnish programme Schools on the move[5], with 90 percent of Finnish schools participating, has proven that implementing short active breaks during the lessons improves the health and wellbeing of students, as well as school enjoyment. In sequential interaction, when only one student at a time is engaged, the teacher talks (at least) twice for each time a student talks. There are two major theoretical perspectives associated with cooperative learning: motivational and cognitive (Swortzel, 1997). It is important to assign ELLs to different teams so that they can benefit from English language role models. Both of these possibilities may cause an instructor to lose confidence in her teaching abilities. An error occurred trying to load this video. She also found that some of the students were disrespectful to her during the lectures. Cooperative Learning stands for some flexible group-based instructional innovations which have been projected in educational settings in recent years, concurrent with the evolution of. 3-step interview Members of a group choose one partner from the group. The consensus seems to agree that no more than 4 people in a group produces higher achievement (Slavin, 1987). Gewertz (2006) reported that the Hidalgo, Texas school district saw a steady increase of students' scores on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills between the years 1994-2003. praise, taking turns, and shared decision making). Learn more about digital curriculum for yourself! Without this information, the students will not be able to improve their cooperative learning skills. Time Requirements With cooperative learning, the textbook is used only as an instructional supplement, so it is necessary for instructors to create additional materials for the students. There is evidence, though, that most of the problems experienced in her class could be solved by using cooperative learning. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Instructors can still be experts, but they will be using their knowledge as a facilitator rather than a giver of information. Receiving encouragement in a cooperative setting from both the instructor and peers helps to develop higher self-efficacy (see the Motivation chapter). 285 lessons, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Any course material or assignment can be adapted to this type of learning, and groups can vary from 2-6 people with discussions lasting from a few minutes up to an entire period. Requiring students to verbalize their ideas to the group helps them to develop more clear concepts; thus, the thought process becomes fully embedded in the students memory. Educational Psychology: Homework Help Resource, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, History and Educational Aims: Homework Help, Homework Help for Developmental Psychology of Children & Adolescents, Cognitive Perspective in Psychology: Homework Help, Behavioral Perspective in Psychology: Homework Help, Research Design and Analysis: Homework Help, Instructional Strategies: Hands-On, Interactive, Expository & Collaborative, Direct Instruction & Discovery Instruction: Definition & Differences, Differentiated Instruction: Adapting the Learning Environment for Students, Advance Organizers in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies & Advantages, Academic Discourse: Definition & Examples, Academic Language: Definition, Examples & Functions, Aronson's Jigsaw Classroom Experiment: Activity & Technique, Associative Learning: Definition, Theory & Examples, Authentic Learning Activities: Examples & Concept, Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach, Cognitive Processes in Learning: Types, Definition & Examples, Computer Programming for Kids: Teaching Tips, Computers in the Classroom: Benefits & Disadvantages, Creating a Safe Learning Environment in the Classroom, Culturally Relevant Teaching: Strategies & Definition, Game Based Learning: Definition and Examples, How to Check for Understanding in the Classroom: Strategies, How to Develop a Personal Learning Network, How to Set a Grading Rubric for Literary Essays, Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners, SMART Goals for Students: Definition and Examples, Student Learning Contract: Examples and Template, Using Webb's Depth of Knowledge Levels in the Classroom, What Is an IEP? 3-review The instructor gives the teams 3 minutes to review/clarify what has been said. Introduction. For this reason, the instructor should let individual students and groups know when they do something right or well. Cooperative learning structures have been in and out of favor in American education since the early 1900s, when they were introduced by the American education reformer John Dewey. Elaborative thinking is promoted because students give and receive explanations more often (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1986). While a lot of our examples sound like they relate specifically to traditional, K-12 classrooms, cooperative learning is also a valuable teaching strategy in CTE career clusters. Cooperative learning strategies instead make sure every student in each team or pair is equally contributing to the final achievement. Because group consensus is promoted, blame is eliminated and honor, friendliness and quality are promoted. They are actually designed to make students interact and to have everyone at every step of the activity fulfil a specific task. The debate, if it happens, ends when you say it ends. If anything, CTE gives you more opportunities than a traditional classroom setting to embrace cooperative learning since you can use hands-on practice. The students are the ones to choose the topics they consider most relevant and each student works on one of them. Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Psychology. The high-achieving students grouped together while the ESOL and special education students were left together with no leadership in the group. That could be an advantage or disadvantage for you, depending on the class. (Chapter 29).Retrieved from https://textbookequity.org/Textbooks/Orey_Emergin_Perspectives_Learning.pdf, UQx: LEARNx Deep Learning through Transformative Pedagogy, (2017). Cooperative learning involves students working together to accomplish shared goals, and it is this sense of interdependence that motivate group members to help and support each other. You have been invited to an elementary school to provide an in-service to the teachers, describing these techniques for group learning. A no-prep, easy-to-use set of templates for classroom games for students Students work in pairs, discuss simply and share information from lectures or further activities such as watching movies. cooperative learning, according to some experts, is defined as: a model of teaching that goes beyond helping students learn academic content and skills to address important social goals and. Cooperative learning calls for self-management from students because they must come prepared with completed assignments and they must understand the material which they have compiled. Next, describe at least three pros and three cons of your experience. Effective communication skills in classroom are intended to be presented within workshops. Once you've completed this lesson on cooperative learning, you might be confident in your ability to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Each student is accountable for their own contribution to the group. The proposed pose estimation method consists of two distinctly innovative works. It is through this process of interacting with students of differing viewpoints that cognitive growth is stimulated. Additionally, the participants develop skills of cooperation and increase their level of self-confidence and effectiveness. That activity could be a discussion, project, exercise, or almost anything else. Intervene if needed While circulating, if the instructor notices any group conflict or off-task behavior, she should intervene. Many times, in a traditional classroom, the quality of the work is compromised in order to teach the entire curriculum. Diversity among students Research shows that cooperative learning also builds diversity awareness among students. After having given a topic and some time to think about it, the teacher asks students to pair up and states how long they will share- one or two minutes are a good start. The cooperative environment also develops a social support system for students. Implementation 3. If you want to add cooperative learning to your curriculum along with blended learning, differentiated instruction, and collaborative learning you need a digital curriculum! The core element of cooperative learning is to showcase the positive effects of interdependence while underlining the importance of personal responsibility. Having a worksheet to guide them will help the groups set their priorities, work towards their goal, and produce the assessment task. To aid in this explanation, the instructor might produce and distribute a handout that describes collaborative learning. Through the newsletter, we will send you regular news updates and items, about the resources digital and otherwise that we will make available on our site and our social networks. -Painting a picture -Multiplication drills The authors of Classroom Instruction that Works cite research showing that organizing students in cooperative learning groups can lead to a gain as high as 28 percentiles in measured student achievement (Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock 2001). Because students play an active role in the learning process in cooperative learning, student satisfaction with the learning experience is enhanced. When the impact of cooperative learning was compared with competitive learning, Learning Together (LT) promoted the greatest effect, followed by Academic Controversy (AC), Student-Team-Achievement-Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT . We will send you, on average,one newsletter per week:just enter your name and emailand youre in! Disrespect toward instructor In the cooperative classroom, instructors have more opportunities to explain policies and procedures. What worked and what did not work? The idea of cooperative learning has been around for decades, but it never got to the same prominence as blended learning or differentiated instruction. Also the table also shows the group taught mathematics using cooperative learning strategy had a post-test mean of 18.73 with a . The cooperative learning method, which allows students to collaborate to achieve common learning goals rather than individual learning, has also become popular in English language classes. Cooperative learning is a teaching method where students of mixed levels of ability are arranged into groups and rewarded according to the group's success, rather than the success of an individual member. Home LD Topics Teaching & Instruction This greater understanding of their differences also helps students learn to resolve social problems which might arise (Johnson and Johnson, 1990). The individuals interview their partners by asking questions. - Definition, Importance & Standards, What is Study Abroad? Cooperative Learning Helps You to Manage Time Efficiently The Cooperative Learning Method 1. 's' : ''}}. Working with peers is a major feature of cooperative learning (sometimes also called collaborative . No matter how old students are- I have successfully used this strategy not only for small children but even in my teacher training courses it is astonishing how much mutual interaction deepens their understanding. When implemented well, cooperative learning encourages achievement, student discussion, active learning, student confidence, and motivation. Instructors may resist using cooperative learning techniques in their classroom because they are afraid they may lose control of their teaching routine. It could be working through a lesson on a computer, completing a quick worksheet, setting goals for that class period, or anything else that helps a student think about the class. Students could check their homework in groups, going over each problem and clarifying if there were any questions. After many hours are spent planning for cooperative learning groups, the plan is then put into action. Group Dynamic Dilemmas. That task could be demonstrating CPR on a dummy for a health science course. Arguments among students Marzano (1992) asserts that in a cooperative setting, students can analyze the effects of the groups and suggest activities which will promote positive interactions or deal with conflicts or personality problems within each group. It provides a supportive environment within which to manage conflict resolution (Johnson & Johnson, 1990). During the implementation phase of cooperative learning, the students play the most important role. Your email address will not be published. Fixed seating and large class sizes may make group arrangement difficult though. This keeps you in touch with your students generation, and it also lets you notice trend shifts, value changes, and even maturity in the thought processes of your students. Cooperative learning strategies offer students the possibility to learn by applying knowledge in an environment more similar to the one they will encounter in their future work life. The folder is passed to a different group who reads the problem, but not the solutions. She also started with a fun activity to help boost student morale. After deciding to implement cooperative learning, the biggest challenge will be planning and readying the classroom and students for CL. Mrs. Solomon realized that there were still situations which would arise periodically within her classroom, and that cooperative learning would be a teaching strategy that she would have to improve on over time. What is Cooperative Learning? If you wish to promote your students engagement in class, we recommend you check our course and learn how to enhance their communication and social skills through drama techniques. But she kept a positive attitude about the benefits of cooperative learning and encouraged the students to give it a try. It is probably a good idea to use some icebreaker activities so that the students learn that they have some commonalities with other class members. She also felt that the use of the computer without any other forms of instruction prevented students from interacting with one another; thus, the computer-based learning activities were not promoting the interpersonal skills needed for successful employment. And teachers surely dont need to be told how much you can learn by teaching! If there is a disagreement, it is aired as a group with the whole class, and it is resolved there. Keeping records of their work and progress, Assuming personal responsibility/ being involved in the group. What happens if one group finishes early? teacheracademy@europassnetwork.eu This is a great way to spur a class-wide discussion, allowing other groups to hear ideas that they may have never considered. Other methods include giving only certain pieces of . While the instructor is circling the room to observe and interact with the groups, it is difficult to make sure every group is productively working on their assignment. Pre-Implementation 2. Evaluate students learning The instructor should use a rubric to grade/ evaluate each groups assessment task. This is especially true if students are grouped by mixed ability, requiring higher ability students to guide lower ability students. Cooperative learning, also called small-group learning, is one teaching method that can help students learn academic material and social skills. Cooperative learning is sometimes thought of simply as 'group work,' but groups of students working together might not be working collaboratively. 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